Agri News Net-Summary of the Week News - 16th May 2021

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Agriculture is a pivotal industry. It is not only crucial in providing food security worldwide, but it’s also the main source of jobs and livelihoods on our continent. Yet, despite its potential to feed the growing global population, Africa remains home to more than half of all the people in the world who face food insecurity.

South Africa -"In 2020, South African farmers planted potatoes on approximately 51,000 hectares," he noted. "A total potato crop of 2.6 million tonnes were produced and delivered 263 million 10kg pockets of potatoes. Our per capita consumption has doubled in the last decade." The South African potato industry employs between 50,000 to 60,000 temporary and permanent employees.

The recent surge in world grain and oilseed prices have started squeezing margins in intensive livestock feeding systems as they are major raw inputs in feed manufacturing. Meat companies such as Tyson, the biggest in the US, has reported that a potential hit on profits due to cost escalation as feed ingredients accelerated by US$135 million in the second quarter of 2021 relative to last year.

Suid Afrika -Meer as 140 200 hektaar grond in die Vrystaat word deur die regering besit namens tradisionele gemeenskappe, waarvan die grense in verskillende proklamasies omskryf word.

The fifth mohair sale of the 2021 summer season took place in Port Elizabeth on 11 May, with 173 058kg on offer of which 95% was sold. The offering consisted of good-quality mohair, with slightly stronger microns and lower yields than the previous sale.

Elzette Schutte, bestuurder van Berries South Africa wat bloubessie-, framboos- (raspberries) en swartbessieboere onder sy vaandel dra, sê dat dié bedryfsorganisasie verwag dat daar vanjaar 25 000 ton bloubessies uitgevoer gaan word, terwyl die totale produksie ongeveer 36 000 ton sal wees.

A poultry farm in the Western Cape is the latest facility to report cases of avian influenza last week after five other farms in Gauteng and the North West. Izaak Breytenbach, who heads Sapa's broiler division, says the association has the situation under control.

Die Fitch graderings agentskap sê die ANC regering is nog onwillig om die openbare sektor se salaris eise te oorweeg vir die komende drie jaar termyn. In 'n studiestuk wat gepubliseer is die afgelope week het die krediet gradeer agentskap gesê die ANC regering se onvermoë om beheer uit te oefen op uitgawes, sal lei tot verdere begrotings probleme.

Daar lê opwindende geleenthede op die horison vir Sensako en Syngenta nadat dié twee bekende landboumaatskappye sowat sewe maande gelede saamgesmelt het.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-  Get your own Unique PIN NUMBER to read some of the stories ONLINE at


 Agri News Net-Summary of the Week News - 11th April 2021

It’s estimated that by 2022 more than one billion bottles of organic wine will be consumed annually. But just because a wine is labelled organic doesn’t mean it’s necessarily good for you and the environment. Here’s why you should rather be on the lookout for biodynamic wines.

Die tyd stap vinnig aan. Dit is nou byna 30 jaar sedert ek weg is uit Indwe, die dorpie in die NoordoosKaap waar ek grootgeword het. Oor die jare heen het die plekkie kwaai verander. Eers stadig. Soos die tennisklub wat al hoe meer agteruit gegaan het, tot die dag dat dit byna oornag weggedra is.

The South African market is currently in its off season as the orchards lie pruned and dormant, and the demand on the market is scant. As far as the import is concerned, the season from Mozambique has ended the African season here, whilst Egypt, Spain and Israel, the origins that traditionally 'kick-start' the South African season at the start of the summer, have yet to commence their trade into the country.

The global pandemic is not too tough a nut for the macadamia industry to crack! The sector’s future is bright as Green Farms Nut Company (GFNC) stays in keeping with tradition to be first to market with a strong 2021 price offer to macadamia producers; setting the benchmark for competitor processors.

Mid-month data from the Central Energy Fund points to a marginal petrol price hike in June, while diesel could see a more sizeable increase. The CEF data shows an under-recovery for both 93 and 95 petrol, with prices expected to rise no more than a few cents per litre. Diesel drivers, meanwhile, can expect an increase for 0.05% and 0.005% at around 19 cents per litre.

It is no secret that food security, health and sustainability are concerns around the world. The knock-on effect to this is the need to address hunger, lifestyle diseases and climate change. One of the primary considerations of this discussion is centred around changing how agriculture and farming are being done.

Reducing food waste is one of the most important challenges of the food chain, which struggles to become increasingly more resilient and sustainable. Every year 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted in the world. This represents a huge economic loss and a considerable environmental impact due to the waste of water and greenhouse gas emissions this generates.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-  Get your own Unique PIN NUMBER to read some of the stories ONLINE -

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— 🔎🆘🐔#JouHaan🐔🆘🔍 (@noujouhaan) May 11, 2021

Die Amerikaners is besig met die aanplant van hulle somer gewasse

"Scrapyard " was not altyd iets wat jou vir ure kan besig hou. 

Planttyd in die VSA 

Drone toets- 

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