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Ever since Ukraine was invaded by Russia on Feb. 22, 2022, it has been engaged in a fight for survival. At the same time, its grain producers and traders have been tackling massive logistical problems, with their main export route through the Black Sea blocked or difficult. With high transport costs, grain producers are losing money. But traders, shippers and the military are making more routes available, and Ukraine will continue to fulfill its role as one of the world’s most important food suppliers. With the expansion of the new sea route, Ukraine will have the potential to ship up to 3 million tonnes per month, “depending on the military situation.” Ukraine also exports through the European Union, but the “solidarity lanes” organized by the 27 Member States have created friction with farmers’ groups in some of the EU countries nearest to Ukraine, notably Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania. They claim Ukrainian shipments have distorted their local market, although other parts of Europe, such as Spain, have found its maize useful to feed poultry.
Swart ekonomiese bemagtigingsvereistes (SEB) vir boere wat plaasprodukte wil uitvoer, is moreel onregverdigbaar en kan rampspoedige gevolge vir die lewensvatbaarheid van familieboerderye en vir die plattelandse ekonomie hê. Asof die rasbeheptheid van die ANC nie reeds genoeg skade aan die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie berokken het nie, sal die vereiste van SEB-teikens op kort termyn landbou-uitvoere en op medium termyn ons boere se mededingendheid vermink. Boere se besware oor die nuwe regulasies lê op drie vlakke: beginse lprobleme, sake probleme en praktiese probleme. Hoe pas mens SEB in ’n familieboerdery toe? Dit kan moeilik genoeg vir ’n pa en ’n seun wees om saam te boer, of vir neefs, wat nog te sê ’n swart vennoot wat op ’n boerdery afgedwing word? As die regulasies so toegepas word, sou dit beteken dat individuele families die rekening vir ’n nasionale transformasie doelwit moet dra, terwyl die staat klaaglik daarmee misluk het. Theo de Jager
Volgens die polisie se kwartaallikse misdaadstatistieke wat pas bekend gemaak is, was dit ses minder plaasmoorde as in die ooreenstemmende tydperk verlede jaar. Die tien mense wat op plase en kleinhoewes vermoor is, was vyf boere, vier plaasbewoners en een plaaswerker. Twee boere in die Vrystaat, twee in Noordwes en een in Mpumalanga is vermoor. Die plaaswerker is in Noordwes vermoor en in die Vrystaat, Gauteng, Mpumalanga en Wes-Kaap is elk een plaasbewoner vermoor. Daar was ook 9 pogings tot moord landwyd teenoor 23 verlede jaar. Die polisie se moordsyfer verskil van AfriForum se syfer van 13 plaasmoorde in dieselfde tydperk.
Internal documentation obtained by Sakeliga indicates that the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) has quietly developed and partially implemented an unlawful AgriBEE enforcement plan. Under the plan, DALRRD intends to eventually restrict agricultural and food-related import and export licenses, permits, quotas, and more based on companies’ racial characteristics. Fortunately, the implementation of the veiled plan over the last eight years has – like government plans generally – been sluggish and haphazard.
The AgriBEE Plan seeks to
- selectively restrict DALRRD’s activities in order ‘to enforce compliance of sector stakeholders to the transformation programme of the government and in particular the agreed agricultural sector transformation plan, i.e., AgriBEE Sector Code’;
- ensure that ‘before applicants or clients receive a service from the line function directorates (such as inspections, licenses, permits, grants, subsidies and concessions), they must first be subjected to the pre-determined compliance criteria aligned to the AgriBEE Sector Code;’ and
- convince other government departments, provinces, municipalities and state-owned entities to restrict their activities based on BEE levels as well, ‘amongst others but not limited to water licenses, fresh produce agents licenses, statutory levies, etc.’ Sakeliga
Interested Articles posted on Farmingportal/Agricultureportal
Farm-fresh ideas! Young agri writers make their voices heard in annual competition, Six outstanding young agricultural writers have been honoured during the Young Agri Writers’ Competition 2023 – sponsored by Hollard, Farming Portal/Agri News Net and Agricultural Writers South Africa – in a field dominated by dynamic young women adding their voices to the national discourse on farming matters. READ MORE -
Accepting this definition and observing the machines and components exhibited in the Hanover exhibition pavilions , it was clear how, in light of the integration taking place in the sector between the most diverse scientific disciplines, "cultivation techniques" have been replaced by "cultivation technologies ” all having the ultimate objective of rationalizing processes with a view to productivity. READ MORE
The forward market for urea is very pessimistic right now, with futures quotes down to $330/t for Arab Gulf product for December. This is $40/t below current levels and seems unlikely given that December and January are peak demand months, even if demand is lower than expected. The wider message in the market is clear – urea is expected to fall further in the short term. READ MORE
The beautiful venue, Landtscap in the Stellenbosch Winelands set the scene for an outstanding event when it hosted the 2023 Agricultural Writers SA Awards on 17 November 2022. The breath-taking view could however not outshine the excellence celebrated at this event. READ MORE
Many beneficiaries of the land reform programme often misconceive that good corporate governance is a luxury exclusive to large corporate organisations and irrelevant in the administration of their assets. While this view is fundamentally incorrect it is somewhat understandable, given the impact of dispossession and limited understanding of commercial principles among many members of claimant communities. READ MORE
Hierdie weeklikse oorsig word totaal en al vertaal in 5 tale en word reg oor die wereld gepubliseer. Ons het ook nou 'n weeklikse AUDIO CAST in Engels- Net die Hooftrekke. Saam met dit is ons gewilde Agri News Rush wat binnekort weer gaan terug wees in 'n ander formaat.
