AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News  8th  October 2023

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 8th October 2023

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 Get update with the news 7 days a week- 365 days per year- This AGRI NEWS RUSH -Some of the news stories of this week-,

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Agri SA is very grateful for Christo’s contribution to the organisation and service to farmers. He has led both in the sector more broadly and at Agri SA in particular with skill and dignity, bringing innovative thinking to the pressing challenges facing the sector. He took the lead at a time of great uncertainty and was immediately able to reassure farmers and rebuild trust. His regular engagements with farmers’ associations and study groups were well received, enabling him to keep his finger on the pulse of the sector and to stay in touch with the issues that are important to farmers.

South African potato prices have seen an unprecedented surge recently. The cost for a 10kg bag of potatoes has breached the R100 mark, currently trading at R121 (6.25 euros) and Friday almost R236 a pocket This represents a staggering 136% increase from last year’s prices. Volumes are 46% lower compared to a year ago – almost half-  Even pumpkins have become more expensive: R9 per kilogram, 123% higher than a year ago. “The market is emptier,” confirms a fresh produce market agent in Gauteng. ”Everything is expensive. Potato prices at R140, R150 because farmers can’t plant, they can’t water, they don’t have electricity and there’s not enough water. We’re going to get extremely high prices, the likes of which we haven’t seen before. But can retailers sell it to the consumers at those prices? That’s going to be the problem.”

In the last 30 years, the population of the African continent has more than doubled from 628 million in 1990 to over 1.4 billion in 2023. UN projections indicate that growth should continue at a sustained pace in the medium and long term, reaching the 2.5 billion mark in 2050. This phenomenon has also affected the North African region, which has seen its inhabitants grow from 140 million to 260 million. The continent’s strong demographic increase forcefully raises the issue of food security for agricultural systems that are often characterised by low productivity, inadequate levels of technology, and scarcity of arable farmland. These issues, of great importance for the economic and political systems of the entire Mediterranean basin, were addressed at the conference entitled “Agriculture in North Africa: characteristics, potential and technological needs”, held on the second day of Agrilevante.

Dit was lankal tyd dat ons land se kommersiele boere en hulle huisgesinne baie beter moet begin omsien na hulle gesondheid. Meeste van die mense ouer as 50 en jonger leef in baie "Stressvolle" tye en die mediese wereld met Pharma aan die stuur kan werklik net die simptome behandel en die oorsaak nie.  Meeste van die mans en dames dink hulle is gesond maar inwerklikheid is daar baie probleme wat net beheer word deur 'n voorgeskrewe pil. As jy oorgewig is en jy sukkel met hoe bloeddruk en pyne in jou bene of gediagnoseer is met Diabetes dan is jy nie gesond nie- om nie te praat van all die ander probleme nie. Daardie middel om jou lyf wat so groot is- is tydbom.  Ons het ons boere nodig in land, sonder hulle is daar nie voedsel nie-  Lees gerus die Artikel - en maak 'n keuse-  LEES HIER 

Feeding a growing world population has been a serious concern for decades, but today there are new causes for alarm. Floods, heat waves and other weather extremes are making agriculture increasingly precarious, especially in the Global South. The war in Ukraine is also a factor. Russia is blockading Ukrainian grain exports, and fertilizer prices have surged because of trade sanctions on Russia, the world’s leading fertilizer exporter. READ MORE 

Feeding 10 billion people by 2050 will be a formidable challenge. Especially considering that 10% of the world's population is already hungry today and that around 30% is malnourished. And to achieve zero hunger—as set out in United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 2—that same year, we'll have to be able to feed an additional 3 billion people and provide better nutrition for 2 billion more. All that while conflicts and climate change are threatening the viability of vast areas of arable land. READ MORE

Our view on nitrogen prices remains largely unchanged – we expect prices to rise through the next three months. The next few weeks may see urea prices stable at current levels or even fall if the Indian tender pushes prices down. But thereafter as the Northern Hemisphere trading volumes increase, urea prices should be supported into the low to mid-$400s. READ MORE

Every day, farms produce thousands of data points on temperature, soil, usage of water, weather condition, etc. With the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning models, this data is leveraged in real-time for obtaining useful insights like choosing the right time to sow seeds, determining the crop choices, hybrid seed choices to generate more yields and the like. READ MORE

Hierdie weeklikse oorsig word totaal en al vertaal in 5 tale en word reg oor die wereld gepubliseer. 

Ons het ook nou 'n weeklikse AUDIO CAST in Engels- Net die Hooftrekke. Saam met dit is ons gewilde Agri News Rush wat binnekort weer gaan terug wees in 'n ander formaat.

Dankie dat jy elke dag deel is van ons - NUUS NETWERK- Ons maak dit nog groter.

7 dae per week is ons span werksaam-  Onafhanklik en gefokus op ons werk-   Internasionaal is daar groot belangstelling in ons mediums.

Our visitors to our mediums increased with 29 % in the past week - We have hundreds of new upcoming farmers visiting our mediums .

No medium in farming and agriculture give you so much news at one address. - 350 "good news " stories per week- 

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Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.


 AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 24 th September 2023

The 2023 Junior Writers awards is open until the 8th October 2023  

 Proudly sponsored  by Hollard-

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We proud to announce that our mediums is now part of 34 international Farming and Agriculture news mediums around the world.  We are Independent and a leading farming and agriculture in South Africa- Africa and the rest of the world.  18 years of constant reporting with a dedicated creative team.

