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The South African agricultural sector has done reasonably well over the past three decades, having doubled in value and volume terms. The exports reached record levels of US$12,8 billion in 2022, with employment also at the highest levels since the early 1990s, at 956 000 in the third quarter of 2023. The country has also improved its food security conditions, ranked 59th out of 113 countries in The Economist‘s Global Food Security Index, making it the most food secure in sub-Saharan Africa and reflecting the increase in agricultural output.
’n Dollar behoort jou slegs R9,12 te kos, volgens The Economist se jongste Big Mac-indeks. ’n Big Mac kos R51,90 in Suid-Afrika en $5,69 in die VSA. Dit impliseer ’n wisselkoers van R9,12 en nie die werklike wisselkoers van R19,19 toe die indeks vroeër in Januarie gemeet is nie. Volgens dié maatstaf is die rand dus 52,5% ondergewaardeer. Dis selfs meer as die 49,7% waarmee die rand in Augustus ondergewaardeer was en die 45,7% in Januarie 2023. Die enigste rede waarom die rand so swak is, is omdat die ANC regering nog steeds korrup is. en honderd ander redes.
South Africa’s agricultural exports grew by 14% in nominal terms from the second quarter to the third quarter of 2023. The growth between the third quarters of 2022 and 2023 was 13%. Horticulture and oilseeds exports were leading products for this period. Exports of oilseeds were supported by market access facilitation with China as well as longstanding agreements such as with EU and SADC. South Africa exported about R24 bn worth of agricultural products to Africa, including SADC. Imports from the region were about R6 bn in the quarter. Further expansion into the continent will have to be explored outside SADC and market access be created further through the AfCFTA and other bilateral arrangements. Agricultural imports grew by 10% year-on-year. Unmanufactured tobacco was the fastest growing import item, with an increase of 64% to a value R1.12 bn. Most of the tobacco products originated from Zimbabwe because it is deemed to be of high quality. Processed vegetables, fruits, and nuts, especially fruit juices imported mainly from China, rose by 13% yearon-year. Imports of vegetable and animal oils, particularly palm oil, decreased in the third quarter. Animal feed imports declined by about 8.5% quarteron-quarter.
While South Africa’s national agriculture debt is now pegged at R200 billion – a 6% increase since 2019 – economists say it is too soon to panic as the number is well balanced against the value generated from the country’s agricultural assets. At the same time, however, they urge farmers in financial stress to speak to their bankers sooner rather than later. Nico Groenewald who is the head of Agri-Business for Business and Commercial Clients at Standard Bank said while he agreed that the national agricultural debt number in isolation might be high, the offsets were well within reason. “The R200 billion needs to be seen in relation to the asset value of agriculture and the income streams generated by these assets. According to the Department of Agriculture, the debt as a percentage of assets reduced (improved) slightly from 2021 and is currently around 33%. Gross farm income of R368 billion has remained flat year-on-year, but the long-term trend is upward,” he said.
Die regering se tendertoekenningsproses word dikwels geteister deur korrupte praktyke, nepotisme en ondoeltreffendheid. Wanneer hierdie tenders aan onbevoegde, gediskwalifiseerde bieërs toegeken word, ly belastingbetalers in verskeie opsigte. Projekte wat misluk, die uitdeel van peperduur tenders en uiteindelike reuseverliese is net enkele maniere waarop getroue belastingbetalers keer na keer die spit moet afbyt. Hierdie keuses stel belastingbetalers bloot aan ’n bykomende las, aangesien hulle gedwing word om vir die wanbestuur van hul belastinggeld op te dok. 'n Onthullende verslag van die Organisasie Teen Belastingmisbruik (OUTA) oor skynbare suspisieuse tendertoekennings en onderhandelinge onder regeringstafels deur is onlangs bekendgestel. n die OUTA-verslag word beweer dat sekere politici in Suid-Afrika hul hande diep in die regeringskoffers, oftewel die sakke van belastingbetalers, gesteek het. OUTA het vroeg in Januarie vanjaar beweer dat sekere van die Nasionale Finansiële Hulpskema vir Studente (NSFAS) se diensverskaffers by korrupsie betrek is. Hierdie onthullings het ’n storm van kontroversie uitgelok.