Dankie dat jy elke dag deel is van ons - NUUS NETWERK- Ons maak dit nog groter.
7 dae per week is ons span werksaam- Onafhanklik en gefokus op ons werk- Internasionaal is daar groot belangstelling in ons mediums.
Our visitors to our mediums increased with 29 % in the past week - We have hundreds of new upcoming farmers visiting our mediums .
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Our domains - farmingportal.co.za -agricultureportal.co.za and agrinewsnet.co.za
Lees gerus wat ons mediums is- READ MORE
Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.
AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 12th November 2023
FINALIST 2023 Junior Agri writers Awards
We congratulate our -TOP6 from each Category -
Junior Agri writers awards 2023
• Marquerite Pienaar
• Christiaan de Jager
• Rachel Du Preez
• Pieter Gert Theron
• Artvilla Sanele Dakamela
• Christian Vercuil
You can read all the ARTICLES on the 14th of November 2023 on Farmingportal.co.za
2023 Winners of the Junior Agri writers awards at the Function at Hollard Head Office
We proud to announce that our mediums is now part of 34 international Farming and Agriculture news mediums around the world. We are Independent and a leading farming and agriculture in South Africa- Africa and the rest of the world. 18 years of constant reporting with a dedicated creative team.
Alle masjiene in ons moderne tyd benodig energie om te kan werk. Ongeveer 90% van dié energie word verkry deur die verbranding van fossielbrandstowwe. Fossielbrandstowwe sluit petroleum (olie), steenkool en natuurlike gas in. Dit word fossielbrandstowwe genoem omdat dit, net soos fossiele, die oorblyfsels is van organismes wat baie lank gelede geleef het. Organismes is plante, diere en ander lewende dinge. Fossielbrandstowwe het miljoene jare gelede op die aarde ontstaan. Dooie organismes het in modder en rots ingesink en met die verloop van tyd het baie lae rots opgebou. Onder hoë druk en temperatuur het die oorblyfsels van die organismes stadigaan van vorm verander en verskillende soorte fossielbrandstowwe gevorm. Steenkool kom van plante af en petroleum en aardgas kom hoofsaaklik van mikroskopiese see-organismes soos alge.
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Die afgelope twee jaar het groot outoritêre magte toenemend begin verenig in ’n front teen die Weste. In talle Westerse lande word die stryd met China bloot as ’n ekonomiese stryd beskou. Sommige Westerse leiers sien die stryd met ʼn outoritêre land as ’n stryd om politieke en ekonomiese invloed of ’n ideologiese stryd. In werklikheid is dit ’n beskawingstryd. China, Rusland en Iran wil die Westerse beskawing sodanig verswak dat die Westerse suksesverhaal van die afgelope eeue finaal tot ’n einde kan kom en deur ’n alternatiewe beskawing vervang kan word. Westerse lande se hantering van die oorlog tussen Rusland en Oekraïne is tekenend van die probleem. In plaas daarvan om jare gelede ’n skikking met Rusland oor invloed in Oos-Europa te bereik en Rusland nader aan die Weste te bring, het Westerse leiers die probleem bly uitstel. Uiteindelik het sanksies teen Rusland die afgelope 21 maande meer skade aan Westerse ekonomieë as aan die Russiese ekonomie berokken. Intussen blyk dit dat Navo stil-stil oor ’n skikking met Rusland begin praat – iets wat reeds twee jaar gelede moes gebeur het.
Reports from around the world currently describe a dynamic global blueberry market. The Netherlands is grappling with an ongoing shortage, particularly from Peru and South Africa, leading to persistently high prices and challenges for suppliers.
Swart ekonomiese bemagtigingsvereistes (SEB) vir boere wat plaasprodukte wil uitvoer, is moreel onregverdigbaar en kan rampspoedige gevolge vir die lewensvatbaarheid van familieboerderye en vir die plattelandse ekonomie hê.
Jy het nie die wereld ingekom om enigsins afhanklik te wees van enige iemand wanneer jy volwassenheid bereik het en gesond is. Jy moet vat wat na jou tok kom. Jy is die bouer van jou eie toekoms. Wanneer jy eise begin stel en ander blameer vir jou foute en omstandighede het jy misluk. Wanneer jy begin vat wat nie joune is nie-en korrup en arrogant raak is jou einde naby.
