AGRI NEWS NET- 11 Oktober 2020

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Uiteindelik moes voortgesette plaasaanvalle en onstabiliteit n breekpunt bereik. Dit was bloot die laaste strooi wat die kameel se rug gebreek het. Die konflik is gedefinieer en die skeidslyne is getrek - primêr ras. Vir n tyd lank kom ek nou al agter dat boere dwarsoor die land by n breekpunt is. Hartswater, Normandien, Senekal - te veel plekke om te noem.

Die droogte duur steeds voort in dele van die Noord-Kaap, alhoewel goeie reënneerslae in die suidwestelike dele in distrikte soos Springbok, Garies en Kamieskroon gemeet is, wat sal help om die droogte in hierdie gebiede op te hef. Distrikte waar die droogte nog baie intens is, sluit Pofadder, Kenhardt, Prieska, Van Wyksvlei, Carnavon en ander distrikte in die sentrale tot suidelike dele van die Noord-Kaap in.

Drones, with specialty spraying technology, was deployed for a recent sugarcane ripening trail in South Africa, showing an evident increase in the amount of sugar extracted from these canes. This might signal a potential improvement in profit margin for the cane growers, who have been incurring loss from the country's ailing sugar industry.

Traditional Agriculture can be defined as a primitive style of farming that involves the intensive use of indigenous knowledge, traditional tools, natural resources, organic fertilizer and cultural beliefs of the farmers. It is noteworthy that it is still used by about 50% of the world population.

China is expected to remain the world’s largest importer of cotton lint, despite the trade dispute between China and the USA. Tariffs on cotton lint increased in 2018/19, making US cotton 25% more costly to Chinese importers. Global imports for the 1st nine months of the season are 22% down from the same period the previous year.

Suid Afrika se verbruikers begin al hoe meer aanlyn koop- veral waar hulle aanlyn besigheid reeds suksesvol gedoen het. Dis nie meer so veilig en gebruikersvriendelik in sekere winkelsentrums nie en veral nie nou dat jy by elke plek bespuit word deur een of ander ontsmettingmiddel nie. Veiligheid en bedelaars op straat is ook een van die redes.

According to a report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the benchmark price index for food commodities rose in September, led by vegetable oils and cereals. The index averaged 97.9 points during the month, up 2.1% from August and 5.0% higher than its value in September 2019.

LEES MEER AGRI NEWS NET- Nuus opsomming/News Summary 23 Augustus 2020

Diseases and bad management practices in intensive layer houses can result in a decreased number of eggs and also eggs which are abnormal in shape and colour. Decreased egg production results in a smaller profit to farmers and less money in their pockets. Therefore, it is important to know how to prevent these factors affecting your egg production.

Die Reserwebank sê Suid-Afrika se ekonomie is besig om te herstel, ondanks die stadige begin ná vlak vyf inperking van sektore soos mynbou, toerisme, vervaardiging, binnelandse voertuigverkope en die uitvoer van goedere. Die bank sê sektore soos voedsel en drank, die fiksheidsbedryf, skoonheid en kleinhandel is reeds terug op die dieselfde vlak as voor die coronavirusuitbreking.

Soil has a direct effect on the quality of a cup of coffee in two ways: first, how it handles moisture, and second, the nutrients in the soil, which affect the oily substances and fats in the bean. Volcanic soil is good for this kind of water retention, as are soils with high quantities of organic matter.

Computerization is gaining popularity in agriculture — digital systems make it possible to select the right amount of water and fertilizer for each plant so to increase yield. For example, the California winery Gallo, which, together with IBM, developed a new smart irrigation system. The system takes into account data from sensors in the vineyards, as well as satellite images and weather forecasts.

Die ekonoom, Dawie Roodt sê die regering se ekonomiese herstelplan moet so gou as moontlik in werking gestel word. Hy sê dit was lankal nodig om so 'n plan in te stel. Hy sê die ekonomie was reeds voor die inperkings in die moeilikheid.

South Africa's 2020/21 summer grain and oilseeds planting season should begin in areas with favourable weather and sufficient soil moisture soon. This will be the start of an optimal planting window in the eastern regions of the country. For the central and western regions of South Africa, the optimal planting window will only open from the beginning of November.

A total of 95 percent of the world’s food is grown in the top layer of soil. The impacts from conventional agriculture practices show that globally, in the last 150 years, almost half the most productive soil content has disappeared. Worldwide, soil erosion rates are high and worrisome due to the renewal time of topsoil: for just one inch of topsoil renewal, it takes around 500 years.

Of 105 000 species studied, 6% of insects, 8% of plants and 4% of vertebrates would lose over half of their climatically determined geographic range if there was global warming of 1,5°C, compared with 18% of insects, 16% of plants and 8% of vertebrates in the case of 2°C global warming.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-