AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News -2nd October 2022

AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News -2nd October 2022

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Since early 2020, we’ve seen a steady uptick in food prices, and now it’s reached crisis proportions. Not only are food staples becoming unaffordable for poorer communities, but there just isn’t enough to go around. Four years ago there was an abundance of food; now over 1-billion people are staring famine in the face.  Gradually, then suddenly. Covid-19 and climate change disrupted supply chains and bumper harvests; then the war in Ukraine and sanctions blocked grain exports and fertiliser supplies, while sending energy prices soaring. In a perfect trifecta of disruption, full silos could not be emptied, gas for fertiliser became scarce and costly, and fuel for planting, harvesting, and shipping surged. Within months, 25 countries had banned the export of various food products, seeking to protect their domestic food security, which only made the global situation worse, while super-exporters like Brazil enjoyed a demand bonanza. Depressed yields due to flood or drought on three continents added to the crisis.

Die nasionale vergadering het Woensdag ten gunste van die omstrede wetsontwerp op onteiening gestem. Die wetsontwerp is verlede week deur die portefeuljekomitee oor openbare werke en infrastruktuur goedgekeur ná openbare deelname en insette van opposisiepartye, burgerlike organisasies en tradisionele leiers landwyd. Spesifieke klousules van die wetsontwerp is tydens die vergaderings en byeenkomste as omstrede uitgelig. Daar is veral kommer oor die definisie van onteiening wat die deur kan oopmaak vir onteiening sonder vergoeding. Daar is ook vrese dat die wet, indien dit in sy huidige formaat aanvaar word, private eiendomsreg kan verwater en verswak. Kritiek en teenkanting teen van hierdie klousules is in die verslag oor die wetsontwerp saamgevat. Die doel van die wetsontwerp is om die bestaande Onteieningswet van 1975 te vervang met ’n gemeenskaplike raamwerk wat aan staatsinstellings moet voorskryf hoe onteiening van eiendom deur die staat kan plaasvind. Die wetsontwerp moet ook spesifieke gevalle omskryf waar die staat onteiening sonder vergoeding kan toepas, veral wanneer so ’n stap tot voordeel van die publiek is. Die wet is nou op pad na die nasionale raad vir provinsies. Dis duidelik dat die ANC en sy meelopers nie die gevolge van die wet lekker verstaan nie- en net daarop ingestel is om hulle eie belage voor op te stel-  Die probleem is dat die wet hulle ook gaan raak wat niemand gaan geld bele in 'n land waar daar nie privaat eiendom sekerheid is nie.  

Die aanvaarding van die onteieningswetsontwerp Woensdagaand deur die nasionale vergadering het nie sonder teenkanting plaasgevind nie. Opposisiepartye het hul besware teen dele van die wetsontwerp op rekord geplaas. Die DA, EFF, IFP, Vryheidsfront Plus en ACDP het onder meer hul kommer te kenne gegee en die wetsontwerp selfs as “vernietigend” beskryf, maar terselfdertyd is dit deur die ANC geloof omdat dit “klarigheid gee oor hoe onteiening in die toekoms sal kan plaasvind”. Vrese dat private eiendomsreg deur die wet in gedrang kan kom, is al verskeie kere uitgelig. Mnr. Pieter Groenewald, leier van Vryheidsfront Plus, het Woensdag gesê die wet in sy huidige vorm moet eerder bekend staan as “die wet op vernietiging”. Hy het gewaarsku die prys wat daarvoor betaal gaan word, sal uiteindelik die land se ekonomie vernietig omdat private eienaarskap een van die pilare van demokrasie en die vryemarkekonomie is. Me. Patricia de Lille, minister van openbare werke, het egter Woensdagaand gesê die wetgewing is nie uniek aan Suid-Afrika nie. “Die wetgewing bring klarigheid vir almal en sal die proses van grondhervorming ondersteun. Onteiening sonder vergoeding is nie ’n wonderkuur nie. Onteiening is maar net een manier om eiendom te verkry wat in paslike gevalle en in die guns van openbare belang, grondhervorming en herverdeling daarvan moontlik maak.”Sy het bygevoeg die wetgewing skryf ook nie voor dat “geen vergoeding” in genoemde gevalle sal geld nie. Volgens haar sal vergoeding deur middel van ’n ooreenkoms tussen die staat en eienaars van die grond vasgestel word. Indien geen ooreenkoms bereik kan word nie, sal die hof daaroor moet besluit. Sy het gewaarsku dit is gevaarlik om voor te hou dit sal die regering in staat stel om na willekeur mense se eiendom, soos private wonings, te neem. Groenewald het De Lille egter uitgedaag om die wet in die Grondwethof te probeer beveg. Me. Thoko Didiza, minister van landbou, grondhervorming en landelike ontwikkeling, het vandeesweek bekend gemaak dat 1,73 miljoen ha grond aan 1 672 opkomende boere toegeken is ingevolge die program om grond met kontrakte van 30 jaar aan opkomende boere te verhuur. Die program is al in 2020 begin as deel van die regering se pogings om herverdeling van grond te bespoedig.

