AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News  17th September 2023

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 17th September 2023

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Suid-Afrika is weens die ANC-regering diep in die rooi en pleks daarvan om hul amptenare se betaalstaat te snoei, oorweeg die regering eerder om BTW te verhoog of om kritiese dienste na van die armste burgers te verminder. Noxolo Kiviet, minister van Staatsdiens en Administrasie, het in ’n vraag-en-antwoord-sessie in die Nasionale Vergadering gesê loonverhogings vir die 2023-’24- en die 2024-’25-boekjaar wat aan staatsamptenare toegestaan is, sal belastingbetalers R60 miljard uit die sak jaag. Staatsamptenare het onder meer in 2023-’24 effektief ’n verhoging van 7,5% ontvang. Die inflasiekoers word beraam teen omtrent 4,5% tot 5,5%. Dit blyk dus asof staatsdienswerkers al hoe ryker word terwyl die meeste ander Suid-Afrikaners al hoe armer word. Staatsamptenare se vergoeding beloop ongeveer ’n derde van die regering se uitgawes. 

The EU is concerned that top cocoa grower Ivory Coast is struggling to implement a sustainability drive needed for its beans to meet new EU standards, five people with knowledge of the process say. The new EU law, set to come into force at about end-2024, aims to crack down on the import of commodities linked to deforestation by requiring companies to prove their goods were not grown on land deforested after 2020. At stake is smooth access to the main market for cocoa produced in Ivory Coast, the world’s leading producer and exporter of cocoa beans, shipping about 70% of annual output to the EU.  The government estimates the implementation of these and other sustainability measures will cost about 421-billion CFA franc ($692m) and it has sought about half of this from donors, the cocoa industry and chocolate companies. 

Die Ramaphosa-administrasie het die laaste paar jaar daarin geslaag om sowel Afrika as die Weste te vervreem. Nie net polities nie; ons nasionale fiskale bestuur maak internasionale organisasies soos die Internasionale Monetêre Fonds (IMF) en die Finansiële Aksietaakmag (FATF) diep bekommerd. Sedert 24 Februarie 2023 is Suid-Afrika op die FATF se gryslys, saam met lande soos Jemen, Nigerië en Albanië. Die FATF is onseker oor Suid-Afrika se kapasiteit en gewilligheid om geldwassery en die befondsing van internasionale terrorisme te bekamp. Op 24 Februarie 2022, tot op die dag 'n jaar voordat Suid-Afrika na die FATF se gryslys verban is, het Cyril Ramaphosa besluit om ons land by 'n Russiese despoot te skaar en ons van ons grootste handelsvennote te vervreem. In Junie 2023 skryf vier invloedryke Amerikaanse senatore 'n gesamentlike brief waarin hulle 'n beroep op die VSA doen om Suid-Afrika die reg te ontneem om die 2023-forum van die Amerikaanse wet op groei en geleenthede in Afrika (Agoa) aan te bied. Dit kom ná verskeie dreigemente uit Washington dat Suid-Afrika ná 2025 uit die Agoa-ooreenkoms gelaat kan word.

’n Eiertekort kan binne weke die prys van eiers opjaag nadat voëlgriep sedert begin vanjaar byna 10% van die land se lê-henne uitgewis het.Izaak Breitenbach, hoof van die Suid-Afrikaanse Pluimveevereniging (Sapa) se braaikuiken-afdeling, sê sedert begin vanjaar het 3,5 miljoen uit ongeveer 29 miljoen lê-henne in die land gevrek of is van kant gemaak. Sowat 1,2 miljoen teel-henne is van kant gemaak. Sowat 20% van teel-troppe (die ouers van die henne wat uiteindelik lê-henne word) is geraak en kan die toekomstige voorsiening van lê-henne raak. Sekere winkels in Gauteng het reeds kennisgewings opgeplak by die taamlik leë eierrakke om die situasie aan verbruikers te verduidelik. Voëlgriep het in April in Suid-Afrika uitgebreek in dele van die Wes-Kaap en KwaZulu-Natal, maar was taamlik onder beheer.

"Super Solar Fund’ for South African Commerce and Industry and Agriculture -Solar Fund Solution R5m to R40m -Whenever one refers to a solution in terms of finance, it must reach further than a generic solution and display its commitment to supporting the value channel,  is an abbreviation for Agri Value Channel. The fund that we have partnered with in this instance have develop the fund to distinguish it from the market in so many ways.  READ MORE 

The earthquake in Morocco triggered fears of disruptions to Phosphate exports. Although the impact looks minimal, Phosphates trading activity was lively this week. Strong phosphates purchasing from India this week created buying interest in many other regions. The Indian DAP price rose a good $30/t to approach $600/t CFR India. Rising ammonia prices for Indian DAP producers adds support to importing more DAP instead of producing it. READ MORE

African Parks plans to establish a reintroduction framework using independent rhino experts who will look at factors like what criteria an area needs to receive animals, what kind of feasibility studies need to take place, what security will be required in an area and what follow-up monitoring will look like. Fearnhead says he hopes the first rhinos will be placed by the end of this year or in early 2024, with an average of 300 rhinos a year being moved for the next 10 years. READ MORE

“Agriculture is an important sector that directly contributes approximately 2.5 per cent of GDP,” says Roux Wildenboer, sector head for Agriculture at Absa. “When all upstream and downstream linkages are considered, it is estimated that agriculture directly and indirectly supports 12 per cent of the country’s GDP. This is particularly relevant in the rural areas of South Africa, where the agricultural sector is often the largest employer and source of economic activity. READ MORE 

Hierdie weeklikse oorsig word totaal en al vertaal in 5 tale en word reg oor die wereld gepubliseer. 

