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South Africa - Embrace the MAN Strategy: Farmers are encouraged to prioritise productivity, quality, societal contribution, and fulfilling commercial responsibilities over blind compliance with state ideologies. Wherever state requirements are unlawful or harmful, farmers should strive for maximum achievable non-compliance, as prudently as possible. By prioritising the core aspects of value-creation rather than compliance, farms can serve society best and thrive while challenging or bypassing the implementation of destructive state policies. Leverage Representative Organisations: Farmers should urge agricultural representative bodies to reject BEE policies and resist government interference. Maintaining robust relationships with foreign trade partners who appreciate free and responsible trade ties is also pivotal. Farming communities need to assert their independence, emphasising their crucial roles in both domestic and global commercial spheres.
Die blote beëindiging van beurtkrag is nie ʼn voldoende beleidsdoelwit nie. Daarom moet Suid-Afrika eerder die ganse kragstelsel herbou en die samelewing toegelaat word om tot die oplossing by te dra. Dit is een van die kernbevindinge van die onlangse verslag deur die Harvard Universiteit in die VSA, getiteld “Growth Through Inclusion in South Africa”. Hierin word die oorsake van Suid-Afrika se sistemiese ekonomiese onderprestering ondersoek. Volgens dié verslag kan ongeveer 40% van die vertraging in Suid-Afrika se ekonomiese groei toegeskryf word aan die ineenstoring van nutsdienste, soos Eskom, spoorweë, hawens en ander kardinale infrastruktuur. Daarom, lui die verslag, is aandag aan die kragkrisis die kern van ekonomiese herstel. Die rede waarom Suid-Afrika tans met ʼn krisis van hierdie omvang sit, is omdat die probleem van beurtkrag nooit reg aandag gekry het nie, meen die verslag. Die verslag dui drie foute aan wat Suid-Afrika in 2007 begaan het toe die werklikheid van beurtkrag vir die eerste keer aan die lig gekom het. Eerstens het diegene in beheer van die krisis baie vertroue gestel in swak ontwerpte steenkoolkragsentrales, aangesien die koste van hernubare energie gedaal het. Tweedens is instandhouding in Eskom se verouderende vloot vertraag om meer kapasiteit op korttermyn te skep. Derdens het die regering veels te lank gewag om private investering met erns te betrek.
The state has recovered R5.4bn, including R2.9bn in cash, out of an estimated R57bn worth of funds that were stolen during the state capture era, the presidency said. President Cyril Ramaphosa’s office on Wednesday released a progress report on the government’s move to implement the recommendations of the state capture commission of inquiry which released its final report in 2022. “The SA Revenue Service has also acted against people named in the commission’s report and collected R4.8bn in unpaid taxes in the 2022/23 financial year as a result of evidence presented at the commission” the presidency said. The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has frozen R14.18bn of assets in state capture related cases.
Die landboubedryf se inkomste het verlede jaar met meer as 11% tot R450 miljard gestyg, volgens die jongste jaarlikse opname deur Statistieke Suid-Afrika. Tussen 2021 en 2022 het die groeikoers van uitgawes egter grootliks dié van die inkomste oorskry, luidens die verslag wat Woensdag uitgereik is. Die totale inkomste het op ’n jaargrondslag met 11,2% gestyg en die totale uitgawes met 11,8%. Volgens Statistieke Suid-Afrika het groot ondernemings 69% oftewel R310 miljard van die totale inkomste in 2022 bygedra, met die 100 grootste ondernemings wat 21% bygedra het. Klein ondernemings se bydrae staan op 17% (R77 miljard) en mediumgrootte ondernemings s’n op 7% (R35 miljard).
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Prices remained flat across most Urea markets as players digested the massive $50/t drop last week. Sentiment around prices remains negative as further price reductions are considered. While demand remains weak, supply needs to be drastically cut back to tighten the market and lift prices. READ MORE
In agriculture, farmers are increasingly using AI-powered tools to tackle challenges that threaten human health, the environment and food security. Researchers forecast the market for these tools to reach US$12 billion by 2032. As a researcher studying agricultural and rural policy, I see three promising developments in agricultural AI: federated learning, pest and disease detection and forecasting prices. READ MORE
As 2023 is passing, so this is the right time to look at the top leading agriculture trends of 2024. So, the main aspects of this theme are new technology and the changing condition of climate. However, the farmers are always striving to enhance the profits and preserve their lands. READ MORE
First, eight of his calves were stolen, and now 33 cows and 11 calves have been poisoned. “I can’t explain how it feels. It’s not a pretty sight,” says Ockert Goosen. “It’s more than R900 000 in immediate damage. This is without considering that most of the cows were pregnant, and there’s the future loss of income.” Goosen (25) started farming with Bonsmaras and Bonsmara crosses near Tosca two-and-a-half years ago. He also rents cattle land near Bray in the Kgalagadi district in North West. READ MORE
Despite rave reviews for South African wines — including by wine fundi Tim Atkin — export volumes are declining. In the year to end-August 2023, total wine exports fell from 400.5-million litres to 317-million litres. Local wine sales showed a modest increase. READ MORE
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Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.
AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 26th November 2023
We proud to announce that our mediums is now part of 38 international Farming and Agriculture news mediums around the world. We are Independent and a leading farming and agriculture in South Africa- Africa and the rest of the world. 18 years of constant reporting with a dedicated creative team.
