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News Comments - Internationally shared - Nothing Sensational. News platform of the commercial farmers of South Africa who produce food for the nation-
Recent weather conditions in southern Africa had a significant impact on grain producers in the region. The recent weather conditions that prevailed in the winter grain regions and current conditions in the summer grain regions have a significant economic impact on grain producers in South Africa. The winter grain production season faced several challenges with excessive rain in certain areas resulting in losses in yields and placing financial pressure on producers in affected areas. According to data from the Crop Estimates Committee, the farmers managed to plant a sizeable summer grain and oilseed area of 4.4 million hectares, up by 0.4% from the 2022/23 season. For a while, it appeared as though South Africa was on track for yet another excellent harvest. There were also good soil moisture levels – a legacy of a prolonged La Niña event which brought generally good rains to South African grain farmers for three straight seasons.
Volgens Etienne Terblanche, hoof van Vinpro se konsultasiedienste, is die vroeë kultivars, veral Chardonnay en Pinotage, se opbrengste noemenswaardig minder as wat aanvanklik verwag is. Hy meen dit is omdat dié kultivars vroeër bot, en dus langer blootgestel was aan die nat, koue weer wat die Wynland in die lente ervaar het. “Die hoeveelheid trosse is daar, maar wat ons almal fnuik, is hoe klein die korrels is,” sê Terblanche. Hy skryf dit toe aan winderige toestande in streke soos Stellenbosch, Paarl, Wellington en die Swartland. Verskeie produsente het bevestig dat dit ’n baie moeilike parstyd is. Aan die gunstige kant sê Terblanche druiwe in die Kaapstad-distrik (soos Durbanville) lyk baie goed. “Gehalte is ook deurgaans uitstekend danksy die kleiner korrels en goeie rypwordingstempo. Ons verwag dat latere kultivars, soos Shiraz, Merlot en Cabernet sauvignon, beter gaan vaar.” ’n Neiging wat nie geïgnoreer kan word nie, is dat Suid-Afrika se wingerdstand “teen ’n drastiese tempo” verouder. Meer wingerd word ook uitgehaal as wat aangeplant word.
The popularity of soybeans with US producers, as they plant for 2024-25, has put pressure on prices, particularly following an upward revision to the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) planted area forecast. Big Brazilian and Argentine production at the same time as softening Chinese demand also contributed to the forecast. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said in its Food Price Index, published Feb. 2, that world vegetable oil prices in January 2024 were up by just 0.1% from the previous month, but still 12.8% down from the level a year earlier, in January 2023. Meanwhile, world sunflower seed oil quotations edged up, driven by increased import demand, particularly from Turkey. By contrast, international soy and rapeseed oil prices declined on account of, respectively, prospects for large supplies from South America and lingering ample availabilities in Europe.”
Dit is 30 jaar ná Suid-Afrika se eerste demokratiese verkiesing – ’n verkiesing wat heelwat Suid-Afrikaners hoop gegee het. Vanjaar is dit weer tyd om ’n kruisie by die stembus te gaan trek en daar kan met reg gesê word dat die hoop van 30 jaar gelede nie meer bestaan nie. Die land het dringend ingrypende verandering nodig en dit behels ’n verandering in leierskap en hoe die land bestuur word. Al hoe meer Suid-Afrikaners besef ook hulle kan nie meer op die regering staatmaak nie; selfdoen en saamwerk is gemeenskappe se enigste oplossing vir vooruitgang en groei. Suid-Afrikaners het onlangs na die beloftes (eintlik kan ’n mens seker maar sê leuens) van pres. Cyril Ramaphosa geluister tydens sy jaarlikse staatsrede en daar kan tereg gesê word dat hy in ’n droomwêreld verkeer waarin hy mense steeds wil oortuig om vir die ANC te stem. Terwyl Ramaphosa oor ’n groeiende ekonomie gepraat het, bloei duisende sakeondernemings en sukkel mense daagliks om kop bo water te hou. Die grootskaalse korrupsie in die regering en staatsondernemings het tot algehele verval gelei en munisipaliteite het in baie gevalle geen of baie min kapasiteit en hulpbronne om dienste doeltreffend te lewer. Daarom moet Suid-Afrikaners self begin inspring om hul gemeenskappe te verbeter.
