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DOWNLOAD AGRI NEWS NET from the GOOGLE APP store- Get update with the news 7 days a week- 365 days per year- This AGRI NEWS NET -Some of the news stories of this week-,
As China's record heatwave starts to subside, farmers are assessing the damage caused by a prolonged drought and the government is urging them to replant or switch crops where they can. More than 70 days of extreme temperatures and low rainfall have wreaked havoc along the basin of the Yangtze, which supports more than 450 million people as well as a third of the country's crops. Though rain is expected over the coming 10 days, farmers near the depleted Poyang Lake in central China's Jiangxi province, normally a flood outlet for the Yangtze, worry that the heat has already done too much damage. China, the world's biggest rice consumer and importer, was already expected to import a record 6 million tons in 2022/23, according to estimates from the US Department of Agriculture. Low rainfall has also affected the Yangtze's lower reaches, including Zhejiang and Jiangsu on the eastern coast. Water levels at Lake Tai, sandwiched between the two provinces, have fallen to their lowest in 20 years despite the diversion of 500 million cubic metres of Yangtze river since mid-July, the Ministry of Water Resources said on Thursday. China's water ministry said on August 11 that the drought had already affected nearly 22 000 square kilometres of arable land and 350 000 livestock, but the final impact is likely to be far bigger.
Japan, China, India, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, the Philippines and South Korea are among the markets where SA agribusinesses are interested in expanding their presence. Recent actions from the EU and China (two of the largest export destinations at present) to put non-tariff barriers in place, hurting SA’s interests and export activities, highlight the importance of diversifying destination markets. To understand the challenges farmers face it’s necessary to spend a considerable amount of time talking to them, to get a better feel of the markets. In such engagements this past week one theme that came up time and again is the need to diversify export markets to non-traditional regions, while retaining the sector’s foothold in key markets such as the EU. Other issues that keep farmers awake at night are the need to improve logistics — road, rail and ports — the expansion of agricultural finance, particularly developmental finance or flexible finance products for new entrants, and strengthening trust between government and the industry.
Die Swartland sowel as die Overberg het die afgelope tien dae lekker reënvalsyfers aangemeld en die boere daar is baie dankbaar. Die Suid-Kaap het egter minder reën gekry en die gebiede van Heidelberg tot Mosselbaai het baie dringend reën nodig vir graanproduksie. Die koue weer wat ons tans hier in die Kaap ondervind, is effens ongehoord vir Augustus, maar die boere is dankbaar daarvoor – nieteenstaande die feit dat die weidings vir ons diere baie stadig herstel en groei, en minstens drie tot vier weke agter is. Met Septembermaand om die draai is ons baie opgewonde oor die grootste Nampo Kaap tot op hede wat van 14 tot 17 September op Bredasdorp gehou gaan word. Die 2022-’23-produksiejaar is ’n jaar van absolute uiterstes. Die plaaslike wintergraanprodusente kom nader aan die stroopproses, met die produksie-omstandighede wat veral tydens aanplantings minder belowend voorgekom het. Die voorlopige aanplantings wat beraam word, dui op ’n aangeplante area van 553 900 ha vir koring. Die Swartland maak normaalweg tussen 65 tot 75% van die totale koringproduksie in die Wes-Kaap uit. Die Wes-Kaap, en veral die Swartland, het hierdie seisoen gebuk gegaan onder onvoldoende reën – wat ’n uitwerking kan hê op toekomstige opbrengste. As ons hierdie seisoen ’n gemiddelde opbrengs van 3,6 ton/ha (vyfjaargemiddelde) realiseer, kan daar net 1,99 miljoen ton koring kommersieel gelewer word. Dit kan lei tot ’n groter afhanklikheid van invoer om die plaaslike vraag te bevredig. Aanplantings in die meer noordelike dele van die land, veral in die Vrystaat, sal na verwagting hierdie seisoen toenames sien. Hierdie toenames kan toegeskryf word aan die oormaat vog wat goed deur koring hanteer word – dít tesame met hoë internasionale pryse wat as aansporing vir aanplanting gedien het.
The new regulations are a major blow to South Africa’s citrus industry as they will severely disrupt exports. The country is the world’s second largest exporter of citrus after Spain. The EU accounted for 41% of Southern African citrus exports by value in 2021. Locally, in 2021 citrus accounted for 25% of South Africa’s total agriculture exports up from 19% in 2011. In our view, which is based on decades of engaging with EU regulations, and food exports more generally, the regulations are unfair and punitive. Firstly, the EU gave South Africa less than a month to adapt to the new regulations. The EU measures were published on 21 June 2022, entered into force on 24 June 2022, and required that consignments arriving in Europe from 14 July 2022 onwards had to comply with the new requirements. The South African government managed to negotiate a settlement with the EU to clear floating containers of citrus blocked at EU Ports on 11 August 2022 (3 weeks later). Nevertheless the whole process imposed additional costs on growers. At a minimum, transition measures are required. This is done to give countries time to adapt.
