AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 13th June 2021

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Very low container numbers for the local maritime industry, as another significant decline in import numbers was observed. In addition to the low numbers reported, the central area of concern at commercial ports revolved around possible industrial action by Transnet workers. Some positive news includes the arrival of ten additional diesel-electric straddle carriers in DCT Pier 2 this week .

Die energie-kenner, Ted Blom, het president Cyril Ramaphosa se aanpassing van die Wet op die regulering van elektrisiteit verwelkom. Die president het gister aangekondig dat die beperking op onafhanklike kragopwekkers van een tot 100 megawatt verhoog word. Blom sê die stap sal help om sakeondernemings te beskerm wat swaar getref word deur beurtkrag.

Scientists at Heriot-Watt University have identified a gene responsible for drought resistance in barley which, it is believed, could help future-proof the cereals industry to increasingly dry conditions as climate change gathers pace.

Although agriculture's contribution was muted in the first quarter, this is a temporary blip given the generally huge production outlook across most of the agriculture commodities.

A third of the Earth’s soil is acutely degraded. Worst affected is Africa. Globally, soil stores an estimated 9.8 billion tonnes of carbon.While soil degradation releases carbon, soil conservation traps it. What’s more, the brown stuff beneath our feet is the basis for all food production.

Die rekord-uitvoermielie-oes kan ook ’n tweesnydende swaard wees. Die groot vraag is of Suid-Afrika die uitvoer van 2,85 miljoen ton mielies kan behartig, die logistieke stelsels daarvoor het en of die hawens die uitvoervermoë het. Die oesseisoen vir somergewasse het begin en produsente is druk besig om die oes in die silo’s te kry.

A first in 21 years. To maintain the progress, it is conducting the first ever wildlife census and placing mobile container housing in parks for rangers. Kenya's Wildlife Service credits intensified surveillance for the drop in rhinoceros poaching cases to zero last year.

South Africa -The Department of Water and Sanitation Spokesperson, Mr Sputnik Ratau has pleaded with the public to be circumspect in the manner they consume water to ensure the country has enough water stored until the summer rains soak the country.

Die Suid-Afrikaanse wolmark het vandeesweek tydens die laaste wolveiling vir die 2020/21-wolseisoen ‘n verbetering getoon. Dit, ten spyte van die Rand wat versterk het teenoor die vernaamste geldeenhede.

17 elements have been shown to be essential for plants: carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sulphur (S), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), boron (B), molybdenum (Mo), chlorine (Cl), nickel (Ni). Additional elements may be essential to a few plant species, e.g. sodium (Na) and cobalt (Co).

VN se Wêreldvoedselprogram sê 270 miljoen mense wêreldwyd leef op die rand van hongersnood. Dit is gelykstaande aan die gesamentlike bevolkings van Duitsland, Brittanje, Frankryk en Italië. Die organisasie se hoof, David Beasly sê weens oorloë, klimaatsverandering, die gebruik van honger as ‘n militêre en politieke wapen, en die huidige coronavirspandemie vererger die situasie eksponensieel.

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