AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News - 17 Julie 2022

AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News - 17 Julie 2022

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Daar was die laaste paar weke ’n belangrike klemverskuiwing in finansiële markte. Die een konstante is dat die dollar net in een rigting beweeg, naamlik sterker. Die VSA-geldeenheid het vroeër vandeesweek vir die eerste keer in 20 jaar pariteit teenoor die euro bereik (een dollar koop een euro). Die laer opbrengskoerse en dalende metaalpryse is in reaksie op ’n groeiende kommer oor wêreldgroei. Om goeie redes bly sentrale banke vir nou gefokus op inflasiebekamping in plaas daarvan om hulle te veel oor groei te bekommer. In die VSA het die verbruikersprysinflasie (VPI) in Junie met 9.1% jaar-op-jaar gestyg – die snelste jaarlikse toename sedert 1981. In Suid-Afrika kan die Reserwebank ’n soortgelyke paadjie stap. Daar kom moontlik nog verhogings van 1.5 tot 2 persentasiepunte in plaaslike rentekoerse in die volgende ses maande. Verdere verhogings van altesame 1.75 persentasiepunte sal die prima-uitleenkoers terugneem na waar dit in Desember 2019 was, voor Covid-19. Maar soos in die res van die wêreld beteken dit nie dat die uitleenkoers vir jare op dié vlak sal bly nie. Die omgewing is net te onseker om sulke verwagtinge te hê. Vir nou is die fokus op inflasie en dit vereis hoër rentekoerse, maar teen hierdie tyd volgende jaar kan die ekonomiese omstandighede weer laer rentekoerse regverdig. Tensy dit ’n besonder aantreklike koers vir die volgende 12 maande is en afhangende van persoonlike omstandighede, sou ek teen dié agtergrond nie aanbeveel dat verbruikers nou hulle verbandlening teen ’n hoër koers as hulle huidige rentekoers vaspen nie.

Minister of Trade, Industry, and Competition Ebrahim Patel said that next week's inaugural Black Industrialists Conference would mark a shift in the government's approach from supporting black businesses to positioning them to become the leading job creators and exporters in the South African economy. Patel was briefing reporters ahead of the conference, set to take place in Johannesburg on Wednesday. President Cyril Ramaphosa is also expected to address the event. Patel said next the conference will help the government develop policies to elevate black businesses that benefitted from the government's empowerment policy to become established exporters of goods. The Department of Trade, Industry, and Competition and its entities have provided support worth more than R25 billion to previously disadvantaged entrepreneurs in the past eight years.  

G20 finance leaders meeting in Bali must make progress tackling the global economic threats sparked by Russia's war in Ukraine, or the humanitarian consequences would be catastrophic, host Indonesia said on Friday. Some Western ministers blasted Russian officials attending the talks, with US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen saying Russia's "brutal and unjust war" was solely responsible for the economic crisis the world now faces. Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which the Kremlin calls a "special military operation", has overshadowed recent G20 meetings, including last week's gathering of foreign ministers. Host Indonesia's Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said the world had high hopes the G20 could find a solution to the threat of war, rising commodity prices and the spillover effects on the ability of low-income countries to repay debt. She said: G20 members include Western countries that have imposed sanctions on Russia and accuse it of war crimes in Ukraine, as well as nations like China, India and South Africa, which have been more muted in their response.

Die Wêreldbank het onlangs gewaarsku dat 60% van die wêreld se armste lande reeds sukkel om buitelandse skuld terug te betaal. Tydens die onlangse vergadering van die Wêreld Ekonomiese Forum in Switserland is die groeiende skuldkrisis in ontwikkelende lande as een van die belangrikste globale risiko’s uitgewys. Sedert die einde van die burgeroorlog in Sri Lanka dertien jaar gelede, is dié land gereeld voorgehou as ’n voorbeeld van ’n ontwikkelende, arm land wat die nodige ekonomiese en politieke hervormings kon deurvoer om uiteindelik stabiliteit en ekonomiese groei te bewerkstellig. Teen 2012 het Sri Lanka ekonomiese groei van meer as 6% behaal. Suid-Afrika staan uit tussen ontwikkelende lande in ons gesonde en konserwatiewe monetêre beleid. Ook die regering se fiskale beleid is grootliks meer verantwoordelik as talle ander ontwikkelende lande. Groter ekonomiese probleme in ontwikkelende land sal Suid-Afrika egter indirek raak. Werkloosheid, armoede en korrupsie is reeds buite beheer in Suid-Afrika. Gebeure die afgelope tyd in Sri Lanka behoort aan alle ontwikkelende lande, ook Suid-Afrika, ‘n ernstige waarskuwing te stuur oor hoe maklik politieke onstabiliteit uit ‘n ekonomiese krisis kan ontwikkel.

