You are responsible for your Health-  Wake up

You are responsible for your Health- Wake up

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Almost 90% plus people are born healthy, but with all the onslaughts of the world and poor health maintenance, there are many sick people.

With a messy sick world of unhealthy food and water and parents not actually knowing what it is to raise children correctly- the onslaughts against these children are physically and emotionally enriching.

The day parents start teaching their children that their health is not in the hands of the medical world and Pharma but in their own hands, we will have healthy people. Parents also need to realise that they only have 7 years to truly educate their children and keep them emotionally strong and healthy. It is exceedingly difficult to really know in these times of social media what is healthy and unhealthy because every Dick and Harry and his partner has an egg to lay somewhere and try to sell him/herself as experts. You need to know what is good and what is bad. It is all about selling. 

We have no idea what is in the food we eat and what the origins of it --and even though we know--one cannot trust the system. What is written on "labels" is not true in cases.

Unfortunately, there is no longer a reliable medical value system- because in most cases everything is only about money and medical services are unaffordable.

You and you alone are responsible for your health and if not- you are in the hands of the medical world and Pharma. You are the owner of your body, and some people is slowly becoming very sceptical towards Pharma and the medical world. 

Radio and television is also very popular for these Health products marketing campaigns-Lots of promises.  It's ridiculous to respond to these ads. 

There is no "Quick fix" for a so-called deficiency of Vitamins and Minerals and Amino Acids - just stay away from all the needles and expensive drips that are pumped into your body to make you feel better and if you walk out there you might feel good for a few hours. These so-called treatments are expensive and do not have efficacy and side effects will indeed emerge.

Don't let anyone stop your body full of "Synthetic" pills and all kinds of oils or drops- There must be a reason why you should use it and the end goal should be to repair your body and allow your body to function naturally.

" Nothing heals the body- the body heals itself when provided with what it needs."

If your body is healthy and working correctly your body will manufacture its own nutrition - and the secret and knowledge lies in addressing the cause and treating it with the right products.

You're unique--not everything works the same on everyone--especially if you're guessing and don't know what's going on inside your body.

Most of the products are “SYNTHETIC" and your body does not like it. Better to focus on WHY you need this Vitamines. 

If you are truly healthy- no matter how old you are- you are not overweight, you eat and drink healthy (you know what the content is) - you are not addicted to something and you are not unhealthy You taken care of yourself, you look healthy and you do not use any prescribed pills.

The same goes for health practitioners you visit.  Just stay away from practitioners who don't "Practise what they preach". They must at least look healthy and be healthy and give you the real alternative health- that works.

 Moenie onverantwoordelik wees met jou gesondheid nie- Boodskap

Mr Google" and all sorts of other videos on social media are just a guide and don't try to heal yourself through this common knowledge. You are unique and there are many factors that need to be considered for these smart people's advice to make you healthy. Just be careful and remember- it's your body.

What you eat and drink and think affects your health. The world has very little healthy food and water.  Again, it's your choice.

If your digestive tract is healthy and working correctly you should be a healthy person- you will not be overweight or underweight and your organs will be nourished correctly and a quality life.

It doesn't help to eat all these expensive so-called Organic foods and go on a "vegan" diet if your digestive system isn't working properly. There's only one way to fix it and that's the right way. Just stay away from all these "Purgation" remedies that are so freely recommended and packaged so beautifully.

The biggest problems is TOXINS in the body- a few health practitioners really know how to get all these toxins out with the correct method.

Have you thought about the reason why you are permanently on prescribed medication for the following symptoms-

How blood pressure

How blood sugar


Under active Thyroid

Swollen feet


Low iron levels


Bloated after a meal.



Dry Skin

Tired and run down and "stressed”.








Blood circulation and sore burning feet

Hormones and the Pill etc.

This is just a few- there is still a lot.

So- It’s been a long time since you have the symptoms and what's really the wrong and for how long are you still going to honour this prescription that you take so often and be honest with yourself and evaluate your health. Certain prescription medications are especially important to take for a period of time- but hopefully not forever.

Did you know what the side effects are of all these prescribed drugs you drink - and what it does to your body. - It’s time for you to find out what Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Antibiotics- Cortisone, sleeping pills and pain pills do to your body, not to mention other stronger "drugs". Cancer medicine is destructive on the body and people's health is irreparably damaged and it takes years to recover.  Cancer drugs have a lot of side effects and are unaffordable and a lot of people are bullied to use it.

Smoking is destructive and can never, ever be cured – just like alcohol abuse. You do not want to live in your body when you get older... but these people do not want to get rid of the CRUTCH.  Young people around the world are some of the biggest alcohol users and smokers and will only realise at a later stage what they have done to their health. VIPE is also dangerous- and that is very "cool” and popular. 

