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DOWNLOAD AGRI NEWS NET from the GOOGLE APP store- Get update with the news 7 days a week- 365 days per year- This AGRI NEWS NET -Some of the news stories of this week-,
As more technological advances are being made, the agriculture sector is also benefitting from it. And Aerobotics is on the forefront with precision technology to help farmers achieve optimal yields.
What will happen to all these young upcoming farmers who is inspired by a few corporate clever men and women when they cant' make Farming more sexy because a of a serious drought. Will the Government assist them? Its all kind of great promises coming their way- creating huge expectations of investors and markets that will be opened. Farming is not a 8 to 5 job and it does not guarantee a monthly salary. We receive hundreds of e mails per month from young upcoming farmers, asking for financial assistance. Most of them are using social media to get information. Some of the information is wrong. Cannabis production will not feed a world that are already overpopulated. Do your homework before you believe anything you read. South Africa recorded almost 3 million farmers- ?? of which 10% plus are feeding the South African nation of 60 million people. 46% people are workless and live on Government grants supplied by die Taxpayers. Grain SA is very involved in assisting Small upcoming farmers.
Everyone with a little bit of space and the hunger to succeed can become a niche farmer. This is the unwavering belief of Laeveld Agrochem, the leading crop optimisation and precision farming enterprise behind Niche Farmers, a brand-new television series. Beginning in August on e.tv, the show will be hosted by media personalities Wilson B. Nkosi and Rozanne McKenzie. It is described as a “first of its kind”. It also promises same-week repeats on eXtra and Honey on DStv. Guests at the glitzy Niche Farmers launch event held last week included farmers who received a special mention by MC and well-known actor, Anton Schmidt. “When we eat, let’s never forget that we have a farmer to thank for that,” he said. As a natural extension of Nisboere, the Safta-awarded Afrikaans television show, Niche Farmers aims to equip both budding and successful black farmers with useful information. “So, apart from seeing what can be done, viewers will be able to find out how to do it through a series of useful ‘wrap’ articles that will be shared free of charge with viewers,” remarked Corné Liebenberg, marketing director of Laeveld Agrochem.
Saai het 'n eie databasis oor grondeise geloods wat uit staatskoerante, parlemetêre debatte en -antwoorde, departementele publikasies en amptelike briewe aan boereverenigings saamgestel is. Dit is die mees volledige lys wat sedert die sluiting van grondeise vir die publiek beskikbaar is. 24 Jaar na die laaste geldige indiening van n grondeis op 31 Desember 1998 is daar tot vandag toe nog nie n lys van grondeise deur die staat in die openbare domein geplaas nie.Nou ontken Reggie Ngcobo, woordvoerder van die departement van landbou, grondhervorming en landelike ontwikkeling, in Beeld dat die owerhede se proses met grondeise ondeursigtig is.Ngcobo se traak-my-nie-agtige reaksie in Beeld is die beste voorbeeld van wat in die staat se grondhervormingsadministrasie verkeerd is. Hy glo dalk regtig dat daar in sy departement sisteme in plek is wat rekords hou en aanspreeklikheid aan die dag kan lê. Die grondeiseprosedures wat hy uiteensit is suiwer en korrek, as dit maar so toegepas was. Maar die bravade van sterk uitsprake, versekerings en beloftes word gebou op n vakuum van onvermoë en wanbestuur. So terwyl Ngcobo ons uitnooi om sy departement met meer gesofistikeerde vrae te skakel, is daar niemand onder hom wat die mees eenvoudige vrae kan antwoord nie - nie eers as n hof hulle so beveel nie. Aldus Dr Theo de Jager.
Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa probeer met “semi-populistiese” stellings oor die versnelling van grondhervorming bloot om punte by sy gehoor aan te teken, meen ’n ontleder. Ramaphosa het in sy openingstoespraak op die ANC se nasionale beleidskonferensie by Nasrec, buite Johannesburg, gesê die ANC sal ná sy mislukte poging om art. 25 van die Grondwet te verander, na alle opsies moet kyk om grond sonder vergoeding toe te ken. Volgens Ramaphosa het die ANC al heelwat gedoen wat grondhervorming betref, “maar ons is ver van waar ons wil wees”. “Ons moet die verspreiding van grond aan almal wat dit bewerk en nodig het, versnel. Hier kom nog baie interresante nuus wat grond hervorming betref- ons ken die woord.
Ten spyte van die terugslag met ons pogings om art. 25 van die Grondwet te wysig, moet ons aanhou om alle beskikbare opsies na te jaag om die resolusie van ons 54ste konferensie oor grondverdeling sonder vergoeding toe pas.
With significant declines in production projected for corn and wheat, the International Grains Council (IGC) is forecasting global total grains output in marketing year 2022-23 to fall by 2% to 2.252 billion tonnes, marking the first contraction in five seasons. The IGC also sees carryover stocks for total grains dropping to an eight-year low at 583 million tonnes, a 4% decline from the previous year. In its monthly Grain Market Report, released July 21, the IGC projected a 32-million-tonne decline in corn production and an 11-million-tonne reduction in wheat output in the current marketing year. The IGC said the reduction is “mainly to reflect drought stress in the European Union, including for wheat, barley and corn.”
Eskom se voorgenome tariefverhogingsaansoek van 32,7% te midde van die voortslepende beurtkrag waaronder Suid-Afrikaners gebuk gaan, kom al hoe meer onder skoot en kan selfs in die hof gaan draai. Die vakbond Solidariteit het Woensdag 20 Julie Eskom se jongste aansoek by die Nasionale Energiereguleerder van Suid-Afrika (Nersa) as absurd, irrasioneel en onwettig bestempel. Die beweging sê in ’n verklaring indien die voorstel aanvaar word, sal Solidariteit dit met elke regsopsie tot sy beskikking teenstaan. Dit volg nadat Eskom in sy jongste aansoek benewens ’n stewige verhoging ook gevra het dat ’n tarief van R938 per maand op verbruikers gehef word wat self krag opwek. Privaat sonkraggebruikers is woedend oor die moontlikheid hulle Eskom dalk meer as R900 per maand sal moet betaal indien hulle self krag opwek. Eskom sê egter hy probeer nie mense ontmoedig om hulle eie sonkraginstallasies te installeer nie. Eskom beoog om hulle nuwe tariefvoorstel volgende maand aan Nersa voor te lê. Dit sal vanaf 1 April 2023 tot 31 Maart 2024 van toepassing wees indien dit goedgekeur word.
As African governments ponder the fate of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), prominent leaders across the continent have openly expressed support for the technology. From Ethiopia to South Africa, and points in between, a cross section of leaders — both serving and former — have agreed that GMOs deserve an opportunity to boost the continent’s agricultural fortunes and improve rural livelihoods.
Despite the storms of opposition waged by anti-GMO groupings in the country, Ghana is on course towards adopting genetically modified crops as a way to boost its food production.
Our daily users are real Professional Commercial Farmers with the ability to create wealth. Coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience in farming and food production. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. Decision makers and leaders in farming and Agriculture in Africa and around the world. - Our Advertisers are leaders in their field with a professional way in marketing and delivering their services to Farmers and their families. We only post Professional Articles in script, Video and Audio. Independent, Informed and in Tune. We know what farming is all about.
