AGRI NEWS NET- Nuus opsomming/News Summary 6 September 2020

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Approximately 40% of the Earth's land is used to raise food. However, approximately one-third of that food is wasted. Feeding an increasing number of inhabitants will take the coordination of many professionals and farmers across the globe. And one technology is helping them meet current and future challenges – big data.

Nothing unites South Africans like a braai and good meat. But how does our love of meat stack up in comparison with the rest of the world?- According to the data‚ SA had the eighth-highest consumption of poultry‚ with 38.7kg per capita.

Op die oomblik is daar drie groot uitdagings, naamlik die droogte, ’n verbod op die uitvoer van vars volstruisvleis weens die uitbreking van H5N8, en die jongste verbod op die uitvoer van gaar én rou volstruisvleis weens gebrekkige instandhouding van die Departement van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye (DAFF) se laboratorium wat residue in voedsel van dierlike oorsprong monitor.

Die Suid Afrikaanse regering en sy meelopers moet kennis neem van al die aksies wat beplan word rondom "plaasmoorde". Daar was genoeg gepraat en genoeg beloftes gemaak. Landbouers en lede van die publiek gaan deur verskeie optredes aanhou om druk op die regering te plaas om ons landbouers en gemeenskappe in die platteland te beskerm.

Die sosio-ekonomiese en kulturele verskille tussen Suid-Afrikaanse verbruikers beïnvloed vleis kwaliteitvoorkeure aansienlik, en dit kan lei tot markaanpassing oor tyd. Die huidige Vleisklassifikasiestelsel mag dus nie alle voorkeure verteenwoordig nie.

In the past the South African citrus industry has elected to voluntarily suspend export of some citrus types from some production areas to the EU market," says Deon Joubert, Citrus Growers' Association envoy to the EU. "The objective has been to exclude potential interceptions of citrus black spot-symptomatic fruit at the tail end of the season and to protect the longterm sustainability of the EU market.

THE cost of livestock farming in Namibia continues increasing more than the returns on investment, threatening to drown farmers who are concentrating on livestock production only. According to the latest Namibia Agricultural Union (NAU) agricultural review, the cost of livestock farming keeps rising input prices recorded an upward trend of 2% year-on-year (y-o-y).

Research shows that human beings can run as fast as 40 mph but the sprint speed is approximately 13 mph. However, 13mph sprint is not sufficient to win a race with some of the fastest animals in the world. In the wild, speed is essential for survival. A predator must run faster than its prey or it dies of hunger and the prey must run faster than the predator or it becomes a meal.

Die plaasgemeenskap van Normandien het wit houtkruise opgerig wat vyf kilometer strek op Newcastle- en Nomrandienweg in die noorde van KwaZulu-Natal. Die optrede is ter nagedagtenis van mense wat landwyd op plase vermoor word. Die optrede was ook 'n huldeblyk vir Glen en Vida Rafferty wat verlede naweek doodgeskiet is.

The largest corn harvest in history is among the reasons the International Grains Council (IGC) is forecasting record total grains production in 2020-21. According to the IGC’s Grain Market Review, released, total global grains production will reach 2.230 billion tonnes this marketing year, up 50 million tonnes from the July forecast and 9% higher than the previous year (2.181 billion tonnes).

Energy analyst Ted Blom believes Eskom is not being honest with South Africans about load-shedding. He says the power utility implemented Stage 6 load-shedding on Thursday as the grid shed nearly 6,000 megawatts of power.

Die globale verbruik van diereproteïene het in die afgelope ses jaar onverpoos gestyg, maar die coronavirus-pandemie het daardie trajek verander. Die FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations) beraam dat vleisproduksie in 2019 gedaal het, en voorspel dat dit vanjaar weer gaan daal.

Net die banke sit met honderde duisende titelaktes, en hulle weet baie goed dat dit fisies onmoontlik sal wees om hulle geld te kry indien ‘n plaas of fabriek sonder vergoeding onteien word, en die eienaar sy ekonomiese aktiwiteit ontneem is. As gevolg hiervan is die stelsel van grondregistrasie in Suid-Afrika geweldig sterk, want verskeie rolspelers het ‘n ekonomiese belang daarin.

This and much more other "good news" stories every day of the week.

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