Die toekoms van die hele werkmag steun tog op Gen Z. Om die waarheid te sê is Gen Z op pad om binnekort die talrykste en mees diverse generasie nóg te word. Teen 2025 sal ons 27% van die werkmag wees in die groot nywerheidsekonomieë wat aan die Organisasie van Ekonomiese Samewerking en Ontwikkeling behoort en ons gaan ’n derde van die wêreld se bevolking wees. Die grootste uitdaging vir Gen Z is psigiese gesondheid. Dis duidelik op sosiale media: Jy word nie toegejuig omdat jy oorwerk is en aanhou werk waar jy sielsongelukkig is nie. Die fokus is eerder om te verseker dat jou geestesgesondheid goed is en dat jy gelukkig en tevrede is. Maar navorsing toon Gen Z het disproporsioneel hoë vlakke van stres en spanning: Amper 46% sê hulle is die meeste van die tyd gespanne en angstig. En dieselfde opname, wat in vyf lande deur Deloitte gedoen en in Mei vanjaar gepubliseer is, wys daarop dat Gen Z in ’n bose sirkel vasgevang is: Net minder as twee uit vyf sê hulle eie geestesgesondheid is die grootste oorsaak van hulle stres, maar een uit elke vyf Gen Z-respondente sê hulle generasie se psigiese gesondheid is een van hulle grootste bekommernisse.
Understanding social media overuse as a byproduct of dissociation, rather than addiction, can help destigmatize social media use while empowering users. This framing also helps explain why social media sits in a paradoxical position: people have frustrating relationships with social media platforms that they are simultaneously unwilling to quit.
Ons Junior Agriwriters Kompetisie begin die 1ste September en Hollard Insure gaan vir die derde agter een volgende jaar die kompetisie borg. Landbouskrywers van Suid Afrika is ons nuwe vennoot in ons baie gewilde kompetisie.
Twee van ons spanlede is tans in Frankryk en Spanje en sal later ook vertrek na Brittanje- hulle is tans besig om te kyk wat die inpak van die droogte is op die lande.
Agri News Net se nuus word elke dag vertaal in 3 tale vir gebruik in lande soos Spanje Duitsland en Frankryk. Sekere van ons Nasionale nuus wat ons nuuskantoor self skryf word net geplaas op hierdie mediums. Daar word baie berig oor die situasie in Suid Afrika- die regering, die grond onteiening, moord asook die regering se onvermooe om die platteland te bestuur.
Wat gaan gebeur die dag as Internasionale Internet verbindings totaal en al ineenstort-
Our daily users are real Professional Commercial Farmers with the ability to create wealth. Coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience in farming and food production. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. Decision makers and leaders in farming and Agriculture in Africa and around the world. - Our Advertisers are leaders in their field with a professional way in marketing and delivering their services to Farmers and their families. We only post Professional Articles in script, Video and Audio. Independent, Informed and in Tune. We know what farming is all about.
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Miljoene kubieke meters water het sedert 2018 verlore gegaan nadat die departement van water en sanitasie glo aangekondig het dat boere se waterregte nie meer oordraagbaar is nie. Die departement is sedertdien in ’n hofgeding met AgriSA gewikkel wat vandeesweek in die Grondwethof gaan draai het.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is helping scientists from six Latin American countries detect and contain one of the world’s most devastating banana diseases, using nuclear and related techniques.
The vulnerability of agriculture in the volatile South African climate has been a known fact for as long as the region has been inhabited. Therefore, establishing a state bank to help negotiate this volatility was one of the first things that the new Union of South Africa did in 1912.
Die minister van Water en Sanitasie, Senzo Mchunu sê verskeie stappe is gedoen om die watertoevoer-uitdagings in die land op te los. Hy sê egter sommige munisipaliteite belemmer vordering deur nie saam te werk nie. Volgens die minister voorsien die departement hulpbronne aan munisipaliteite, en help hulle ook met finansiële vaardigheidsopleiding.
Die organisasie vir Ekonomiese Samewerking en Ontwikkeling, oftewel die OECD, het ‘n dringende beroep op Suid-Afrika gedoen om produktiwiteitsvlakke te verhoog, sodat mense se lewensstandaard verbeter kan word. Die organisasie sê in sy jongste opname dat ‘n beter belastingstelsel ‘n groot verskil kan maak.
The world's growing population and increasing human welfare will necessitate a 30-70% increase in food production over the next three decades. At the same time, the huge quantities of food needed must be produced in such a way that protects the environment and is resistant to climate change. If we are to succeed, it will require a complete overhaul of the way we produce food.