In June and July 2022, heatwaves struck Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, as temperatures climbed above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) in places and broke many long-standing records. In Western Europe, which was already experiencing severe drought, the heatwave fueled fires that raged across Portugal, Spain, and parts of France. In Portugal, temperatures reached 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit) on July 13 in the town of Leiria, where more than 3,000 hectares (7,400 acres) had burned. More than half of the country was on red alert as firefighters battled 14 active fires.

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Eskom het die nasionale energiereguleerder (Nersa) gevra vir ’n verhoging van 32,66% in die kragtarief. Hierdie prysverhoging en die noodplan kom te midde van die ergste beurtkrag nóg wat sedert 28 Junie vir slegs die tweede keer ooit tot fase 6 toegeneem het.

Weekly grain exports from Ukraine amounted to 315,459 mt, almost identical to the level of exports during the first week of the 2022/23 marketing year, with total exports increasing to 639,917 mt, according to data from the country's Ministry of Agriculture.

AFMA recorded a 2,2% growth year-on-year (YoY) in feed sales during its April 2021 to March 2022 statistical year. These sales amounted to 6,9 million tons, after a 1% YoY growth in the previous year.

Among the oranges en route to Europe, and now threatened with destruction, are consignments that were packed and shipped before the new cold treatment requirement was even published in the European Union’s Official Journal on 21 June 2022.

Aardverwarming en die gevolge daarvan kan oral gesien en ervaar word- Dit was lankal tyd om hiervoor te beplan en die gevolge daarvan op jou boerdery en jou omgewing te bestuur en te beheer- Daar staan oeste op die lande wat binnekort gereed sal wees vir stroop en met hierdie onvoorspelbare weer kan baie dinge nog met die oeste gebeur.

Prokureurs wat die Amerikaanse basketbalspeler Brittney Griner in Rusland verdedig, sê sy is mediese cannabis in die Verenigde State voorgeskryf vir ‘n chroniese besering. Haar hofsaak is tans in Moskou aan die gang. Griner het skuld beken op dwelmaanklagte wat tronkstraf van tot tien jaar kan beteken nadat sy in Februarie by ‘n Moskou-lughawe aangehou is dagga-olie.

CBOT Wheat prices decrease to pre-war levels -Maize: The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) raised the US corn crop and ended stocks in the July World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report. Talks between Ukraine and Russia about a deal aimed at resuming Ukraine's Black Sea grain exports put pressure on prices.

The ozone hole, discovered in 1985, has been forming every spring in the atmosphere high over Antarctica. Ozone depletion cools the air, strengthening the winds of the polar vortex and affecting winds all the way down to the lowest layer of Earth’s atmosphere. Ultimately, ozone depletion has shifted the mid-latitude jet stream and the dry regions at the edge of the tropics toward the South Pole.

Scientists have discovered a signal that causes roots to stop growing in hard soils which can be ‘switched off’ to allow them to punch through, a finding which may have 'huge implications' for agriculture. The discovery could help plants grow in even the most damaged soils, according to scientists from the University of Nottingham and Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Die mieliebedryf wag op hete kole vir die departement van landbou, grondhervorming en landelike ontwikkeling om die voorgestelde graderingsregulasies vir mielies, wat reeds op 11 Augustus verlede jaar ingedien is, vir kommentaar in die Staastskoerant af te kondig.

The X9 Combine has arrived. Currently the largest grain-handling Combine Harvester on the African continent, this machine was specifically designed for high-yielding and high-moisture crops under challenging conditions.

