AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News 27 th August 2023

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 27 th August 2023

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The expansion of the Brics group of developing countries could provide a lifeline to capital-starved new entrants Iran and Argentina, but investors and analysts say a broader economic boon for the bloc’s members is far from certain. The additions are a mixed bunch: Saudi Arabia and the UAE are wealthy oil producers, inflation-racked Argentina is desperate for foreign investment, Iran is isolated by Western sanctions, Ethiopia is recovering from a civil war and Egypt’s economy is in crisis. Some investors and economic analysts are sceptical that expansion will lead to increased foreign direct investment (FDI) within the bloc.

As food producer RCL reports lower headline earnings, due in part to Tongaat’s nonpayment of the sugar levy, trade, industry & competition minister Ebrahim Patel has weighed in on the court case about the tariff.  Patel says the “sugar industry agreement is the legislative framework that governs and regulates the interwoven sugar industry”.

Avokado’s, die mineraal- en vitamienryke groen vrug wat ook as ʼn bottervrug bekend staan, bly ʼn gewilde gewas onder boere – en ʼn groot gunsteling onder verbruikers, ook in Suid-Afrika. Kenners sê avokado’s het boonop groot potensiaal om broodnodige werk in ʼn sukkelende ekonomie te skep. Thoko Didiza, die minister van landbou, grondhervorming en landelike ontwikkeling, het vandeesweek ʼn ooreenkoms vir die uitvoer van avokado’s met China onderteken – tot groot vreugde van die plaaslike bedryf.

With the South African agriculture sector not enjoying the same level of State support as many of the countries it is expected to compete with globally, it is vital that agribusinesses at least be enabled to operate and support one another.Between 42% and 60% of household spend on the continent was on food, compared with 8% in the UK and 6% in the US, she cited. This was largely owing to the high cost of food and reliance on imports. Additionally, many countries within Africa were net importers of produce or food products, all this while the population in Africa was set to account for 50% of the global ten-billion population by 2050, who all need to be fed.

The study, published , indicates that globally, more than 1 billion cows will be exposed to heat stress by the year 2100 in a scenario where climate change worsens. While a multifaceted approach is required from people, industries, sectors and countries to slow or reverse climate change - including reducing use of fossil fuels - consumers can do their bit by reducing demand for cattle products like cutting back on beef in their diets, researchers from the universities of KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Town and Chicago suggest. READ MORE

One of the first questions about Brics is often “what is it?”. This is telling. This question does not come up, for example, about the European Union or even the G20. Brics is not an organisation (it has no headquarters, secretariat or treaty). But it does have a formal institution that is jointly owned – the New Development Bank. Confusion about Brics’ precise nature is understandable.  READ MORE 

The common thread is turning cells into induced pluripotent stem cells, which are immature cells generated from mature cells, and that can in turn differentiate into eggs. This process can transform a skin cell into an egg. The procedure has so far been completed successfully in mice and could already provide a kind of precursor to oocytes in the northern white rhino. READ MORE 

By 2050, many developed countries in Europe and East Asia, which are now among the most productive, will already be ageing. According to the UN, Italy and South Korea will have 13 million and 10 million fewer people of working age. Many countries with growing, working-age populations will be in Africa, but these are the same countries that produce the lowest yields of food per hectare globally.  READ MORE 

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Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.


 AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 6th August 2023

The 2023 Junior Writers awards is open until the 30th September 2023   Proudly sponsored  by Hollard-

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2022 Winners of the Junior Agri writers awards at the Function at Hollard Head Office


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Here is just a few of the 350 that were posted this week. 

South Africa’s economy is showing a high degree of resilience to structural issues such as load-shedding and logistical constraints, avoiding a recession and improving the country’s growth outlook.

Forecasts suggest that South Africa's agricultural export earnings are poised to experience a slight deceleration this year compared to the record $12.8 billion in 2022.

Across South Africa, avocados registered a price reduction year-on-year. Hester Vermeulen, economist at the Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP), explained that when consumer budgets were strained, they tended to limit their spending on high-value items, such as avocados.

Saudi Arabia is an important player in the global agricultural trade. Over the past five years, Saudi Arabia imported, on average $21bn worth of agricultural products. Of that, South Africa is a small player, accounting for less than 2% of all the imports. The key exportable products to the Saudi kingdom were oranges, lemons, pears, grapes, mandarins, apples, plums, grapes and avocados.

Eating meat five times or less per week is associated with a lower overall cancer risk, according to a study published in the open access journal BMC Medicine.

Ukraine is considering use of a new wartime Black Sea export corridor for grain shipments, Reuters reported, citing a senior agricultural official. The ”humanitarian corridor” hugs the western coastline near Romania and Bulgaria. A Hong Kong-flagged container ship that had been stuck in Odesa since the February 2022 invasion traveled the route last week without being fired upon.Ru

After a long and cold winter, peppers are pricey. Green peppers are significantly more expensive than usual, trading at R23(1.1 euro) per kilogram, close to the average market price for red peppers. Yellow peppers are almost R40 (1.93 euro) per kilogram.

World oilseed prices rose in July after months of falls, with sunflower, notably, rising because of uncertainty over Black Sea shipments and new crop supplies looking tight ahead of harvest.

When it comes to the global warming crisis, rising seas, catastrophic flooding, devastating heat waves and unprecedented hurricanes get all the press. The new study reveals how even the more mundane aspects of weather are being affected by man-made damage in ways likely to become—if they haven’t already—damaging to people and property.

Sowat 150 beeste moes van kantgemaak word terwyl nagenoeg 300 skape gevrek het in onlangse veldbrande in Noordwes. Potchefstroom Brandbeskermingsvereniging-voorsitter, Kobus Roux, sê ongeveer 100 000 hektaar weiveld is die afgelope weke verwoes soos gunstige veldbrandtoestande heers in die provinsie.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an important player in the gBrics beraad is niks anders as drome wat eintlik nooit vervul word nie- Ooreenkomstes word gesluit en daar is baie slim mense wat daar praat en groot bedrae word rondgegooi- maar wanneer die ooreekomstes uitgevoer moet word dan gaan dit nie so "smooth" nie. Dis 'n heerlike kuier, drink, eet en gesels- met die belastingbetaler se geld. Eweskielik is landbou nou baie belangrik.

Global agricultural trade. Over the past five years, Saudi Arabia imported, on average $21bn worth of agricultural products.

Die Gautengse departement van landbou, landelike ontwikkeling en die omgewing waarsku inwoners oor ‘n luiperd wat ronddwaal in die omgewing van die Roodeplaatdam-natuurreservaat. Bewaringsbeamptes monitor die situasie en beplan om ‘n wildsveearts te betrek om die dier veilig te hervestig.

Brics beraad is niks anders as drome wat eintlik nooit vervul word nie- Ooreenkomstes word gesluit en daar is baie slim mense wat daar praat en groot bedrae word rondgegooi- maar wanneer die ooreekomstes uitgevoer moet word dan gaan dit nie so "smooth" nie. Dis 'n heerlike kuier, drink, eet en gesels- met die belastingbetaler se geld. Eweskielik is landbou nou baie belangrik.

Die VF Plus is geskok dat die departement van landbou in Noordwes gister erken het dat hy ’n tenderpreneur 21% meer as markprys vir diesel betaal.Dit het aan die lig gekom tydens ’n oorsigbesoek van die parlementêre ad hoc-komitee oor ramp- en vloedverligting aan Deelpan in Noordwes.

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