Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse/Engelse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels.
Weekly summary of some News in the Agri and Farming media. GET YOUR MARKETING on this Page - Excellent stats- 7251 plus readers per week.
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Higher white maize prices in South Africa may be a reality in the first quarter of 2025. Relief may start in the second quarter. On Friday, 3 January, South Africa’s white maize spot price traded at about R6,871 per tonne, up more than 50% from the previous year. The fundamental challenge we face is that white maize stocks are tight. If we continue using about 428,667 tonnes monthly, the 2024/25 marketing year may end with closing stocks of just 277,884 tonnes by 30 April 2025, according to the National Agricultural Marketing Council’s November 2024 report. To understand how tight such closing stocks are, consider the 2023/24 marketing year: the white maize closing stocks were 1.3 million tonnes, and in the 2022/23 marketing year they were 1.1 million tonnes. The 2024-25 marketing year started on 1 May 2024 and will end in April 2025. The tighter stocks also imply that South Africa must have early deliveries for the 2025/26 marketing year (which corresponds with the 2024/25 production year) starting on 1 May.
Milde reën het oor die naweek op verskeie plekke in die Vrystaat uitgesak, maar ander plekke het min tot geen reën gehad. Planttyd vir die somergewasse loop nou uit. Vrystaatse saaiboere het in die algemeen ’n baie moeilike plantseisoen met wisselvallige reënval ervaar en op goeie reënval gewag om hul oeste deur te trek of selfs om te kan plant. Sommige boere het baie reën gehad en ander min, sê hy. Daar is kommer oor die vroeë sonneblomme wat op heuphoogte reeds koppe begin maak het en dus nie ’n goeie oes gaan lewer nie. Hy sê dit was tot dusver ’n baie moeilike plantseisoen. Op plekke lyk die lande mooi en word goeie oeste verwag. Sommige boere kon nie alles plant wat hulle sou wou nie. Dit wil voorkom of daar gekyk moet word na die seisoene wat dalk besig is om te skuif.
The Earth's ability to support growing human populations is increasingly constrained by water availability. As demand for water rises across agriculture, urban areas, and industries, farmers face growing competition for this critical resource. Environmental water use, essential for long-term sustainability, is often neglected.A global model of food and water supply indicates that, under current policies, farmers will struggle to meet future food demands, with the world's poorest people suffering the most. Without better water-related investments and policies, a severe water crisis could trigger a food crisis. However, adopting sustainable water-use strategies—through efficient policies, technologies, and incentives—can help ensure global water and food security.
Die kristalbal vir 2025 is effe dof, en veral die toenemende internasionale konflik vertroebel sake. Kundiges meen die wêreld raak polities en ekonomies ál meer gefragmenteerd met nuwe mags- en handelsblokke wat vorm begin aanneem. Uiteraard is die klimaat en reënval in die komende jaar deurslaggewend vir die landbou en die plattelandse ekonomie. Dit is noodsaaklik dat die ekonomie groei en die groeitrajek versnel, wat die plaaslike mark vir landbouprodukte sal verbeter. Die groeipad is egter moeisaam, veral aangesien die ekonomie in die derde kwartaal van 2024 met 0,3% gekrimp het. Die rede is hoofsaaklik ’n inkrimping in landbou-uitset van 28,8% weens die swak klimaats- en marktoestande. Daar moet in ag geneem word dat 2024 ’n besonder moeilike jaar vir die landbousektor en die meeste bedrywe was, en selfs vir kleiner en middelslag-ondernemings buite die landbousektor. Finansiële aanwysers toon dat die druk hoog is, veral wat kontantvloei betref. Vinnig stygende koste en veral die skerp styging in rentekoerse en voerpryse was baie nadelig.
POWERED BY CRA GROUP leaders in Farming and Agriculture news. - No medium in Farming and Agriculture give your so much news at one address - 7 days of the week.
Outstanding articles of the week. Summary of some news Headlines in the Farming and Agriculture media.