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News stories on AGRI NEWS NET
Daar is groot opslae op sosiale media oor ’n artikel wat noem dat meer La Niña-neigende toestande gaan voorkom omdat die sogenoemde Great Ocean Conveyor Belt of Groot Oseaanvervoerband wat seestrome dryf, vanweë klimaatsverandering verander. Met die derde agtereenvolgende La Niña-verskynsel wat aan die gang is, is baie mense geneig om die artikel meer letterlik op te neem. Die regte konteks is belangrik met hierdie soort sensasiesoekende publisiteit, veral in ’n era waar klimaatsverandering ’n werklikheid is en boonop vele gesigte kan hê
The global economy, still reeling from the pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, is facing an increasingly gloomy and uncertain outlook, according to a blog post by Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Import tariffs for the South African poultry industry have not been renewed and concerns have been raised that this will leave the industry vulnerable to dumping. The General Manager of the South African Poultry Association's Broiler Organisation, Izaak Breitenbach, explains that the temporary duties have expired in June this year
Bayer en Graan Suid-Afrika het onlangs kragte saamgesnoer om 'n unieke dokumentêre film die lig te laat sien. Die film, Blessings – Feeding Tomorrow Today, breek 'n lansie vir die rol van mentors en studiegroepe in die ontwikkeling van kleinskaalboere.
Fertilizer prices have stabilized or eased slightly in the five months since Russia invaded Ukraine, but remain at sharply higher levels than in 2021, so producers who buy early to begin planning for 2023 crops won’t see the same savings that they did last year.
Germany’s plans to shut down its last three nuclear plants by the end of this year could be scrapped now that soaring oil and gas prices are putting a strain on European economies and standards of living.
69% of consumers are not confident they know what GMOs are, and less than a third of Americans (32%) say they are comfortable with the use of GMOs in their food products. Roughly 3 in 5 Americans are interested in learning more about GMOs. 74% want to learn more about GMOs’ impact on their overall health. 67% are interested in learning more about the overall safety of GMOs.
Suid-Afrika het ’n groot probleem met uitheemse indringerbome soos rooikrans (Acacia cyclops), swartwattel (Acacia mearnsii) en die muskietboom (Prosopis, ook bekend as suidwesdoring). Hierdie bome gebruik baie water, verdring ons eie plante en diere, verhoog die risiko vir skadelike veldbrande en verminder weiding. Baie van hulle is gelukkig ook goeie vuurmaakhout.
Over the past 20 years, sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has seen 4,3% growth in annual agricultural output, the highest of any region in the world. Most of this growth has come from area expansion, not input intensification or increased productivity. Despite this growth, 73 million people remain acutely food-insecure.
Year on year poultry price increases amount to 17.3% -Beef: Local class A carcass prices continue to remain firm due to short supply. Lower supply is, in turn, the effect of high feed prices and the increased risks associated with foot and mouth disease that is limiting demand for weaner calves. This has also resulted in weaner calf prices continuing their downward trend apparent since April.
While global grain prices had declined in recent weeks, Dr Marlene Louw, senior agricultural economist at Absa AgriBusiness, said it remained to be seen how much this would affect local food price inflation.
Saai het n eie databasis oor grondeise geloods wat uit staatskoerante, parlemetêre debatte en -antwoorde, departementele publikasies en amptelike briewe aan boereverenigings saamgestel is.
While it's not quite at the high level it was this time last year, the contribution of South Africa's agri sector to the country's GDP is currently still very positive.
“Almost 40% of Africa’s agricultural products are exported to Europe, while intra-African agricultural trade is regionally concentrated, mostly centred around South Africa, which is both the major exporter and importer” –
The difference between 1.5°C & 3°C global warming means vastly different scenarios for our future. The survival of animals, the frequency of disasters, the spread of diseases & more hinge on these few degrees.
By the end of 2020, 270-million people could be living in famine conditions, according to the UN World Food Programme, up from an already staggering 149 million before Covid-19. Add in the disruptive effects of climate change and our planet’s ever-increasing population, and we are looking at difficult times ahead.
Nuwe navorsing bewys dat die risikofaktore vir kardiovaskulêre siektes en diabetes dieselfde was onder deelnemers aan ‘n studie wat ‘n gesonde dieet sonder en mét ‘n bykomende 150g beesvleis gevolg het.
Vendusies het ’n lang geskiedenis. Volgens die Griekse geskiedkundige Herodotus was daar in 500 VHJ (voor huidige jaartelling) ’n jaarlikse vendusie in Babilon waar hubare meisies opgeveil is. Maar die grootste vendusie van alle tye was in die jaar 193 HJ (huidige jaartelling) toe die hele Romeinse Ryk op ’n vendusie verkoop is.
AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News - 24 Julie 2022
Even vineyards are measured in tens or hundreds of acres/hectares, depending on where they are, so that we see images of rolling hillsides covered in vines. However, the history of Europe is based on a very different concept of land-holding — the endless vistas of grapevines might look the same, but they have many, many different owners. This makes a difference.
Die wêreld van vandag gaan hoofsaaklik oor vryheid is ’n soort ongebondenheid,wat daarop neerkom dat mense kan doen wat hulle wil. Hierdie vryheidsbeskouing is nie volhoubaar nie, omdat dit nie in die aard van die mens is om homself van sy gemeenskap, kultuur en tradisie los te maak nie.
Ten spyte daarvan dat die landbousektor se bydrae tot die bruto binnelandse produk nie vanjaar op dieselfde vlak as verlede jaar is nie, lewer dit steeds ’n positiewe bydrae. Verskeie faktore dui op ’n blink toekoms vir landbou-uitvoer.
Our planet is home to an incredible diversity of organisms. What does the earth’s biodiversity look like in the big picture? In this post I provide an overview – with summary graphic – of Earth’s biomass, how it is distributed between taxa (the taxonomic group of organisms), and the environments within which they live.
Daar word beraam Suid-Afrika se bevolking het oor die afgelope jaar toegeneem tot 60,6 miljoen. Bevolkingsberamings in die middel van die jaar dui op ‘n toename van ongeveer 640 000 mense. Volgens Statistieke SA het Gauteng steeds die grootste deel van die Suid-Afrikaanse bevolking, terwyl KwaZulu-Natal die tweede meeste mense het, met ‘n beraamde 11,54 miljoen.
Statistics South Africa has published its mid-year population estimates for 2022, showing that the country’s population continues to grow – now estimated to be 60.6 million people. The country recorded a net increase of 640,070 people between estimates in 2021 and 2022, Stats SA said.
Die landbou-organisasie SAAI het ‘n digitale grondeise-databasis bekendgestel wat die organisasie beskryf as die grootste van sy soort. SAAI sê gebruikers kan in nagenoeg 20 sekondes self die status van grondeise bepaal wat op hul grond ingestel is.
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AGRI NEWS NET- in jou hand- maklik om te lees en altyd op tyd- 7dae per week- 365 van die jaar- No news medium in farming and agriculture give you so much news at one address 7 days a week.
Agri News Net en Farmingportal.co.za se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.
Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.
As jy kan vlieg kan jy
Smooth!! pic.twitter.com/dlrJl5qmMs
— Mthuthuzeli Mpiti (@mtura712) July 28, 2022
Harde netjies werk
Thailand's high efficiency rice farming pic.twitter.com/58b3IBVbqr
— * (@anthraxxx781) July 28, 2022
Die dae van ploeg was net so vars
So satisfying pic.twitter.com/QG64firh2Q
— ANTLER VALLEY FARM (@5thGenFarming) July 26, 2022
Vars nuwe gras
Cows keen to move today. Dust is flying in what is normally our wettest fields. Desperate for rain but no end in sight yet. #drought22 #atlanticangus pic.twitter.com/qQAdbDe1Ut
— Jonathan Chapman (@TheFarmingVet) July 29, 2022
Die Nederlandse boere het nog nie 'n einde nie- Italia is ook nou deel van.
Farmers in Northern Italy are coming together in huge numbers. I'm here in the country covering this massive blue collar uprising against the Great Reset. Follow along at https://t.co/cpQM1P58PG pic.twitter.com/9PP3hEXbVs
— Keean Bexte 🇳🇱 (@TheRealKeean) July 30, 2022
Tegnologie op sy beste
The display behind the truck shows the front so that you can decide to overtake it... pic.twitter.com/GvdZGHWCVv
— Tansu YEĞEN (@TansuYegen) July 30, 2022