Welcome to our world- the real world of Farming and Agriculture- DOWNLOAD AGRI NEWS NET from the GOOGLE APP store- Get update with the news 7 days a week- 365 days per year- This AGRI NEWS NET -Some of the Articles this week-,
South Africa-. The Farm-to-Retail-Price-Spread (FTRPS) is the difference between what the consumer pays for the food product at retail level and the value of the farm product used in that product. Price spreads measure the aggregate contributions of food manufacturing, distribution, wholesale and retail firms that transform farm commodities into final products:
An academic from the University of Stellenbosch had to answer some tough questions about the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) during the Road Freight Association’s annual convention held outside Winterton in the central Drakensberg over the weekend.
By next month the establishment of a first phase of 98,000 blueberry plants on land provided by a mining company will be completed, and by next year the first crop – estimated at 80,000 to 100,000 tonnes – will be ready for export.
Die Departement van Gesondheid druk nou om 'n voorgestelde wetsontwerp deur te voer wat strenger maatreëls bevat oor die rokers se toegelate plekke vir 'n dampie maak. 'n Woordvoerder van die Departement sê dat die Beheer van Tabak Produkte en Elektroniese Stelsels se wet is tans in die pyplyn en die ANC regime werk glo “so vinnig as wat hulle kan” om dit te finaliseer.
In my geestesoog sien ek ‘n ouerige oom wat op ‘n petroldrom sit. Hy het lang kakiekleurige kouse aan met leervellies wat al vele myle geloop het. By dit het hy ‘n kakiekleurige kortbroek en ‘n two-tone knopieshemp aan.
The Crop Estimates Committee (CEC) released its fourth production forecast for summer crops for the 2021/2022 season on Tuesday, 1 June. The size of the commercial maize crop was set at 16,18 million tons, which was 0,5% or 84 750t higher than the previous forecast of 16,09 million tons. The area estimate for maize was 2,75 million hectares or 6% larger than the previous crop, with an expected yield of 5,87t/ha.
A 2020 report found that nearly 690 million people—or 8.9 percent of the global population—are hungry, up by nearly 60 million in five years. The food security challenge will only become more difficult, as the world will need to produce about 70 percent more food by 2050 to feed an estimated 9 billion people.
When you think of bees, a hive humming with activity probably comes to mind. But most of the world's 20,000 bee species don't call a hive home. These wild species lead solitary lives instead, and around 70% of them build nests underground where they raise their offspring on the nectar they gather from flowers.
Die speenkalfprys is tans 36% hoër as ’n jaar gelede. Die voorspelling van ’n bykans 30% groter mielieoes sal mieliepryse laat daal en dit is sekerlik goeie nuus vir speenkalfprodusente, het mnr. Louis Wessels, uittredende voorsitter van die Wes-Kaapse Rooivleisprodusente-organisasie (RPO), in sy voorsittersrede op ’n virtuele jaarvergadering gesê.
Die prys van koffiebone het ‘n vier jaar hoogtepunt behaal. ‘n Landbou-ontleder by Commerzbank, Michaela Helbing-Kuhl, gee Brasilië se voortdurende droë weer die skuld. Sy sê die droogte sal na verwagting tot Augustus voortduur, wat nie ‘n goeie teken is vir volgende jaar se oes nie.
A year after the new-generation Land Rover Defender 110 was launched in SA as a modern reincarnation of the iconic 4x4, its little brother has arrived.
Die landbouorganisasie Vrystaat Landbou (VL) sal teenstand bied teen die nasionalisering van grond deur voogdyskap. VL het Donderdag in ’n verklaring op die EFF se voorstel gereageer dat voogdyskap van die staat ingesluit word in die konsepwetsontwerp vir die wysiging art. 25 van die Grondwet.
Reaksie is ontvang van die uitvoerende hoof van Namib Mills, Ian Collard oor ‘n landbou-opname deur Statistieke Suid-Afrika wat die verkope van landbouprodukte in Suid-Afrika tussen 2017 en 2019 dopgehou het. Dit toon dat die sektor se inkomste met 37,4 miljard Namibiese dollar tot 351,4 miljard Namibiese dollar gestyg het.
Wetenskaplikes het vir die eerste keer daarin geslaag om varke, bokke en beeste te skep wat as lewensvatbare surrogaat manlike diere kan optree. Dit is manlike diere wat sperm produseer en slegs die genetiese eienskappe van skenkerdiere dra.
South Africa's apple and pear production is set for a record export crop this season. Apple exports are expected to rise by 5% year-on-year to 38,4 million 12.5kg equivalent cartons.
"Biodiversity is the shortened form of two words "biological" and "diversity". It refers to all the variety of life that can be found on Earth (plants, animals, fungi and micro-organisms) as well as to the communities that they form and the habitats in which they live."
Angola, eens een van die grootste koffieprodusente ter wêreld, sukkel om sy koffiebedryf te herstel. Voor onafhanklikheid van Portugal in 1975 het Angola sowat 230 000 ton koffie per jaar geproduseer. In 2020 was die produksie net 5 570 ton en in 2019 was dit 4 245 ton.
Local stone fruit orchards are in their winter rest period, with stone fruit is currently imported from Spain. According to an importer, local demand is strong and prices are expected to be higher than usual because of a lower Spanish crop.
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Agri News Net en Farmingportal.co.za se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.
Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.
AS jou kraai uit is is jy uit=
ek kannie meer nie korporaal.....
— 🔎🆘🐔#JouHaan🐔🆘🔍 (@noujouhaan) June 6, 2021
eks moeg moeg moeg moeg....eks moeg, eks baie moeg
Dankie maar nee dankie, is al wat ek gaan se vandag! More, lekker slaap....ek gaan die heeeeeldag slaap!
Lekker maandag! baaai baai pic.twitter.com/FgqaBdzkuY
Wyn nuus uit Suid Afrika -
After intensive research for our #FalseBay #WholeBunch Rosé, old Cinsault vineyards in the Swartland & Stellenbosch areas clinched the deal - with Mourvèdre from Stellenbosch adding further complexity.
— Waterkloof Wines (@WaterkloofWines) June 2, 2021
Grown, made & bottled in #SouthAfrica. Vegan friendly.
False Bay - Real Wine pic.twitter.com/ygNf0As2D0
Hoor maar self wat se hy-
This guy must be from the Western Cape. pic.twitter.com/EULoSgUSMx
— Dr Johan van Rooyen (@SteynsburgVet) June 2, 2021
Dis planttyd met moderne tegnolgie
The last of our sequential vining pea seed going into the ground today for @HMCPeas. Great seedbed moisture and soil temperatures - lovely.😎👌🏼💚 pic.twitter.com/XMt2BIYIA2
— David Hoyles (@dgwhoyles) May 30, 2021
Sneeman wat "live report" van die Oos Kaap vroeer die week.
— Storm Report SA (@StormReportSA1) June 1, 2021
Reporting LIVE from the Barkly pass between Barkly East and Elliot. pic.twitter.com/ySsBxww7Gt
Kan dit waar wees
@twatterbaas please tell me this isn't standard
— Natz 💕Afrikanerhart #StopFarmMurders ✝ (@StopPlaasmoorde) May 30, 2021
Fokken Britte 🤬 https://t.co/dVYNDVWo1F