Allthough South Africans enjoy a braai as much as they can and some of them wondering about the greenest method for cooking up my legendary T-bones and sweet sausages. Should I stick with charcoal, which I’ve used for years, or should I finally make the switch to gas?

The 2022 California table grape season is off to a solid start with similar volumes to 2021 expected, but high costs, the ongoing shipping crisis and the added challenge of inflation remain a cause for concern. Industry experts told The Grape Reporter about their expectations for the 2022 California grape season

Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine, the draconian lockdown in China, and our own domestic economic crisis, make it hard to find the silver lining in what are seemingly endless dark clouds. These exponential threats to international food security, supply chain efficiencies and domestic security were exacerbated in mid-April by record rainfall that fell along the coastline of KwaZulu-Natal.

Fertigation refers to the process of applying liquid or water-soluble fertilizers through irrigation systems to simultaneously supply plants with their daily water and nutrient needs for their specific growth stage, following the principles of 4R Nutrient Stewardship (using the right source at the right rate, time and place).

Scores of pigs belonging to small-scale farmers in Robertson have died from African Swine Fever (ASF), which is threatening livelihoods in the region. ASF is a highly contagious viral disease that leads to mortalities in the piggery business. The main clinical signs of ASF in pigs are fever, loss of appetite, lack of energy and sudden death.

Die oorlog tussen Rusland en Oekraïne en die feit dat meer as 130 vragskepe vol uitvoergraan tans in die Swartsee vasgekeer is, is ’n duidelike teken dat Suid-Afrika meer selfvoorsienend moet wees ten opsigte van voedselproduksie. Dit ook die hooftema van Graan SA se kongres in Maart vanjaar. Dis baie belangrik,” sê mnr. Corné Louw, hoof van toegepaste ekonomie en lededienste by Graan SA.

Dr. Pieter Groenewald, VF Plus-leier, het gesê dat ’n noodtoestand oor krag nie nodig is om die huidige elektrisiteitskrisis op te los nie. “Die minister van minerale hulpbronne en energie, Gwede Mantashe, word deur die Elektrisiteitsreguleringswet in staat gestel om die huidige administratiewe rompslomp ten opsigte van privaat elektrisiteitsopwekking uit te skakel,” sê dr. Groenewald.


 AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News - 10 Julie 2022

Die rooivleisbedryf bly onder skoot — of dit druk van die veganiste is wat ’n volle 0,1% van die wêreldbevolking beslaan of omgewingsaktiviste wat die kweekhuisgaskat aan die stert beet het. Rede is egter besig om te seëvier. Die mensdom se eetlus is besig om die aarde oor sy planetêre grense te druk, terwyl dit terselfdertyd ook ’n gesondheidsrisiko skep.

Suid-Afrika ly nie net verliese aan geldelike kapitaal nie, maar die Verenigde Nasies se Migrasie data wys intellektuele kapitaal is ook vinnig besig om die land te verlaat.

South Africa's agricultural industries are increasingly pressured by stringent trade practices in their major export markets. The wool industry, which has been closed off by the Chinese market for nearly four months now, is one example.

Soos elke jaar in die afgelope 30 jaar, het die vakbonde weer begin met hulle leeglê stakings om hoër lone vir werkers te eis terwyl niemand poog om die produktiwiteit te verhoog nie.

Due to the dramatic increase in African Horse Sickness (AHS) cases in the AHS infected (endemic) zone of the country over the last several months, many areas have been closed for direct movement into the AHS controlled area of the Western Cape.

South Africa's agricultural sector currently faces numerous challenges, ranging from footand-mouth disease, protectionism in the EU, rising farm input costs, and deteriorating network industries, amongst others.

In June and July 2022, heatwaves struck Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, as temperatures climbed above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) in places and broke many long-standing records.

Sosiale media is vir baie mense 'n "show" waar hulle moet spog met dit wat hulle het- Ongelukkig is die wereld van sosiale media nie so mooi as wat dit voorgee nie- Meer mense raak verslaaf aan sosiale media en dit is besig om verhoudings baie skade aan te rig en mense raak verslaaf. Dis tyd om jouself los te maak van hierdie plastiese wereld en jou tyd beter te spandeer.

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