Global food consumption is set to expand by 1.2% per annum (p.a.) over the coming decade (2024-2033). This is slower than the preceding decade due to a slowdown in population growth, which is expected to average 0.8% p.a., bringing us to 8.7 billion people in 2033. China is expected to recede as the leader in food consumption (consumed 28% of global food over the past 10y), making space for India and SE Asia to take over (expected to make up 31% of global food consumption by 2033). READ MORE
The world's biggest insurers are expanding in Africa, looking to tap growth promised by a rising population and middle class, but climate change could complicate their quest for profits. With Western markets overcrowded, the continent provides a rare chance to grow. In the United States, insurance premiums, including life, and general insurance, make up the equivalent of 12% of economic output or gross domestic product, according to Swiss Re. READ MORE
A new economic study paints a troubling picture of the potential results a renewed U.S./China trade war could have on farmers and the ag sector. The study was commissioned by the American Soybean Association and the National Corn Growers Association and conducted by the World Agricultural Economic and Environmental Services. READ MORE
In 2025, another phenomenon known as La Niña (Spanish for "the girl") could emerge to slightly cool global temperatures, meaning it looks unlikely that the 2024 temperature record will be broken next year. But despite this, 2025 is still likely to be among the three hottest years on record, according to the UK’s weather and climate agency, the Met Office. READ MORE
Type- Wine Farm
Area – Stellenbosch – Western Cape
Hectares – 157,27ha + 70ha
One of the biggest Family Farms in Stellenbosch. For sale because the owners have no kids and would like to plan for his retirement. The farm has 3 Title deeds (30.69ha; 66,42ha; 60,16ha) in total 157,27ha. There are 110ha planted with winegrapes (Chenin Blanc/Sauvignon Blanc/Chardonnay/Pinotage/Shiraz/Merlot/Cabernet). 30ha are vlei land and can be used for cattle. There is an abundance of water on the farm. READ MORE -
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South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 1st January 2025
Weekly Health News Quanlim Life LifeIselect - 8th January 2025
World Farming Agriculture and Commodity news - Short update -06 January 2025
CRA MEDIA is tans besig met die ontwikkeling van 3 nuwe insetels vir ons mediums. Ons gaan binnekort ook toetree tot ander mediums wat Landbou op nog 'n beter vlak sal neem. Ons internasionale vennote wil baie graag betrokke raak by ons mediums. Ons span is baie kreatief en is altyd besig met nuwe idees en programme- Ons is tans besig met die beplanning van 'n baie eksklusiewe program een sy soort. Ons sal eersdaags ons nuwe Ekonomiese afdeling in plek.
WOMEN'S VOICE - OPEN and READY for the NEXT SEASON - 2025 Marianna Du Plessis and her team is ready.
Welcome to the real world of Farmingportal/Agricultureportal/ AGRI NEWS NET Independent and impartial -Making Farming and Agriculture easy to read- to hear to view and to understand- 7 days a week- 365 days of the year. Our daily users are real Professional Commercial Farmers and Upcoming Farmers with the ability to create wealth. Coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience in farming and food production. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. Decision makers and leaders in farming and Agriculture in Africa and around the world. Quality articles and information ---Visit AGRI NEWS NET for more daily news
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15 Best South Africa News Podcasts
AGRI NEWS NET on NUMBER 7 for the month of December 2024
The Citrus Growers' Association of Southern Africa (CGA) is excited to announce the appointment of Dr Boitshoko Ntshabele as its new Chief Executive Officer. He will be leading the association that champions the vital role the citrus industry plays in South African agriculture and the economy. The CGA represents over 1 560 citrus growers from South Africa, Eswatini, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia.
Reversal of global warming is accepted as an urgent necessity, but what's the most cost-effective, largest-scale, near-term opportunity? According to a compelling new scientific paper, "carbon reduction is best achieved by restoring ecosystems and especially rainforests."
For South Africa, early indicators of economic performance under the government of national unity leave much to be desired. The first major economic data release under the new government was much weaker than expected. However, should there be no global slowdown, it is unlikely that there is much chance of a recession. One can expect growth to be steady if pedestrian.
Bedrywe wat plaaslik bemark, sal stadig voordeel trek uit ’n ekonomie wat begin herstel. Op uitvoergebied flikker daar gevaarligte, maar daar wink ook ’n paar geleenthede.
