Five finalists announced in the first Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition

Five finalists announced in the first Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition

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News release:  Five finalists announced in the first Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition

Congratulations to the five finalists in the 2023/2024 Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition.


The finalists are:

·         Lindi Botha, Agri-communication specialist

·         Yolandi Kruger, founder and director of Dunamis Agri Solutions

·         Michelle Marais, Project co-ordinator at Urban Farmer

·         Prudence Thulisile Mokwena, farmer and founder of RBKM Chickens

·         Karen Truter, Agriculturist and Agronomist


These finalists had the opportunity to share their views on any aspect impacting on their lives or careers in agriculture or in their rural communities or the environment, and how they would bring about change.  


The finalists were selected from all the entries received and will now all be invited to the prestige award event to be held at Villa Arcadia in Parkview, Johannesburg on 1 March 2024 where an independent panel of judges will choose the winner based on a final round of discussions.


“After reviewing the entries, it is a pity that only five finalists could be chosen. The woman who participated, whether it was on a professional, leadership or technical level, are all winners. The entries emphasised the meaningful role women play in and the contributions they make to the agricultural sector. It was clear that the possibilities are endless. We are looking forward to the Women’s Insight Gala event on 1 March 2024 where the winner will be announced. But, in my eyes, each of the woman that had the courage to enter into the competition, is already a winner. Well done to all of them,” Corné Louw, Applied Economics and Member Services Lead, Grain SA, and convener of the adjudication panel said.


The Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition sought to create a platform where women in agriculture can become part of the agricultural discussion platform and ultimately influence public and industry discussions, and to encourage well-thought and accurate deliberation of the chosen topic.


“The Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition provided the ideal platform and opportunity for women involved in agriculture to let their voices be heard on how boardroom decisions on policy matters, can have an impact on their daily lives,” said Magda du Toit, one of the organisers of the initiative.


This competition was made possible with the generous support of our partners Hollard Insurance Group, CaseIH, NWK, Syngenta, FNB, Edge Communications, FlexBox, Old Mutual, Farming Portal, Plantland, Grain SA, Landbouradio, AgriNetwork-Consult, Magda Du Toit Communications and Sanet Du Plessis Art Design.


“All women in agriculture 18 years and older were invited via various platforms to participate in this initiative where she could view her voice and participate in a debate to share her solutions for change. Our sincere appreciation to the participating partners supporting this initiative and contributing to the success of the first ever competition of this nature,” said Marianna du Plessis, one of the competition organisers.




Enquiries can be directed to: Marianna Du Plessis at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The video clips of all the entries will be available on


More about the organisers

Who is Future Agri Perspective?

Future Perspective is an initiative of like-minded individuals who are teaming together to present credible and scalable platforms for individuals in the agricultural value chain. These platforms facilitate a process for participants to present and voice insights and perspectives on relevant topics to stimulate debate and surface potential solutions, which might otherwise not have been tabled.


Meet the Team

Magda du Toit

Magda has a demonstrated history and experience in agricultural communications, stakeholder relations and issues management of more than 35 years. She served on the executive of both the regional and national bodies of the Agricultural Writers SA where she was elected for 11 years as regional, and 9 years as the national chair. She currently serves as the South African representative at the international Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ). She is a well-known and outspoken advocate for agriculture. After many years in the corporate arena, she now operates as a freelance writer and communications consultant. She is well-known for her inspirational Women’s Agricultural Diary that has changed the lives of many women in rural areas.


Marianna du Plessis

Marianna grew up in a family farming environment. She is an experienced facilitator and project orientated, with wealth of experience in linking agri-business to profitable projects, opportunities, and potential funding. She is the founder of the international Agribusiness Africa Conference and facilitating regular visits to some of the major international agricultural trade shows, co-hosting summits internationally, and speaker or chairperson at international conferences. Marianna is an invited member of the International Women in Agriculture Forum and an advocate for creating talent and opportunities for women in agriculture.


Johann Pretorius

Johann grew up in the countryside of the Free State. Johann was a full time commercial grain and cattle farmer for 25 years. He has more than 20 years’ experience in national radio and television broadcast and media, and the founder of the online media and Agri News Net portals. He is the CEO of the CRA Group in Pretoria and the initiator of the competition to give recognition for the role of women in agriculture.


Koos Nel

Koos is the co-founder and CEO of the Agri X Group, is an admitted Advocate of the High Court in South Africa, a chartered marketer and certified financial planner with a 30 year career in Old Mutual, spanning various functions varying from legal advice, marketing, and business development. As head of Agri and a Strategic Marketing Manager he was responsible for the strategy and value proposition for Agri market.

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