Claas confirms the benefits of Shredlage®

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In 2015 (already in 2010 in North America), the year in which the SHREDLAGE ® was launched on the European market, the advantages of intensive feeding obtained with corncracker MCC SHREDLAGE ® combined with a cutting length of between 26 and 30 mm, conquered the trust of many breeders.

This technology, in fact, allows to obtain a corn silage containing a high percentage of brittle particles and large pieces and a complete and intensive breaking of the corn grain.

The chopped material obtained with the SHREDLAGE ® method showed a better structural effectiveness. Consequently more digestibility for ruminants, compared to classic short-cut corn silages.

The question of whether this procedure can also be applied to feeding bulls for fattening with the same positive effects, both on animal health and on the carcass, was asked for the first time in Germany during a test carried out at a company located in Münster-Amelsbüren. Claas confirms the benefits of Shredlage®

Power test performed over a period of 243 days

The test was performed by the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences (Prof. Dr. Heiner Westendarp, Prof. Dr. Hubert Korte, Laura Bunk, Kilian Fenske). The bulls intended for fattening were fed for a period of 243 days. We investigated how SHREDLAGE ® feeding affects normal maize silage from the point of view of assimilation and daily weight gain. As well as the quality of feeding (digestibility), rumen PH and carcass yield. In addition, measurements were performed on the chopped product for both types of silage, to assess the degree of compaction and post-heating.

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The maize was harvested from two different yards, in early September 2019. A CLAAS JAGUAR 970, with limited operation, harvested conventional maize silage with a Classic L MULTI CROP CRACKER (MCC). Operating with a speed differential of 30 % and a cutting length of 8 mm. The shredding with the SHREDLAGE ® method was carried out with the CLAAS JAGUAR 950. Equipped with the MCC SHREDLAGE ® corncracker with a speed differential of 50% and a cutting length of 26 mm.

The forage was placed in a conventional trench. Short cut corn silage filled one side, while SHREDLAGE ® filled the other. Two CLAAS XERION tractors were used for distribution and compaction. The short chopped silage was compacted with a maximum weight of 18 t while the SHREDLAGE ® was compacted with a heavier weight. That is 22 t based on the longer cutting length and CLAAS recommendations . Claas confirms the benefits of Shredlage®

Greater animal welfare and significant economic benefits
After an 11-week ensiling period, 72 Simmental bulls were fed, which weighed around 382 kg at the start of the test. The bulls were divided into two groups. The “Test” group received a TMR (total mixed ration) ration with SHREDLAGE ® without straw. The “Control” group was fed with TMR and short cut maize silage and straw. The rations differed only from the point of view of the length of cut of the corn silage, the addition of straw and the degree of isoenergetic supplement consisting of triticale, rye and corn grain. The portion of the "Test" group and the portion of the "Control" group have always received the same energy and nutritional contribution.

Nutrition was measured and documented daily as a group mean value. In addition, all animals were weighed on day 64 of the test and re-weighed on day 176. For a period of 150 days, the rumen pH of the feed was measured and recorded, considering groups consisting of 6 animals each. In ten different deadlines, the washing of the manure was also carried out, to analyze the digestibility.

Finally, during the slaughter, it was possible to determine and compare the weight of the carcass and the degree of conformation of the fat. The income resulting from the carcasses was compared with the feeding costs incurred for the “Test” group and for the “Control” group. An extra cost of 1 euro per tonne of fresh fodder (FM) was also awarded for the SHREDLAGE ® variant . In consideration of the equipment mounted on the CLAAS JAGUAR and the higher cost of the tractor for compaction and transport.

The results
With 224 kg DM / m 3 and 216 kg DM / m 3 , short chop and SHREDLAGE ® respectively it was shown to have the same degree of compaction in the silo. Without significant differences. This consistency in compaction was found in the upper layer of the silo, recording respectively 183 and 181.9 kg DM / m 3 . These results again proved that SHREDLAGE ® can be compacted just like short cut silage.
Bulls fed short cut silage ingested an average of 10.5 kg of DM (dry matter) per day while those belonging to the SHREDLAGE ® group ingested 10.2 kg DM TMR. At the 64th day of life, the weight of live animals it was recorded in both groups and averaged 480 kg.
On day 176, the average weight was 648.6 kg. There was no substantial difference in daily weight gain during the first 176 days. 1.55 kg for animals fed with short silage and 1.51 kg for animals fed with SHREDLAGE ® .

The results
Despite the low daily weight gain occurring in the first 176 days, the carcass of animals fed SHREDLAGE ® recorded an average weight of 402.9 kg. That is about 6 kg more than the corresponding ones fed with short cut silage. When it came to classifying the conformation of the carcass, the animals of the SHREDLAGE ® group recorded on average R + (carcass with good meat tending to excellent). While the carcasses of the short-cut group have been classified from R to R +. The animals of the SHREDLAGE ® groupthey recorded a degree of fat of 2+ (little fat storage and better quality of the same). Contrary to animals fed with short cut fodder, tending to a 3-. The SHREDLAGE ® group therefore tended towards a better degree of conformation and its degree of fat was much better.

After washing the manure, the upper and lower sieves in the SHREDLAGE ® variant contained less residue than in the short-cut silage variant. It can therefore be concluded that the digestibility of the feed was better, despite the greater length of cut.
Measurements of the pH value over the course of the day showed a higher level. This promotes fiber digestion in animals fed SHREDLAGE ® compared to animals fed short cut silage. The high pH values ​​of animals fed SHREDLAGE ® potentially reduce the incidence of acidosis, thus improving animal health.
The SHREDLAGE ® feeding made it possible to eliminate fodder straw and limit concentrated feeds.
In the variant of use of the SHREDLAGE ® , taking into account the costs of silage, feeding and carcass, there was an added value of about € 39 per animal.
Detailed data and evaluations in the form of printouts and diagrams are available at the University of Osnabrück, Faculty of Applied Sciences.