AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News  1st October 2023

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 1st October 2023

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The outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), a bird flu which spreads rapidly in an infected flock causing a high death rate, has already impacted table egg supplies in the country and producers have warned of chicken meat shortages in the coming weeks. Rainbow is one of South Africa's largest chicken producers, supplying retailers and fast food businesses. "The outbreak has moved at a rapid pace, and the situation is constantly evolving. To date an estimated 410 000 birds have been culled, which has resulted in an estimated financial impact of R115-million," RCL Foods said in an update. On Wednesday, neighbouring Namibia suspended poultry imports from South Africa, citing the bird flu outbreak. However, South Africa only exports between 1% and 2% of its production, according to the country's poultry producers' association.

NÁ afloop van die laaste kabinetsvergadering was die gemoed van die minister van finansies, Enoch Godongwana, vervul met 'n ongemaklike gelatenheid. daarvan oortuig dat die ANC se beplande verhoogde maatskaplike toelae saam met die onhoudbare fiskale risiko van stygende staatskuld kom. Tans voorsien die tesourie dat staatskuld sal stabiliseer op 73,6% van die bruto nasionale produk in 2025-'26, maar die 2023-salarisverhogings en die verskraling aan die inkomstekant maak dié verwagting waarskynlik 'n vroeë hersenskim. Godongwana het reeds in sy (“onwettige”) memorandum aan provinsiale departemente laat weet dat hulle op een of ander wyse ruimte in hulle besteding moet vind vir die 7,5%-salarisverhoging – 'n bykomende R37 biljoen – wat staatsdiensvakbonde in Maart vanjaar beding het. Die tesourie het intussen voorsiening gemaak vir 'n inflasiegerigte 3,3%-salarisaanpassing vir staatsamptenare in 2025-'26, wat moeilik implementeerbaar sal wees met inagneming van die 7,5% wat vir 2023-'24 beding is. Die geraamde begrotingstekort van 4% vir hierdie boekjaar is reeds deur die tesourie aangepas na 5,1%, maar Moody’s bereken die waarskynlike uiteindelike onderverhaling op minstens 5,6%. 

Suid-Afrika kan te ryk raak om vir die VSA se voorkeurhandelsooreenkoms vir Afrika-lande, Agoa, te kwalifiseer, vrees LP’s. Hulle het Dinsdag gewaarsku die groei en vlak van die land se bruto binnelandse produk (BBP) per capita kan ’n risiko wees vir Suid-Afrika se voortgesette insluiting by Agoa. Agoa is die Amerikaanse Wet op Groei en Geleenthede in Afrika. Daar is 600 Amerikaanse maatskappye wat in Suid-Afrika sake doen, en baie gebruik Suid-Afrika as ’n poort na die res van Afrika. In 2021 is sowat $7,4 miljard deur Amerikaanse maatskappye in Suid-Afrika belê, en Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappye het $4,5 miljard in Amerika belê. Amerikaanse maatskappye het in daardie jaar meer as $1 miljard se dividendinkomste uit hul Suid-Afrikaanse bedrywighede ontvang. Wat nege uit ’n lys van 12 kritieke minerale betref, lewer Suid-Afrika 25% van Amerika se invoer van dié minerale. Dit wissel van mangaan tot platinum. Patel het verseker die regering werk hard om Suid-Afrika se lidmaatskap van Agoa te behou.

"Super Solar Fund’ for South African Commerce and Industry and Agriculture -Solar Fund Solution R5m to R40m -Whenever one refers to a solution in terms of finance, it must reach further than a generic solution and display its commitment to supporting the value channel,  is an abbreviation for Agri Value Channel. The fund that we have partnered with in this instance have develop the fund to distinguish it from the market in so many ways.  READ MORE 

South African raisin producers are highlighting their world-class agronomy and traceability credentials at a time of increased consumer interest in sustainable farming. According to industry body Raisins SA, producers in the country have been taking strides to ensure they are at the leading edge of responsible supply. READ MORE 

Agricultural pesticides leach far from their original sources into the world’s waterways, according to new research which finds pesticides exceed safe levels in 13,000km of rivers globally.  Analysing 92 of the most common agricultural pesticides, scientists have estimated that 710 tonnes of pesticide active ingredients leach into the world’s oceans each year. READ MORE 

It is estimated that around 70% of restituted land in South Africa is less productive, in part because beneficiaries receive limited or no post-settlement support. “Contrary to popular belief, it’s not only because of a lack of funds or financial resources that many of the restituted farms, including ours at Masakona, are not fully operational,” says Nndavheleseni Ramashau, Chairperson of the Masakona Communal Property Association (CPA), in Limpopo. READ MORE 

