Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim Life - Health  21st February 2024

Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim Life - Health 21st February 2024

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Welcome to our weekly Quanlim Life- Health information and news for Farmers and families.  

Exclusive to Quanlim Life- 
It is amazing to see how intelligent people react to different scenarios in losing weight. People who specialize in gym and physical training will use different methods to let you loose weight after months of training and the results may be good. People who specialize in so called healthy food programs to let you loose weight have different methods and will probably make you believe that you can loose weight and keep the weight and feel better with this prepacked meals. These food is not that cheap to buy and you may loose weight for a while but you need to change your habits.
People who sell so called health products like supplements,shakes,drops, powders and all kinds of expensive quick fixes will put you on so called "fat burners" and all kinds of shakes and pills to let you loose weight. 
Beware of the laxatives . You will find a lot of other methods like fasting, colon drainage and all kinds of devices and electronic devices to assist in the weight loss program. These programs is expensive and mostly done in weight loss businesses with good results. It all cost a lot of money with no guarantee.
Good intentions but mostly bad results.
You first need to know what the real coarse is ..what is not working correctly in your body and why are you sick and overweight. You need to do a full Methylation test to see your genes in perspective. This results is a good indication. You need a real expert to understand this and implement a real step by step process to heal the coarse and not the symptoms. You also need to know what your natural processing style is and lots of other information.Thought and emotion aswell as influence is part of the information.
Once you know this you start with a exclusive program.
You cannot eat yourself healthy.. you may feel better and loose weight but the problem is not solved. Fasting is all over but the needs for every person is different. You are unique. Don't put your health in wrong hands. Visit a real professional health and personal behavior practitioner with years of experience and the correct scanning equipment to assist you and heal you with the correct natural health products eating plan and release you from your addictions. In the meantime ..stay away from "Fat burners" and all kinds of protein shakes, it is bad for your health.
Think before you drink any supplements or medication and don't be fooled by all these expensive supplements which of most is synthetic. Do it right and you will see the results. Stop wasting your money on all these quick fixes. Once you know the problem you can make use of all these weight loss programs and find the one that work for you with great success.


South Africans, like everybody in the world, like to eat. As the world gets richer, our opportunities to eat more grow, and most of us are genetically programmed to respond — and some of us, at least, are too lax to override our genetic desires.  The medical journal The Lancet published research in 2014 that studied the body mass index (BMI) of adults in 186 countries from 1975 to 2014. Obesity rates, defined as a BMI of over 30, had just about tripled. The only problem is that the Lancet study showed that the obesity rates in Mexico and Argentina were higher than in SA. The most-used vegetable oil is palm oil, which is found in a host of very different products: peanut butter, ramen, coffee creamer, makeup, body wash, toothpaste, laundry detergent, deodorant, candles, cat food and baby formula. The reason why it is a climate change problem is that it grows only close to the equator and slash-and-burn agriculture is reducing the natural forests.  But this is very bad oil to use -  

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, and it’s responsible for regulating blood sugar levels by transporting glucose (sugar) to the cells in the body. The cells then use glucose for energy, or store it for later use.  Potassium is generally stored in the fluid inside of the cells, but when there’s too much glucose outside of the cells (blood sugar is too high), potassium moves outside of the cell, raising potassium levels in the blood. Insulin then comes to move glucose into the cell to restore potassium homeostasis, causing potassium levels to drop. When the body either doesn’t produce enough insulin, doesn’t use insulin properly or is insulin resistant, this causes a buildup of glucose in the bloodstream, since glucose isn’t able to enter the cells without insulin. People with low potassium levels will release less insulin, which causes higher blood sugar levels, and increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. When administering insulin, it’s crucial for healthcare providers to monitor potassium levels.  