About a year ago, European farmers were on the streets in various regions protesting against government policies. The core challenges were the EU's declining agricultural subsidies, the stringent environmental policy to reduce chemicals and fertiliser use, and the need for protection against imports.
Meer as twee derdes van alles wat gebeur in Landbou word nooit deur die daaglikse nuus media gedek nie- ons landbouers gaan deur 'n baie moeilike tyd en word op alle terreine aangeval. Daar is baie leier boere in ons land, wat sterk staan. Ons span beweeg weekliks in die platteland van Suid Afrika en ons sien weekliks hoe die land agteruitgaan.
Milde reën het oor die naweek op verskeie plekke in die Vrystaat uitgesak, maar ander plekke het min tot geen reën gehad, sê Francois Wilken, president van Vrystaat Landbou (VL).
AFRICA's seriously empty country BIGGER than France and Spain but with just 2.6m people and huge POTENTIAL: The country covers a staggering 224,607 square miles and is the 48th largest in the world. Here’s what to know: The world is home to some huge nations, but not all are packed with people.
South African apple exporters regained access to the valuable Thai market shortly before Christmas following a 16-year absence.Exporters expect that newer varieties in particular, such as Fuji, Joya and Royal Gala, could benefit from access to the Thai market, as well as the popular Pink Lady, which is already performing well in the Far East.
Numbeo het sy jaarlikse misdaadindeks bekend gestel met ‘n lys van 380 stede regoor die wêreld. Pietermaritzburg in die buurland is die gevaarlikste stad ter wêreld met ‘n misdaadindeks van 82. Kort op sy hakke is Pretoria op 81,8 en Johannesburg op 80,8. Kaapstad het 73,7. Windhoek is 34ste geplaas op 66,9, gevaarliker as Bogota in Colombia op 66,4 en Chicago op 66,1.
The impending network changes by major container lines appear set to ensure the continuation of services around South Africa’s Cape Peninsula until at least the latter half of 2025.
This will likely be a year of recovery for SA agriculture.Much of the country benefited from the La Niña rains last year. However, the recovery may be weaker than initially anticipated.
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Die res van al die stories kan jy lees by www.agrinewsnet.co.za- Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar-
Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was. Lees dit en nog meer op www.agrinewsnet.co.za
AMT- REPORT - January 2025
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
White maize |
R 6 880,00 |
per Ton |
2025-01-03 |
1.47 % |
R 6 780,00 |
Yellow maize |
R 5 546,00 |
per Ton |
2025-01-03 |
2.80 % |
R 5 395,00 |
Soybeans |
R 9 600,00 |
per Ton |
2025-01-03 |
5.49 % |
R 9 100,00 |
Sunflower seed |
R 9 870,00 |
per Ton |
2025-01-03 |
-4.29 % |
R 10 312,00 |
Wheat |
R 6 120,00 |
per Ton |
2025-01-03 |
3.00 % |
R 5 942,00 |
Sorghum (IPP) |
R 5 288,00 |
per Ton |
2024-12-13 |
0.00 % |
R 5 288,00 |
Groundnuts (IPP) |
R 26 838,00 |
per Ton |
2024-12-13 |
0.00 % |
R 26 838,00 |
Cotton (IPP) |
R 10 640,00 |
per Ton |
2024-12-13 |
0.00 % |
R 10 640,00 |
Soy Meal (US derived price) |
R 11 170,00 |
per Ton |
2024-12-13 |
0.00 % |
R 11 170,00 |
Lusern (Grade 1) |
R 3 100,00 |
per Ton |
2024-12-13 |
0.00 % |
R 3 100,00 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Bananas |
R 8,86 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
-12.10 % |
R 10,08 |
Apples |
R 12,66 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
-2.39 % |
R 12,97 |
Oranges |
R 18,24 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
20.71 % |
R 15,11 |
Avocados |
R 25,85 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
-13.69 % |
R 29,95 |
Grapes |
R 28,65 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
-4.34 % |
R 29,95 |
Mangos |
R 10,26 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
20.28 % |
R 8,53 |
Pears |
R 17,90 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
-3.24 % |
R 18,50 |
Pineapples |
R 14,80 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
-3.96 % |
R 15,41 |
Peaches |