“Property rights are under threat and the government is still steaming ahead on an ideological path, regardless of all the challenges the country is facing.” Francois Wilken, president of Free State Agriculture (FSA), expressed his organization’s disappointment and concern at the news that the National Assembly (NA) voted in favour of the controversial Expropriation Bill. “We have been warning for some time that the adoption of this Expropriation Bill in its current form will pave the way for further corruption on a scale that South Africa has not yet seen. Pressure by the government to gain further power to expropriate assets without compensation is going to bring the country even further into trouble, the current electricity crisis as well as the foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in the Free State, among others, are already substantial challenges that have serious consequences for food security.”

Ons landbouers moet daagliks hulle self beskerm waar hulle op die plaas werk-  "heeltyd bedag en oor hulle skouer loer"  en in die aand moet hulle wakker week om hulle families te beskerm teen die barbare wat georganiseerd aangedryf deur een of ander organisasie of politieke party daarop uit is om ons boere en hulle gesinne te vernietig. Dis lankal tyd dat jy deel moet wees van 'n sekuriteits groep en jou bure.  Die woord polisie moet vereers uit jou gedagtes wees. 

Daar is landwyd n diepgewortelde ongelukkigheid onder veeboere oor hoe hulle belange in beide die bek-en-klouseer uitbraak en met biosekuriteitmaatreels vermink is. Hulle kan nie so aanhou boer onder hierdie omstandighede nie. Die regering is net nie instaat om die siekte te beheer nie.

Besoek ons eie EKSKLUSIEWE EIENDOM afdeling - Die plase wat hier bemark word is absoluut eksklusief en jy kry dit nie op die oop mark beskikbaar nie-  Blaai gerus deur die lys wat weekliks opdateer word . 

Farming Portal/Agricultural Writers SA junior communicator awards - 

Hollard is proud to sponsor the Farming Portal/Agricultural Writers SA junior communicator awards.

The Agricultural sector is critical in helping create a better future for all South Africans and the purpose of this competition is to encourage accurate storytelling and relaying of information within this sector. The competition seeks to create a platform where students of agriculture or journalism can publish their work and get a taste for communicating to the public and industry stakeholders and stand the chance to win some nice cash prizes.There are two sections to the competition, one for journalism students and another for students of agricultural disciplines. The latter includes scientists and economists.The competition closes at the end of October 2022 and the winners will be announced at an event held at the historical Villa Arcadia in Parktown in November. Villa Arcadia is the home of Hollard and we look forward to presenting this event at this special place.  

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News stories on AGRI NEWS NET

Over the past twelve to 18 months, the agricultural sector and fruit industry in particular pome and stone fruit growers have had to face several challenges which had a direct impact on farm-level profitability. Within Hortgro we have a saying “the product pays!”

Smart sensing technology to help farmers use fertiliser more effectively and reduce environmental damage has been created by bioengineers at Imperial College London. The technology, which is described in Nature Food, could help growers work out the best time to use fertiliser on their crops and how much is needed, considering factors like the weather and soil condition.

Die lewe stel aan ons baie vrae en uitdagings wat van ons vereis om persoonlike besluite te maak. Hierdie besluite beïnvloed nie net onsself nie, maar ook die lewens van ons gesinne, ons plaaswerkers en ons klantebasis. Dit is daarom belangrik dat ons nie vanuit 'n posisie van onkunde of oningeligtheid sal optree nie, maar eerder sal staatmaak op feite en bewese prestasie.

In 2020, Woolworths was a founding signatory of the Consumer Goods Council of South Africa’s (CGCSA) Voluntary Food Loss and Waste agreement, which commits them to halve their food loss and waste by 2030. Now in the week of the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, the retailer confirms that 48 of their food suppliers have joined them to also become signatories.

African countries can increase the level of intra-continental trade, which now averages between 13% and 20%, simply by improving services, even if infrastructure is not immediately upgraded.

Soil is an important resource that is useful to us in many different ways. It is central to successful farming and allows plants and trees to grow which can then be used for financial purposes. Both nature and people can affect the health of soil through changes in the climate or the ways in which we use the land.