Interested Articles posted on Farmingportal/Agricultureportal
Given the history of this country, it is commonplace for political parties to include land and agricultural policies in their election manifestos and promises. This year’s elections come when the agricultural sector faces serious challenges, thus offering an opportunity to hear whether the political leaders or various parties’ manifestos will speak to the pressing challenges of the sector. READ MORE -
Demand from Australia and Thailand has booked most of the available product from the South East Asian producers in the short term. Likewise European and Turkish buying has absorbed most of Egypt’s stock. Thus the urea market, especially in the Northern Hemisphere, looks quite tight for the month ahead. It is no surprise that urea prices surged again this week, with the Middle East seeing a $20/t increase to approach $380/t FOB. This pushed the Brazilian urea price up by a similar amount but there were very few takers as demand for fertilizers in general in Brazil remains soft.READ MORE
The South African wine and brandy industry continues to be a cornerstone of the nation's economic landscape, showcasing its substantial contributions to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment, tourism, and overall economic resilience. Wine tourism has emerged as a vital component of the industry’s long-term viability. READ MORE
As a publication that has been serving rural South Africa for over a century, Landbouweekblad not only has a responsibility to help revive rural South Africa but also knows the people who are already making a difference by building better, richer, and more inclusive rural communities,” says Chris Burgess, editor-in-chief of Landbouweekblad. “South Africa’s decline can simply no longer be tolerated or afforded. That’s why on 20 and 21 February 2024, we are hosting the conference with the theme ‘Solutions for South Africa’s Platteland’ at Nampo Park, Bothaville.” READ MORE
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Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.
Suid Afrika -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 24th January 2024
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Die slim geleerde mense met hulle dik brille en allerhande uitsprake oor Rooivleis is maar net besig om op 'n nader banale manier aandag te kry- In terme van bio beskikbaarheid verteenwoordig dierlike bronne steeds die beste manier om ‘n aantal minerale en voedingstowwe in te neem, en dit is onder meer die enigste dieetbron van heemyster, vitamien B12 en vitamien D. As jou liggaam gesond is- jou verterings proses korek werk - sal jy rooivleis kan eet en gesond wees.
Agri Trends – Grains and Oilseeds Lacklustre export demand weighed on prices -Maize: Corn production in Argentina is expected to increase by about 21 million tons year-on-year in the 2023/24 production season, offsetting the 10 million estimated year-on-year decrease anticipated for Brazil.
Vereenvoudigde rasteikens waarna alle ondernemings met 50 of meer werknemers oor die volgende vyf jaar moet mik, is Donderdag in die Staatskoerant gepubliseer.Saam met die konsepregulasies oor sektorale teikens wat Thulas Nxesi, minister van indiensneming en arbeid, vir openbare kommentaar uitgereik het, is dit die gronde wat ondernemings kan aanvoer indien hulle die teikens misloop
‘n Nuwe navorsingstudie het onthul daar is nie veel vegetariërs en vegans in Nieu-Seeland nie, ondanks globale tendense wat die gesondheid- en klimaatsvoordele van plant-gebaseerde diëte verkondig.
Daar gaan nie eendag verby dat die edelagbare President nie by 'n geleentheid opdaag met honderde volgelinge wat om hom saamdrom nie- Dis net soos 'n klomp bye wat die Koningin beskerm. Hierdie mense kos ons land se belastingbetalers miljoene- nie een is produktief nie- miskien die paar wat die edel man moet oppas- maar as daar beter diens is kan die wagte sekerlik minder wees.
According to Dr Kobus Laubscher, agricultural economist, this was good news indeed as today (16 January 2024), marked International Rooibos Day, a global celebration of the iconic South African herbal tea.
On Friday, March 24, South African Table Grape Industry (SATI) celebrated its successful 2022/23 China Market Development Campaign launch at Guangzhou’s Jiangnonghui wholesale fruit market. Joining hands at the event were representatives of the South African Embassy in China, South Africa’s Western Cape Government and leading Chinese fresh fruit importer Goodfarmer.