Interested Articles posted on Farmingportal/Agricultureportal
News release: Five finalists announced in the first Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition -Congratulations to the five finalists in the 2023/2024 Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition. These finalists had the opportunity to share their views on any aspect impacting on their lives or careers in agriculture or in their rural communities or the environment, and how they would bring about change. The finalists were selected from all the entries received and will now all be invited to the prestige award event to be held at Villa Arcadia in Parkview, Johannesburg on 1 March 2024 where an independent panel of judges will choose the winner based on a final round of discussions. READ MORE
These translocations have a grim history. Kuwait Livestock Transport & Trading Company, which owns Al Kuwait (one of the biggest animal carriers in the world), has been accused of providing substandard conditions for livestock – including overcrowding, poor ventilation and insufficient access to food and water – high mortality rates, mishandling of animals and lack of transparency. READ MORE
Our outlook for urea prices remains unchanged – lower prices in the coming months. On the local front, another appalling day for the Rand yesterday (Thursday) saw the import parity costing rise by almost 1.5% week-on-week, despite the underlying Dollar cost of urea being unchanged. READ MORE
Manure breaks down at a very slow rate. Instead of providing the plant with a lot of nutrients quickly, the way commercial fertilizers do, manure provides plants with smaller amounts of nitrogen and phosphorous, while continuously adding carbon to the soil over a period of up to three years. READ MORE
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FINALLY - We ready
Awards function for Competition for Women in Agriculture – Friday March 1, 2024 at 11:00 – 15:00
Villa Arcadia, Hollard Head Office, Parktown..
Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.
Suid Afrika -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 21th February 2024
We proud to announce that our mediums is now part of 38 international Farming and Agriculture news mediums around the world. We are Independent and a leading farming and agriculture in South Africa- Africa and the rest of the world. 18 years of constant reporting with a dedicated creative team.
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Met reënvooruitsigte in Februarie en Maart wat uiters onseker is, krap saaiboere in die somersaaigebied tans kop oor hoe die markte gaan reageer in die volgende paar weke en hoe hulle hulself moet posisioneer om die beste moontlike prys te kry.
’n Afrikaanse privaatskool, Futurum Akademie, in die Jan Kempdorp-omgewing het opslae in die nuus gemaak oor ’n voorgenome jag- en wildveiling. Die kans om ’n leeujag los te slaan het die Nasionale Dierebeskermingsvereniging (NDBV) laat kapsie maak.
Ons span was vir 2 weke in die hele Vrystaat,Mpumalanga en dele van Gauteng- Die hitte het die Somergraan oeste op baie meer plekkke verwoes as wat die slim manne met die dik brille te skryf het. Mielies in Balfour, Standerton en omgewing het reeds baie skade- en die mielies en soja is van bo af reeds wit en is besig om af te sterf.
Just over a week after Pick n Pay recalled certain peanut butter brands over high level of aflatoxin, Woolworths recalled their Peanut Butter Dairy Ice Cream with immediate effect on Friday due to the ice cream containing aflatoxin levels that “exceed the legal limit”.
In a strategic move to strengthen South Africa’s citrus export capabilities, the Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) has revealed plans for an additional direct cargo service from the port of Ngqura to northern Europe.
Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) is forging ahead with the implementation of its recovery plan, which focuses on enabling efficient use of port infrastructure and improving operational efficiencies at central region ports.
If humans can experience emotional states such as anxiety, depression, and stress, I believe that similarly, plants can anthropomorphize these emotional states. This is probably the current state of crops in Zimbabwe, especially maize.
At the end of February, the Crop Estimates Committee will release its revised 2023/24 planting area estimates and its first production forecast for summer crops. That will give the first clear indication of expectations of the size of harvests based on observations gathered during this critical period.
At the end of February, the Crop Estimates Committee will release its revised 2023/24 planting area estimates and its first production forecast for summer crops. That will give the first clear indication of expectations of the size of harvests based on observations gathered during this critical period.
Recent weather conditions in southern Africa had a significant impact on grain producers in the region. The recent weather conditions that prevailed in the winter grain regions and current conditions in the summer grain regions have a significant economic impact on grain producers in South Africa.
The Port of Walvis Bay has recorded an increase of about 22% in vessel visits since the start of the Suez Crisis when air- and seaborne Houthi militia from Yemen attacked and hijacked an autoliner, the Galaxy Leader, near the Bab al-Mandab Strait between the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.
Die ANC-president, Cyril Ramaphosa, het onderneem om in die volgende vyf jaar minstens twee-en-‘n-halfmiljoen werksgeleenthede te skep, veral vir jong mense. Ramaphosa het gister in Durban gepraat waar hy die ANC se verkiesingsmanifes van 58 bladsye bekendgestel het.
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