AGRI NEWS NET- Nuus opsomming/News Summary 4th October 2020

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Suid Afrika - Die prys wat lewende hawe behaal het, was egter steeds goed met speenkalwers onder 200kg, wat op dié plaaslike veilings teen R41,50 per kg verkoop het. Speenkalwers tussen 200kg en 250kg het teen R38,75, en speenkalwers oor 250kg het teen R36,88 per kg verkoop.

Suid Afrika-Na 6/7 jaar se droogte loop ons grootste dam Theewaterskloofdam oor. Dit het weereens lekker gereen oor groot dele van die Wes Kaap en dit het gehelp dat die bekend dam begin oorloop. Kapenaars moet hul nog vir 'n paar dae staal teen swaar reën, winderige en koue toestande. Gure weer word veral oor die suidelike en oostelike dele van die Wes-Kaap verwag asook sneeu op die berge.

South Africa exported 22 627 tonnes of maize last week, all to Southern Africa (primarily Eswatini, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Lesotho). This placed SA's 2020/21 maize exports at 1.48 million tonnes, which is 55% of the seasonal export forecast of 2.7 million tonnes. 1/

Die Covid-19-pandemie hou nou vir meer Suid-Afrikaners 'n bedreiging van kosnood en hongerte in. Gillian Le Cordeur, uitvoerende hoof van die Instituut van Risikobestuur in Suid-Afrika (Irmsa), sê nog voordat dié pandemie sy kop uitgesteek het, het miljoene Suid-Afrikaners daagliks honger gely.

If we consider the numbers, the 70% of South Africans who live in urban areas occupy less than 5% of the land. As a result, land reform will always be measured against progress in the transfer of agricultural land. Of the 100-million hectares of agricultural land in SA, about 85-million are commercially farmed, and 14-million lie within “communal” farming areas.

Suid Afrika-Rypskade het in die laaste week van September oor veral die sentrale binneland en die Benede-Oranjerivier-gebied voorgekom. “Rypskade het tot so ver wes as Kakamas by druiwe en ander gewasse voorgekom. Veral laaggeleë gedeeltes naby riviere en waterbronne waar sogenaamde rypholtes vorm, het skade gekry.

Researchers from the two organisations reviewed almost 150 scientific studies investigating diseases in African lions. They identified 63 pathogens (including bacteria, parasites, and viruses) affecting lions; some of which can be passed from lions to other animals, and some to humans. They also listed 83 diseases and clinical symptoms associated with these pathogens.

Die Suid-Afrikaanse wildbedryf het in die laaste dekade heelwat veranderinge en uitdagings beleef en gevolglik ? beduidende rol in die groter waardeketting gespeel. aldus Dr Flippie Cloete, Hoof van Kommersiële Agri Finansiering by Senwes,

Die lewendehawe-uitvoermaatskappy Al Mawashi het vandeesweek ’n dokumentêre rolprent oor sy voerkraal buite Berlyn in die Oos-Kaap, asook vervoer- en laaipraktyke bekend gestel. Die dokumentêr van 15 minute is in September oor vier dae verfilm gedurende die maatskappy se verskeping van skape na Koeweit in die Midde-Ooste.

Dairy farmers in South Africa can now do a genomic test on their heifers that enables them to select a healthier herd and improve their breeding strategies.By testing the genes of their cows, they can identify specific traits in their dairy cattle to predict which animals are more resilient to certain costly diseases as well as those traits such as milk production, fertility and productive life.

The first shipment of beef from the United Kingdom to the United States in more than 20 years was dispatched this week. The U.S. market had been closed to EU beef since January 1998, when the country introduced import restrictions on beef, sheep and goats and their products because of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) concerns. BSE is also called mad cow disease.

The proof is in the pudding, warn agricultural leaders following the announcement by Thoko Didiza that nearly 700 000 hectares of underutilized or vacant state land will be released for farming practices. Agbiz chief executive Dr John Purchase said that although it is loaded with good intention, it could fall flat on delivery.

What if we stopped hunting? - Experts agreed that hunting plays a crucial role in the management of game and wildlife. Statistics from South Africa where 28 million hectares are currently under management for wildlife. Only six million of that are in National Parks.

Vaste beleggings het dalk die laaste paar jaar beter as aandele presteer, maar indien jy inflasie van die rentekoers wat verdien is aftrek, het jou belegging ook nie regtig gegroei nie. Tans is rentekoerse ook laer, wat beteken dat beide vaste beleggings en beleggings op die JSE maar ’n baie lae reële opbrengs lewer.

The Flower Valley Conservation Trust in the Western Cape is working hard to bring to light the importance of protecting fynbos through sustainable land use.

South Africa -Macadamia farmers are urged to look to their soils for the production of resilient trees able to produce quality yields acceptable to consumers who are becoming more and more concerned about the negative impact of agriculture on the wellbeing of the planet.

Daagliks deel Agri News Net en van ons nuus met ons Internasionale Nuusagentskappe en medewerkers en daar is baie meer belangstelling in die media en buiteland aangaande die moorde op landbouers en hulle gesinne in Suid Afrika. Die edelagbare President het onomwonde in Amerika 'n paar jaar terug verklaar in die media, dat daar geen moorde is nie.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-  

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