With upward revisions to soft wheat imports and production, the European Union’s ending stocks forecast was raised in the European Commission’s monthly supply and demand data, Reuters reported. The Commission projected stocks of soft wheat at 19.1 million tonnes at the end of the 2023-24 marketing year.
Die Europese Unie het ‘n skema van €1.5 biljoen goedgekeur om Nederlandse boere uit te koop en stikstofvrystellings so te verlaag. Meer as 750 Nederlandse boere het by die regering se uitkoopstelsel ingekoop, hoewel dit maande sal neem voordat daar duidelikheid is oor hoe die plan in die praktyk toegepas sal word.
Thulas Nxesi, minister van indiensneming en arbeid, het die nuwe minimum loon Vrydag in die Staatskoerant afgekondig. Die styging is 2,5 persentasiepunte hoër as die gemiddelde inflasiekoers vir 2023, wat 6% was. Verlede jaar het die minimum loon met 9,7% opgeskiet.
With a greater planted area and heavier rainfall, China’s corn production estimate for 2023-24 increased 4.2% to 288.8 million tonnes, according to a report from the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the US Department of Agriculture.
Wat ons sien van Suid Afrika in die jaar 2024- is die gevolg van 'n onbevoegde regering wat vir 30 jaar Suid Afrika deur onkunde en gulsigheid besteel en vernietig het deur korrupsie. Die waarheid is baie tragies- want ons en ons voorouers wat die bouers was van die land was, het dit toegelaat. Ons platteland wat gebou was deur die inwoners is totaal en al vervalle.
If poor road conditions cause a car accident, you can claim – but you will have to prepare your case properly to ensure it succeeds. Potholes and poor driving levels are major causes of accidents and even if it is sometimes only your car’s tyres that must be replaced, large potholes can cause much worse damage. Your insurance usually pays for the damages, but what happens if you are not insured?
Die meeste mense weet dit nie, maar elke keer wanneer koeie winde opbreek, moe en kou, deel hulle inligting wat ‘n storie vertel oor hul gesondheid en welsyn. Die werk van navorsers van die kollege van landbou en natuurwetenskappe by die Virginia technikon in Amerika, mag binnekort meer lig werp op wat koeie vir ons probeer sê, en dié inligting kan gebruik word om hul welstand te verbeter.
Suid-Afrika se boere sal in 2024 minder winste behaal en ook nie sommer hul bedrywighede uitbrei nie. Dít is omdat die land se infrastruktuur hulle in die steek laat en regeringsbeleid groot onsekerheid skep
Cargo shipping is the means of transport used to transfer items, goods, and cargo from a port to a destination by ship. Shipping is the cheapest means of transportation per ton. Preferred for economical and efficient long-distance transport with low environmental impact.
Die meeste mense weet dit nie, maar elke keer wanneer koeie winde opbreek, moe en kou, deel hulle inligting wat ‘n storie vertel oor hul gesondheid en welsyn. Die werk van navorsers van die kollege van landbou en natuurwetenskappe by die Virginia technikon in Amerika, mag binnekort meer lig werp op wat koeie vir ons probeer sê, en dié inligting kan gebruik word om hul welstand te verbeter.
Wat ons sien van Suid Afrika in die jaar 2024- is die gevolg van 'n onbevoegde regering wat vir 30 jaar Suid Afrika deur onkunde en gulsigheid besteel en vernietig het deur korrupsie. Die waarheid is baie tragies- want ons en ons voorouers wat die bouers was van die land was, het dit toegelaat. Ons platteland wat gebou was deur die inwoners is totaal en al vervalle.
Die Kaapse Wynland-distriksmunisipaliteit se Branddienste en helpers het beduidende vordering gemaak en alle brandlyne is nou onder beheer. Spanne bly bedag vir moontlike opvlammings in die warm weer, en gaan voort om op te ruim. ‘n Woordvoerder, Anesca Roodt, skryf die welslae toe aan samewerking wat die deurslag gegee het om die brande die afgelope tien dae te bestuur:
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