Alle masjiene in ons moderne tyd benodig energie  om te kan werk. Ongeveer 90% van dié  energie  word verkry deur die verbranding van fossielbrandstowwe. Fossielbrandstowwe sluit petroleum (olie), steenkool en natuurlike gas in. Dit word fossielbrandstowwe genoem omdat dit, net soos fossiele, die oorblyfsels is van organismes wat baie lank gelede geleef het. Organismes iss plante, diere en ander lewende dinge. Fossielbrandstowwe het miljoene jare gelede op die aarde ontstaan. Dooie organismes het in modder en rots ingesink en met die verloop van tyd het baie lae rots opgebou. Onder hoë druk en temperatuur het die oorblyfsels van die organismes stadigaan van vorm verander en verskillende soorte fossielbrandstowwe gevorm. Steenkool kom van plante af en petroleum en aardgas kom hoofsaaklik van mikroskopiese see-organismes soos alge.

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Veediefstal en -stroping het die afgelope jaar hand oor hand toegeneem, met ‘n groot eskalasie in die aantal voorvalle en die aantal diere wat dwarsoor die land gesteel of gestroop word.

Die afgelope week se drastiese verhoging in die prys van brandstof gaan Suid-Afrikaners nog verder verarm. Binnelanders wat planne gemaak het vir ’n jaareinde-vakansie ver van die huis, sal dalk tweemaal moet dink of hulle dit kan bekostig. Die ANC regering het geen beheer oor Suid Afrika nie hulle sakke is vol geld en hulle meelopers en die mense wat vir hulle stem is honger. Dit is Afrika op sy beste.

Western Cape poultry farmers have been warned to stay vigilant amid a national avian flu outbreak, following seven previous outbreaks which saw nearly 1.4 million birds culled.

Sub-Saharan Africa will record growth of just 2.5% in 2023, says the World Bank, which has revised its forecast for the region down from 3.1% in April. However, it has maintained its forecast for SA at 0.5% for 2023, citing SA’s severe energy crisis and transport bottlenecks, which are holding back its economy.

South African potato prices have seen an unprecedented surge recently. The cost for a 10kg bag of potatoes has breached the R100 mark, currently trading at R121 (6.25 euros) and Friday almost R236 a pocket This represents a staggering 136% increase from last year’s prices. Volumes are 46% lower compared to a year ago – almost half-

"Spain will invest €14.9 billion ($16 billion) in water projects over the coming years to alleviate drought, Teresa Ribera, the country’s environment minister, announced on Tuesday." Spain has been suffering from drought on and off over the past years

Mense wat op soek is na ‘n kitsoplossing vir beter voeding mag die fout maak om terug te sny op rooivleis, ondanks die feit dat dit kan bydra tot ‘n goed-gebalanseerde, voedsame dieet. Die volgende feite mag mense tweekeer oor rooivleis laat dink:

Ford has played an integral role in South Africa’s history since establishing its local operations in 1923, boasting a proud tradition of pioneering achievements and industry milestones over the past century. Join us as we travel back in time with the Blue Oval.

Mounting pressure on farmers means a full-blown South African food-price crisis is not far off, warns Agri SA. Consequently, the biggest federation of agricultural organisations in South Africa is warning everyone of the unyielding pressure on the agriculture sector.

Pryse van globale lewendehaweprodukte daal steeds en internasionale, bees, skaap en hoendervleispryse was maand-op-maand laer, volgens die BFAP voedselinflasie-opsomming.

’n Werkende vrugte-en-beesplaas in die Overberg, kompleet met ’n outentieke Kaaps-Hollandse plaaswerf, is onlangs vir ’n reusebedrag van meer as R200 miljoen van die hand gesit.

The global cucumber market is a mixed bag at the moment, with some countries having had a difficult year. In the Netherlands, cucumber growers are wrapping up their traditional growing season, hoping for an extended run thanks to favorable weather conditions after a challenging year with prices trailing behind the five-year average.

Die regering van Suid Afrika en sy meelopers is baie gou om iemand anders te blameer as dit kom by hulle foute- Die duur Aartappelpryse wat sy ondersteuners nou betaal is deels vir hulle onbevoegdheid om Eskom die afgelope 30 jaar suksesvol te onderhou en te bestuur- maar hulle het besluit om dit amper tot op die grond af te breek.

During the month of September 2023, there were fourteen farm attacks and two farm murders in South Africa. In August 2023, there were nineteen farm attacks and four farm murders in the country. And in July 2023, there were twenty-one farm attacks and four farm murder.

Drought continues to dominate a large part of North America from Mexico through the central United States to more than two-thirds of Canada’s Prairies. Some of this dryness has been ongoing since 2020 and this year’s dryness affected many crops, including spring wheat, canola, sunseed, corn, sorghum, soybeans, sugar beets and a host of other crops.

One million backyard Chicken breeders in South Africa- uncontrolled and farming as they all wish- This is the real problem why South Africa is going through the worst Bird Flu in the history-

As Agri SA prepares for the retirement of chief executive officer, Christo van der Rheede, incoming chief executive officer Johann Kotze has come on board full-time to continue to ensure a smooth leadership transition.

KwaZulu-Natal Premier, Nomusa Dube–Ncube, has unveiled 55 new trucks, which will be deployed to improve turnaround times to patch potholes across the province.

During the Heritage Day long weekend, a cut-off low pressure system unleashed torrential rainfall and fierce winds upon the Western Cape. More than ten people died. Some towns and farms were isolated. Families had to be evacuated from their homes. Major roads became impassable as bridges collapsed.

Koolstofvrystellings deur lewendehawe kan globaal met 30% gesny word indien die veeteeltpraktyke wat in Australië gebruik word, deur die res van die wêreld toegepas word.

Minister of trade, industry & competition Ebrahim Patel issued a directive this week for Itac to consider a temporary import duty rebate on fresh, chilled or frozen chickens ahead of a looming shortage as a result of a severe outbreak of avian flu (HPAI). 

Here is just a few of the 350 that were posted this week. 

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