Excess Coffee, Sugar, Tobacco, and beverages destroy not only your minerals but also your DNA.  The more coffee you drink the lower your iron levels --Your DNA is made up of Minerals, Amino Acids, and Healthy Glucose, among others.

The quality of food and water is no longer what it was 30 years ago- The soil has no longer the amount of minerals. When you buy water, you believe that the water is mineral enriched. This is an excessively big problem that affects an entire nation. Most of the time you drink REVERSE WATER -We need freshwater- Real Springwater.

Stay away from all these instant drinks filled with all kinds of vitamins and minerals. It is soiled with sugar and hidden preservatives.

You drink “DEAD REVERSE" water- from the Tap. Water that has been recycled- "cleaned" and there is virtually no life and minerals in it- Don't be so sure that the water you buy is what is being said on label. Most of the water is full of unhealthy Oestrogen/ Toxins and there is only one way to take it out. Vegetables and fruit planted in poor soils have no nutritional value due to inferior quality soil and fertilization and poor watering.

Fast foods with high sugar levels and unhealthy fat content are the big reason people develop Biofilm and a lot of inflammation. Gas and sugar soft drinks, undigested proteins, fat and sugar are the breeding grounds for chronic diseases.  Sauces that marketed so nicely and make everything juicy and delicious- are in most cases big poison- full of sugar and preservatives and along with bad fat even worse. Most people will get an allergy, - and the chances are that the medical world will give you cortisone for these allergic reactions.

Everything you use so dearly to make you look beautiful in the form of creams, soaps, and expensive cosmetic products that you so freely apply and spray to your skin--all ends up in your liver--and then you wonder why you might have and allergy- a nice “tjoep” around your waste and many other problems. Botox and Fillers is not good for your health. You face will be smooth, but your natural smile will be gone- and you will find that it is not that easy to smile...with emotions.  The bad side of this is that your tissue will deteriorate once you get older- not a nice picture. It also good to check what kind of materials you wear. 

Try to eat red meat that is only fattened on healthy quality grass- (Grass Fed) - it is very risky to eat any red meat fed with grain and soy today (GMO seed). You do not know what form of injections the cattle/sheep had. Millions of people are currently "gluten Intolerance" and it is becoming more by the day. This is the reason wheat consumption is going to decline at some point.


 The side effects of taking steroids, from acne to heartburn

What you put in your mouth is your responsibility- Just look around you and see how fat and unhealthy people are- and this is happening at a very early age now. Inflammation and Bio Film and allergy and many more external factors make them sick. Men look pregnant women- this a time bomb. 

The environment and circumstances within which you work and remain contribute greatly to your health- do not let yourself be sickened by the negative emotions of sick people around you.

Only people who have cancer--know what cancer is--and the only way you can possibly escape cancer is to take preventative action.

There's still so much to write about- but I just call it, "Message to you”.

The message is the following-

Your DNA is unique- Your DNA needs your help- You need to take care of it. - Do not put it in the hands of foreign elements.

If you don't take care of your body and health,  don't maintain it-- eating and drinking unhealthy food - smoking and alcohol abuse- using drugs- not sleeping- not doing exercise- being overweight--being irresponsible about your health, your thinking and behaviour-  Then you are SELFISH towards the people who love and living with you.

If you get older and haven't taken care of your health, you're changes of being a  sick person and this will be a extra burden for your family and friends.  Your hardworking money will end up in the hands of PHARMA and the medical world that's going to keep you alive for as long as you can pay- then your inheritance is much smaller to your loved ones. Apart from that, you put excruciating "Stress" and worries on your loved ones because they love you and don't want to lose or see you in your pain.

There is nothing as fulfilling as having a healthy Father and Mother and with it a healthy Grandpa and Grandma. This is what adds value to your humanity. Similarly, parents also want to see their children grow old healthy.

Wherever I go, I see more sick people than healthy people--and most of them don't even know that--if you're overweight, you're not healthy. People still want a product that makes the symptoms go away and aren't exactly interested in the cause. Every human being is unique, which is why a well-trained Health Practitioner always determines the natural behaviour of every human being before considering what the cause is. There are many ways to heal your body--it's not a quick process--because it comes a long way. When you decide to live healthy and take care of your health you will have to say goodbye to certain things in your life and drastically make a turnaround.

There are so many ways to make your life better- it's important that you get the correct information. You must maintain your body, and you must understand your body and be in touch with yourself. 

It is going to take a very long time to turn our older people's heads and make them realise that they can feel much better if they just want to listen and will turn away from the Pharma who want to control your health.

Take accountability and be proud of yourself and your body- Don't lose your dignity- stay away from negative people- you are not a sheep to follow others. Get excited about yourself and your own people - Stand firm - you came into the world alone- you are going out into the world alone.

There are still many messages- they will pass us on one by one.

Believe hope and trust - You can - if you want.

Johann Pretorius

Quanlim Life Pretoria

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