AGRI NEWS NET- 18th October 2020

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President Cyril Ramaphosa het sy sogenaamde ekonomiese herstel plan aan die parlement oorgedra, maar kenners is teleurgestel met die inhoud daarvan wat hoogstens 'n herhaling van vorige planne is. Die president het herhaal dat die grendel tyd 2,2 miljoen werkloses gelaat het, en dat miljarde Rand aan noodhulp uitbetaal is.

Daar is 'n hele paar nuusverlaggewers van groot Media maatskappye in Suid Afrika wat oral rondhardloop met hulle Kameras en mikrofone en baie belangrik porbeer lyk, maar nie die waarheid deurgee oor gebeure nie. Ons sien duidelik hoe van hierdie verslaggewers gebeure by Senekal verdraai om sensasie te skep. Hierdie verslaggewers moet wakker word en meer deeglik opgelei word.

Biofortification is a process of increasing the density of minerals and vitamins in a food crop through conventional plant breeding, transgenic techniques, or agronomic practices. Biofortified staple food crops, when consumed regularly substituting one-for-one with non-biofortified staple food crops, will generate measurable improvements in human nutrition and health.

Die risiko's van klimaatsverandering is sterk op die voorgrond met honderde wêreldkundiges en besluitnemers wat hul kommer daaroor uitspreek. Daarmee saam is die verwagting dat ekonomiese konflik en binnelandse politieke polarisasie vanjaar kan toeneem.

The African continent is rich in legumes, which are unique in their ability to form root nodules with soil bacteria generally referred to as rhizobia. The root nodules are factories inside which the rhizobia reduce N2 gas in the atmosphere into ammonia using light energy from photosynthesis.

Die Instituut vir Armoede-, Grond- en Landelike Studies aan die Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland (UWK) het verlede week ’n paneelbespreking gehou waar navorsers en grondregte-drukgroepe twyfel uitgespreek het of dit die grondhervormingsaksie is waarop ons almal gewag het.

Ons kan nie toelaat dat hierdie mooi land van ons verniel word deur mense wat nie weet waarnatoe hulle gaan of waarvandaan hulle kom nie." Soks Masoka, Sekretaris-Generaal van die African Farmers Association of South Africa (AFASA) in Senekal vandag om die boere te ondersteun.

Livestock have long been the insurance policy of Africa’s poorest, with even a single goat or a chicken providing a buffer against economic hardship and hunger.But as Covid-19 forces many to fall back on these safety nets, the need for more long-term support of the continent’s livestock sector is laid bare.

ALSO READ AGRI NEWS NET- Nuus opsomming/News Summary 6 September 2020

South Africa Macadamia farmers up the ante to protect their orchards as criminals raid the lucrative crop across vast tracts of land in the belief that they are hard to police. As South Africa’s macadamia sector ratchets up close to R200 million annually in losses to theft, experts are advising farmers to develop clear strategies linked to thorough budget planning before securing their crops.

Vrystaat Landbou (VL) en die Transvaal Landbou Unie SA (TLU SA) het ‘n behoefte geïdentifiseer om samewerking met alle veiligheidrolspelers in landbou te kommunikeer om georganiseerde, gestandaardiseerde en geakkrediteerde opleiding binne die Landelike Beveiliging Strategie (LBS) in boerderygemeenskappe in die Vrystaat te vestig.

According to a study by the United Nations (UN), over 60% of diseases affecting humans originated from animals. Diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans are also known as zoonotic or zoonosis. These transmissions can occur in various ways including contact with sick animals or the consumption of infected animals.

South Africa are termed the summer-, winter- and year-round rainfall zones. Eastern and central regions get their rainfall during the summer months. That's when the southwestern Cape and west coast regions are dry due to strong high-pressure conditions. In winter, the high-pressure systems shift north, sitting across the interior of the country and causing dry conditions there.

Suid Afrika -Die dieresektor is baie groot. Sowat 30 000 kommersiële produsente, 250 000 opkomende produsente en 1,2 miljoen huishoudings hou vee aan. Kommersiële produsente het 60 000 werkers in diens, terwyl daar 5 000 lewendehawe-agente is. Die voerkrale het ongeveer 2 000 mense in diens. ’n Groot deel van die land se mense is dus by boerdery met lewende hawe betrokke.

The active ingredient in marijuana acts in the part of the brain called the hippocampus to alter the way information is processed and how memories are formed. Animal studies have shown that this is particularly true while the brain is still developing — specifically why the legal smoking age is 21 in the states that have legalised it.

Global food inflation accelerated further by 2.1% month-on-month (m/m) and 5% year-on-year (y/y) during September 2020, according to the latest Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) monthly update. Most of the inflation subcategories recorded increases except for meat which was down both on a m/m and y/y basis.

Ons jong geslag Suid Afrikaners het baie ander voorkeure as dit kom by kos, klere en sosiale interaksie- Oral sien jy hoe daar klere reekse eksklusief op sosiale media bemark word en hoe dit lyk of patriotisme 'n groot rol speel in die onderwerp en aanbieding van die klere. Boere en hulle kakieklere met so ietwat van 'n rooi, oranje of groen iewers ingebring is baie gewild.

Ten spyte van goeie uitvoere van produkte soos wei, weipoeier, botter en kaas is daar tydens die eerste halfjaar van 2020 ongeveer 8,4% minder suiwelprodukte, in gewig, uitgevoer as in die ooreenstemmende tyd verlede jaar. Dit is aldus die nuutste markverslag van die Suid-Afrikaanse Melkprosesseerdersorganisasie (Sampro)

Die onteiening van grond sonder vergoeding is ’n baie sensitiewe aangeleentheid vir landsburgers en daarom moet die parlement sy proses daaroor so spoedig moontlik afhandel. So het dr. Mathole Motshekga, voorsitter van die ad hockomitee wat die proses moet bestuur om die Grondwet te wysig ten opsigte van die onteiening van grond sonder vergoeding, ’n vergadering van dié komitee gesê.

A government policy document seen by Bloomberg this week points to the possible introduction of a new wealth tax in South Africa, known as a ‘solidarity tax’.This ‘solidarity tax’ that would target the country’s existing tax base and increase taxes for higher earners. The introduction of a new wealth tax align with comments made by the National Treasury in a July parliamentary presentation.

Coffee needs a dry, cool area to remain as fresh as possible. Refrigerator temperatures are normally too cold. Coffee should also stay in an air tight container to retain a high quality. Coffee beans should be stored at room temperature and kept away from heat, moisture, and light.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-