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News Comments - Internationally shared - Nothing Sensational. News platform of the commercial farmers of South Africa who produce food for the nation-
Die oorbenutting van antibiotika op suiwelplase stel die gesondheid van mens én dier in gevaar. Dit kan lei tot die ontwikkeling van bakterieë wat teen die antibiotika weerstandig is Boere gebruik gereeld antibiotika om hul vee gesond te hou. Dit word gesien as ’n “vinniger oplossing” teenoor duurder bestuursmaatreëls soos gereelde ontsmetting, afvalbestuur, roetine-inenting of die voorsiening van skoon drinkwater. Veeteelt – om vee groot te maak en selektief te teel – is nou verantwoordelik vir sowat tweederdes van die wêreldwye verbruik van antibiotika. Namate vee- en visproduksie groei, sal die verbruik van antibiotika teen 2030 na verwagting met 67% toeneem.
Despite challenges at the ports and in various export markets, the SA agricultural sector has continued to realise excellent export activity. Total agricultural exports reached a new record of $13.2bn in 2023, up 3% from the previous year, according to data from Trade Map. The exports were widely spread across various key markets. The African continent remained a leading market, accounting for 38% of SA’s agricultural exports in 2023 in value terms. Asia was the second-largest market, accounting for 28% of exports, followed by the EU at 19%. The Americas region was the fourth largest (6%). The remaining 9% went to the rest of the world. The UK was one of the leading markets within this category, accounting for 7% of total exports.
The weather forecast for the week still paints a worrying picture of continuous dryness in much of South Africa. There will likely be scattered light showers over the eastern regions during the week, which won’t make much difference in the deteriorating crop conditions because of excessive heat in the various areas of our beautiful country. Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal are slightly better, and the crop could still yield a decent harvest if we get good rains soon. Still, the crop is under immense strain from the current heat wave and scant rains. I must say, within these provinces, there are regions experiencing crop damage; it is not all better. Overall, the summer crop conditions in South Africa are not ideal –our optimism from the start of the season is no longer the reality.
Suid Afrika se reserwebank is so besig om inflasie tekens te jaag dat hulle nie werklik die karkasse van hulle vernietiging raaksien nie. Duisende besighede is reeds verwoes en die man op die straat sukkel om kop bo water hou met die rentekoerse. Ons landbouers veg elke dag vir hulle bestaan teen die die regering, die banke, die rentekoerse, misdaad, die weer en al die hoe insetkoste en nog baie meer. Landbouskuld neem toe agv van die rentekoerse wat totlaal en al uit verband is- WELVAART word daagliks vernietig. Die somer graan oeste is besig om daagliks agteruit te gaan en miljoene rande se skade is reeds aangerig. Ongelukkig is ons land in die hande van 'n regering wat absoluut nie die vermoee het om enige iets suksesvol te doen nie.
Interested Articles posted on Farmingportal/Agricultureportal
Congratulations to Michelle Marais, the first winner of the 2023/2024Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition. At a gala event held at Villa Arcadia on the Hollard campus in Parktown, Johannesburg Marais elaborated on her passion for creating opportunities for farmers in Africa and stressed that although young people must be enticed to enter the agricultural sector, it remained important that they are made aware of all the realities as well. READ MORE
And, according to the 2012 Census of Agriculture (the latest data available), 30 percent of farmers in the U.S. are women. The problem? Gender-specific obstacles—such as lack of access to land, financing, markets, agricultural training and education, suitable working conditions, and equal treatment—put female farmers at a significant disadvantage before they ever plow a field or sow a seed. READ MORE
The overarching picture for the accrual of climate risk across these countries as global warming increases from 1.5º C to 4º C above pre-industrial levels is presented in a final paper synthesizing the findings. READ MORE
WINNERS of our Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition
At a gala event held at Villa Arcadia on the Hollard campus in Parktown, Johannesburg Marais elaborated on her passion for creating opportunities for farmers in Africa and stressed that although young people must be enticed to enter the agricultural sector, it remained important that they are made aware of all the realities as well.
Die wenner van die eerste Vroue-insigredenaarskompetisie is een van ’n hand vol vroue wat met ’n hoenderskaal in hul tasse reis, want sy is betrokke by ’n ses week lange opleidingsprogram vir 14 000 kleinskaalse hoenderboere in nege Afrika-lande.
Die 26-jarige Michelle Marais, ’n landbou-ekonoom van Kempton Park, is die koördineerder van die maatskappy Urban Farmer se Proudly Poultry-projek. Sy is Vrydag in Johannesburg as wenner van dié kompetisie van Future Agri Perspectives aangewys.
“Elke keer wat mense my vra watter werk ek doen, is dit vir my so lekker om te sê: ek voer hoenders, en wat doen jy?” het Marais gesê in ’n vraesessie met die finaliste voor die gehoor wat die geleentheid bygewoon het. Sy spits haar daarop toe om te probeer om die gaping tussen die kommersiële en die kleinskaalse boer in Afrika te oorbrug.
Marais stem nie saam met saam met pogings om jong mense na die landbou terug te lok met die boodskap “kom ons maak landbou weer sexy” nie.
Vir haar is landbou juis nie sexy nie. In haar werk sien sy dat daar ’n gebrek is aan talentvolle mense wat bereid is om in gemeenskappe met kleinskaalse boere te gaan werk “en hul voete vuil te kry”. Sy self werk dikwels in ’n oorpak en jeans op plase waar sy onder meer voer laai.