Australia planted thousands of avocado trees over the past few years to keep up with demand. But is seems that demand hasn’t been as high as expected. As a result, people can now buy an avocado at an Australian grocer for just 1 Australian dollar. That’s less than half some US prices for the fruit.
Urbanization The impacts: Reduces the habitat for soil biota, and increased spatial heterogeneity and fragmentation. Alters soil communities and food web dynamics. Drastically alters the environment where soil organisms live.
The 2021-22 South African table grape season finished with marginal increases in both production and exports, despite numerous challenges.
South Africa is not likely to face a vegetable glut because of Botswana's and Namibia's import bans, as farmers in the country will be forced to plant fewer vegetables, a move that will hurt export revenue and lead to job losses in the sector
Daar is deesdae baie gonswoorde wat deur konsultasie en tegnologiediensverskaffers rondgegooi word. Jy het sekerlik al van woorde soos AI, “machine learning”, “drones” en IOT gehoor. En dit is als goed wat jou meeste van die tyd deurmekaar maak.
As crops wilt due to the one of the hottest, driest summers recorded in the last 61 years, China plans to seed clouds with chemicals to increase rain and spray crops with a water retaining agent to limit evaporation.
Grond met 2% of meer organiese koolstof word as 'vrugbaar' beskou. Suid-Afrika is 'n droë land en gronde het lae organiese koolstofvlakke (65% van gronde het koolstofvlakke van minder as 0,5%, terwyl net 4% van gronde 2% of meer organiese koolstof bevat. 46% van natuurlike koolstof in grond verlore gaan as gevolg van bewerking.
Sosiale media is vol van honderde suksesvolle beginnerboere wat oral spog met hulle groot oeste wat wissel van tamaties tot kalwers en varke. As dit so aangaan het ons binnekort 'n groot oorskot van lekker vars groente en vleis en kan die pryse dalk begin daal. Maar die insetkoste is die groot probleem.
AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News - 24 Julie 2022
About 20% of agricultural land and 40% of forests are degraded. Degradation reduces our capacity to feed a world population that will reach at least 9 billion people by 2050 and it destroys ecosystem services – like the supply of clean water. International Union for Conservation of Nature has identified 160 million hectares of land, in 26 countries, with restoration potential.
Only twice since the 50’s has a La Niña weather pattern occurred 3 years in a row, in 1973-1976, 1998-2001 & now 2020-2022. La Nina causes drier condition in the U.S., Argentina, Europe & Brazil. Who is hurting more! Wetter is seen in SE Asia, South Africa, India & Australia.
Arable farmers will have a key role in helping the farming sector become net zero within 20 years, by locking up carbon and making better use of fuel and fertilisers. In late 2019, the NFU unveiled its aspiration for the farming sector in England and Wales to become net zero for greenhouse emissions by 2040.
Bananas are not in great supply, when looking at the global market. For most areas, volumes are rather low, while demand is strong. South Africa seems to be the only territory with more than enough quantities available.
Food awareness organisation ProVeg hopes that the recent interdict preventing the seizure of plant-based foods from South African shelves gives government the time to rethink and revise their controversial war on products with "meaty" names.
The Animal Improvement Act 62 of 1998 was originally intended for agricultural livestock, yet under the amendment, wild animals including lions, cheetahs and rhinos can be genetically modified.
Groei in landbou gaan in die volgende jaar of twee lelik knor, laat die buro vir voedsel- en landboubeleid onlangs in Somerset-Wes weet op die bekendstelling van sy jaarlikse toonaangewende Baseline-vooruitskouingsverslag. (Hoe geseënd is ons nie om in Suid-Afrika die vaardigheid van BFAP tot die landbou se beskikking te hê nie!)
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AGRI NEWS NET- in jou hand- maklik om te lees en altyd op tyd- 7dae per week- 365 van die jaar- No news medium in farming and agriculture give you so much news at one address 7 days a week.
Agri News Net en Farmingportal.co.za se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.
Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.
Dit was die 80 jare
80s (sound on) via rerunthe80s pic.twitter.com/IrKt3nhuML
— Tansu YEĞEN (@TansuYegen) August 25, 2022
Moenie die Brahman onderskat nie
Don't angry me 😤 pic.twitter.com/6Dx6RBUp1w
— cctv ediots 📷 (@cctv_videos) August 25, 2022
Dis nou lekker eet
Skukuza Golf Club breakfast. #LiveYourWild pic.twitter.com/pgwJmi5kTh
— SANParks (@SANParks) August 26, 2022
The Netherlands has become the world’s second largest food exporter, while reducing water usage by 90% and nearly eradicating the use of pesticides pic.twitter.com/THSsC8xhO8
— Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) August 27, 2022
Toe boere nog boere was.
Harvesting the wheat 😊 pic.twitter.com/9XfnIxoNql
— JakHickman (@actonscottfarm) August 27, 2022