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Die Minister van Landbou, Thoko Didiza, het die afgelope week tydens die voorlegging van haar Departement se jaarlikse begroting aan die Parlement ook die hersiene Landbou- en Agro-verwerkingsmeesterplan bekendgestel wat deur die betrokke partye onderteken is," aldus Fanie Brink ‘n onafhanklike landbou-ekonoom.

 Volgens Agri SA se jongste nuusbrief is die hersiene "Meesterplan die produk van 'n sosiale ooreenkoms tussen arbeid, regering, burgerlike samelewing en nywerheid wat sy beslag in 2019 gekry het. Dit het ten doel om inklusiewe groei, mededingendheid, transformasie, indiensneming en voedselsekerheid te bevorder."

Die plan is volgens Brink in werklikheid die beste bewys van die sosialistiese aard waarin die organisasie verval het wat nou met hierdie "sosiale ooreenkoms" die kommersiële landbouprodusente finaal aan die ANC-regering uitverkoop het wat reeds die ekonomie onomkeerbaar vernietig het. Sonder om die basiese doelwitte en ekonomiese beginsels wat betrokke is om die winsgewendheid van die bedryf te bevorder, die finansiële oorlewing van produsente en die belangrike bydra van die bedryf tot ekonomiese groei in ag te neem!

Die "inklusiewe groei" beleid van die regering is niks anders as 'n politieke slagspreek nie wat saam met sy beleid van "transformasie " bygedra het tot die grootste fiskale probleme van begrotingstekorte en staatskuld. Tesame met die sosiale probleme van stygende armoede, hongersnood en werkloosheid in die land wat verder versleg het as gedurende enige ander periode in die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika.

Die einde van die regering se sosialistiese ideologie en die organisasies wat sy beleid ten volle ondersteun en die "Meesterplan" aan kommersiële produsente wil voorskryf is in sig en sal in die nabye toekoms deel wees van die sosialistiese regering en hulle eie finale ondergang.

Die “tweede sosiale ooreenkoms” van die regering en sy vennote wat President Cyril Ramaphosa vroeër vanjaar tydens sy Staatsrede aangekondig het wat na 100 dae die lig sou sien het nie gerealiseer nie weens die ekonomiese ongeletterdheid en onbevoegdheid van die ANC se politieke leiers en sy sosiale vennote. ‘n Sosiale ooreenkoms is die laaste ding wat die landboubedryf nodig het, maar ‘n landbou-ekonomiese beleid wat die haalbaarheid van die basiese doelwitte van die bedryf sal verseker!

"Die vraag wat gevra moet word is watter ander bewyse is nog nodig dat die bankrot ANC-regering met sy sosialistiese ideologie die land en sy mense totaal gefaal het met alles waaraan hy geraak het dat Agri SA en sy sosiale vennote steeds nie verstaan dat die nuwe "Meesterplan" geen kans het om te slaag nie," aldus Brink.


Fanie Brink, Independent Agricultural Economist

"The Minister of Agriculture, Thoko Didiza, presented the revised Agriculture and Agro-processing master plan during the presentation of her Department's annual budget to Parliament the past week which was signed by the parties involved," said Fanie Brink, an independent agricultural economist.

According to Agri SA's latest newsletter, the “revised Master Plan is the product of a social agreement between labour, government, civil society and industry that took shape in 2019. It aims at promoting inclusive growth, competitiveness, transformation, employment and food security."

According to Brink, the plan is in fact the best proof of the socialist nature in which the organisation has collapsed and the "social agreement" has finally sold out the commercial agricultural producers to the ANC government which has already irreversibly destroyed the economy. Without taking into account the basic objectives and economic principles involved in promoting the profitability of the industry, the financial survival of producers and the important contribution of the industry to economic growth!

The government's "inclusive growth" policy is nothing else than a political slogan that, together with its policy of "transformation", has contributed to the biggest fiscal problems of budget deficits and government debt. Together with the social problems of rising poverty, famine and unemployment in the country which have deteriorated further than during any other period in the history of South Africa.

The end of the government's socialist ideology and the organisations that fully support its policies who want to prescribe the "Master Plan" to commercial producers is in sight and will be part of the socialist government and their own final downfall in the near future.

The "second social agreement" of the government and its social partners announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa during his State of the Nation address earlier this year, which was supposed to come to light after 100 days, did not materialise due to the economic illiteracy and incompetence of the ANC's political leaders and its social partners. A social agreement is the last thing the agricultural industry needs, but an agricultural economic policy that will ensure the achievement of the basic objectives of the industry!

"The question that needs to be asked is what other evidence is still needed that the bankrupt ANC government with its socialist ideology has totally failed the country and its people with everything it has touched that Agri SA and its social partners still do not understand that the revised Master Plan, just like the original plan, has no chance of succeeding," according to Brink.