Die risiko is groot dat vloede in die komende maande kan voorkom weens swaar reën en grondwatervlakke wat vinnig versadig kan raak. Om die impak van die verwagte swaarder reën aan die begin van die somer en droogte later in die seisoen tot voordeel van die somergraanoes te gebruik gaan ’n fyn balanseertoertjie van boere verg, sê mnr. Johan van den Berg, onafhanklike landbouweerkundige.

Melkproduksie in Namibië het in die tweede kwartaal van 2022 met 8,4 persent gegroei, ‘n verbetering in vergelyking met ‘n afname van 13,9 persent wat in die tweede kwartaal van 2021, volgens die Namibiese Statistieke-agentskap. Altesaam 3 868 kiloliter melk is gedurende die tweede kwartaal geproduseer, vergeleke met 3 568 kiloliter wat in die tweede kwartaal van 2021 geproduseer is.


.Prices of grains and oilseeds that used as inputs in the production of livestock feed in South Africa continue to trend on the upside both on a month-on-month and year-on-year basis.

Nog strande is in KwaZulu-Natal gesluit weens hoë vlakke van e-coli as gevolg van riool wat in riviere en die see beland. Die meeste strande in die Durbanse Metrogebied in die noorde en sentrale dele, is al geruime tyd gesluit oor die hoë besmettingsvlakke. Die eThekwini Metro sê hy moes strande in die suide nou sluit soos Isipingo, Amanzimtoti se hoofstrand en Winkelspruit.

By measuring the height of the grass in the field, drones can help identify areas in seed grass fields that are often affected by grass lodging. According to scientists at the Department of Agroecology at Aarhus University (Denmark), the method allows farmers to counteract the lodging in time and thus avoid yield losses.

As the preferred agricultural partner, we aim to play a vital role in the food security chain in Southern Africa. We believe in long-term partnerships and invest in our customers’ operations every step of the way. Our unique approach enabled LAC to grow as a business since 1991, despite many challenging times in South Africa.

Mnr. Corne Louw, hoof van toegepasde ekonomie en lededienste by GraanSA, het gesê die kompetisie het vanjaar 84 inskrywings gehad wat ’n styging van 47% oor die afgelope drie jaar verteenwoordig. “

Namibië is ‘n netto uitvoerder van bosbou en verwante produkte. Volgens die Namibiese Statistieke-agentskap het die handelsoorskot in die tweede kwartaal van 2022 op 196,3 miljoen Namibiese dollar gestaan, ‘n verbetering in vergelyking met die 158,7 miljoen dollar wat in die ooreenstemmende kwartaal van 2021 aangeteken is.

 AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News -18th September 2022

Vegetable producers in northern and western Europe are contemplating halting their activities because of the financial hit from the region's energy crisis, The situation recounts that surging power and gas prices will impact crops grown through the winter in heated greenhouses and those which need to be placed in cold storage.

Maize yields are a good barometer of overall crop performance, and projections for maize have improved slightly from the 14,53 million tons anticipated at the start of 2022, to the 15,02 million tons currently forecast, according to Paul Makube, senior agricultural economist at FNB Agribusiness.

Suid Afrika - Speenkalwers, onder 200kg, het teen R40,50 per kg verkoop, terwyl speenkalwers tussen 200kg en 250kg, teen R39,50 per kg, en speenkalwers oor 250kg, teen R38,00 per kg verkoop het.

Warmer vintages create wines with more alcohol, less acidity, riper structure, and riper tannins. In extreme cases, they produce flat and flabby booze bombs without character. Winemakers in the Napa Valley, a region hit hard by climate change, have been dealing with crop- and property-incinerating fires for the past several years.

Regenerative agriculture is a rehabilitation and conservational approach to food and farming systems that focuses on improving water cycle, restoring top soil, increasing biodiversity, raising nutritional value, and strengthening vitality and health of farm soil. It is a holistic approach to farming that focuses on restoring soils which have been degraded by overuse and excessive use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides.

Accelerating demand for renewable biodiesel fuels is further squeezing tight soybean supplies and pushing soybean oil futures prices to their highest levels in nearly a decade. Energy companies have announced plans to increase their biofuel capacity twofold to fivefold by 2030, using soybean oil as a major feedstock.

The third mohair sale of the 2022 winter selling season was a bit of a back to reality when the turmoil of the world economy and politics took effect on the mohair market. The price dropped by 6.6%, but worse, the competition was virtually non-existent, with a clearance atHouse of Fibre barely in the 60% category.


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