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Agri SA Jaco Minnaar believes the agricultural conditions in South Africa over the past few years have generally been favourable, and three consecutive years of the La Niña weather phenomenon have allowed for good production conditions, but also much-needed replenishment of surface and underground water sources. “The good production conditions coupled with favourable prices, especially the grain farmers, experienced very good economic conditions.Minnaar highlighted that continuous challenges experienced by the sector limit and hinder food certainty, adding that rising input costs in all industries are a major concern. The main theme at this year’s Agri SA national congress was food certainty and panellists addressed issues that hinder the availability of food in the country.
A programme that relies on sterilising moths to protect fruit exports recently got a R2 million boost. The financial support from the Western Cape government is meant to help the efforts of the Citrus Growers' Association of Southern Africa (CGA), in collaboration with RBX Group, to ensure export crops are free of the destructive impacts of the False Codling Moth – a pest. This is important to retain international market access such as Europe and the US by meeting phytosanitary regulations and food safety requirements, the Western Cape government said in a statement.
Sosialiste sien gelykheid nie as ’n gelyke wegspring nie, maar as gelyktydig die wenpaal bereik. Die verdrukking kom in by die sosialistise staat wat die rol van “groot gelykmaker” speel deur met wette of wapens van die “rykes” te vat en dit met groot gebaar aan hulle ondersteuners uit te deel asof dit hulle s’n is. In sosialistiese lande is gelykheid nie gelyke vryheid nie, maar “gelyke knegskap”. Die ANC gee dikwels hulle drakoniese wette mooi name, soos die wet op “billike indiensneming”, of nasionale gesondheidsversekering. In die praktyk is dit egter drakonies, omdat dit op gedwonge herverdeling deur staatsmag neerkom. Die goeie nuus is dat vryheid op die duur nog altyd sosialisme oorwin het, omdat sosialisme nie ’n werkbare stelsel is nie.
With outbreaks of highly pathogenic H7N6 bird flu ravaging flocks across the country, eggs are in short supply. Consumers started panic buying when news about possible egg shortages became public. As a result, retailers that have available stock are limiting purchases, and prices have doubled to around R200 for a tray of 60 eggs in most cases. Around 25% of the national layer stock has been culled, and another 5% are currently being investigated and might be culled too. This is the third and most severe bird flu outbreak we have had in close succession and the industry is in dire straits.
The metabolism of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeasts, whose effectiveness and suitability in wine fermentations are well-established, consists in the transformation of sugars into alcohol. To naturally limit the production of alcohol, researchers have therefore been looking at non-Saccharomyces strains, some of which might be capable of fermenting must to complete dryness and generating appealing flavors while also producing lower levels of ethanol. READ MORE
MAP prices continue to be supported by Brazilian buying, where the lack of MAP availability is pressuring buyers to accept higher prices. A similar situation is playing out here in South Africa where there is no MAP to be had and retailers are getting desperate to get hold of product. Unfortunately this is not an unusual scenario in season time – until the industry starts to be more proactive around buying earlier, buyers with a ‘just in time’ mindset will remain exposed to the risk of stock-outs and huge local price premiums being demanded. READ MORE
By combining agriculture and tourism, local communities enjoy a capital injection through the growth of agritourism. Apart from its potential to improve a farming community’s financial and social stability, agritourism can also contribute to South Africa’s national food security and trade balance by making farming operations more viable and by bringing in more cash. These are just some of the many reasons for farmers to join the switch to adding agritourism to their operations. READ MORE
About 99% of the nearly 10 billion animals slaughtered for human consumption every year are raised on factory farms, which maximizes agribusiness profits at the expense of the animals, public health, the environment and social justice. Here are more details on factory farming: READ MORE
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Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.
AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 8th October 2023 (2)
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Agriculture as a sector of the economy has different components. The South African economy is also diverse. There are different categorisations of it. For example, the EAC [Eurasian Conformity] and therefore the Russian Federation include it in the list of developed countries, but the South African government disagrees, believing that South Africa is a developing country. By being classified as a developed country in the Russian classification, South Africa has lost the customs preferences given to developing countries and, consequently, has weakened its position in the Russian market for agricultural exports. This refers to the supply of fresh fruit to Russia, mainly citrus fruits, which are not grown in Russia.
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In the Spanish Region of Valencia, lemon growing is carried out mainly in Alicante. In 2022, the province, especially the Vega Baja, accounted for almost 99% of both the Valencian lemon production and the acreage, with the producers relying on the PGI Cítricos Valencianos as a quality seal, under which Las Moreras Fruit&Veggies markets its lemons.
Die hoogs aansteeklike H7N6-voëlgriepstam wat tot dusver groot verliese in die pluimveebedryf in Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Vrystaat en die Limpopo veroorsaak het, is nou ook in die Wes-Kaap aangemeld.
