AGRI NEWS NET- 25th October 2020

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Saai (Suider-Afrika Agri Inisiatief) se wynbemarkingsprojek, Die Wynboer, is op 22 Oktober 2020 by die Marianne-wynlandgoed in Stellenbosch bekend gestel. Die Wynboer is ’n aanlyn wynwinkel wat daarop gemik is om familieboerwyne teen kelderdeurpryse aan verbruikers van regoor Suid-Afrika beskikbaar te stel.

It takes one hive of bees 88,500 kilometres of flight to produce 450 grams of honey. Incredible amount of work to produce such a small amount of honey. Though, is that it takes approximately two million flowers for bees to produce that one 450 grams of honey. Bees can fly up to 15 miles per hour which allows them to go from flower to flower in a relatively short amount of time.

Ons nuuspan in die nuuskantoor het die week bietjie navorsing gedoen oor al die media en nuusdienste wat tans op "Facebook" aangebied word. Die nuus handel omtrent alles oor Suid Afrika se politiek en die regering asook plaasmoorde en ander verwante gebeure. Die videokanale is vol nuus soos elke ou sy eie program aanbied en sy droom uitleef.

Die wrede werklikheid is dat Suid-Afrika se ekonomie in die waaksaal is. Meer as twee miljoen mense het hulle werk verloor, en ons bruto binnelandse produk het met 'n skrikwekkende 51% gekrimp ná die Covid-19-inperkingsmaatreëls. Die jongste data wys dat landbou letterlik die enigste sektor in die ekonomie is wat nie ineengestort het nie .

Suid Afrika -IN onteieningsreg is daar verskeie kwessies waarop navorsers fokus. Daar is ’n beheptheid met hoe staatsmag beperk moet word aan die een kant, maar ook hoe om die staat wel die mag te gee om sekere openbare take uit te voer – soos om paaie te bou, en om grondhervorming te bewerkstellig.

If we want to feed ten-billion people by 2050, in a world beset by rising temperatures and scarcer water supplies, we will need to dramatically change the way we produce food. Increased public investment in technologies like genetic engineering is a vital piece of that, according to a report published Wednesday by the World Resources Institute.

The global farm management software and data analytics market is projected to grow from $1.06 billion in 2020 to $4.31 billion by 2025, at a CAGR 32.32% from 2020 to 2025. The reported market growth is attributed to the increasing demand for efficient farm operations and cost-effective usage of resources.

As previously mentioned, South Africa’s wine industry has been negatively affected in the context of COVID-19, notwithstanding the agricultural sector being identified as an essential service. The ban on alcoholic products has affected the wine industry as a whole, and also the farmworkers and families working and living on wine farms in the Western and Northern Cape provinces.

Swart opkomende boere wat reeds op van die 700 000 ha staatsgrond boer wat die staat op die punt is om uit te deel, sal nie met geweld van die grond afgesit word nie, het adj.pres. David Mabuza gesê. Die regering het reeds aangedui het dat hierdie grond eintlik bestem is vir vroue, jong mense en mense met gestremdhede.

The cool spring has delayed the banana season in South Africa, while a storm in Mozambique has also reduced volumes. Usually by September banana volumes pick up after winter, but this year it's only picking up now after some cold weeks in the banana production areas of northeastern South Africa and southern Mozambique.

The DA calls for Minister Didiza to engage with the Minister Dlamini-Zuma as a matter of urgency to ensure that a state of disaster is proclaimed immediately so those affected can get the help they need to combat the fires urgently. Farmers must also be assisted with water and feeding for their animals and the restoration of infrastructure on the farms.

The South African cattle farmer faced several headwinds in 2020, which has created large-scale uncertainty set to continue well into 2021. According to Dr Brent Sirrals, technical veterinarian at MSD Animal Health: "To mitigate against these pressures, cattle farmers must invest in the health of their herds now, the value of which will be transferred back to farmers at various stages of the production cycle. "

Oktober maand is Aarbei maand in Suid Afrika en dit lyk of daar 'n groot vraag na die gesogde vrug is. Aarbeie word beskou as 'n supervoedsel as gevolg van hul hoë vitamien, mineraal, vesel en antioksidante inhoud. Aarbei "saad" is ook ryk aan Omega 3. Aarbeie kan rou geniet word, of in slaaie tydens bak en in jogurt gebruik word of verwerk word tot konfyt, drankies of stroop.

Hulp het soos gewoonlik van oral in die land en self van die buiteland gekom, vir ons landbouers wat se plase in die Vrystaat en Noord Kaap en dele van Noord Wes afgebrand het. Ons nuuskantoor moes die afgelope paar dae bondstaan soos wat ons navrae moes beantwoord en verder verwys na die regte persone.

New research shows how a combination of imagery from mobile phones, drones and satellites can be used to clamp down on banana threats. The images of varying resolutions are fed into a platform "trained" through machine learning to identify banana crops and analyze threats with 97% overall accuracy.

A new study of 2,000 wine drinkers showed that the average Americans will only start to fully appreciate a good bottle of vino toward the tail end of their 20s, but how they get into it, and what they prefer, varies greatly. The average American has their “wine awakening” at age 29.

Suid Afrika -Oor net minder as ’n jaar moet Suid-Afrika plaaslike verkiesings hou. Volgens die staat se eie inligting is twee-derdes van die munisipaliteite disfunksioneel, die helfte daarvan het klaar heeltemal uitmekaar geval. Mense ervaar die staat se teenwoordigheid (of afwesigheid) heel eerste op plaaslike vlak: water, riolering, strate, ligte, huise, vullisverwydering.

There is growing recognition of the therapeutic value of cannabis, now legal in more than 40 countries. The UK financial regulator recently opened the door to London listings for those providing products for medical use. But uptake of medical marijuana is slow.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-