AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News -21th August 2022

AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News -21th August 2022

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Suid-Afrika staan weer voor ’n groot keerpunt in sy geskiedenis met die besluit om die Onteieningswet van 2020 op 14 September aan die Nasionale Vergadering voor te lê wat beteken dié wet kan in November reeds gepromulgeer wees. “Indien die wetsontwerp deurgaan, gaan dit ’n geweldige impak op ons land se ekonomie hê soos al telkemale deur TLU SA uitgewys,” sê mnr. Henry Geldenhuys, TLU SA President. Die Grondwet bepaal dat “eiendom” nie tot grond alleen beperk word nie en hoewel die wet tans voorsiening maak vir onteiening sonder vergoeding tot grond beperk is, is die probleem dat die beginsel gebreek word en kan die Grondwet bepaling later die beginsel ook van toepassing maak op alle ander eiendom. “Dié stuk wetgewing is uiters kortsigtig. Wie sal enigsins belê in ’n land waar die staat sodanige magte aan homself toe-eien? Met ’n werkloosheidsyfer wat juis as gevolg van die ANC se transformasiebeleid weghardloop, is dit ’n ope vraag hoe die regering die pad vorentoe sien ten opsigte van beleggingsvertroue?- Dit is immer die beginpunt van ekonomiese groei. Ekonomiese groei is terloops die enigste wyse hoe die sosio-maatskaplike realiteit wat elke dag vererger mettertyd opgelos kan word.” Die beginsel van privaatbesitreg vorm die basis van welvaartskepping en moet ten alle koste beskerm word.

South Africa's Land Bank is being accused of carrying out an aggressive debt collection drive which is threatening farmers and their landholdings. Farmers gathered for a meeting on Thursday, organised by the Southern African Agri Initiative (Saai). The group accuses the embattled state-owned Bank of trying to save itself through what it says are "bullying tactics". "It's a 'family' making a living from the land" Dr Theo de Jager  Chair - Southern African Agri Initiative says - We've noticed among our members that there is this really shocking number of farming enterprises that have been knocked over, liquidated, by the Land Bank... by a few other companies too but mostly by the Land Bank, for debt which is only a fraction of the asset value of those farmers.  Very often they are third- or even fouth-generation farmers on that land. They have owed much more to the Land Bank in relation to their assets before, but all of a sudden over the last few months they are being liquidated left, right and centre and once that process is done they are being left with nothing. We could not find one of the farmers who could walk out there with anything to start over again.

 The outlook for urea prices remains bullish in the medium term as Q4 is historically a strong demand period, but it seems there may be further price reductions over the next couple of weeks until the Indian urea tender is issued. In our view, now is the time to buy urea if you have not already covered your urea requirements. We see urea rising steadily from September onwards for the rest of the year. Many of the Northern Hemisphere markets are enjoying their summer vacation and buyers are happy to take a wait and see approach for now. Gas prices in Europe continue to rise and cause a lot of noise in the nitrogen market – however the European application season is now done and the European buying programme is now focused on stocking up for next spring. While the Europeans have to import more nitrogen fertilizers than usual because their production is down, they also have a little bit of time to play with. 

Ondanks risiko’s en probleme kan Suid-Afrika se landbou ekonomies vinniger groei as wat die algemene verwagting is, mits almal in die waardeketting saamwerk om die meesterplan vir landbou en landbouverwerking doeltreffend en daadwerklik toe te pas. Dié versekering kom van prof Ferdi Meyer, besturende direkteur van die buro vir voedsel- en landboubeleid (BFAP), wat met die bekendstelling van die BFAP-vooruitskouing vir 2022 tot 2031 gepraat het. In ’n aanbieding oor die implikasies wat die vooruitskouing op beleids- en beleggingsbesluite gaan hê, het hy gewaarsku dat net beperkte groei in die volgende nege jaar verwag word tensy daar ’n doelbewuste poging is om die kurwe opwaarts te buig. Suid-Afrika se landbou kan in hierdie tydperk met tot 15% meer as die verwagtinge groei as die meesterplan daadwerlik uitgevoer word.

