AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News  10th September 2023

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 10th September 2023

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Africa suffered more than R160 billion in economic damages due to climate change last year, while more than 110 million people on the continent were directly affected by weather, climate and water-related hazards. This was according to the State of the Climate in Africa 2022 report, which was released at the ongoing Climate Change Week in Nairobi, Kenya. The report outlined that there were 5 000 deaths, of which 48% were related to drought, and 43% to flooding. The true toll, however, is likely to be much higher because of under-reporting.  The rate of global warming has been quickest in North Africa, which was engulfed in intense heat in 2022, causing wildfires in Algeria and Tunisia. In Africa, the average rate of warming increased from +0.2°C/decade between 1961 and 1990 to +0.3°C/decade between 1991 and 2022. This is slightly above-average for the world.

Die DA sê die voortslepende krag- en beurtkragkrisis in Suid-Afrika moet ongrondwetlik verklaar word. Die party sal Maandag ‘n aansoek by die hooggeregshof in Pretoria indien waarin hy ook wil hê dat die besluit van die Nasionale Energiereguleerder van Suid-Afrika om ’n tariefverhoging aan Eskom toe te staan, ongeldig verklaar moet word. Die party se leier, John Steenhuisen sê Suid-Afrikaners wat getrou hulle belasting betaal moenie verantwoordbaar gehou word omdat Nersa, Eskom en die regering nie hulle werk doen nie. Steenhuisen sê die DA party wil veral die armste landsburgers teen die stygende kragtariewe beskerm. Nersa het onlangs ‘n kragverhoging van meer as 30-persent oor die volgende twee jaar aan Eskom toegestaan. Hy sê ook dat beurtkrag onmiddellik ongrondwetlik verklaar moet word.

TLU Congress -TLU SA President, Henry Geldenhuys, praised farmers for their adaptability across these seasons. He emphasised the need to identify and analyse the root causes of South Africa's challenges, beyond the climatological realities the country faces. He also highlighted the importance of healthy government policies for sustainable agriculture. Geldenhuys described the government's Agricultural Master Plan as an excellent example of policy exceeding economic outcomes, crucial for sustaining agriculture. TLU SA pledged not to accept the plan in its current form. Mooketsa  Ramasodi, Director-General of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform, and Rural Development, also attended the congress. During his speech, he extended an invitation for cooperation with TLU SA on the Agricultural Master Plan. He stressed the importance of sustainability and the need for collaboration across the nation and various sectors.

Die minister van finansies, Enoch Godongwana het erken dat die regering se pogings om werkloosheid op te los “nie so doeltreffend is soos wat dit kan wees nie”. Die regering het die laaste jare verskeie werkskeppingsprojekte gedryf, maar Godongwana sê dit moet krities ondersoek word of die doel daarvan behaal is. Hy het gesels by die opening van die jaarlikse konferensie oor openbare ekonomie. Statistieke Suid-Afrika (SSA) het verlede maan aangekondig dat die werkloosheidskoers tans op 32,6% staan. As ontmoedigde werksoekers ingesluit word, styg dit tot 42,1% Godongwana sê miljoene werklose Suid-Afrikaners is ‘n krisis wat dringende optrede vereis van almal in die samelewing.

In recent years, prominent agricultural institutions, like FAO and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) , have frequently touted the claim that smallholder farmers contribute to 70% or more of global food production. However, it's evident that this statistic lacks accuracy. The evolution of this figure's history reveals that even a recent revision to 35% is likely overstated by about threefold. While the intentions behind repeatedly using these inflated figures are admirable, their widespread application often leads to misguided policy decisions. IFAD is the institution tasked with mobilizing private capital within a coalition of 132 public development banks, addressing the issue of poverty and hunger. What we need now is a fresh and factually accurate narrative for agricultural and rural development; and, a well targeted practice towards the SDGs.

"Super Solar Fund’ for South African Commerce and Industry and Agriculture -Solar Fund Solution R5m to R40m -Whenever one refers to a solution in terms of finance, it must reach further than a generic solution and display its commitment to supporting the value channel,  is an abbreviation for Agri Value Channel. The fund that we have partnered with in this instance have develop the fund to distinguish it from the market in so many ways.  READ MORE 

Africa’s hydropower has long been seen as a cornerstone of energy access and economic development, from the new Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam to the Kariba Dam, built in the 1950s to serve Zambia and Zimbabwe. But a new study suggests that with the rise of alternative renewables and more climate-driven risk for water resources, up to two-thirds of possible future hydropower plants in Africa are not worth the investment. READ MORE 

Family after family fled along this dirt road towards Harare as they were evicted from their farms by Zimbabwean war veterans. The road through the country’s prime, red-soiled land was a front line in Robert Mugabe’s policy of seizing white-owned farms, first implemented more than 20 years ago. The luckiest farmers were given enough time to collect up their belongings and stack them in the back of vehicles. Others fled empty-handed, chased, often violently, from their farmhouses. READ MORE 

In recent years, prominent agricultural institutions, like FAO and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) , have frequently touted the claim that smallholder farmers contribute to 70% or more of global food production. However, it's evident that this statistic lacks accuracy. The evolution of this figure's history reveals that even a recent revision to 35% is likely overstated by about threefold. READ MORE 

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Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.


 AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 27 th August 2023

The 2023 Junior Writers awards is open until the 30th September 2023   Proudly sponsored  by Hollard-

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2022 Winners of the Junior Agri writers awards at the Function at Hollard Head Office


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Here is just a few of the 350 that were posted this week. 

Volgens die landbou-organisasie, TLU was daar in:

  • Januarie vanjaar landwyd 18 aanvalle en twee moorde
  • Februarie 15 aanvalle en 2 moorde
  • Maart 17 aanvalle en 4 moorde
  • April 8 aanvalle en 6 moorde
  • Mei 9 aanvalle en 2 moorde
  • Junie 12 aanvalle en 10 moorde
  • Julie 15 aanvalle en 4 moorde
  • Tot en met 26 Augustus was daar 10 aanvalle en 2 moorde.

“Dit is ʼn totaal van 104 aanvalle en 32 moorde. Hierdie syfers, vertel egter nie die volle verhaal van die gevoellose brutaliteit wat met die aanvalle gepaard gaan nie. Mense word ure lank wreed gemartel en onder meer met warm kookolie en strykysters gebrand. Dit is deel van die tragedie.”

The Mississippi River, Illinois River and Ohio River are the primary waterways for moving agricultural products by barge in the United States. They are especially important for transporting bulk grains and oilseeds from the Midwest to export ports in New Orleans, Louisiana, US. New Orleans is the leading port for exported corn and soybeans.  

The general manager of TLU SA, Bennie van Zyl, stated that this message resonated throughout TLU SA's 2023 Congress, which took place on September 6 at the Voortrekker Monument. This marked the first congress held on a traditional scale since the lockdown, with approximately 200 delegates in attendance

Die Noordwes Landbou LUR is in Chili vir die 48ste Internasionale Bye-kongres, waar sy die provinsie se byeboere verteenwoordig. Desbo Mohono het die sukses, geleenthede en uitdagings gedeel wat Noordwes-byeboere in die gesig staar.

Wetenskaplike bewyse bevestig die rol van vleis en lewendehawe in goed-funksionerende menslike diëte en omgewingslandskappe en word uiteengesit in ‘n spesiale uitgawe van die wetenskaplike joernaal Animal Frontiers wat deur wetenskaplike eweknieë hersien is.

South Africa’s farmers are reeling this week after diesel prices were hiked by a massive R2.80 per litre, which, amid high stages of load shedding, are knocking operations all along the supply chain.

Senwes het ná die onlangse vernietigende brande in Noordwes, Vrystaat en Noord-Kaap, bekend gemaak dat hy 'n half-miljoen-rand aan Agri SA se Ramphulpstigting skenk om verligting vir diegene in nood te bring. Die landboumaatskappy sê die brande gaan 'n langdurige impak hê op talle - afhanklik van weiding en ander hulpbronne wat deur die brande vernietig is.

After months of numerous countries, including North America, the European Union, the United Kingdom and South America, grappling with highly pathogenic avian influenza (bird flu) outbreaks, South Africa reported its first cases in commercial poultry in April this year.

The South African Pork Producers Organisation’s (SAPPO) annual general meeting (AGM) is a valuable opportunity for pig producers and other role-players in the industry to get together to discuss industry matters. Important industry topics such as reporting back on 2022 and future strategies for the industry after the Covid-19 pandemic were discussed during this year’s AGM.

South Africa’s farmers are reeling this week after diesel prices were hiked by a massive R2.80 per litre, which, amid high stages of load shedding, are knocking operations all along the supply chain.

A conservation nonprofit called African Parks, backed by several billionaires and charitable foundations including Howard Buffett and the Walton Family, has undertaken a groundbreaking initiative to fund the relocation of approximately one-eighth of the world’s white rhino population to protected wilderness areas.

President Cyril Ramaphosa has held a secret meeting with the Treasury at a wine farm in Stellenbosch a week after the Treasury proposed huge spending cuts. Ramaphosa summoned finance minister Enoch Godongwana, Reserve Bank governor Lesetja Kganyago and Treasury officials to a marathon meeting on Wednesday. The meeting ended on Thursday.

South Africa -Recent developments in the livestock markets indicate tough trading conditions especially for poultry. Although having achieved a slight victory with an increase in tariffs on meat imports from Brazil and other European countries, the industry has recently grappled with outbreaks of the highly pathogenic avian influenza which has a potential to constrain domestic supplies and producer earnings.

Avocados remain ever popular, but consumers in some countries may have to pay extra for their fruit, as reports from some markets show. In the Netherlands, El Nino's impact on Peruvian exports has resulted in lower volumes, making the transition to winter origins more challenging.

The third session of the Agbiz Grain and Oilseed Symposium, held from 5 to 8 September, focused on the application of traceability and regulatory compliance in grain storage in South Africa.y.“

Eskom has relaxed its new rules for access to the national power grid after earlier angering independent power producers (IPPs). This follows intense discussions between independent power production industry leaders and Eskom, in which President Cyril Ramaphosa’s national energy crisis committee and the Energy Council played a major role.

Die Vrystaatse Sambreel brandbeskermingsvereniging het ‘n waarskuwing uitgereik vir wegholveldbrande te midde van uitermatige warm weerstoestande. Die warm, droë toestande en sterk wind verhoog die risiko van veldbrande. Die vereniging se bestuurder, Johann Breytenbach sê die weerstoestande sal tot Dinsdag duur.

Vir nog meer nuus -

Wilde Honde


Afrika se geliefde bond genote 

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