AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News 26th November 2023

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 26th November 2023

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Die onteiening van grond sonder vergoeding kan nie deur die agterdeur via die omstrede Onteieningswetsontwerp bewerkstellig word nie aangesien ’n poging deur die ANC om die Grondwet daaroor te wysig vroeër misluk het.  Wetgewers van Gauteng, die Oos-Kaap, KwaZulu-Natal, die Vrystaat, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, die Noord-Kaap en Noordwes is almal ten gunste daarvan.  Die DA, die VF Plus, die IVP en die ACDP verwerp die wetsontwerp omdat dit volgens hulle onder meer voorsiening maak vir die onteiening van eiendom met nul-vergoeding vir openbare doeleindes of in die openbare belang. Daar is ook kommer dat die breë definisie van eiendom in die wetsontwerp daartoe kan lei dat die staat nie net grond nie, maar ook mense se motors, pensioen, handelsname en selfs kopiereg in die “openbare belang” kan onteien.

Die gebrek aan toepassing veroorsaak dat die geesdrif vir die meesterplan vir landbou en landbouverwerking taan. Die landbousakekamer Agbiz sê dit is teleurstellend dat die visie oor die meesterplan wat die meeste belanghebbendes in die landbousektor die afgelope twee jaar opgewonde gehad het, begin afneem. Wandile Sihlobo, hoofekonoom van Agbiz, sê verskeie ander probleme is besig om die klem weg te neem van die deurvoering van die meesterplan af. Dit sluit in voortslepende beurtkrag, logistieke probleme by hawens, proteksionisme in uitvoermarkte en die verspreiding van dieresiektes. Hy sê die owerhede en ander belanghebbendes se aandag is op die hantering van die krisisse gevestig en nie meer op die meesterplan en die beloftes van groei wat dit vir die sektor inhou nie.

China’s grain feed and residual use in marketing year 2023-24 is projected to rise slightly to 285 million tonnes, up 2.7% from 282.3 million tonnes in 2022-23, according to a Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) report from the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the US Department of Agriculture. FAS Post Beijing anticipates corn production in 2023-24 to edge higher to 280 million tonnes due to a larger planted area at 40.927 million hectares (up 1.9%) and improved yields. Feed and residual demand for corn is expected to be 222 million tonnes in 2023-24, growing 2% from 220 million tonnes year-on-year.

There are many unknowns about how societies will manage the climate transition. And the associated energy transition from fossil fuel-based energy to renewable energy. The climate transition will require significant levels of investment – estimated at US$1 trillion a year in developing markets, excluding China. This raises important questions about the mix of public and private sector investments; whether to subsidise private sector investment; how to regulate private ownership; and how to make affordable energy available to all citizens. The speed of technological change and the uncertainty about future policies makes it hard to answer these questions. But countries that have put their toe in the water offer clues. South Africa is one of them. It developed a process for renewable energy procurement 12 years ago.

Anders as wat die departement almal probeer wysmaak, beplan dit wel om – algaande – landbou-besighede wat te wit na smaak is uit te sluit. En nie net van enkele uitvoerpermitte nie, maar baie meer.  Die bewyse vir hierdie SEB-planne is egter nie te vinde in die Staatskoerant nie. Dit bestaan eerder in twee interne, vertroulike dokumente van die departement, wat Sakeliga met ’n Paia-proses bekom en nou uitgereik het. Hierdie dokumente is die Agri-SEB-plan en die Agri-SEB-afdwingingsriglyne, wat tussen 2015 en 2019 ontwikkel is en vandag die basis van die departement se onwettige en sukkelende SEB-implementering vorm. Die Agri-SEB-plan is eerste ontwikkel as raamwerk om “die transformasieprogram van die regering af te dwing, in besonder die Agri-SEB-sektorkode”. Dit stel voor dat “alvorens aansoekers of kliënte ’n diens van die lynfunksie­direktorate ontvang (soos inspeksies, lisensies, permitte, toekennings, subsidies en konsessies), hulle eers onderwerp moet word aan die voorafbepaalde voldoeningskriteria ooreenkomstig die Agri-SEB-sektorkode”. En dit voorsien dat ander staatsdepartemente, provinsies, munisipaliteite en entiteite in staatsbesit oortuig moet word om ook hul aktiwiteite op grond van SEB-vlakke te beperk, “onder meer maar nie beperk nie tot waterlisensies, varsprodukte-agentlisensies, statutêre heffings, ensovoorts”. NW24

Interested Articles posted on Farmingportal/Agricultureportal

To confirm this, until 70-80 years ago, crop rotations were the most rational strategy to minimize the presence of parasites, pathogens and weeds. Furthermore, each crop has its own different relationship with the soil. Corn and wheat are different from a legume such as alfalfa, while rapeseed and sugar beet have different effects compared to the previous ones.  READ MORE

Ongoing low sales volumes versus expectations have pressured Urea producers into chasing sales hard ahead of December as their stock levels rise. With the market already balanced on a knife-edge, this sent prices tumbling as regions reported between $20 and $50/t reductions. China saw the smallest decline at around $20/t, which was largely immaterial because Chinese export volumes are being heavily restricted by the government any way and no new urea exports are expected for the rest of this year. READ MORE 

To the casual observer, Agritechnica 2023 probably looks a lot like the last edition of the Hanover, Germany agricultural equipment trade fair – a lot of big guys drinking big beers, admiring very big tractors. Look into the cabins and under the hoods of some of those machines, however, and you’ll find an industry in transition, as autonomous features are integrated more and more deeply into a wider range of farming systems READ MORE 

Bewaringslandbou is deesdae die top besprekingspunt op al wat boeredag of seminar is. Die voedselwaardeketting is die ander woord wat op elke Landbou Televisie program en sosiale media of besprekingsprogram aangespreek en bespreek word. Baie landbouers pas dit met sukses toe. In die laat sewentigerjare het 'n paar Landbouers waarvan ek een was in die Noord Wes- Vrystaat begin met deklaagbewerking nadat ons uitgevind het hoe die sandgrond gekompakteer het met jarelange ploegaksie.  LEES MEER 

Hierdie weeklikse oorsig word totaal en al vertaal in 5 tale en word reg oor die wereld gepubliseer.  Ons het ook nou 'n weeklikse AUDIO CAST in Engels- Net die Hooftrekke. Saam met dit is ons gewilde Agri News Rush wat binnekort weer gaan terug wees in 'n ander formaat.

