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‘n Aktivis wat hom beywer om plaasaanvalle en gronbesetting aan die groot klok te hang, Petrus Sitho, het ‘n klagte teen president Cyril Ramaphosa by ‘n polisiekantoor in Bloemfontein ingedien. Sitho voer aan die president het in 2018 gejok toe hy op televisie gesê het dat geen boere in die land vermoor word nie. Sitho het ook sy teleurstelling uitgespreek dat die president en die minister van polisie, Bheki Cele, nie die toneel van ‘n plaasaanval in Kestell besoek het nie. Een misdaad, een moord, een voorval van aanranding een verkragting behoort nié voorkeur te geniet bo ‘n ander nie, maar waarom is die minister dan so huiwerig om enige tonele of die naasbestaandes van plaasmoord-slagoffers te besoek?
The possible price decline and increase in supply because of this Russia and Ukraine “grain deal” will likely benefit all importing countries and consumers in the medium term. This assumes that shipping lines will start taking orders and moving the grains. From an African perspective, the continent imports about US$80 billion worth of agricultural products a year, mainly wheat, palm oil and sunflower seed. Therefore, however marginal, a potential decline in the prices of these commodities would be a positive for the importing countries in the continent and African consumers. Importantly, Africa imports US$4 billion of agricultural products from Russia, 90% of which is wheat and 6% is sunflower seed. The major importing countries are Egypt (50%), followed by Sudan, Nigeria, Tanzania, Algeria, Kenya, and South Africa. Similarly, Africa imports US$2.9 billion worth of agricultural products from Ukraine. About 48% of this was wheat, 31% maize, and the rest included sunflower oil, barley, and soybeans.
The wool industry was put under severe financial pressure, and new black farmers, who generally have less of a financial cushion, felt the consequences most severely. Black farmers have a strong presence in this industry. The National Agricultural Marketing Council estimates that black farmers account for 18%, 13% and 34% of wool, mohair and cattle production, respectively. Without access to the Chinese market, the wool industry is likely to be under strain for some time. At a national level, this will also show in export earnings. Wool was the eighth most significant agricultural exportable product in 2021, accounting for 3% or $326m of SA’s exports of $12.4bn.Livestock is also one of the subsectors with deep involvement by farmers from the former homelands. The National Agricultural Marketing Council estimates suggest that black farmers account for 18%, 13% and 34% of wool, mohair and cattle production respectively.
So veel soos 6,9 miljoen ton veevoer is in die jongste tydperk verkoop. Die groei van 2,2% is meer as die 1% wat veevoerverkope van April 2020 tot Maart 2021 gestyg het, vergeleke met die vorige ooreenstemmende tydperk. Beide die pluimvee-en lewendehawebedryf is in die jongste tydperk die meeste geraak deur hoë voerpryse, weens hoë internasionale kommoditeitspryse en die vernietigende uitwerking van dieresiektes.Kommoditeitspryse is ondanks plaaslike rekordgraan-en oliesade-oeste op hoër as normale vlakke weens vraagdruk in die internasionale graan-en oliesadewaardeketting, aangedryf deur internasionale vraag en aanbod. Die Suid Afrikaande waardeketting was nog besig om van die ontwrigtende gevolge van die Covid-19-pandemie die afgelope twee jaar te herstel, toe isdit ʼn bykomende knou toegedien is met Rusland se inval in Oekraïne. Laasgenoemde het bykomende druk op die waardeketting geplaas.
Die Reserwebank in Suid Afrika volg nog steeds 'n eeue oue benadering om Rente koerse te verhoog om Inflasie te beheer- Die feit is dat hy meer inowoners se lewens verwoes in die proses. En ons neem kennis van die ekonome wat so uitgesproeke is dat rentekoerse verhoog moet word. Daar moet sekerlik 'n heel ander manier wees om die inflasie probleem op te los. Landbouers en ander inwoners en huiseienaars wat hulle finansies beplan en beheer sou nie enige skuld aangegaan het indien rentekoerse so hoog was soos nou nie- en as hulle dit nie kon bekostig nie -hulle het dit wel gedoen die rentekoerse laag was- so hoekom belas die Reserwebank nie nuwe skuld alleen met die nuwe rentekoerse nie. .
Our daily users are real Professional Commercial Farmers with the ability to create wealth. Coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience in farming and food production. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. Decision makers and leaders in farming and Agriculture in Africa and around the world. - Our Advertisers are leaders in their field with a professional way in marketing and delivering their services to Farmers and their families. We only post Professional Articles in script, Video and Audio. Independent, Informed and in Tune. We know what farming is all about.
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Die EU se staande komitee oor plante, diere, voedsel en voer se nuwe reël bepaal Suid-Afrikaanse sitrusvrugte moet kouebehandeling van tot 25 dae ondergaan voor dit na die EU verskeep kan word. Suid-Afrikaanse uitvoerders en produsente sal hulself in ’n taai posisie bevind indien die regulasies bly aangesien dit tot bykomende kapitaalinvestering, koste en uitgawes gaan bydra.
Dit lyk of sekere mense en veral die jonger geslag manne nie eintlik mooi weet wat se groot woord die woord "legende" is nie- of soos hulle so maklik se - "legend"- jy kan sekerlik nie 'n legende wees op 50 of nog minder op 40 of 30 jarige ouderdom nie. Iemand wat 'n legende is moet baie, baie diep spore trap oor baie jare en dit werklik verdien.
Precision real-time information on seeding depth, covering height and soil density of re-compacting is desirable during seeding, but is still unavailable. Continuous measurements in the soil with innovative sensor technology is offered by some manufacturers, but these measure, for example, the soil temperature, moisture, pH and quantity of organic matter.
