South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig -  Weekly Agriculture News Summary  1st March 2023

South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 1st March 2023

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Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels. 

André de Ruyter het in ʼn onthullende onderhoud die afgelope week met Annika Larsen, meeste mense se voorgevoelens bevestig – dat korrupsie en wanadministrasie baie dieper in die ANC se DNS ingeweef is as wat ons dink. Verder het advokaat Paul Pretorius SC, hoofgetuienisleier van die Zondo-Kommissie, gewaarsku dat die land ʼn erger vlaag van korrupsie te staan kom en ook gevra waarom die grootkoppe in misdaad nog steeds beskerming geniet? Op ʼn internasionale front skaar Suid-Afrika homself boonop graag by muishondlande wat – soos met die kragkrisis – vir groot probleme sorg met betrekking tot die aansien van die regering en dit selfs nog moeiliker maak vir beleggers om hier te belê.

Half of U.S. farms produce less than $10,000 a year in goods — too little to support a household — and an additional 30.8% generate less than $100,000 in sales. These smaller farms hold 30% of the 893 million acres of land in farms, said an annual USDA report. The largest 4% of farms, with more than $1 million in sales, operate nearly 26% of U.S. farmland. ReaD more

Food production: Cattle farming is a major source of food, particularly beef, which is a significant source of protein for many people around the world. Economic benefits: Cattle farming can provide significant economic benefits to farmers, rural communities, and countries as a whole, through employment opportunities, export earnings, and tax revenue. Land management: Cattle farming can be an effective way to manage large tracts of land, particularly in areas where other forms of agriculture are not feasible. Cattle can graze on land that is unsuitable for crops and can help control invasive plant species.   READ  MORE    

In 2007, after the first failure of government policy to source new generation from independent power producers (IPPs), Eskom hurriedly embarked on constructing two 4,800MW mega coal power stations, Medupi and Kusile, with budgets of about R80bn each. Medupi was scheduled for completion in 2014 and Kusile 2015. Sixteen years and more than R300bn later, after being born in corruption and a subsequent accumulation of human and mechanical error, Kusile is struggling to spew out a single megawatt. Medupi is performing somewhat better but has been no stranger to breakdowns and delays.

Next-generation technologies such as AI, ubiquitous connectivity and quantum computing have the potential to generate new risks for the world, and at this stage, their full impact is not well understood. There is an urgent need for collective action, policy intervention and improved accountability for government and business in order to avert a potential cyber pandemic. The Forum’s Centre for Cybersecurity launched the Future Series: Cybercrime 2025 initiative to identify what approaches are required to manage cyber risks in the face of the major technology trends taking place in the near future. READ MORE 

Ons span is die week weer op die pad- Die wereld is nat en miljoene rande se skade is aangerig-  Daar is baie skade in Vaal en Oranje riviere se oewers aangerig Dis absoluut 'n skande dat die Nuusmedia in Suid Afrika met soveel entosiasme verslag doen oor negatiewe gebeure.  Ons begin eersdaags met ons eie finansieele verslag asook 'n paar nuwe insetsels wat aangebied word deur mense wat self in die landbou werksaam is. 




 Wees op die uitkyk vir 'n splinternuwe Nasionale Kompetiese.      