Land claims can cripple a farm. Thousands of land deals, financing applications and plans to develop or expand have been bedevilled by land claims, and this has cost South Africa inestimable jobs and rural development. That is why the family farming network Saai today launched the most extensive digital land claims database. Until today, the department has never provided a complete list of all the claims that have been submitted. Therefore, on 4 May 2021 Saai sent a PAIA request to the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD), requesting them to provide Saai with copies of every land claim published in the government gazette from 1998 to 2021. According to the DALRRD, it would be a “laborious” task to comply with the request, and they simply ignored further writings. On 21 February 2022, Saai received a court order obliging the DALRRD to provide the information to Saai. However, the department has not yet complied with the court order. Therefore, Saai is applying for contempt of court by Minister Thoko Didiza.

Suid Afrika en Afrika se unieke wildelewe word daagliks die prooi van barbare wat geen genade toon vir diere en hulle voortbestaan nie. Renosterhoring, Leeubene Donkievelle en Ittermagovelle was nog altyd gesog onder hierdie ondergrondse handelaars. Aasvoels is  die nuutste toevoeging tot hierdie vernietiging- Die sogenaamde handelaars betaal tot soveel as R2,000 vir 'n karkas van 'n Aasvoel. Daar is 'n absolute gees van vernieteging wat in Suid Afrika en Afrika heers.  Baie min is die afgelope 25 jaar en meer gebou- en baie min welvaart is geskep deur die staat en sy meelopers maar ons unieke natuurlewe word vernietig deur hierdie plunderaars.

Al hoe meer veranderlikes dui daarop dat groot skuiwe in ons politieke landskap op pad is en hoewel dit ’n nuwe­ belofte inhou, is dit ook vreesaanjaend. Hierdie vrees kry mense ook beet as hulle sien hoe emigrasie weens beurtkrag en gewelddadige misdaad die hoogte inskiet. Nou dreig ’n staking in die staatsdiens met sy meer as 1,3 miljoen werkers om die land selfs in die rigting van ’n resessie te dwing.  Dit kan veroorsaak dat ’n groot deel van die meer as 1,3 miljoen werkers wat deur die staat in diens geneem is, na ander hulpbronne op soek gaan wees om salarisse te verdien of om te oorleef. Hierdie uittog uit die staat sal tot onstabiliteit bydra. Tesame daarmee kan die staat nie volhoubaar voortgaan om welsyntoelaes te betaal nie. Hierdie gebroke stelsel vereis van mense wat die onstabiliteit wil oorkom, om verby die bekende oplossings van ’n vorige tydvak te kyk.

Gesprekke oor die uitbreiding van Amerikaanse handel en belegging in Afrika suid van die Sahara en die toepassing van die wet op groei en geleenthede in Afrika (Agoa) word beoog vir 13 Desember tussen Amerika en senior amptenare van dié lande, volgens me. Katherine Tai, Amerikaanse handelsverteenwoordiger. Dit is dieselfde week dat pres. Joe Biden en sy adjunk, me. Kamala Harris, ’n spitsberaad saam met Afrika-leiers in Washington D.C. beoog. Volgens die Amerikaanse sensusburo het wedersydse handel met dié lande in 2021 $44,9 miljard (R729,6 miljard) beloop, wat 22% hoër is as 2019 se $36,8 miljard (R598 miljard). Direkte buitelandse belegging deur Amerika in die distrik was egter 5% laer as in 2019, teen $30,31 miljard (R492 miljard).

Ons Junior Agriwriters Kompetisie begin die 1ste September en Hollard Insure gaan vir die derde agter een volgende jaar die kompetisie borg Ons het ook 'n nuwe vennoot aan boord maar sal dit eersdaags bekend maak.  Wees gereed .

Twee van ons spanlede is tans in Frankryk en Spanje en sal later ook vertrek na Brittanje-  hulle is tans besig om te kyk wat die inpak van die droogte is op die lande. 

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News stories on AGRI NEWS NET

Deere & Co (DE.N) is expected to report double-digit sales growth in its Friday results, fueled by strong equipment demand from farmers flush with cash that has helped the company raise pricing.

Boerdery is vinnig besig om in ’n volgende era van vernuwende tegnologie te beweeg. Die tyd van die GPS gaan waarskynlik eerder vroeër as later deur kunsmatige intelligensie, elektroniese sensors, kameras en virtuele datastroming opgevolg word. Plase gaan in die toekoms dalk meer soos San Francisco se Silikoonvallei as die Oranjeriviervallei lyk.