Reports from around the world currently describe a dynamic global blueberry market. The Netherlands is grappling with an ongoing shortage, particularly from Peru and South Africa, leading to persistently high prices and challenges for suppliers.
Suid-Afrika se amptelike werkloosheidskoers het in die derde kwartaal van die jaar effens gedaal, maar die land worstel steeds met hoë werkloosheidskoerse.Volgens Statistiek SA het werkloosheid in die derde kwartaal van vanjaar met 0,7% afgeneem en het die aantal mense wat in hierdie kwartaal in diens geneem is, tot 16,7 miljoen toegeneem.
Water storage and river levels are below normal in many areas around the world, raising much concern about the future of agriculture and the availability of water for human consumption and manufacturing. The phenomenon is not just confined to a few areas but is a global problem, impacting areas from Southeast Asia to Australia and from Africa to North and South America.
Sub-Saharan African countries strongly rely on the agricultural and forestry sectors. Agriculture contributes up to 60% of some countries’ gross domestic product. However, the sector is highly vulnerable to climate change because it relies heavily on climatic factors. This vulnerability is particularly marked in the region because of its slow rate of technological advancement.
Germany, through its KfW development bank, will on Friday sign an agreement to lend South Africa €500 million (R10 billion) at below commercial market rates to help it transition away from the use of coal-fired electricity.
Global food commodity prices are expected to retreat from record highs in 2024 following three years of turbulence caused by war, weather and escalating energy and input costs, according to Rabobank’s annual Agri Commodity Markets Outlook report.
Organisasie teen Belastingmisbruik, OUTA sê ondanks die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens se pogings om meer belastigbetalings in te vorder, is mense steeds ontevrede omdat dit voorkom asof ‘n groot deel van belasting gebruik word om korrupsie te pleeg.
Aanhoudende en toenemende konflikte tussen mense en natuurlewe bedreig steeds gemeenskappe om die Nkasa Rupara Nasionale Park in die Zambezi-streek. Die konflikte het oor die afgelope dekades meer gereeld en ernstig geword as gevolg van bevolkingsgroei onder beide mense en diere en die uitbreiding van landbou- en nywerheidsaktiwiteite.
Op 18 Oktober het Bo-Karoo Opleiding (BKO) 'n groot tree in die rigting van volhoubare landbou-opleiding gegee, met die bekendstelling van die Leer-My-Hoe-Proefplaas.Gehalte landbou-opleiding is in groot aanvraag in Suid-Afrika. Bo-Karoo Opleiding (BKO) is in die hartjie van ? diverse landbou-omgewing geleë, wat ons studente die geleentheid bied om aan verskeie landboupraktyke blootgestel te word.
Van die 6 945 moorde wat van Julie tot September vanjaar in Suid-Afrika gepleeg is, was 10 plaasmoorde. Volgens die polisie se kwartaallikse misdaadstatistieke wat pas bekend gemaak is, was dit ses minder plaasmoorde as in die ooreenstemmende tydperk verlede jaar. Die tien mense wat op plase en kleinhoewes vermoor is, was vyf boere, vier plaasbewoners en een plaaswerker.
90% van Suid-Afrikaanse volstruisprodukte word uitgevoer. Internasionale aanvraag en pryse het ‘n groot invloed op ‘n onderneming se winsgewindheid en daarom is die voeding en bestuur van dié voëls asook dierewelsyn so belangrik.
Soil health is defined as soil's ability to function as a living system. Healthy soils support a diverse community of soil organisms that aid in the control of crop disease and pests, form beneficial symbiotic associations with plant roots, recycle essential plant nutrients, improve soil structure, which has a positive impact on soil water and nutrient-holding capacity, and ultimately improve crop production.
Bioplastics marketed as “biodegradable” are remaining in soils and ditches for longer than the two-year industry standard, a scientific study by Wageningen University in the Netherlands has found. The study was commissioned by Dutch environmental charity Plastic Soup Foundation and conducted by researchers at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. Researchers found 3,000 microplastics per gram of sediment in samples taken from ditches surrounding agricultural fields, which the study says is evidence that microplastics accumulate in the environment.
This is just a few of the 350 that were posted this week. The only news MEDIUM that will give you so much news at one address.
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Good NEWS - AGRI NEWS NET- AUDIOCAST - No 12 https://t.co/Q7mQZD6GD5
— FARMINGPORTAL-AGRI NEWS NET (@farmingportal) November 20, 2023
‘n Produktiewe Saterdagmiddag. Geniet die res van die naweek.🌽🌽🌽🥃🥃🥃 pic.twitter.com/YczK7wDnq7
— Paseka Pienaar (@PasekaPienaar) November 18, 2023
The donkey had enough, and shit happened 😭 pic.twitter.com/KMewrxhjOz
— MR-MBULAZI. (@Mr_MbulaziSA) November 20, 2023