Agri News Net-Summary of the Week News - 30st May 2021

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Die ses grootste damme wat water aan die Wes-Kaap voorsien se kapasiteit het met sowat vyf persent toegeneem na die afgelope maand se swaar reën. Dié damme is nou ongeveer 75-persent vol. Die departement van Water en Sanitasie sê die damvlakke was in dieselfde tydperk verlede jaar net oor die 52-persent.

Many new private power plants are set to provide electricity to South Africa’s grid over the next few years. These include wind, solar, gas, and biomass power stations, all of which either form part of the Department of Energy’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers (REIPP) Procurement Programme or Risk Mitigation IPP Procurement Programme.

South Africa -The 2021 wine harvest – including juice and concentrate for non-alcoholic purposes, wine for brandy and distilling wine – is expected to amount to 1,136.4 million litres at an average recovery of 778 litres per ton of grapes.

Due to insufficient production, sub-Saharan African economies spend between $30 billion and $50 billion a year to import food. If domestic production does not catch up with domestic food requirements, Africa could spend more than US$150 billion on food imports by 2030.

Trofeejag vorm een van die belangrike pilare waarop die Suid-Afrikaanse wildlewebestuursmodel gevestig is. Saam met wildteling, ekotoerisme en handel in wildleweprodukte, maak dit die bedryf lewensvatbaar en volhoubaar. Vandag het Suid-Afrika meer wildlewe as enige ander tyd in die afgelope 100 jaar. Dis amper weer winter en ons glo dat dit 'n beter jaar gaan wees.

Digitalisering, vennootskappe en persoonlike diens. Dit is volgens Coen Jonker, medestigter en voorsitter van TymeBank, die grondslag van besigheidsukses in ? snel veranderende wêreld. Dié drie-ledige strategiese fokus was maar een van die onderwerpe wat bespreek is tydens 'n onlangse virtuele gespreksessie tussen verteenwoordigers van die Senwes bestuurskorps en Jonker.

Good quality of cabbage and carrot produce was slightly short. Cabbage sold at an average of R3.15 per kg or R3150 per ton, with Northern markets sourcing from the Free State and Klipriver areas. Good quality carrots coming from the Northern Cape sold at R40 to R50 per 10 kg, but average price amounted to R3 837 per ton.

U.S. organic sales soared to new highs in 2020, jumping by a record 12.4 percent to $61.9 billion. It marked the first time that total sales of organic food and non-food products have surpassed the $60 billion mark, and reflected a growth rate more than twice the 2019 pace of 5 percent, according to the 2021 Organic Industry Survey released Tuesday by the Organic Trade Association.

Suid Afrika -Dit kos nou R166,41 méér om ’n arm familie elke maand met net die mees basiese kos te voed as net nege maande gelede. Dit klink dalk nie na ’n fortuin vir ’n middelklas-gesin nie, maar dis ’n styging van 8,1%, terwyl die toelae en minimum loon waarop baie arm gesinne staatmaak, met baie minder as dít gestyg het, met onderskeidelik 1,2% en 4,5%.

Een van die grootste produsente en uitvoerders van bloubessies in Suid-Afrika sê ‘n pakhuis in die Paarl in die Wes-Kaap wat binnekort in gebruik geneem word, sal vir produsente baie beteken. Die pakhuis sal die eerste ten volle onafhanklike, spesiaal-ontwerpte bloubessie-pakhuis in die land wees. ‘n Woordvoerder van Rainbow Superfood,

Drone imagery could save farmers time and efforts when drains need to be retrofitted or repaired. Research from Aarhus University, US universities and research organisations has investigated the use of drones for locating drain pipes. Drainage pipe installations are often poorly documented, which is problematic when they need to be retrofitted or repaired.

Fed-up farmers are preparing to stage protests over UK government plans to sign tariff-free trade deals with Australia and other countries, which they fear could lead to a flood of cheap food imports.

Over the past 20 years sub-Saharan Africa has registered the highest rate of agricultural production in the world. There have been knock-on effects with the region also seeing the fastest growth in off-farm employment and non-farm labour productivity.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-  Get your own Unique PIN NUMBER to read some of the stories ONLINE -

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Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.

Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.

Dis strooptyd in die Vrystaat

Sorghum in Mpumalanga word gestroop

En so draai ons elke dag in die rondte sonder dat ons weet.

Dis wat Suid Afrika se regering en sy wetteloosheid die verbruiker kos-  

So word daar na beeste omgesien.

Kan 'n mense so iets doen- ?