AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News  22nd October 2023

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 22nd October 2023

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 Get update with the news 7 days a week- 365 days per year- This AGRI NEWS RUSH -Some of the news stories of this week-,

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World Data Lab wat vooruitskouende data oor verbruikers insamel en volhoubare ontwikkelingsdoelwitte daarstel, voorspel dat byna die heflte van die plaaslike bevolking teen 2025 voedselonseker sal wees. Met Wêreldvoedseldag wat jaarliks op 16 Oktober gevier word ter herdenking van die stigting van die Verenigde Nasies se Voedsel-en-landbou-organisasie (VLO) in 1945, lyk dit byna ondenkbaar dat die hongerkrisis ’n direkte bedreiging vir die mensdom bly en ’n hindernis vir maatskaplik-ekonomiese ontwikkeling, veral in Suider-Afrika. Suid-Afrika het nasionale voedselsekerheid wat beskikbaarheid betref. Die land produseer genoeg proteïen, mielies, grane en stysel om in hierdie behoefte te voorsien. Suid-Afrika moet produkte soos rys en koring invoer, want die land produseer nie genoeg nie. Van ’n stapelvoedsel soos mielies produseer Suid-Afrika egter genoeg om ook uit te voer.”

Global market dynamics remain an important driver of agricultural commodity prices and food inflation in South Africa, but in many instances the depreciation in the Rand exchange rate offset much of the reduction in the FAO food price index. At the same time, domestic factors such as loadshedding continue to drive food inflation, both directly through additional costs in the chain, and indirectly through its influence on the supply of irrigated commodities. Domestic oilseed and vegetable oil markets are strongly influenced by global dynamics. The FAO Vegetable Oil Price Index was down 3.9% month-on-month due to lower prices across all oil types- palm, sunflower, soybean, and rapeseed. In the case of palm oil, prices decreased in response to seasonally higher production in the main producing countries in Southeast Asia. In the sunflower oil market, market quotations in the Black Sea region continued to decline reflecting harvest pressure and aggressive selling of sunflower seeds by farmers.

During that year, 5.4 million chickens were culled at an estimated loss to the industry of R1.8 billion. Farmers bear the cost of vaccines themselves, but cannot import them until the state has approved them. Although government has now agreed to this in principle, it may take two to six months to get the vaccine here, says Izaak Breitenbach, head of the broiler section of the SA Poultry Association (Sapa). About 5 million of the country’s approximately 25 million commercial laying hens and almost 2.5 million of the nearly 8 million broiler breeder chickens have died of the disease since the beginning of this year, or have been culled in terms of the guidelines. That amounts to 20% of the country’s laying hens and 30% of the breeding chickens, says Breitenbach.

The Western Cape has launched another application to declare a provincial state of disaster following the most recent round of flooding in the province. Wouter Kriel, spokesperson for Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning MEC Anton Bredell, said the provincial government had submitted a request for a provincial declaration to the National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC) following flooding in September and was "currently awaiting their reply". The Western Cape government's early estimations indicate nearly R1.4 billion in damages in the agricultural sector due to strong winds and heavy rainfall. The bid comes as the provincial government recently received the green light for the classification of a previous declaration following severe flooding in May and June. But it could be months before the province sees any relief funding.

This is likely to be the incredulous reaction of politicians when they realise the Reserve Bank is the custodian of an esoteric “pot” of cash that stood at an eyewatering, policy-moving R459bn at the end of March.  That’s enough to cover the R350 a month social relief of distress grant for 10 years. Put another way, it would cover the country’s funding shortfall this year more than four times over. READ MORE 

Smart farming is an upcoming trend that deploys technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), computer vision, and artificial intelligence (AI) for farming. Robots and drones are accelerating farm automation by replacing manual farm operations such as picking fruits, killing weeds, or water spraying. READ MORE 

War seems to be good news for crop prices, with most of the cereals and oilseeds making gains on the international stage. Maize and Soya rose about 2% in Dollar terms and wheat doubled that, with a 4% rise week-on-week. As is often the case, the Safex is delayed in seeing these gains pulls through into Rand terms. In fact Safex maize futures declined by around 2% on the week. At least the Rand remained flat this week against the dollar at R19.03. READ MORE 

In much of southern Africa, electrified fencing is utilised by both the state and private sectors to delineate property boundaries and constrain animal movement. In South Africa, private reserves, game ranches (usually for hunting purposes), and intensive wildlife farming operations have multiplied in recent decades, with a concurrent increase in electric fencing. Previous studies have raised concerns about the dangers that these electric fences pose to ground pangolin and tortoises. However, while the potential adverse effects of electric fences have long been known to reserve managers and ecologists, research quantifying the threat and risk factors to other species remains scant. READ MORE 

Hierdie weeklikse oorsig word totaal en al vertaal in 5 tale en word reg oor die wereld gepubliseer. 

Ons het ook nou 'n weeklikse AUDIO CAST in Engels- Net die Hooftrekke. Saam met dit is ons gewilde Agri News Rush wat binnekort weer gaan terug wees in 'n ander formaat.

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Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.


 AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 8th October 2023 (2)

The 2023 Junior Writers awards awaiting the Results. 

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We proud to announce that our mediums is now part of 34 international Farming and Agriculture news mediums around the world.  We are Independent and a leading farming and agriculture in South Africa- Africa and the rest of the world.  18 years of constant reporting with a dedicated creative team.

