AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News 16th December 2023

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 16th December 2023

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 Get updated with the news 7 days a week- 365 days per year- This AGRI NEWS RUSH -Some of the news stories of this week-,

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 A new study shows that South Africans consider electric vehicles (EV) the future. Next year's edition of the “Ford Trends Report”, released by the automotive company this week, was based on 16,000 interviews across 15 countries. It showed that South Africans are well above the global average in expecting AI to have a positive impact on the economy. It found that local consumers were more prepared for the impact of AI on the economy than people in most other countries.

Over the course of 2023 the world experienced extraordinary extreme weather events. These events are occurring more frequently and have wide-ranging effects not only on daily life but also longer-term prospects for human health and food security. Extreme weather highlights that both mitigation and adaptation strategies are vitally important to implement now in the global response to climate change.

The weaknesses of SA’s biosecurity system — its ability to control the spread of animal disease — were a dominant challenge in 2023. Biosecurity breaches are not unique to SA and have become a big challenge globally. We frequently hear of foot and mouth disease in cattle, African swine fever in pigs and avian influenza in poultry worldwide. However, few countries have had to deal with the scale of these disease outbreaks almost simultaneously in the way SA has had to.

Discovery Medies het baie Landbouers het, wat lid is van die groot mediese gesondheid sorg maatskappy wat laat in die 1990 jare tot stand gekom het. Elke dorp het omtrent 'n verteenwoordiger gehad wat die pakkette bemark het.  Adriaan Gore en Discovery is een van die grootste rolspelers in die mediese sektor. Gore erken die beoogde Nasionale Gesondheidsversekering (NGV) in sy huidige vorm is onbekostigbaar en waarskynlik onbereikbaar, en dat daar gronde is vir regsgedinge oor rasionaliteit. Hy sê mediesefondslede gaan 31% meer belasting betaal en hulle gaan 69% minder voordele kry. Volgens Discovery is R531 miljard nodig vir die NGV.

Interested Articles posted on Farmingportal/Agricultureportal

The European Commission said the COP28 deal marks “the beginning of the end of fossil fuels,” while France welcomed “the consensus achieved on the necessary move away from fossil fuels.” But many climate activists, including those from highly vulnerable small island nations, said they were disappointed in a deal that does little in the face of their existential threats. READ MORE

This week saw small adjustments on various Urea benchmark prices. The main theme was the absence of demand in the major Northern Hemisphere regions, where demand would traditionally be strong at this time of year as supply chains gear up to be ready for the Northern Hemisphere spring.  READ MORE

Dit is geen geheim nie dat ons land die volle ontwikkelingspektrum insluit: van die mees gesofistikeerde finansiële stelsels ter wêreld tot tradisionele ruilhandel in landelike gebiede; van verbruikers wat alleenlik kos eet wat as organies gesertifiseer is tot huishoudings wat beswaarlik die mees basiese items kan bekostig. LEES MEER 

Most people who have metabolic syndrome have insulin resistance. The body makes insulin to move glucose (sugar) into cells for use as energy. Obesity, commonly found in people with metabolic syndrome, makes it more difficult for cells in the body to respond to insulin. If the body can’t make enough insulin to override the resistance, the blood sugar level increases, causing type 2 diabetes. Metabolic syndrome may be a start of the development of type 2 diabetes. READ MORE 

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Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.


 AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 10th December 2023

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In the grain market, the white maize price fell to R4400, while the Jul’24 price decreased to R4255 per ton. The yellow maize spot price dropped to R4100, with the Jul’24 price falling to R4086 per ton. The soybean spot price decreased to R9119, with the May’24 price lower at R9110 per ton. The sunflower spot price dropped to R9312, while the May’24 price rose to R9080 per ton. On the international markets, there is not much news at the moment, with good stock levels in America particularly keeping maize prices down. However, weather conditions in Brazil have a greater impact on soybean prices, and the expected harvest was adjusted downward last week due to possible damage to their crops. Locally, weather now has a significant impact on our prices, with little rain supporting prices, but recent rain has pushed prices down again, and the market will now closely monitor these developments for further movements. This may cause volatility in prices; just make sure you get accurate information about the crop conditions and use better prices to your advantage when they come.

It is no secret that ours is a country that encompasses the full development spectrum: from some of the most sophisticated financial systems in the world to traditional bartering practices in deep rural areas; from consumers that only buy food that is certified organic, to households that can barely afford the basics.

South Africa just cannot catch a lucky break: Our poor economic performance was confirmed by Stats SA in early December when they announced a contraction in GDP during the third quarter of 0.2%.

In a world starved for water and arable land, where the notion of “food miles” conjures not only activist consumers, but also logistical challenges as well as rising fuel costs, the potential in CEA is seemingly massive. It represents a $50 billion market opportunity driven by the demand for fresh, local, sustainable produce year-round.

Grape growers in the northern region managed to get a good portion of their crop loaded for the UK and Europe ahead of Christmas and there’s plenty of interest, says Francois Myburgh, executive marketing manager of Bet-el Fruit.

South African wheat farmers (and farm workers) are hard at work. Last week, they delivered 257 151 tonnes to commercial silos. This placed the 2023/24 wheat producer deliveries at 1,6 million tonnes out of the expected harvest of 2,2 million tonnes.

South Africa: Low levels of papaya production -Papayas are acutely scarce this season, and producers are a bit “dumbstruck” as to the reason why: they suspect it’s climatic, given the unusually long spells of overcast weather that preceded the notorious Cyclone Freddy at the start of 2023.

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Burgerlugvaartowerheid het bewerings dat die voorgestelde brandstofheffing-verhoging tot ‘n verhoging in passasierskaartjiepryse sal bydra, weerlê. Die owerheid sê die voorgestelde brandstofverhogings is vir ‘n tydperk van drie boekjare en is vir die eerste keer op Maandag, 27 November vanjaar vir kommentaar in koerante gepubliseer.

Die goudprys is besig om hoër te druk en kritieke weerstand te toets, ondersteun deur dalende opbrengste en ‘n verswakkende Amerikaanse dollar. In die internasionale mark beweeg die prys rondom 2 019 Amerikaaanse dollar per ons.

Drugmakers sold 11.17 million kilograms (24.6 million pounds) of antibiotics for use in cattle, hogs, and poultry last year, up 4% from 2021 and the second increase in two years, said the Food and Drug Administration on Thursday. Despite the increases, sales are much lower now than they were before the FDA banned the use of antimicrobials to promote weight gain in food-bearing animals.

Foreigners held an interest in about 40 million acres of U.S. agricultural land at the end of 2021, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Canadian investors own the largest share of that acreage, followed by investors from the United Kingdom and Europe.

Sorghum beer is the beverage obtained by microbial souring and mashing of sorghum malt, followed by a process that removes coarse material. This produces a wort which then goes through alcoholic fermentation. The final product is transparent, pink-brown in colour, with an acidic taste.

A mega-refinery in Nigeria has received its first barrels of crude oil, an "important milestone" in a project that aims to fully meet the country's fuel needs, the company that established it announced this week.

According to a Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) report, the contributions to the performance of the economy were evenly spread between industries on the production side of the economy. The contributions ranged from -0,3 of a percentage point to 0,1 of a percentage point.

This is just a few of the 350 that were posted this week.  The only news MEDIUM that will give you so much news at one address.

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