African countries have been urged to boost intra-African trade in cashew nuts and their by-products to tap into the enormous continental market of almost 1.4 billion people.
Pioneering work being done to safeguard the export fruit industry from pests received a remarkable boost today with a financial injection of R2 million rand by the Western Cape Department of Agriculture. The financial support was given to citrus growers in the Western Cape using the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) for False Codling Moth (FCM).
The global blueberry industry is set to expand in the coming years as long as the sector embraces operational efficiency and 'premiumization.' North America, particularly the US, will remain the largest destination market for fresh and frozen blueberries, with Peru, Mexico, and Chile being the largest exporters in the fresh category, according to a recent study by Rabobank.
According to a new study published by Knowledge Sourcing Intelligence, the global agricultural tractor market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.13% between 2021 and 2028 to reach US$27,877.434 million by 2028.
Earlier this year, the South African Veterinary Council (SAVC) raised concerns about the high numbers of vets leaving South Africa, which has resulted in the country facing a severe skills shortage in a profession that is critical to ensuring animal health and food safety and security.
Logistieke bottelnekke, gure weer en probleme met fosforsuurverskaffing kan boere wat te houtgerus was oor kunsmispryse en -bestellings ’n lelike streep trek wanneer die somerreën begin val.
Afrika is nie ’n tradisionele wynmark nie, maar dit beteken nie daar is nie geleenthede vir Suid-Afrikaanse wyne om gewilder op die vasteland te word nie. Suid-Afrikaanse wyne word na meer as 110 lande uitgevoer en Europa en Brittanje kry verreweg die meeste daarvan. Die helfte van uitgevoerde Suid-Afrikaanse wyne gaan na Europa met ongeveer 20% wat na Brittanje uitgevoer word.
Thoko Didiza, minister van landbou, grondhervorming en landelike ontwikkeling, het vanoggend op Agri SA se jaarkongres erken die staat vervul nie in die landbou se behoeftes ten opsigte van entstowwe nie.
Die rooivleisbedryf bly onder skoot — of dit druk van die veganiste is wat ’n volle 0,1% van die wêreldbevolking beslaan of omgewingsaktiviste wat die kweekhuisgaskat aan die stert beet het. Rede is egter besig om te seëvier. Die mensdom se eetlus is besig om die aarde oor sy planetêre grense te druk, terwyl dit terselfdertyd ook ’n gesondheidsrisiko skep.
‘n Keniaanse hof het ‘n saak van die hand gewys wat die invoer en verbouing van geneties aangepaste gewasse wou verhoed, en sê die regering het toepaslike maatreëls getref om dit te reguleer. In Oktober verlede jaar het Kenia ‘n tien-jaar-verbod op die tipe gewasse opgehef in reaksie op die Oos-Afrikaanse streek se ergste droogte in 40 jaar.
Better wheat production prospects boosted the United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organization’s latest forecast for global cereal production to 2.819 billion tonnes. Wheat production was revised upward by 3.7 million tonnes in September to 785 million tonnes. The increase was almost entirely based on more positive yield results from Russia and Ukraine compared to earlier expectations.
The South African deciduous fruit industry is reeling under the impact of the recent floods in key production areas, particularly in Elgin, Grabouw, Vyeboom and Villiersdorp (EGVV), parts of the Klein Karoo and Franschhoek.
In South Africa, supermarket retailers said on Thursday that they were dealing with an egg scarcity brought on by an extensive bird flu outbreak that has caused shelves to become desolate across the nation in recent weeks.
Probleme met infrastruktuur en logistiek by Kaapstad-hawe bly ’n knaende probleem wat dringend aandag kry. Dit kan meebring dat meer vars produkte in die toekoms van ander hawens na uitvoermarkte gestuur word.
Suid Afrika se landbouers moet omsien na hulle gesondheid- voorgekrewe medisyne beheer net die simptome- die oorsaak word nie aangespreek nie- Die newe effekte van die "drugs' is in baie gevalle vernietigend. Dit is nie raadsaam om wild en wakker alles te koop wat jy in sosiale media en radio en Televisie sien nie. Kettingwinkels en Geosondheidswinkels is vol van allerhande Gesondheidsprodukte met baie beloftes. Meeste van die vitamines is sinteties en baie sleg vir jou liggaam - Sogenaamde Imuunversterkers wat so graag bemark word deur een of ander wel bekende sanger of sportman is nie altyd so Effektief nie. Besoek liewer 'n professionele Geondsheidspraktisyn met jarelange ondervinding voordat jy enige iets drink en gebruik. Lees gerus die Artikel - LEES MEER
This is just a few of the 350 that were posted this week. The only news MEDIUM that will give you so much news at one address.
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