Ons het ook nou 'n weeklikse AUDIO CAST in Engels- Net die Hooftrekke. Saam met dit is ons gewilde Agri News Rush wat binnekort weer gaan terug wees in 'n ander formaat.

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Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.


 AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 10th September 2023

The 2023 Junior Writers awards is open until the 30th September 2023 

 Proudly sponsored  by Hollard-

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We proud to announce that our mediums is now part of 34 international Farming and Agriculture news mediums around the world.  We are Independent and a leading farming and agriculture in South Africa- Africa and the rest of the world.  18 years of constant reporting with a dedicated creative team.

When conditional private ownership of wildlife was granted in 1991, many livestock producers switched to extensive wildlife production. On the back of the economic and ecological advantages of extensive wildlife production, the industry experienced an average annual growth rate of 5.6% up to the mid-2000s. However, an increase in intensive breeding practices, especially of high-value animals since the mid-2000s, resulted in a further acceleration at a growth rate of 6.75% per annum. As a result, the wildlife industry is the fastest growing agricultural sector in South Africa, with over 10 000 game ranches using in excess of 17% of the total land area. This industry is globally recognized, resting on several consumable and non-consumable pillars (i.e. recreational hunting, trophy or biltong hunting, venison production, live game trade and eco-tourism), with hunting and eco-tourism being the main contributors towards the economy of this industry.  AGRIBOOK

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Here is just a few of the 350 that were posted this week. 

Suid-Afrika staar ’n ekonomiese krisis in die gesig namate die land se geldkoffer vinnig besig is om heeltemal leeg te raak. Die tesourie het verlede week onthul dat die begroting na ’n tekort van R143,8 miljard vir Julie beweeg het. Dit is die grootste tekort sedert 2004 en meer as die R115,5 miljard wat ekonome voorspel het. Daar was in Junie ’n surplus van R36,7 miljard. Bloomberg het vroeër berig dat die land se nasionale skuld tot R4,7 triljoen gestyg het en in 2025 R6 triljoen kan bereik, vergeleke met R500 miljard in 2006.

Chinese customs data indicates South Africa has imported over 5,000 MW of solar panels from China since the beginning of 2022. 3,700 MW was imported this year alone. This data was compiled by energy think tank Ember Climate, which released a report analysing China’s solar exports this week.

Industry experts claim that South African farmers should take advantage of the recent success of the BRICS summit in South Africa to explore this market with six additional members.

Retail chains that engage in backward integration, such as Pick n Pay, which is acquiring Tomis Group with its Western Cape feedlot and abattoir, are a novelty in South Africa and can be advantageous for the red meat industry and the market in general.

China en Zambië sal daarop aandring om meer gebruik te maak van hul eie geldeenhede in hul handelsvennootskap en beleggings, het die lande in ‘n gesamentlike verklaring gesê nadat hul leiers vandag vergader het.

Pole, Slowakye en Hongarye het beperkings op Oekraïnse graaninvoere aangekondig nadat die Europese Kommissie besluit het om nie sy verbod op invoere na Oekraïne se vyf EU-bure uit te brei nie.

KwaZulu-Natal’s Agricultural Union, Kwanalu, proudly announces that Lüneberg timber, maize, soy bean and free range cattle farmer, Heiko Gevers is the 2023 KZN Kwanalu Young Farmer of the Year. Gevers’ remarkable precision, keen eye for maximizing profitability, and unwavering commitment to community development captured the judges' attention.

Vandag gedenk ons, ons mense wat wreed om die lewe gebring is op ons plase . Dit gebeur vanoggend by die WITKRUISMONUMENT daar in die heuwels suid van Pietersburg. Die kruise is reg, soos elke ander jaar, om geplant te word.

Belly cargo options across Africa are set to increase, along with projections by aerospace multinational Boeing that intra-continental passenger traffic will more than quadruple in the next twenty years, placing the continent’s upward volume trajectory among the highest globally.

Replacing half of the pork, chicken, beef and milk products we consume with plant-based alternatives could reduce global greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and related land use by nearly a third, and virtually halt forest loss, according to research published on Tuesday.

Across the continent, over half of Africa’s white and a third of its black rhino occurred on private land in 2021. An additional 5% of the continent’s black rhino were held on communal land in Namibia and South Africa.

Suid-Afrikaanse rooivleisprodusente kan nie bekostig om hul blind te staar teen dit wat hulle elke dag sien nie, want dan sal hulle nêrens kom nie, het Dave Osborne van Number Two Piggeries by die RPO-konferensie gesê.

Die Bruto Binnelandse Produk (BBP) in Suid-Afrika is te laag vir die voerkraalbedryf om uit te brei. Beesuitvoere is die enigste manier waarop die bedryf werklik sal groei en mededingend kan wees en die doel is om 20% van plaaslike produksie uit te voer, het Louw van Reenen van Beefmaster by die onlangse RPO-konferensie gesê.

Visualizing the $105 Trillion World Economy in One Chart: By the end of 2023, the world economy is expected to have a gross domestic product (GDP) of $105 trillion, or $5 trillion higher than the year before, according to the latest International Monetary Fund (IMF) projections from its 2023 World Economic Outlook report.

After rigorous evaluation in the different disciplines, all the points were tallied and audited (including the cost of ownership, as supplied by Lightstone, and value for money in terms of retail price, warranties and service plans); the winners of the different categories were:

100 - 120kW category: GWM P-Series LTD (120kW)
121 - 150kW category: Nissan Navara Pro4X 4×4 AT (140kW)
151 - 190kW category: Volkswagen Amarok Panamericana 3.0 V6 TDI (184kW)

However, in terms of the lowest cost of ownership, the Mahindra Pik Up 2.2 S11 Karoo Storm was adjudged the best bakkie.

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