Lots more to tell- 

You wasting your money if you keep on buying all these supplements without knowing what is really wrong inside your body- You play with your Health -If you do not know what is wrong inside your body- stop drinking all these supplements, drops, shakes and more that is available with lots of promises-  You can listen and view all the information online- but visit a real professional health practitioner  with years of practical experience- one who understand and live Healthy. You need to know what your body need- what is wrong inside-  You allow people to assist you with your problem.  Take care of your body and health.  www.quanlim.com


As jou verteringstelsel korrek werk- (jou masjien-) gesond is en jy drink nie al die baie Voorgeskrewe medisyne van PARMA nie, nie oorgewig nie - is daar geen fout om Rooivleis te eet nie.  Vorige navorsing het getoon ’n oormaat van rooivleis kan lei tot gesondheidsprobleme soos hartsiektes, beroertes en kanker, maar navorsers van die Washington Universiteit het bevind dat die meeste studies verwarrende veranderlikes bevat soos dat party vleis eters net eenvoudig minder groente eet, meer rook of minder oefen. Mense kan ook nie met redelike sekerheid bepaal hoeveel vleis hulle in ’n bepaalde tyd geëet het nie. “Ons het bevind dat die bewyse en verband tussen rooivleis en kanker, borskanker, tipe twee diabetes en hartsiekte te vaag is. Ons het ook geen bewyse gekry dat rooivleis beroertes veroorsaak nie,” lui die navorsing. Volgens die navorsers is daar min tot geen bewyse van gesondheidsrisiko’s as jy op ’n gereelde basis rooivleis inneem nie. “Daar is nie so iets soos ongesonde kos nie, maar party kossoorte moet in mindere hoeveelheid ingeneem word. Rooivleis bevat belangrike voedingstowwe soos soos proteïen, vitamien B12 en yster. Rooivleis noodsaaklik vir ’n gebalanseerde dieet. Ons hoorgereeld een of ander slim geleerde prof of Dr met sy dik brille wat Rooivleis die skuld wil gee. Eet matig- gebalanseerd en sorg dat jou verteringstelsel reg werk. 

Autoimmune diseases affect over 24 million people in the United States, a concerning figure that emphasizes the need for prevention. A large-scale study suggests that omega-3 fatty acids, the core nutrients in fish oil supplements, may offer long lasting protection against the onset of these conditions. Our bodies don't produce omega-3s naturally, which makes diet and supplements vital sources. These fatty acids naturally curb inflammation, a key factor in autoimmune diseases where the body's defenses mistakenly attack healthy tissues. In the new study, over 20,000 participants were randomly assigned to receive either the supplement or a placebo. Remarkably, after the trial ended, those who had previously taken omega-3 supplements maintained a lowered risk of developing autoimmune diseases for an additional 2 years. This persistent protection was not observed with vitamin D, though its initial benefits looked promising. “Supplementation should be considered only with the addition of a high-nutrient-dense diet, good quality sleep, stress management, and limitation of sedentary behavior,” emphasizes registered dietitian Kristin Kirkpatrick. She also stressed the importance of choosing the right supplements for both safety and maximizing potential benefits. Don't start using unless you know if you need ti and what is wrong inside your body. 

Bad Protein

Protein powders are powdered forms of protein that come from plants (soybeans, peas, rice, potatoes, or hemp), eggs, or milk (casein or whey protein). The powders may include other ingredients such as added sugars, artificial flavoring, thickeners, vitamins, and minerals. The amount of protein per scoop can vary from 10 to 30 grams. Supplements used for building muscle contain relatively more protein, and supplements used for weight loss contain relatively less.

What are the risks?

There are numerous risks to consider when using a protein powder. Among them:

  • A protein powder is a dietary supplement. The FDA leaves it up to manufacturers to evaluate the safety and labeling of products. So, there's no way to know if a protein powder contains what manufacturers claim.
  • We don't know the long-term effects. "There are limited data on the possible side effects of high protein intake from supplements," McManus says.
  • It may cause digestive distress. "People with dairy allergies or trouble digesting lactose [milk sugar] can experience gastrointestinal discomfort if they use a milk-based protein powder," McManus points out.
  • It may be high in added sugars and calories. Some protein powders have little added sugar, and others have a lot (as much as 23 grams per scoop). Some protein powders wind up turning a glass of milk into a drink with more than 1,200 calories. The risk: weight gain and an unhealthy spike in blood sugar. The American Heart Association recommends a limit of 24 grams of added sugar per day for women and 36 grams for men.
So baie mense is siek en ongesond en soek enige raad om hulle beter te laat voel en gesond te word. Hier is baie alternative raad wat tydelik werk en wat dalk ook goedkoper is. Meestal is simptome van iets wat siek is. Kanker is deesdae so algemeen as verkoue. Die mediese wereld maak biljoene uit kankerpasieente. Daar is soveel maniere om voorkomend op te tree. Maar baie min mense doen dit. Hulle sal wel die maklike wyse volg wat nie dieselfde gevolge gaan he NIE. Moet jou nie bluff met allerhande kort paaie nie. Net mense wat kanker het weet wat dit is.
Verkeerde eet drink gewoontes is een van die maklikste goed om verkeerd te loop in jou liggaam. Saam met dit is voorgeskrewe medikasie met al sy newe effekte een van dit grootste bydraer tot DNA probleme. Die oormatige verkeerde gebruik van alle soorte gesondheids middele. Sintetiese swak kwailiteit vitamins minerals en amino sure. Saam met kom allerhande Kollageen ..en drankies
Voor jy nie weet wat fout is in jou liggaam nie is dit nie raadsaam on enige pil of sogenaamde medikasie te gebruik nie. Bly weg van hierdie swak "supplements"
Net wat jy plant - oes jy. Dit is een van belangrikste beginsels wat jy van die lewe moet verstaan- As jou hand oop is sal jy ontvang en gee.
Die lewe van meeste van die mense vandag is so gejaag na status rykdom en mag, dat niemand eintlik hieraan aandag gee nie- en om dan op 'n goeie dag te wil weet hoekom alles nou skeefloop. Dis belangrik om elke dag van jou lewe iets te plant- en daarmee saam dit kos te gee-
Maak tyd vir die mense vir wie jy lief is- bring vir hulle rose terwyl hulle lewe- Jy gaan beslis tyd het om hulle begrafnisse by te woon- of sal ek se jy gaan beslis tyd maak - hoekom dan nie tyd maar terwyl hulle lewe nie. ?
Die wereld en sy mense is sukkend en val uitmekaar- gaan kyk gerus hoe sit siek mense in vervalle hospitale en hoe sit ou mense in tehuise en wag vir die dood.
Moenie die mense vir wie jy lief is- wat 'n bydra gelewer het tot jou lewe as mens verwaarloos nie- Jou ouers, jou kinders, jou kleinkinders jou Oupa en Ouma - jou broer en suster - jou vriende wees oop en stel belang. Baie keer moet jy vra wat pla- en wat is op hulle hart- Baie keer is hulle skaam en te trots om te praat oor hulle probleme. Staan saam en bou eenheid- Dis baie maklik om te kritiseer en af te breek- bou liewer en staan saam -
Moenie die mense vergeet wat jou gehelp om sukses te bereik nie- die mense wat jou kon oor die brug help.. mens sien dit so baie in die samelewing. Jy gaan nie ver kom as jy hierdie mense uit jou lewe haal wat deel was van jou sukses nie.
Moenie "Icons' van mense maak nie-mense wat sogenaamd bekend is of suksesvol is nie- Jy aanbid niemand- dis net 'n mens soos jy. 
Raak opgewonde oor jou eie mense..skree vir hulle..ondersteun hulle - dis joune.
Ondersteun jou eie mense en staan vas agter hulle. Wees nederig en pas jouself op. Pas jou naam op- Jou woord dis jou eer- Pas jou liggaam op- Jy is nie te slim om te leer nie- en as arrogansie jou oorheers- weet jy is op 'n pad van vernietiging van jouself. Word Wakker en lewe. Die lewe skuld jou niks. Wees wakker en werk elke dag aan jou toekoms.
Your Digestive System
Your body is almost like your car. It need real maintenance. You need to maintain your body and health. Sludge and toxins and biofilm is one of the most important things to remove from your body. Your body need to do it every day if its healthy and treated well. You don't need a colon cleanse and all these so quick fixes if you healthy and living in a real operating body. When some of your organs been removed it make it difficult to detox and this is the side effects of these bad decisions made in the past. You need to know what is wrong inside your body on a regular basis.
It no use popping all these expensive synthetic supplements bought all over only on face value. The so called intravenous injection of vitamins is dangerous and expensive and if not Methylated..
It's not advisable to keep on doing lymph drainage of you dont sort out the coarse and fix the memory. Lots of these so called energy devices are been used but if wrong inteperit its not worth using it. You need a real maintenance plan from a real professional health practitioner who know you..who have years of practical experience to assist your unique body. You not robot..nor programmed. Your body will adapt to your behavior and dealings. You need to understand your body and keep the instructions to add value to your health. Stop using any supplements unless you know your Methylation status. You wasting your money. You not actually healthy when using any prescribed drugs with all their side effects. You keep on measuring your sugar and blood pressure but you only control the symptoms and not the coarse. Wake up and take responsibility.

