Agri News Net-Summary of the Week News - 23rd May 2021

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Landbou-organisasies in die Vrystaat en Noord-Kaap versoek die publiek om sprinkaanswerms aan te meld. Wind het swerms gedurende die naweek van die Noord-Kaap oor na die Wes-Vrystaat gewaai.

Saffraan is een van die mees waardevolle en duur speserye wêreldwyd bekend danksy sy kleur, geur en medisinale eienskappe. Wat medisinale eienskappe, kan jy vra? Die lys is omvangryk en gaan voort om te groei.

As the world marks, World Pangolin’s today, pangolins remain the most trafficked mammal in the world surpassing elephants and rhinos. They are poached for their scales and meat for use in traditional medicines even though there is no scientific proof that their body parts have any medicinal value.

Theo Vorster, hoof uitvoerende beampte van Galileo Capital, voorsien dat die Rand-waarde van hierdie oes heelwat sterker gaan wees. Vorster sê die Nasionale Oesskattingskomitee (NOK) skat vir hierdie seisoen, in terme van die totale graanoes, sowat 16,1 miljoen ton.

The goal of soil conservation is to slow down the rate of erosion. Heavy rains and strong winds can cause extreme erosion of soil but with smart soil conservation, the erosion can be slowed down. Let’s take a look at 6 methods of soil conservation.

Landbou-organisasies in die Vrystaat en Noord-Kaap versoek die publiek om sprinkaanswerms aan te meld. Wind het swerms gedurende die naweek van die Noord-Kaap oor na die Wes-Vrystaat gewaai.

Farmed livestock are responsible for 14.5% of all emissions related to human activity, and cows make up the largest proportion of that. Although vegan diets are on the rise in countries like the UK and US, and meat alternatives are increasingly available, cattle farming is still widespread. Attention has turned to putting a cork in the volume of methane cows produce, by targeting their gut microbes.

Suid Afrika -Die jongste neiging onder wildtelers is om diere met buitengewone groot horings te teel en teen buitensporige pryse as 'uitstaande genetika' te verkoop. Genetika speel vir seker 'n rol in horinggroei by wild, maar voedingstatus speel net so 'n groot rol, indien nie groter nie. Individue wat wild wil koop moet tog versigtig wees vir stories oor buitengewone genetika.

Predation Management South Africa (PMSA) has published a report - Livestock and Predation Management - authored by predation specialist Ni?l Viljoen. This report gives feedback on the endless battle of livestock producers to protect their livestock against predators, as the conflict between humans and wildlife is as persistent as always.

Current estimates put the African lion population at 20,000 to 30,000 – a 96% reduction from 450,000 in the 1940s. They occupy 8% of their historical range, and populations declined by 60% during 1994-2014 in all but four African countries. Is the current lion population stable?

Die meer as 200 uitbrekings van voëlgriep in Pole die afgelope paar maande het in Brittanje vrese vir ’n tekort aan ingevoerde snitte laat ontstaan. Die Britse onderneming Birtwistles, wat geslagte hoenders aan hotelle en restaurante in Brittanje verskaf, sê die hoeveelheid klein borsfillette wat in hoenderburgers gebruik word, het met 40% gedaal.

South Africa has been plagued by power supply issues for many years. Mostly because of the significant reliance on Eskom, which is struggling to meet electricity demands. Every year the electricity tariffs increase by 15% and continue to squeeze profits of businesses, including farmers.

A mineral commonly used to help maintain newborn pig health and growth may not be available in the future. Because of this, Kansas State University (K-State) researchers are searching for alternatives.Zinc plays an important role for a variety of functions in pigs, explained Jordan Gebhardt, an assistant professor in K-State’s Department of Diagnostic Medicine and Pathobiology.

Macadamias do not tolerate poor nutrition. The first signs of deficiencies are quickly shown by a decrease in production and gradual deterioration in the trees’ condition. Get your fertiliser regime right, however, and your orchard, and your business, will flourish.

THE government should establish a commission of inquiry to investigate the “second wave of land dispossession” being perpetrated by white landowners, the South African Farmers Development Association (Safda) said this week.

HuntEx2021, the biggest hunting and firearm show on the continent, will go ahead as scheduled at the Gallagher Convention Centre from 10 to 13 June, following a settlement between the HuntEx organisers and the SAPS regarding Covid-19 restrictions. The outcome of the settlement means that HuntEx may continue to trade in a similar manner as any other shopping centre, i.e., at 50% capacity.

The goal of soil conservation is to slow down the rate of erosion. Heavy rains and strong winds can cause extreme erosion of soil but with smart soil conservation, the erosion can be slowed down. Let’s take a look at 6 methods of soil conservation.

There is expansion in the South African strawberry industry, which is primarily focused on the domestic market with some exports to the Middle East. There are new entrants to the strawberry industry and expansion among existing growers, both in the Western Cape and in Limpopo, Northwest Province and Gauteng.

Voedselpryse bly styg en verbruikers kan nie byhou nie- Die stygings het by ’n wye verskeidenheid produkte plaasgevind, maar veral die prys van basiese graan, suiker en plantolies (kookolie) het gestyg.

A new pack of endangered African painted dogs has been released into the iconic Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park (HiP), managed by Ezemvelo KZNWildlife, with support from Wildlife ACT and the Endangered Wildlife Trust. This is an important milestone in the conservation of the most endangered carnivore in Southern Africa.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-  Get your own Unique PIN NUMBER to read some of the stories ONLINE -

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