Agriculture as a sector of the economy has different components. The South African economy is also diverse. There are different categorisations of it. For example, the EAC [Eurasian Conformity] and therefore the Russian Federation include it in the list of developed countries, but the South African government disagrees, believing that South Africa is a developing country. By being classified as a developed country in the Russian classification, South Africa has lost the customs preferences given to developing countries and, consequently, has weakened its position in the Russian market for agricultural exports. This refers to the supply of fresh fruit to Russia, mainly citrus fruits, which are not grown in Russia.

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Brazilian drought sends corn and soybean prices soaring -Maize: A severe drought in Brazil has led to an increase in CBOT corn prices, firming by 3.1% month on month despite ample supplies from newly harvested U.S. crop entering the market.

Nuwe navorsing het kragtige antioksidante in gewilde tipes vleis geïdentfiseer wat die risiko van demensie kan verminder. Demensie is ‘n sambreelterm vir ‘n versameling van afbrekende toestande wat met voortgesette skade aan die brein verband hou.

Wine grape producers are positive that the season on hand holds great promise. Ideal winter conditions and above-average rainfall across all cultivation regions set the scene for a promising 2024 harvest, according to harvest predictions compiled by the industry bodies Vinpro and the South African Wine Information and Systems.

Die Landbounavorsingsraad sê hy hét die varsprodukkultivars wat boere kort om winsgewend te boer, maar sy produkte kry nie aftrek nie.As dit kom by vars produkte, het die Landbounavorsingsraad (LNR) oor die jare baie goeie kultivars ontwikkel wat ten opsigte van gehalte, opbrengs en bemarkbare eienskappe goed met ingevoerde produkte kan meeding,....

Calls for greener, more sustainable consumption, alongside consumer pressure to find lower prices and forge closer connections with food producers, and small-scale farmers struggling with low margins, are fuelling an innovative new approach to e-commerce.

In the first fifteen days of October 2023, there were seven farm attacks and one farm murder in South Africa. During the month of September 2023, there were fourteen farm attacks and two farm murders. In June 2023, there were twelve farm attacks and ten farm murders in the country.

Climate scientists have recently indicated that this year could become the hottest year on record as the warming El Niño effect continues. While there are a number of human-influenced impacts at play, we rarely consider the impact of our digital footprint on the planet.

World Data Lab wat vooruitskouende data oor verbruikers insamel en volhoubare ontwikkelingsdoelwitte daarstel, voorspel dat byna die heflte van die plaaslike bevolking teen 2025 voedselonseker sal wees.

Veld fires have caused widespread damage to farms in the Free State province, with over 5,700 incidents affecting over 539,000 hectares of land since 1 May 2023. Farmers and Working on Fire are working tirelessly to extinguish the fires.

Ondanks ryp- en vloedskade in sekere wynverbouingsgebiede is produsente versigtig-optimisties oor wat 2024 se oesjaar kan inhou. Ideale winterstoestande en bogemiddelde reënval in die meeste wynstreke het die tafel gedek vir ’n belowende wyndruifoes, lui ’n verklaring deur Vinpro. Die eerste oesskatting sal in Desember uitgereik word.

The South African deciduous fruit industry, which is the largest agricultural commodity grown in the region, has been severely damaged by recent floods in key production areas, such as Elgin, Grabouw, Vyeboom and Villiersdorp (EGVV), parts of the Klein Karoo, and Franschhoek.

Global market dynamics remain an important driver of agricultural commodity prices and food inflation in South Africa, but in many instances the depreciation in the Rand exchange rate offset much of the reduction in the FAO food price index.

Farmers have been advised to be on the lookout for daily extreme weather warnings and implement risk-reduction measures. This comes as the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) says that in large parts of the country poor to reasonable veld and livestock conditions are being reported.

A prospective coalition government must be viewed within the context of a pendulum that oscillates between a spectrum of opportunities, versus real tangible challenges and concerns. It is within this context that I believe it timely to revisit the black farmer developmental agenda, understand its present meaning and potential it holds for the future.

The KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Government has once again placed agriculture at the centre of its efforts to ensure sustainable food security, job creation and economic growth.

The end of the 2023 citrus export season is around the corner. It has been a season characterised by many challenges, from the floods in Citrusdal, Western Cape, to sustained high levels of load-shedding.

Suid Afrika se landbouers moet omsien na hulle gesondheid- voorgekrewe medisyne beheer net die simptome- die oorsaak word nie aangespreek nie- Die newe effekte van die "drugs' is in baie gevalle vernietigend.   Dit is nie raadsaam om wild en wakker alles te koop wat jy in sosiale media en radio en Televisie sien nie.  Kettingwinkels en Geosondheidswinkels is vol van allerhande Gesondheidsprodukte met baie beloftes. Meeste van die vitamines is sinteties en baie sleg vir jou liggaam -  Sogenaamde Imuunversterkers wat so graag bemark word deur een of ander wel bekende sanger of sportman is nie altyd so Effektief nie.  Besoek liewer 'n professionele Geondsheidspraktisyn met jarelange ondervinding voordat jy enige iets drink en gebruik.  Lees gerus die Artikel - LEES MEER 

This is just a few of the 350 that were posted this week.  The only news MEDIUM that will give you so much news at one address.

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