ALzeimer’s disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disease that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills, and eventually even the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. In most people with Alzheimer’s, symptoms first appear after age 60. 

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia among older people. Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning—thinking, remembering, and reasoning—and behavioral abilities, to such an extent that it interferes with a person’s daily life and activities. Dementia ranges in severity from the mildest stage, when it is just beginning to affect a person’s functioning, to the most severe stage, when the person must depend completely on others for basic activities of daily living. 

 Scientists took blood samples from a group of currently diagnosed Alzheimer's disease patients and a control group of healthy volunteers. They then isolated the immune-stimulating component of the white blood cells called macrophages. These special cells are known to target and eliminate amyloid fibrils and other waste products that accumulate in the brain before they manifest into detectable disease conditions. The scientists found that Type I macrophage activity is greatly enhanced with optimal saturation of vitamin D3, and Type II immune cells are supported by the presence of curcumin. Researchers found that the action of both Type I and II macrophages are greatly enhanced by the synergistic application of vitamin D3 and curcumin together. They concluded "Our findings demonstrate that active forms of vitamin D3 and curcumin may be an important regulator of immune activities of macrophages in helping to clear amyloid plaques."

Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim Life - Health 14th February 2024


Although vitamin C is best known for supporting the immune system, it also helps to heal wounds and repair bones. While it works in conjunction with other supplements, such as iron and zinc — the opposite is true with vitamin B12.  High doses of vitamin C actually impedes the absorption of B12. Since B12 is needed for red blood cell formation, nerve function, cell metabolism, and the repair of body tissues, you don’t want to diminish the maximum potential benefit by diminishing its effectiveness.  You need to know your Methylation status.

You can get the correct assistance and with a real health program you can have a better life-  But- the choice is yours- Prescribed  Drugs or finding the real solution

This is why the world is not healthy- it  is all about Prescribed drugs -and controlling your health.


Never put supplements in your mouth unless you know what your body needed and what your Methylations status are. Synthetic products is not healthy, and not part of your body. You need to know what is really wrong in your body,before you use anything. Only a real professional health practitioner with the right equipment will be able to find the real coarse and not reacting on the symptoms.

Don't jump on the wagon and start drinking Methylation products- this will also be bad- You need to use the full combination to finally get all the Vitamines, Amino Acids and Minerals you needed.

Quanlim Life do a FULL SCAN - of your whole body.  BOOK your session today - 

25 years of real Health - Quanlim.com
Let us assist you in getting your real Health back. We are getting great results on our exclusive methylation scanning  program- what a pleasure to get to the root of the problem.
Saamgestel deur Johann Pretorius -
Professionele Gesondheidspraktisyn Pretoria - Gesonde gesondheid sorg- 
We have our own EXCLUSIVE range of Supplements-  
1) Pure Bile
2) Tissue Renowal
3) Quanlim Greens
4) Betaine Hydrochloride acid
5) Methylated Folate
6) Ultimate Digest.

Our own Health products range- Exclusive from Quanlim Life.

Here is 'n video from Dr Berg  - Methylation-  We do all these tests at Qanlim Life- 

We started testing and scanning our clients a few weeks ago with our new device for Methylation. We already see the results. Its amazing to see how we can fix these methylation and Gene problems.
Most of the people still believe that Pharma can fix them. Wake up. These prescribed drugs is bad for your health. Its just controlling your symptoms. Get you Methylation done and start enjoying a better life. Stop drinking all these health products,unless you know what is wrong you wasting your money and your body take the harm. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


We only make use of Suppliers who practise the following

We only purchase raw herbal ingredients from reputable manufacturers.
A signed certificate of analysis must accompany each ingredient.
Even from excellent sources, we occasionally reject a herbal extract because it does not meet our strict requirements.
All our products are manufactured in sterile environments.
We adhere to strict international Good Manufacturing Practices.
Our manufacturing facility is inspected by the Medicines Control Council on a regular basis.
Up to date batch records are kept on all manufactured products.
To ensure safety, shelf life and stability on our dermatological products, stability testing is done on a regular basis.

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