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Dis jammer dat Suid Afrika en sy inwoners daagliks geteister word deur BARBARE wat absoluut geen bestaansreg het op aarde nie. Die sogenaamde mense het geen empatie vir mens en dier nie- Afgesien van die feit dat ons mense aangeval en vermoor word deur lafaards en barbare doen die regering niks aan die goed nie. Dis afgryslik om te sien hoe hierdie goed diere op landbouers se plase vergiftig. Dis onmenslik en barbaars. Die meeste van die sogenaamde mense is te sleg om enige werk te verrig en leef daarop om te vernietig te steel en te moor. Dis jammer dat hierdie mooi land van ons waaraan almal so hard gewerk het- die afgelope 30 jaar vernietig is. Maar daar is een ding wat so waar is soos die son wat more weer in die ooste sal opkom en dit - dat wat jy aan ander doen sal 7 keer aan jou gedoen word- alles wat in die donker gebeur sal in die lig kom. Dis jammer dat ons as hardwerkende mense daagliks tussen hierdie barbare moet lewe en werk. Gelukkig is daar baie meer opgevoede Suid Afrikaanse burgers wat in liefde en vrede wil lewe-
.Daar is 11 lande wat China in die verlede van sojabone voorsien het met Suid-Afrika wat nou die 12de land op die lys word. Die grootste verskaffers is Brasilië (60%), Amerika (32%) en Argentinië (4%). Hierdie lande is die grootste uitvoerders van sojabone internasionaal, maar Sacota sê daar is steeds baie ruimte vir ’n kleiner uitvoerder soos Suid-Afrika.
SA’s table grape industry is facing a season of mounting concerns as port crises and power cuts continue to trigger equipment breakdowns and delays at Durban and Cape Town port terminals, resulting in millions of rand of losses in export earnings.
There is a shortage of mango in the Netherlands and supply will also remain low for the time being. In Germany the mango supply remains tight, leading to high prices, especially with challenges at the origin, including serious harvest losses in Peru due to El Niño affecting blossom development.
There is a shortage of mango in the Netherlands and supply will also remain low for the time being. In Germany the mango supply remains tight, leading to high prices, especially with challenges at the origin, including serious harvest losses in Peru due to El Niño affecting blossom development.
Die wêreld staar stygende voedselpryse in die gesig wat arm en ontwikkelende lande die hardste tref. Selfs voor Covid inkomste verminder en voorsienings-kettings ontwrig het, was chroniese en akute honger aan die toeneem weens verskeie faktore, insluitend konflik, sosio-ekonomiese toestande, natuurrampe, klimaatsverandering en plae.
Suid Afrika -In plaas daarvan om in verbeterde tegnologie te belê en bedrywighede uit te brei, belê boere in alternatiewe elektrisiteitsopwekking om produksie aan die gang te hou. Maar daar is baie maatskappye wat net verkope jaag en wat met die tyd gaan verdwyn en dan is daar geen na verkope diens nie. Wees versigtig vir manne wat te veel praat en beloftes maak
The EU has approved a €1.5 billion scheme to buy out Dutch farmers and reduce nitrogen emissions. Over 750 Dutch farmers have signed up for a government buy-out scheme, although it will take months before it's clear if the plan will be put into practice. It is part of the Netherlands’ drive to drastically slash nitrogen emissions, a major source of which is livestock farms.
Talle filantrope het aangekondig dat hulle oor die volgende drie jaar 450 miljoen dollar gaan belê om lande te help om metaangas-uitlatings te takel. Metaangas het die nuwe fokuspunt tydens klimaatonderhandelinge geword.
How can productive farmers protect their businesses against the harmful consequences of the proposed AgriBEE guidelines? This difficult question arose after Sakeliga recently released confidential documentation related to planned BEE enforcement in the sector to the public.
Die gebruik van biogas wat vasgevang is uit lewendehawemis is ‘n innoverende en volhoubare benadering wat uitwys dat diere, wat tradisioneel as ‘n koolstofbedreiging beskou is, in werklikheid ‘n belangrike rol kan speel om globale dekarbonisering-mikpunte te bereik.
The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy has published the official fuel price adjustments for December 2023, showing a big cut to both the petrol and diesel prices in South Africa. Reflecting the trend seen throughout November, motorists are in for a sizeable fuel price cut from Wednesday, 6 December.
Suid Afrika het van die beste landbouers in wereld- Familieboerderye wat deur die jare welvaart geskep het deur harde werk en goeie beplanning. Moenie onder die druk van die regering en sy meelopers swyg nie- Jy skuld niemand iets nie...beskerm jou familie en julle belange. Moenie dat sekere landboumaatskappye jou beheer nie- wees wakker en onafhanklik en werk voort.
Millions of livestock including camels, cows, donkeys, goats and sheep died last year in Africa due to climate change shocks. Going into COP28, there are growing calls for climate finance to support adaptation for sustainable livestock systems on the continent.
Responsible business practices are not only good for the planet, but also for the bottom line In an era marked by increasing awareness of environmental concerns and a growing demand for corporate responsibility, McDonald’s South Africa has emerged as one of the leading figures in the realm of sustainable agriculture.
While Canada’s wheat harvest dropped 13% in 2023, a majority of the crop was graded No. 2 or better with average to higher-than-average protein content, according to Cereals Canada.
The average weaner calf price dropped by 2% last week to R34.69 per kilogram, while the average A2/3 carcass price decreased to R53.28. However, the C-grade price increased to R47.59. It still seems that A and C-grade prices may continue to rise, and calf prices might trade upward again from mid-December.
Die blote beëindiging van beurtkrag is nie 'n voldoende beleidsdoelwit nie. Daarom moet Suid-Afrika eerder die ganse kragstelsel herbou en die samelewing toegelaat word om tot die oplossing by te dra.
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