“As ons belegging in Afrika, waarvan daar baie is, volhoubaar wil maak, het ons talent nodig wat goed ingelig is oor waarin hulle hulself begewe.”
Michelle Marais, the winner of the 2023/2024 Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition with Mari Janzen, Group Executive Hollard Group (left) and Andries Wiese, Business Development Manager Hollard Insurance (right) at gala event held at Villa Arcadia on the Hollard campus in Parktown, Johannesburg. Michelle was announced as the winner in the Women’s Deliberation Competition.
CLICK HERE to view the VIDEO"s of the competitors.
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Our visitors to our mediums increased with 38 % in the past week - We have hundreds of new upcoming farmers visiting our mediums .
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Our domains - farmingportal.co.za -agricultureportal.co.za and agrinewsnet.co.za en landbounuusnet.
Lees gerus wat ons mediums is- READ MORE
We calling on all Family Farmers to become part of our NEW section that we want to create- FARMING FAMILIES of SOUTH AFRICA
We all proud of our Family History- and we would like to read about it- You can sent us a whole history of your Family farming - Where it all started, how it it improved over the years and what you farms with - ALL the information.
You will get your own page with pictures. Get somebody in your family to write a whole History of not more than 2000 words. It will be hosted on Farmingportal.co.za
Ons wil graag meer weet van ons Familie boerderye se geskiedenis in Suid Afrika - 2000 woorde beskrywing van die ryke geskiedenis van jou familie se boerdery sukses.
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AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 3rd March 2024
We proud to announce that our mediums is now part of 38 international Farming and Agriculture news mediums around the world. We are Independent and a leading farming and agriculture in South Africa- Africa and the rest of the world. 18 years of constant reporting with a dedicated creative team.
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Die weer wat die afgelope seisoen in die wintergraanstreke geheers het en huidige toestande in die somergraanstreke het ’n wesenlike ekonomiese impak op graanprodusente. In die wintergraanproduksiegebied is oormatige reën in sekere areas ontvang wat verliese in opbrengs tot gevolg gehad het en so finansiële druk op produsente geplaas het. In skrille kontras met die afgelope wintergraanseisoen, ervaar die somergraanproduksiestreke tans droogte. Die uiterste hitte en droë toestande het veroorsaak dat die oes baie vinniger versleg het as wat aanvanklik verwag is. “Ons het groot gebiede gesien waar die skade reeds onomkeerbaar is,” het dr Tobias Doyer, HUB van Graan SA, gemeld. “Ons het ook besproeiingsmielies gesien wat uitdagings ervaar weens beurtkrag asook die hittetoestande.”
Die Australiese kolektorale chirurg, dr Carina Chow, het onlangs beweer dat kolonkanker-syfers in Australië daarop dui dat die voorkoms van dié siekte onder 15- tot 24-jariges tydens die afgelope drie dekades met 266% gestyg het.
In the traditional grain area of the Swartland in South Africa, Bovenvlei farm grows the mid-season 'Wonderful' pomegranate, a hardy variety with reliable yield and market demand. Bovenvlei, with 70 ha, is one of the largest pomegranate farms in South Africa.
Australian mining giant BHP is exploring the prospect of onboard nuclear propulsion as a clean alternative energy to power commercial marine vessels on which it relies as a major bulk shipping customer. BHP recently hired Dutch nuclear energy consultancy ULC-Energy to research several nuclear technologies that could be used to fuel merchant shipping.
The Southern African Agri Initiative (Saai) is taking action against increasing incidents of trespassing. This agricultural interest network has sent a formal application in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) to the South African Police Service (SAPS) to obtain more information and statistics on trespassing.
Dr Gabrielle Lyon, ‘n praktiserende dokter wat aan die Washington universiteit studeer het, sê die wêreld staar ‘n vetsug-epidemie in die gesig en die huidige mediese advies laat mense in die steek.
The backlog at Cape Town Port has improved, but not in time to save the South African fruit industry from reputational damage, according to a statement by Hortgro. “While things are better, machines still break down and need repair. The export schedule is still lagging,” the industry body said Thursday.
Africa's public debt will stay above pre-pandemic levels in 2024 and 2025, with many countries still at risk of falling into debt distress as they continue to struggle to service international loans, a United Nations (UN) official said on Wednesday.
‘n Navorsingstudie het getoon dat vars bees- en lamsvleis bydra tot die inname van belangrike voedingstowwe, wat deel vorm van die bestaande bewyse wat die rol van rooivleis as deel van ‘n gesonde dieet ondersteun.
South African Table Grape Industry announced in a recent newsletter that the current production season is expected to end earlier than last year, when it concluded in week 14. As of week 6 of this year, over three-quarters of the entire season’s packing work had been completed.
‘n “Fiksheidstoets” van regulasies in vyf lande wat daarop gemik is om diere tydens vervoer te beskerm, word geag dat dit tekort skiet om diere volkome tydens vervoer te beskerm..
Despite challenges at the ports and in various export markets, the SA agricultural sector has continued to realise excellent export activity. Total agricultural exports reached a new record of $13.2bn in 2023, up 3% from the previous year, according to data from Trade Map.
Prices paid for nyala on auction has risen steadily, with bulls going from an average of R9 300 in 2022 to R14 000 in 2023. The game industry is continuing its recovery after receiving two blows over the past few years.
This is just a few of the 350 that were posted this week. The only news MEDIUM that will give you so much news at one address.
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(This weekly update and Summary of the Farming and Agriculture news is very popular- 12,345 read the previous summary so far)