Ashok Leyland verbreed en versterk teenwoordigheid in Suidelike Afrika

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Ashok Leyland, vlagskip van die Hinduja Group en die voorste handelsvoertuigvervaardiger in Indië, het vandag aangekondig dat hulle ’n nuwe verspreidingooreenkoms met Export Trading Group (ETG) se logistieke, berging and verspreiding maatskappy, ETG Logistics (ETGL), aangegaan het. 

ETG is ’n globale konglomeraat en betrokke by verskeie segmente, met ’n diep fokus op die opheffing van Sub-Sahara Afrika.

‘n Ooreenkoms is tussen die maatskappye onderteken vir samewerking betreffende die verspreiding van produkte in die Suidelike Afrika streek. ETGL sal handelaarskappe vir Ashok Leyland in ses sleutel Suidelike Afrika lande bedryf as deel van hierdie strategiese samewerking.

Mnr. Amandeep Singh, hoof van internasionale operasies, Ashok Leyland saam met Mnr. Rajeev Saxena, uitvoerende hoofbeampte  van ETGL, en Mnr. Pavan Nair, bedryfshoof van ETGL by die ondertekening van die verspreiding- ooreenkoms.

Mnr. Amandeep Singh, hoof van internasionale operasies, Ashok Leyland sê, “Ons het ambisieuse groeiplanne vir die Afrika mark. Ons welbewese produkte is uiters geskik vir Afrika terrein en bied ‘n uitmuntende waarde aanbod aan kopers. Die ETG groep se uitgebreide netwerk in hierdie markte sal ons groeiplanne komplimenteer. Ons het alreeds ‘n teenwoordigheid in die meeste Oos en Wes Afrika lande. Ons het nou die regte produkportfolio met Beste in Klas bedryfkoste om in die behoeftes van hierdie mark te voorsien en  uitnemende waarde vir kopers te bied.”

Mnr. Rajeev Saxena, uitvoerende hoofbeampte van ETGL, sê, “Ons is opgewonde om ons vennootskap met Ashok Leyland Ltd bekend te maak. Hierdie vennootskap sal help om ’n reeks handelsvoertuigoplossings te bied om die spesifieke behoeftes van verskillende klantegroepe in die streek aan te spreek.”

Omtrent ETG

ETG het in ’n globale speler ontwikkel met ’n diverse portfolio van kundigheid oor veelvuldige industrieë wat insluit landbou insette, logistiek, verspreiding, handeldrywing, energie, voedselverwerking en voorsieningketting optimalisering. Die groep het ’n teenwoordigheid in 48 lande oor 6 kontinente. Vir meer inligting, besoek asseblief ons webwerf of stuur ’n e-pos aan This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Omtrent ETGL

ETG Logistics bedryf ‘n gevestigde voertuig en landboutoerusting verspreidingbesigheid in Suid-Afrika, Nambië, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Swaziland, Botswana, Tanzanië, Zambië, Mosambiek en Kenia met planne om, benewens ander streke, ons afset verder uit te brei in Oos en Suidelike Afrika. Vir meer inligting, besoek asseblief .


Ashok Leyland, flagship of the Hinduja Group and India’s leading commercial vehicle manufacturer, today announced their new distribution partnership with ETG’s logistics, warehousing and distribution vertical, ETG Logistics (ETGL).  ETG is a global conglomerate operating across various segments, with a deep focus on uplifting Sub-Saharan Africa. An agreement was signed between the companies for cooperation of distribution of products in the Southern African region. ETGL will operate dealerships for Ashok Leyland in six key Southern African countries as part of this strategic cooperation. 

Mr. Amandeep Singh, Head International Operations, Ashok Leyland with Messrs. Rajeev Saxena, CEO of ETGL, and Pavan Nair, Business Head of ETGL at the signing of the partnership agreement.

Mr. Amandeep Singh, Head International Operations, Ashok Leyland said, “We have ambitious growth plans for the African Market. Our time tested products are well suited for the African terrain and offers superior value proposition to customers.  ETG group’s extensive connect in these markets will complement our growth plans. We are already present in most of the East and West African countries. We now have the right product portfolio with Best in Class TCO to cater to requirements of this market and provide excellent value proposition for customers.”

Mr. Rajeev Saxena, CEO of ETGL, said, “We are excited to announce our partnership with Ashok Leyland Ltd.  This partnership will be instrumental in bringing a range of Commercial Vehicles solutions to address specific requirements of different customer groups in the territory.”

About ETG

ETG has developed into a global player with a diverse portfolio of expertise across multiple industries, encompassing agricultural inputs, logistics, distribution, merchandising, energy, food processing and supply chain optimisation. The group has a presence in 48 countries across 6 continents.  For more information, please visit our website or send a mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

About ETGL

ETG Logistics operates an established automotive and farm equipment distribution business in South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Swaziland, Botswana, Tanzania, Zambia, Mozambique and Kenya with plans to increase our footprint in East and Southern Africa, amongst other regions. For more information.