Treating only your symptoms and not the Cause- is the problem.

Treating only your symptoms and not the Cause- is the problem.

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Symptomatic treatment, supportive care, supportive therapy, or palliative treatment is any medical therapy of a disease that only affects its symptoms, not the underlying cause.

 Currently there are 30% more obese people on the planet than undernourished people. And this has happened only within 15 years because 15 years ago it was exactly the opposite. And it’s occurring in countries that still have under nutrition. 

366 million diabetics walking the earth, that’s 5% of the world’s population. And they are chewing through all the health-care resources. This was just three months ago, diabetes costs the US $24 billion. Now if we could recoup even a fraction of that, we wouldn’t even need health-care reform. In fact, it’s been suggested that we wouldn’t even need financial reform. Okay, 41% rise in 5 years, this is going up so fast it makes your head spin.

The average American currently consumes 17 teaspoons (71 grams) every day. That translates into about 57 pounds of added sugar consumed each year, per person. The World Health Organization has made consistent recommendations on limiting daily sugar intake. Likewise, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends no more than 6 teaspoons (25 grams) of added sugar per day for women and 9 teaspoons (38 grams) for men. The AHA limits for children vary depending on their age and caloric needs, but range between 3 and 6 teaspoons (12 to 25 grams) per day.

What’s the future going to be like

And here’s the future if we do nothing. Experts predict 165 million Americans, 42% would be obese by the year 2030. 100 million Americans, that’ll be 33%, will have diabetes by 2050, but fear not, because it won’t really matter because Medicare will be broke by 2026.

THE VERY PARADIGM of our health care system is wrong and needs to change. The conventional medical view, supported by the medical-industrial complex, is that the body comprises isolated parts and that doctors must treat symptoms. But the body is an integrated whole: every part of the body is related to every other part of the body in a constant interplay of functions and processes. We must treat symptoms, yes, but we must treat the causes of those symptoms as well.

By focusing on overall wellness throughout our entire body, we could ultimately alleviate many of the symptoms that ail us. Put simply, symptoms will never stop developing if their causes aren’t addressed and in extreme cases, patients can end up taking dozens of pills but never getting better.

There are simple ways in which we can start to take care of ourselves in a holistic manner. The importance of diet to our all-round wellbeing, for example, still isn’t fully appreciated. Essential to health is the inclusion of large quantities of varied vegetables, which can lead us to experience wonderful and dramatic changes in the body and in our mood! Exercise and sleep are also very important to your wellbeing. If we don’t move our bodies in the way that they were designed to move or rest for the right amount of time––about seven to eight hours–––it’s no surprise that we get sick!

Searching for the underlying causes of symptoms and illnesses is something like being a detective: you need to look at your exposure to toxins, your diet, your stress management, your sleep hygiene and other factors to help ascertain the causes of and contributors to illness. Symptoms are far more simple to identify than causes, but they only indicate a condition of ill health and can therefore return if the person’s health doesn’t improve. Sometimes, a symptom can be related to more than one cause. In order to understand what it is going on in the body that produced that symptom, you need a proper evaluation: history, workup, testing. The process takes longer, but it’s necessary. To put together a treatment plan that deals with causes, not symptoms, you need to understand each unique patient.

  Prescription drugs and Pharma-

IT’s important to treat symptoms. But treating a symptom and not its cause is like putting a picture over a hole created by termites. You no longer see the hole, but the termites are still there, eating away. If we don’t want to fall into this trap, we need to change the way we think about our approach to health care.

Its time to WAKE UP-  and start to maintain your body-  Start asking question and start take responsibility for your health.  You don't want to end up in a Hospital in Africa and other third world countries

Two inconvenient truths:

1. There is no medicalized prevention for chronic metabolic disease. There’s just long-term treatment.
2. You can’t fix healthcare until you fix health. You can’t fix health until you fix diet. And, you can’t fix diet until you know what the hell is wrong.