Renewable power producer Scatec ASA has commenced construction of a solar and battery project in Kenhardt in the Northern Cape that, upon completion, will reportedly be the world’s biggest clean-energy plant of its kind. At optimum level it will generate 540 megawatts of solar energy, with 225MW (1 140MW/h) of storage capacity.
Lede van die parlement gaan die naweek verskeie plase in die Wes- en Oos-Kaap besoek om die lewens- en werksomstandighede van plaaswerkers te beoordeel. Dit is deel van die Nasionale Vergadering se resolusie van 2020 om die wetgewende impak op plaaswerkers te evalueer.
Suid-Afrikaners is gevra om kommentaar te lewer op die kennisgewing wat gister in die Staatskoerant gepubliseer is om die prys van 93-oktaan petrol te dereguleer. Die voorstel is dat slegs ‘n maksimumprys vir 93-oktaan ingestel word, wat neerkom op mededinging tussen vulstasies wat laer pryse kan vra.
Wheat prices tumbled on Friday after Ukraine and Russia reached a deal to allow crucial grain shipments to safely leave Black Sea ports, according to media reports, potentially alleviating a brewing global food crisis.
Climate change’s negative impacts are already being felt on farms, but the problem also works in reverse as agriculture is a major part of the climate problem currently generating over 20% of total greenhouse gas emissions.
As per a new report published by a market research and competitive intelligence provider, the global agricultural micronutrients market is anticipated to reach a valuation of US$ 4.9 Bn in 2021, and expand at a steady CAGR of 3.6% over the forecast period of 2021 to 2031.
Measured in hamburgers, the rand is currently 54.5% cheaper than it should be, according to the latest edition of The Economist's Big Mac Index, released this week.
Expensive Spring braais ahead if meat prices retain the current upside” The financial situation for the South African consumer has become dire following the recent spike in inflation and the subsequent aggressive hike in interest rates by the SARB with more in the forecasts for the months ahead.
Zimbabwe’s avocado picking season is underway; local growers are targeting to export about 5,000 tons of the fruit this year.
Kommoditeitspryse het sedert die vorige sessie negatief verhandel. Mielie en sojaboon pryse val steeds op die rug van goeie reënvoorspellings in die Middeweste van die graangordel, dit kweek hoop vir ‘n sterk oes ten spyte van later as gewone aanplantings in groot dele van die streek.
AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News - 10 Julie 2022
Globally, ETSs and carbon taxes cover 30 percent of emissions, with prices rising as high as $90 per ton (in the European Union). Despite the proliferation of carbon pricing schemes, policymakers should do more. To limit global warming, coverage must expand while prices rise from a global average of $6 per ton of CO2 today to $75 by 2030.
Ukraine and Russia are close to agreeing a deal to secure the safe passage of millions of tonnes of grain through the Black Sea but remain at odds over how to ensure the security of the ports and ships along the crucial export route, according to people familiar with the UN-led negotiations.
Botswana has successfully tested, in cooperation with China, its first rice types suitable for growing on dry land?a breakthrough that is expected to greatly contribute to the southern African country's food security.
Dit is besonder goeie nuus. Suid-Afrika kan uiteindelik sojabone na China uitvoer. Dít nadat ’n uitvoerprotokol vir sojabone middel Julie deur die onderskeie regerings onderteken is. Die department van landbou, grondhervorming en landelike ontwikkeling en Graan SA verdien ’n groot pluimpie daarvoor.
Worldwide people are facing the impacts of climate change. Scientists are looking for the ways to reduce the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.Researchers from University of Sheffield have come up with an amazing technique known as enhanced rock weathering.
South Africa's poultry industry is recording huge losses as a result of Eskom's recent power cuts in different parts of the country. eNCA earlier reported many farmers and other industry players have had to rely on generators. The South African Poultry Association says many farmers have been forced to watch their birds die due to disruptions in heating systems because of power cuts.
South African corn production is projected to remain at a high level in marketing year 2022-23 at 15.6 million tonnes, up 2% from the previous year and marking the third consecutive year of topping 15 million tonnes, according to a Global Agricultural Information Report from the Foreign Agricultural Service of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).
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Agri News Net en Farmingportal.co.za se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.
Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.
Boerbok Ma
Triplets ❗🤠🙏 pic.twitter.com/US6Ob0fflm
— GM² Farms (@FarmsGm2) July 21, 2022
Lugvaart op sy beste
The landing.. 😊 pic.twitter.com/JeqTtSnUCF
— Buitengebieden (@buitengebieden) July 22, 2022
Die toekoms van Landbou op sy beste
🚜The #NEXAT carrier vehicle is cutting #rapeseed in 🇺🇦Kyiv region. The #NEXCO harvesting module is operated here.#crop22
— Latifundist.сom (@LatifundistCom) July 22, 2022
The video is the courtesy of https://t.co/JbB6ecJOfJ. pic.twitter.com/2tgpRt761f
Die manne is nog steeds besig
Italian farmers also went on strike.
— Elena Faige Neroba (@ElenaNeroba) July 22, 2022
They are already in trouble because of drought, and EU authorities are adding fuel to the fire with their "green" intentions to tighten environmental policy on farms. pic.twitter.com/WkkbQgPpcj
Die koning van die Diere
The King ❤️pic.twitter.com/tRdBNb4WlR
— Figen (@TheFigen) July 22, 2022
Dis 'n boodskap vir al die "demanding en blaming " werksmense in Suid Afrika
WOW! What a powerful message, advice by Nobel economist Milton Friedman. Earn your living by doing something you are passionate about.
— Phumlani M. Majozi (@PhumlaniMMajozi) July 23, 2022
Please WATCH. pic.twitter.com/XjLDzYJUWs