The latest Indian urea tender yielded far lower volumes than targeted, thus speculation is rife that a new Indian tender could be issued soon, possibly even today (Friday 29th). The talk is that such a tender would seek at least 1.5 million tons. If all of this comes to pass, the expectation is that this tender would push urea prices up – mainly because the Chinese are unlikely to participate in huge volumes, leaving the remaining urea exporters, who are busy with their Q4 plans for the Northern Hemisphere, to provide the volume. READ MORE 

Hierdie weeklikse oorsig word totaal en al vertaal in 5 tale en word reg oor die wereld gepubliseer. 

Ons het ook nou 'n weeklikse AUDIO CAST in Engels- Net die Hooftrekke. Saam met dit is ons gewilde Agri News Rush wat binnekort weer gaan terug wees in 'n ander formaat.

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Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.


 AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 24 th September 2023

The 2023 Junior Writers awards is open until the 3rd October 2023  

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Here is just a few of the 350 that were posted this week. 

Na ’n bittere paar jaar van streng waterinperkers is kan boere in die Gamtoosriviervallei vanjaar somer met ‘n geruste hart ingaan met die wete dat die Kougadam vol is.

From ocean to farm-The uses of algae as biofertilizers & biostimulants- Sea algae are rich in nutrients, natural growth hormones, and can fix atmospheric nitrogen, making them an excellent source of organic matter for soil improvement.

Absa started from humble beginnings as an idea to establish a rural bank more than 100 years ago. The bank is still entrenched in rural South Africa through its AgriBusiness value proposition and acknowledges that rural communities are vital from a food security, employment and safety perspective in South Africa.

Ukraine grain exports from Sept. 1-24 fell by 51% compared with the same period in 2022, Reuters reported, citing data from Ukraine’s agriculture ministry

Ná 'n week se reses het die sesde veiling van die 2023/24-wolseisoen plaasgevind met 'n klein volume van net minder as 5000 bale.Juan Venter, OVK-junior wolwaardeerder, sê die Cape Wools Merino-aanwyser het met 0,5% vir nie-RWS en 0% vir RWS wol gedaal teenoor die vorige veiling, en teen 'n skoonprys van R157,70/kg en R167,66/kg, onderskeidelik gesluit.

As the apple harvest in the Northern Hemisphere kicks off, the various global markets face differing challenges and situations. In the Netherlands, the season has begun on a positive note, with strong sales of Elstar apples attributed to their exceptional quality. Meanwhile, Germany is experiencing a return to a more typical harvest after a record-breaking year

Horse owners are mounting a campaign to take legal action against the Onderstepoort Biological Products (OBP), government's owned sole producer of some critical animal vaccines, for their negligence and inability to fulfil their mandate to provide vaccine.

The renewed spread of the avian flu with two strains attacking the poultry industry in South Africa has serious consequences for farmers and consumers in the months ahead.

Landbou-ekonoom Dr Kobie Laubscher sê die verwoestende vloede in die Wes-Kaap verlede naweek het verreikende gevolge, wat na Namibië kan uitbrei. Dit is omdat die land canola-kookolie, veevoer en graan invoer, hoofsaaklik uit Suid-Afrika. Die eerste syfers wat ontvang is na die oorstromings dui op skade van byna 14 miljard Suid-Afrikaanse rand in die landbousektor.

Duitsland het sy oog gerig op die ontwikkeling van Groen Waterstof in Suid-Afrika, en wat beskou word as ? belowende energiebron, kan van groot betekenis wees as Duitsland daarby betrokke raak in die land.

The South African table grape industry expects 2023/2024 season volumes inspected for export to increase by approximately 12% in comparison to the actual inspected volumes of the 2022/2023 season. This is in line with the three-year average volumes.

Die landboumasjinerievervaardiger Agco hoop om meer as 10 000 modelle trekkers, stropers en ander klasse landboumasjinerie met presisie-landboutegnologie te ondersteun deur sy verkryging van Trimble.

Importing of UHT milk a big concern -Tip-Top Milk, a leading South African milk trader and transporter, is concerned that the recent importation of approximately 30 million litres of cheap UHT milk by a local retailer is fostering a volatile and unstable dairy industry economy, one that is potentially detrimental to the sustainability .................................

Although the South African agriculture sector has made some respectable gains in growth and development in recent years, there are threats on the horizon that could negate the gains of the last decade, say research organisations the Bureau for Economic Research (BER) and the Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP).

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