Approximately 50% of this food loss takes place during harvesting. Processing, packaging, distribution and retail account for a further 45% of wasted food. The remaining 5% of food waste is the responsibility of consumers (WWF Surplus Food Report 2020). Clearly, our efforts to divert food must be directed at the pre-consumer phases.

"Facebook" was baie gewild maar die medium is besig om 'n baie slegte naam te ontwikkel. Die mense wat graag wil pronk is baie lief vir die sosiale media- eintlik is dit so tipe van "show" en "brag". Wees asb versigtig met wie jy besigheid doen op die medium en haal maar liewer jou fotos af van jou geliefdes- dit word oral gebruik in die digitale media.

The wildlife industry is at the very centre of biodiversity: on our game farms we protect, preserve and promote the whole chain of life - from trees, elephants and lions to micro organisms in our soils, and every land based living thing in between

Ondanks risiko’s en probleme kan Suid-Afrika se landbou ekonomies vinniger groei as wat die algemene verwagting is, mits almal in die waardeketting saamwerk om die meesterplan vir landbou en landbouverwerking doeltreffend en daadwerklik toe te pas.

Suid-Afrika staan die gevaar om onderwerp te word aan verhoogde monitering deur die Internasionale Finansiële Aksietaakmag (FATF) weens gebrekke in die land se vermoë om aan internasionale vereistes oor geldwassery en die finansiering van terrorisme te voldoen.

Mense wêreldwyd word herinner aan om die belangrike rolwat bye speel in die volhouding van die voedselvoorraad en hulle bydrae tot bioverskeidenheid. Die belangrikheid van bye en ander bestuiwers in die ekostelsel. Sonder bye sal voedsel skaars wees en ‘n groot deel van die bevolking sal sterf aan hongersnood. Dit is omdat bye landbouproduksie in die wêreld laat toeneem deur bestuiwing.

Zimbabwe, with more than 136 tonnes of ivory and rhino horns (about US$600 million) threatens to operate outside the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) if it continues to make it impossible for the country to fully benefit from its wildlife resource - The time has come to legalise and control trade in ivory and rhino horn both to kill the illegal market and to save the species.

Loose cabbages sold between R9 and R12 per head. Bags of cabbage sold between R50 and R60 with superior quality sold at an average of R70. Carrots sold at an average of R5 per 1 kg prepacked bag. The 5 kg of broken carrots sold at an average of R10. Good quality was reported on both the cabbage and carrots with a steady consumer demand.

Harvest activities are just getting underway across the prairies. Grain Market Analyst Brennan Turner says he's not a big fan of selling direct off the combine unless you have to as prices are generally lower.

Outlook 2050 examines how the World Bank can help countries plan for and achieve long-term decarbonization: through country programs, technical assistance, lending, and knowledge products. It identifies key trends in technology, markets, financing instruments, and consumer priorities, and examines their implications for climate action, economic growth strategies and development.

Namibia and Botswana have stopped importing produce including tomatoes, carrots, beetroot, potatoes, cabbage, lettuce, garlic, onions, ginger and turmeric from South Africa. The two countries claimed that the move was to protect their local farm producers. Agri SA on the other hand has called on the government to intervene as it went against trade agreements with South Africa.

Die olieprys bly op die oomblik relatief laag en verhandel rondom 95 Amerikaanse dollar ‘n vat. Brent het in die afgelope 30 dae 10 persent van sy waarde verloor met 13 persent oor 90 dae. Analiste meen kommer oor ‘n wêreldwye ekonomiese resessie en verlangsaming na vraag dryf die kommoditeit af.

Current estimates put the African lion population at 20,000 to 30,000 – a 96% reduction from 450,000 in the 1940s. They occupy 8% of their historical range, and populations declined by 60% during 1994-2014 in all but four African countries. Is the current lion population stable?

Amid worldwide mustard seed shortages, deteriorating growing conditions in No. 1 exporter Canada are diminishing hopes that mustard seed supplies will bounce back this season. Gro’s vegetative health index, weighted for Canada’s mustard crop using Gro’s Climate Risk Navigator for Agriculture, shows a substantial decline in recent weeks as hot and dry conditions worsened.