Week se nuus op AGRI NEWS NET 
In papers filed in reply to a constitutional challenge on load-shedding, president Cyril Ramaphosa has said that it does not constitute a dereliction of duty on his part or that of national government as the law places the responsibility for electricity provision on municipalities.
Suid-Afrika se tariefvoordele vir uitvoer na Amerika is waarskynlik vir eers veilig, maar die land se omstrede diplomatieke vriendskappe met Rusland en China kan dié voordele in die nabye toekoms in gedrang bring.
Limpopo dam levels continue to rise -A weekly report on dam levels issued by the Department of Water and Sanitation has shown an improvement again in Limpopo water levels from last week’s 91,3% to 91,6% this week. During a similar period last year, the province’s overall storage capacity stood at 88,1%, which is an improvement this year.
Groot kommer heers dat kuberkrakers foute in moderne plaasmasjinerie, wat verantwoordelik is om gewasse te plant en te oes, kan uitbuit. Selfs Suid-Afrikaanse boere, wat ook gebruik maak van gevorderde masjinerie, is bekommerd oor die moontlikheid dat hul data gekaap kan word.
South Africa- Both grades of Petrol 93 & 95 will go up by R1.27 Diesel will go up by 30.38cents Illuminating Paraffin goes up by 13cents increaseMaximum LPGas Retail Price goes up by R5.22 cents per litre.
Gwede Mantashe, the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, insists he is actually doing a great job, despite South Africa going through its worst energy crisis in decades. Mantashe has been accused of interfering at Eskom and delaying the rollout of independent power producers (IPP) and the implementation of the Just Energy Transition.
Aartappelpryse het in die afgelope drie maande ’n stewige opwaartse kurwe geneem en volgens markhandelaars kan die pryse verder styg. Hoewel dit goeie nuus vir produsente is, sal die verbruiker dit beslis aan sy beursie voel. Pryse het gwissel en 'n sakkie aartappel se prys was R78.00 per sakkie gemiddeld.
As jy na sekere radiostasies se nuusbulletins geluister het, sosiale media se nuusbronne gelees het, daaglikse aanlyn of koerantpubikasies gelees het, en jy kyk nog in die aand na die Televisie nuus- dan stap jy sommer uit Suid Afrika. Nuus sensasie is aan die orde van die dag. Die nuusmedia gee in meeste gevalle die meeste publisiteit aan die korruptes met hulle belaglike uitprake.
The new National Minimum Wage (NMW) hourly rates published by the Minister of Employment and Labour on 21 February 2023 will take effect from 1 March 2023. The NMW rate increase from R23.19 to R25.42 per hour will have a significant impact on the agriculture sector.
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 Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar-  

A small group of KwaZulu-Natal pineapple growers supply the whole of South Africa with fresh pineapples. In Hluhluwe, Queen pineapples are produced on dryland fields for 52 weeks of the year with an average annual yield of around 47 million kg of pineapples.

Landbou-ontleders waarsku dat Afrika se tyd beperk is in die wedloop na voedselsekerheid. Dit volg nadat bevind is daar is ongeveer 80 miljoen mense wat aan hongerte en wanvoeding kan ly weens die droogte. Ontleders glo om landbou-oplossings in te stel wat bekend is om produktiwiteit van beter sade en kunsmis te verbeter, kan die uitset verhoog en langtermyn veerkragtigheid opbou.

Die minister van Openbare Ondernemings, Pravin Gordhan, sê hy is nie bewus van enige misdaadkartelle wat in Eskom bedrywig is nie. Die Daily Maverick het skynbaar intelligensieverslae bekom wat twee lede van President Cyril Ramaphosa se kabinet met vier kartelle verbind wat in die kragvoorsiener bedrywig is.

Over the past few years, there has been a paradigm shift in consumer preferences. Indian buyers are becoming increasingly health-conscious and watchful of the food they consume. In light of this trend, two modes of farming — residue-free and organic, have become increasingly popular.

South Africa's agricultural sector has had a broadly better-than-expected performance in 2022. The exports reached a record US$12,8 billion, and agricultural machinery sales, such as tractors, were at the highest level in 40 years.

The start of South Africa's 2022/23 summer crop production season was challenging for farmers and agricultural role players because of excessive rains. Crop planting in various regions of the country was delayed by roughly a month, threatening yield prospects.

Graan SA se kunsmis-en-landbouchemiese verslag vir Februarie wys dat insetpryse op internasionale markte op ’n maand- en ’n jaargrondslag gedaal het. Mnr. Christiaan Vercueil, landbou-ekonoom by Graan SA, meen egter dat plaaslike produsente nie die volle voordeel hiervan sal geniet nie.

Die koste wat met bedrog in die graan en oliesadewaardeketting gepaard gaan, is nie net die direkte geldelike verliese van miljoene rande nie. Dit ontwrig ook almal wat betrokke raak om die misdaad te probeer aanpak omdat dit tyd kos wat eerder aan bedryfsake gegee kon word. Ondernemings is ook nie altyd kundig om misdaad aan te pak nadat dit plaasgevind het nie,

. An international group of retailers have been researching how to reduce this most effectively and are making real progress. Of course the ideal situation would be that all glass bottles were either reused or recycled because, unlike some other materials, glass can be recycled virtually infinitely.

Verbruikers hoef nie suur dr(ui)we te hê oor die prys van uie nie, al is dit die neiging in ander lande. “In Thailand was dit twee weke gelede duurder vir ’n kilogram uie as ’n kilogram vleis. Dis verregaande,” sê Wandile Sihlobo, hoofekonoom van Agbiz.

Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was.  Lees dit en nog meer op