AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News 20 th August 2023

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 20 th August 2023

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The tides are turning, and the South African wine and brandy industry continued to recover from the pandemic in 2022 amidst a constrained environment. This is according to the latest baseline Agricultural Outlook Report 2023-2032 from the nonprofit information organisation, Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP). While 2022 saw domestic consumption recover to levels similar to 2017, the market remains constrained from a value perspective since consumers are under pressure to manage their spending. Looking ahead, domestic wine sales are expected to remain largely dominated by low and entry level-priced wines, with some movement towards higher-value categories.

Saudi Arabia will start accepting red meat exports from SA after in-country inspections and negotiations with the government, while China has just lifted its red meat import ban. The Chinese banned red meat from SA in April 2022, after an outbreak of foot and mouth disease and Saudi Arabia instituted its ban about 21 years ago. Spokesperson for the Red Meat Producers Organisation Gerhard Schutte called the opening up of both markets “great news”. Exports are more profitable than local sales and the industry aims to increase red meat exports from about 4% of all meat produced to 20% by 2030, Schutte said. 

South Africa’s farm jobs were up 2% y/y in the second quarter of 2023, with 894 000 people employed. This is the highest farm employment level since the last quarter of 2016 and is well above the long-term agricultural employment average of 780 000. In the second quarter of 2023, about 894 000 people were employed in South Africa’s primary agriculture, up 1% q/q and 2% y/y. This is the highest farm employment level since the last quarter of 2016 and is well above the long-term agricultural employment of 780 000.

China is the world’s leading wheat producer, but poor weather in the spring as the growing season neared its end impacted quality and came as a painful reminder of the unpredictability of food production. The Chinese government is moving to ensure food security with a new law designed to ensure self-sufficiency in major agricultural commodities. 

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) se statistieke oor plaasmoorde vir die tweede kwartaal van 2023 blyk verkeerd te wees. Volgens die polisie se syfers is slegs 14 mense in dié tweede kwartaal op plase vermoor. Die burgerregteorganisasie AfriForum het egter net vroeër vandeesweek sy statistieke bekend gemaak wat aandui dat 24 mense gedurende hierdie tydperk op plase vermoor is.“Of dit onbevoegdheid of kwaadwilligheid deur die SAPD is, kan ek nie sê nie, maar dit is uiters kommerwekkend dat die polisie nie rekord kan hou van misdaadstatistieke nie. Elkeen van die moorde waarvan AfriForum rekord gehou het, is geverifieer,” sê Jacques Broodryk, AfriForum se woordvoerder vir gemeenskapsveiligheid.Ian Cameron, direkteur van gemeenskapsveiligheid by Action Society, sê óók die polisie se statistieke is uiters problematies. Cameron het op Twitter gesê die polisie se laer moord-en-aanvalsyfer is net té toevallig. Hy sinspeel daarop dat die regering moontlik ’n hand daarin het. AfriForum vermoed ook dit is ’n doelbewuste poging van die Suid-Afrikaanse regering om die erns van plaasaanvalle af te maak.

Instead of burning them or burying them in landfills—practices that represent the major ways we currently deal with plastic waste—plastics are repurposed in a method that shortcuts conventional "dirty" processes for making surfactants while giving single-use plastics one more shot at usefulness. READ MORE 

The paper estimates that around 2 million species of arthropod (think insects and spiders) inhabit the soil – some 30% of all known arthropod species. There are far fewer species of soil specialists such as enchytraeidae (resembling mini earthworms) and oligochaeta (worms), with only 770 and 6,000 species respectively. That might not seem like a lot, but it still represents around 98% and 63% of these animal groups. READ MORE 

The Agricultural Business Chamber’s chief economist, Wandile Sihlobo, points out that while Statistics SA does not have comprehensive data on farmers, accurate figures can be assembled when taking the population census into account as well. “There are 242 221 commercial farming households in South Africa, of which only 18 per cent are white commercial farmers. READ MORE

South Africa’s agricultural export earnings will likely soften this year from the 2022 record. The lower commodity prices, ongoing restrictions to exports of some livestock products because of the foot-and-mouth disease and the stringent regulations of the citrus black spot disease in the EU market are among some of the factors likely to result in lower export earnings. While SA’s agricultural exports have remained relatively solid in the first few months of the year, we are expecting the effects of these challenges to be more evident in the second half. South Africa’s agricultural exports for the first five months of this year were still robust, amounting to US$5,06bn, roughly unchanged from the corresponding period in 2022. READ MORE 


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Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.


 AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 6th August 2023

The 2023 Junior Writers awards is open until the 30th September 2023   Proudly sponsored  by Hollard-

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2022 Winners of the Junior Agri writers awards at the Function at Hollard Head Office


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Here is just a few of the 350 that were posted this week. 

'n Mens besef eers die werklike vernietiging van die ANC regering en sy kaders as jy fisies al die plekke besoek wat deur die onbevoegde regering bestuur en beheer word- Alles is stukkend- baie min goed werk- en die wat werk, werk op genade. Dis 'n "show" alles bo blink maar binne in is alles verrot. Ons span het die afgelope paar weke verskeie plekke besoek en dit gaan jare neem om alles weer te herbou- Afrika lyk al vir jare so- en Suid Afrika is amper daar. Die arrogansie en selfwaan wat die sogenaamde mense in beheer het, laat mens dink dat hulle alles self opgebou het  en vernietig is oor die verlede se onreg. Geen mense met trots en ambisie sal ooit iets laat vernietig en totniet gaan soos die ANC en sy kaders nie- Die selfone, klere, horlosies en motors  wat die mense het,getuig van die uitermate  salarisse wat die mense verdien en absoluut onbevoeg is om die werk te doen. (Graad of nie graad nie baie min is bevoeg en trots).  Dis onbeskryflik om die vernietigend en verval werklik oor te dra. 

Die voormalige minister van Finansies, Trevor Manuel, sê die Grondwet moet gewysig word om diegene wat aan bewind is, aanspreeklik te hou vir Suid-Afrika se mislukkings. Manuel het met SABC Nuus gepraat by ‘n byeenkoms in Kimberley om die United Democratic Front se stigting, 40 jaar gelede, te herdenk. Manuel het landsburgers aangemoedig om betrokke te raak by hul gemeenskappe.

Saudi Arabia will start accepting red meat exports from SA after in-country inspections and negotiations with the government, while China has just lifted its red meat import ban.

Dit is onwaarskynlik dat Suid-Afrika se uitvoerverdienste vir landbouprodukte weer verlede jaar se rekordbedrag van $12,8 miljard (R246 miljard) sal haal.

Biodiversity is luckily rising in importance during public discourse recently, another important factor of any ecosystem which you probably never heard about is geodiversity.

Daar is groot veranderinge in die internasionale handelsomgewing met markte wat wisselvalliger is en lande wat meer op hul eie belange konsentreer.

As the world continues to struggle with the high cost of food, wastage and the effects of unhealthy diets, South Africa’s fresh produce exports are expected to grow by 6.8% over the next five years.

A new study published in the Journal of Plant Production, an Egypt scientific magazine, has found that fertilisers rich in calcium, magnesium, and zinc can vastly improve the growth of potatoes as well as other tubers.

In an era that decries food waste and heavy chemical spraying, the European Union intractable stance on the cosmetic disease citrus black spot (CBS) is an indefensible piece of politicking which the South African citrus industry will no longer accept.

The global market for pears shows some interesting trends this year, driven by changing priorities and a drop in production in some countries. In the Netherlands, pear growers are cautiously optimistic after a lower European pear harvest forecast, while Belgium foresees a favorable market due to reduced Italian production.

President Cyril Ramaphosa is now firmly part of the problem on the ongoing failure to find a lasting solution to the escalating crisis of farm attacks and murders. 68 days after the DA submitted a formal request to his office requesting that he considers establishing a Commission of Inquiry into farm attacks and murders, Ramaphosa has chosen to ignore our submissions.

Breeding companies reported a substantial increase in the adoption of sexed dairy semen over the past 12 months. Figures collated by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) have shown that in the year to end March, sales of sexed semen increased to 76.5% of all dairy semen, marking a notable surge from 70% in 2022. Just 10 years ago, the figure was just 14.4%.

Global wheat ending stocks in marketing year 2023-24 are estimated to decline to their lowest level in eight years, according to the US Department of Agriculture’s World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report released on Aug. 11.

Soil scientists separate the solid particles of soil based on their size. Particles between 2 and 0.05 millimeters are sands. Particles between 0.05 and 0.002 millimeter are silts. Particles smaller than 0.002 millimeter in size are clays.

Wet en orde. Dít is die stewige fondament waarop enige gesonde samelewing gebou word. Daarsonder raak die lewe gou wankelrig, steier, en stort uiteindelik in duie. En dit is dan wanneer al die woede, verwyt, hartseer en trauma kom.

There’s no rhyme or reason behind Ebrahim Patel’s capricious trade policy. He appears as clueless as he is.

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