South African households were collectively R1.23 trillion poorer in the three months to the end of June, when compared to the corresponding period in 2021.This is according to the latest Momentum-Unisa Household Wealth Index report, which tracks the wealth of households based on subtracting the value of their outstanding debt from the value of their assets.

The new phytosanitary measures that the European Union (EU) implemented against South Africa’s citrus could - if South Africa and the EU cannot resolve their dispute over these phytosanitary measures for imports of South African citrus within 30 to 45 days the case - be tried by a dispute settlement panel appointed by the World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) Dispute Settlement Body (DSB).

 AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News - 24 Julie 2022

Suid-Afrika staan weer voor ’n groot keerpunt in sy geskiedenis met die besluit om die Onteieningswet van 2020 op 14 September aan die Nasionale Vergadering voor te lê wat beteken dié wet kan in November reeds gepromulgeer wees.

The Landbank recently landed itself in a negative light after farmers came forward, claiming that the bank had a heavy-handed approach to its debt recovery processes. Farmers took to social media claiming that the bank and its legal representatives have been aggressively liquidating clients that have defaulted on their loan repayment obligations.

IN Suid-Afrika het ons min geduld met insekte. ’n Hele paar vreeslike vet spinnekoppe is al ge-Doom dat hulle in ’n wit wolk verstik het. Mens maak nie maklik vrede met spinnekoppe wat lyk of hulle rugbykouse aanhet of van daardie wat inkom as dit reën en spring as jy hulle versteur nie.

Die lande is nat in die Vrystaat waar mielieboere sukkel om oeste af te haal. Die Tapwaens va heeltyd vas veral as dit die Ripper spoor vang. Die opbrengste is goed en die stropers moet ook baie vinnig leeg maak ander word die vrag te swaar.

Outlook for urea prices remains bullish in the medium term as Q4 is historically a strong demand period, but it seems there may be further price reductions over the next couple of weeks until the Indian urea tender is issued. In our view, now is the time to buy urea if you have not already covered your urea requirements. Urea rising steadily from September onwards for the rest of the year.

The main focus of the government’s flawed 2017 audit was on allocating a racial identity to privately owned land. However, it found that 61% of the country’s total land area was owned by trusts, companies, and other organisations, the racial identity of which could not easily be ascertained.

Eskom’s woes continue and the South African public is bearing the brunt of regular rolling blackouts, making life difficult and regularly damaging electronics as power surges destroy devices when the power returns. And unfortunately, things don’t look too positive for the future, as issues with maintenance delay preparations for future requirements – a future which looks to have a major shortage of energy.

Die pryse van kommoditeite neem wêreldwyd af, maar dit sal nie sommer gou weer op dieselfde vlakke as voor die covid-19-pandemie wees nie. “Dit is soos ’n pasiënt wie se hart gaan staan het. Die krisisperiode is oor, maar die lang herstelproses begin nou eers,” het prof. Phillippe Burger, dekaan van die fakulteit ekonomiese bestuurswetenskappe aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat, gesê. Hy het aan ’n paneelbespreking deelgeneem tydens die internasionale varsproduktevereniging (IFPA) se Suider-Afrika-konferensie in Kaapstad.Ontwrigtings in die verskaffingsketting weens covid-19 en die Russiese inval in Oekraïne, asook fiskale en monetêre stimulus-pakkette om die covid-19-verskaffingskok teen te werk, het die afgelope maande tot ongekende stygings in die pryse van kos, energie en kunsmis gelei. Nou is die pryse vir landbouprodukte soos graan, sonneblomolie en selfs wol stadigaan besig om te daal. Dieselfde geld die olie- en kunsmisprys, en ook ander kommoditeite buite die landbou, soos ystererts, goud en platinum.

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AGRI NEWS NET- in jou hand- maklik om te lees en altyd op tyd-  7dae per week- 365 van die jaar-  No news medium in farming and agriculture give you so much news at one address 7 days a week. 

Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.

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Dis koud oor Suid Afrika 

Dit lyk baie bekend-  Dit sien ons elke dag

En so gaan ons eendag ons kruiderniers koop

Dit gebeur as jy tussen diere wil lewe- Die Wereld gaan daagliks agteruit.

Afrika op sy heel beste