R 20,25 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
5.52 % |
R 19,19 |
Lemons |
R 9,10 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
4.60 % |
R 8,70 |
Nectarines |
R 22,06 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
-3.42 % |
R 22,84 |
Naartjies (Mandarins) |
R 6,23 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
-54.53 % |
R 13,70 |
Blueberries |
R 70,20 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
4.19 % |
R 67,38 |
Grapefruits |
R 7,58 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
4.41 % |
R 7,26 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Potatoes |
R 88,58 |
per 10Kg |
2025-01-03 |
35.59 % |
R 65,33 |
Tomatoes |
R 9,86 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
-5.19 % |
R 10,40 |
Carrots |
R 6,32 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
9.91 % |
R 5,75 |
Onions |
R 38,46 |
per 10Kg |
2025-01-03 |
-3.25 % |
R 39,75 |
Cabbage |
R 3,52 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
6.67 % |
R 3,30 |
Garlic |
R 45,02 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
-5.54 % |
R 47,66 |
Spinach |
R 3,77 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
8.33 % |
R 3,48 |
Sweet Potatoes |
R 4,98 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
-18.09 % |
R 6,08 |
Peppers |
R 20,03 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
-8.62 % |
R 21,92 |
Chillies |
R 12,63 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
22.86 % |
R 10,28 |
Pumpkins |
R 3,13 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
14.23 % |
R 2,74 |
Mushrooms |
R 93,07 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
10.23 % |
R 84,43 |
Butternuts |
R 3,46 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
-11.05 % |
R 3,89 |
Green beans |
R 23,04 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
20.00 % |
R 19,20 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Sheep A2/3 |
R 94,18 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
6.54 % |
R 88,40 |
Feeder Lamb (Dual Purpose) |
R 38,10 |
per Kg |
2024-12-13 |
0.00 % |
R 38,10 |
Sheep AB2/3 |
R 83,69 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
6.31 % |
R 78,72 |
Sheep B2/3 |
R 69,90 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
-0.79 % |
R 70,46 |
Sheep C2/3 |
R 66,30 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
3.05 % |
R 64,34 |
Ave Wool - Non RWS |
R 164,21 |
per Kg |
2024-11-29 |
0.00 % |
R 164,21 |
Ave Wool - RWS |
R 166,89 |
per Kg |
2024-11-29 |
0.00 % |
R 166,89 |
Mohair |
R 336,15 |
per Kg |
2024-11-22 |
0.00 % |
R 336,15 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Beef A2/3 |
R 58,34 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
0.69 % |
R 57,94 |
Weaners (200-250kg) |
R 32,77 |
per Kg |
2024-12-13 |
0.00 % |
R 32,77 |
Beef AB2/3 |
R 55,61 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
0.07 % |
R 55,57 |
Beef B2/3 |
R 49,97 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
-0.02 % |
R 49,98 |
Beef C2/3 |
R 49,62 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
0.94 % |
R 49,16 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Kids (under 30kg) |
R 56,34 |
per kg |
2024-12-13 |
-7.05 % |
R 60,61 |
Medium (30-40kg) |
R 49,31 |
per kg |
2024-12-13 |
-13.32 % |
R 56,89 |
Large (above 40kg) |
R 37,01 |
per kg |
2024-12-13 |
33.18 % |
R 27,79 |
Ewes (Goats) |
R 44,86 |
per kg |
2024-12-13 |
38.54 % |
R 32,38 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Poultry Frozen |
R 34,39 |
per Kg |
2024-12-13 |
2.63 % |
R 33,51 |
Poultry fresh |
R 35,73 |
per Kg |
2024-12-13 |
2.35 % |
R 34,91 |
Poultry IQF |
R 32,88 |
per Kg |
2024-12-13 |
0.00 % |
R 32,88 |
Poultry Average |
R 34,33 |
per Kg |
2024-12-13 |
1.66 % |
R 33,77 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Pork Porkers |
R 33,82 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
1.99 % |
R 33,16 |
Pork Baconers |
R 32,51 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
-0.64 % |
R 32,72 |
Pork Sausage |
R 26,01 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
2.08 % |
R 25,48 |
Pork Average |
R 33,17 |
per Kg |
2025-01-03 |
0.70 % |
R 32,94 |