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Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.


 Suid Afrika -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 22nd November 2023

We proud to announce that our mediums is now part of 34 international Farming and Agriculture news mediums around the world.  We are Independent and a leading farming and agriculture in South Africa- Africa and the rest of the world.  18 years of constant reporting with a dedicated creative team.


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Suid-Afrika se landbou is opgebou deur familieboerderye waar sukses oor tyd heen veroorsaak het dat boerderye gegroei het tot waar dit vandag staan.  Dit is diegene wat steeds toesien dat daar kos op die tafels is van verbruikers.  Dit is derhalwe in landsbelang dat elke moontlike hekkie in die pad van ons land se produsente uit die weg geruim behoort te word en dat daar op geen wyse voorsiening gemaak word om belemmerende beleide wat beperkend inspeel op geleenthede enigsins te ondersteun nie. Familieboerdery is mense met dieselfde bloed in hulle are- dis 'n familie-  met tradisie en waardes- dieselfde DNA.

Climate change presents a major threat to long-term growth and prosperity, and it has a direct impact on the economic wellbeing of all countries.

Eating meat five times or less per week is associated with a lower overall cancer risk, according to a study published in the open access journal BMC Medicine.

The banana price increased to R12.83 per kilogram and is still trading significantly higher than a year ago with volumes over the last 3 months almost halve that of last year. This can keep prices on a higher level until the end of the year.

Minister in the presidency for electricity, Kgosientsho Ramokgopa says that stage 6 load has been implemented because Eskom has run through its emergency reserves. Eskom announced on Friday (24 November) that load shedding would suddenly shift to stage 6, after the country had spent much of the week between stage 2 to stage 4.

The Russian government has published a draft decree under which the import of genetically modified soybeans in the country will be allowed for 2 extra years until 1 January 2026. Price turbulence in the poultry market might be one of the reasons for this step.

Seaweed plays a significant role in both marine ecosystems and agriculture. This amazing plant, found in oceans across the globe, contributes immensely to plant development and offers a variety of types, sources, and ingredients that are crucial for agriculture.

The pepper market finds itself in different phases across the globe at the moment. In the Netherlands, prices are high due to the end of the domestic season, whilst in the UK demand for imported Spanish peppers is good.

’n Meerderheid lede van die Europese parlement het gister ’n wetsontwerp verwerp waarvolgens die gebruik van chemiese plaagdoders op plase in die Europese Unie (EU) met die helfte verminder moes word.

’n Navorsingstudie wat in Environmental Research Letters verskyn, waarsku dat meer as ‘n miljard koeie wêreldwyd teen die einde van die eeu hittespanning sal ervaar as koolstofvrystellings hoog is.

Egypt’s wheat ending stocks in marketing year 2023-24 are forecast to drop to their lowest level in 20 years as the country grapples with a smaller crop, increased demand and a shift in trade flows due to Russia’s ongoing conflict with Ukraine, according to a Global Agricultural Information Network report from the Foreign Agricultural Service of the US Department of Agriculture.

The World Bank has approved a $60-million grant to avert acute shortages of critical agricultural inputs and lifesaving commodities in Malawi, enabling commercial banks in Malawi to access an import backstopping facility through the International Development Association.

Die getal grondeise wat tussen 1995 en 31 Maart 2023 afgehandel is, was 82 976, teen 'n grondkoste van sowat R25,5 miljard. Die minister van finansies het in die 2023 mediumtermynbegrotingsraamwerk aangekondig dat finansiering van die Departement van Landbou aan Legal Aid SA gaan om die stadige afhandeling van grondeise te help bespoedig.

Verteenwoordigers van die Lewendehawe Produsente Organisasie is vroeër vanjaar ’n kans gegun om skriftelike aanbevelings te maak aan die Namibiese medisynereguleringsraad aangaande die voorgestelde herskedulering van antibiotika vir veeartsenykundige gebruik vanaf skedule 0 na 2.

In die dae toe die wereld nog menslikheid gehad het- toe daar nog wet en orde was en barbare en diewe in die tronk was het mense mekaar gehelp- nie een keer gehuiwer nie- Vandag staan elkeen met 'n slimfoon en neem die aksie af- en kan nie wag om dit so gou as moontlik op die siek sosiale media te deel nie.

Suid Afrika se landbouers moet hulleself beskerm- Wees deel van die Landbou organisasies wat waarlik die landbouers se belange beskerm in alle opsigte- Daar is 'n groot aanslag op familie boerderye in Suid Afrika. Ware landbouers wat deur harde werk en baie sweet deur geslagte heen die boerdery opgebou het en suksesvol bestuur het.

According to the department, efforts to restore egg stock levels are ongoing and there has been a steady inflow of eggs onto the market. In a statement, the department said they have opened import permits for eggs and poultry products from a few countries and that the practice predates the recent Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) outbreak.

This is just a few of the 350 that were posted this week.  The only news MEDIUM that will give you so much news at one address.

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