The weather’s cool and there’s even been some welcome and, in places, heavy rain in the southwestern Cape, just as the pear harvest is picking up steam.
The weather’s cool and there’s even been some welcome and, in places, heavy rain in the southwestern Cape, just as the pear harvest is picking up steam.
The global pineapple juice market revenue amounted to $829M in 2017, coming down by -4.1% against the previous year. A dip in raw material prices for the pineapple concentrate and uncertainty within producers in Thailand resulted in a price drop and a subsequent fall in the market value.
For the best soil care solution, farmers should look at deploying preventative methods as opposed to a cure. The correct agricultural products and mechanisation implements will enable you to find a solution for sustainable soil care.
Wyndruifprodusente en kelders in Suid-Afrika se Wes Kaap is positief oor die vooruitsigte en gehalte van die 2019-oes, ondanks uitdagende toestande wat tot een van die kleinste oeste in meer as ʼn dekade gelei het voor verlede jaar. In 2018 was die oes beter.
According to a specialist in the sector, “the first two weeks of the campaign went really well, with the highest volumes sold for Christmas. Both packages sold well, the lychees from Madagascar in 4.4 lbs and 12 lbs.”
Blueberries remain a popular product. In Latin America, great investments are still made in the cultivation of these berries. Chile is the market leader at this time of the year, but Peru has the ambition to become the world's largest exporter in the next two years. Other countries also see opportunities in the product's export. North America remains a major destination for the fruit, but exports to Europe and Asia are also on the rise.