Millions of people in world is overweight-  Obese-  

You don’t die of obesity; you die of the diseases that “travel” with it. It’s these metabolic decompensations that make obesity the scourge that it is. Diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, cancer, and dementia–the things that kill you under the concept of “metabolic syndrome.

The key to the chronic disease kingdom is that there are not four separate problems (nutrition, metabolism, inflammation, immunity); there’s only one and they are all related. Screw up one and you screw up the other three.

You are not what you eat. You are what you metabolize.

The key to the kingdom is that it is not about obesity, it is about metabolic dysfunction and anyone can get it, and that’s what makes it a public health crisis, because obesity is a result of the problem, not the cause.

Don't talk about the obesity epidemic ever again, because that is the food industry’s mantra, that is what they use to obfuscate the truth, and you play right into it when you talk about it. 

You need to understand that  Sugar is NOT good for your body.  

Sugar is now the most ubiquitous foodstuff worldwide, and has been added to virtually every processed food, limiting consumer choice and the ability to avoid it. Approximately 80 percent of the 6,000,000 consumer packaged foods in the United States have added caloric sweeteners.

Sugar’s not dangerous because of its calories, or because it makes you fat. Sugar is dangerous because it’s sugar. It’s not nutrition. When consumed in excess, it’s a toxin. And it’s addictive.

Quanlim Life 

The six cellular pathways to longevity are the same pathways to chronic metabolic disease:

  1. Glycation
  2. Oxidative stress
  3. Inflammation
  4. Mitochondrial dysfunction
  5. Insulin resistance
  6. Membrane instability

And none of these pathways are druggable, except maybe inflammation, and that may be downstream of the other five.

Glycation is a spontaneous non-enzymatic reaction of free reducing sugars with free amino groups of proteins, DNA, and lipids that forms Amadori products. The Amadori products undergo a variety of irreversible dehydration and rearrangement reactions that lead to the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs)

Oxidative stress is a phenomenon caused by an imbalance between production and accumulation of oxygen reactive species (ROS) in cells and tissues and the ability of a biological system to detoxify these reactive products.

Inflammation is part of the body's defense mechanism. It is the process by which the immune system recognizes and removes harmful and foreign stimuli and begins the healing process. Inflammation can be either acute or chronic. Acute Inflammation.

Mitochondria are the “energy factory” of our body. Several thousand mitochondria are in nearly every cell in the body. Their job is to process oxygen and convert substances from the foods we eat into energy. Mitochondria produce 90% of the energy our body needs to function.

Insulin resistance is when cells in your muscles, fat, and liver don't respond well to insulin and can't easily take up glucose from your blood. As a result, your pancreas makes more insulin to help glucose enter your cells

Membrane instability -Partially reduced oxygen free radicals cause injury to cell membranes and other cell constituents. 

What’s the difference between marketing and propaganda?  The truth. The food industry has propagandized the last 40 years of nutritional information. They got rich, and we got sick. Time to embrace the real science of real food.

If the  above is not healthy the chances of Cancer and other serious diagnoses is possible.

INSULIN RESISTANCE is the main Culprit- but PHARMA will only treat the symptoms to be assured of a Income for many years

The key to the chronic disease kingdom is that there are not four separate problems (nutrition, metabolism, inflammation, immunity); there’s only one and they are all related. Screw up one and you screw up the other three.

Take note of this-  

We at Quanlim Life is concentrating on this for the past 16 years- that's why our clients are healthy and looking much younger than their biological age. Our scanners is capable of getting all these information. 


STOP- Drink all these pills that you buy in shops, online and go to a real HEALTH CARE practitioner- who will never feed you "drugs" or treat your symptoms alone- a Real Health practitioner who understand the correct way to heal you.  Stay away from any synthetic pills. 

We concentrate on your lifestyle-and we have all the correct products to assist you in way to a better life- "Mr Google" don't know you- so don't try to get your answer on Google. 

We have all the Health products in stock to assist your body to heal itself- but you also need to make a huge U turn to a healthy body and life.

Johann Pretorius Professional Health Care Practitioner

Pretoria South Africa
