AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 31st January 2021

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Suid Afrika-“Verbruikers is in rep en roer oor die skerp styging in die prys van vars gemmer en die verloop van sake word nou deur die Mededingingskommissie ondersoek. Is daar dalk ‘n slang in die gras? “Die huidige hoë pryse kom op ‘n baie slegte tyd vir die verbruiker, want sy beursie is plat, terwyl daar doelbewuste veranderde verbruikspatrone, soos om mens se Immuniteitstelsel te versterk, aan die orde kom.

Suid Afrika se edelagbare President is veronderstel om die land en sy mense se President te wees, tenspyte van die feit dat hy deel is van die ANC. Hy het duidelik die afgelope tyd bewys dat hy heeltemaal tevrede is om belastingeld van sekere mense in Suid Afrika te ontvang, almal onder dieselfde regulasies te plaas maar net 'n sekere deel van die bevolking kry voordeel in hulpprogramme.

Wool market surged upwards by a substantial 12,1% this week to close at R169,71/kg. A total of 13 176 bales were on offer after 2 773 bales were withdrawn prior to the sale, with an overall sales clearance of 97,2% on the bales offered. Of the total offering, more than 60% of the wool offering was 20 micron and finer, with certified sustainable wools comprising 55,8% of the Merino wools on offer.

The world is experiencing record-low interest rates, with central bank rates in several of the largest economies either close to zero or negative. A survey of 18 of the world’s most influential emerging markets and post-industrial economies reveals an average negative real central bank rate of 0.1% (South Africa has the sixth-highest rate among this group).

South African barley farmers are bracing for a tough market ahead as demand for the grain used to make beer falls and stockpiles grow after a ban on the sale of alcohol was reinstated as the country battles a surge in COVID-19 cases.

Die organisasie Transparency International se Korrupsiepersepsie-indeks vir 2020 toon hoe korrupsie ‘n negatiewe impak gehad het op talle lande – insluitend Suid-Afrika – se vermoë om die coronaviruspandemie te hanteer. Suid-Afrika het ‘n telling van 44 uit 100, waar enige telling onder 50 dui op ‘n ernstige korrupsieprobleem.

Ons leef in ’n era waar die omstandighede uiters gunstig is vir pandemies wat van diere af na mense oorspoel. En ’n groter pandemie lê vir die mensdom en loer – een wat die Covid-19-pandemie soos kuikenkos sal laat lyk. So glo prof. Robert Bragg, navorser in die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV) se departement mikrobiese, biochemiese en voedselbiotegnologie.

World leaders have already committed to restoring 350m hectares of forest by 2030 and a recent report suggested that reforesting a billion hectares of land could store a massive 205 gigatonnes of carbon – two thirds of all the carbon released into the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution.

Australia is poised to produce its second largest wheat crop on record in 2020-21, more than doubling last year’s drought-affected estimate of 15.2 million tonnes, according to a Jan. 26 report from the US Department of Agriculture’s Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN).

Nadat die Tshwane-stadsraad verlede jaar beloof het om die varsproduktemark reg te ruk, is die infrastruktuur steeds in dieselfde toestand. Hoewel die higiëne op die mark verbeter het, is die beloofde R5,8 miljoen wat in 2020 vir infrastruktuurverbetering bewillig is, nie bestee nie en die mark is steeds in ’n baie swak toestand.

Suid-Afrika het ’n groot probleem met uitheemse indringerbome soos rooikrans (Acacia cyclops), swartwattel (Acacia mearnsii) en die muskietboom (Prosopis, ook bekend as suidwesdoring). Hierdie bome gebruik baie water, verdring ons eie plante en diere, verhoog die risiko vir skadelike veldbrande en verminder weiding. Baie van hulle is gelukkig ook goeie vuurmaakhout.

Lastly, the anticipated launch of the Agricultural Master Plan in 2021 should effectively deal with the issues raised above and provide direction to the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development’s approach to broader farmer development initiatives this year.

Fuel prices are set for a significant jump when the price for February is adjusted next week, the Automobile Association (AA) says. Commenting on unaudited month-end fuel price data released by the Central Energy Fund, the association said it expects petrol to rise by up to 82 cents a litre, diesel by 59 cents, and illuminating paraffin by 60 cents.

Volgens ’n ontleding wat die ekonoom Mike Schüssler van die 2018-begroting gedoen het, het Suid-Afrikaners wat persoonlike inkomstebelasting betref die 12de hoogste belastinglas ter wêreld gehad onder lande wat meer as ’n miljoen inwoners het en nie ’n olie-uitvoerder is nie.

After years of silence about Kruger National Park rhino populations -South Africa’s Ministry of Forestry and Fisheries and Environmental Affairs, confirm that populations in the Kruger National Park have plummeted to an estimated 3,529 white rhinos and 268 black rhinos. This represents a population reduction of 67% for white rhinos –from 10,621 in 2011 and 35% for black rhinos –from 415 in 2013.

Smart Farming has a real potential to deliver a more productive and sustainable agricultural production, based on a more precise and resource-efficient approach. USA possibly up to 80% of farmers use some kind of SFT, in Europe it's 24%. Smart Farming should provide the farmer with added value in the form of better decision making or more efficient exploitation operations and management.

Goeie pryse en belowende produksietoestande het daartoe gelei dat Suid-Afrika kan uitsien na ’n geskatte oppervlakte van 806 000 ha onder sojabone hierdie seisoen – die hoogste oppervlakte beplant met sojabone in die land se geskiedenis.

South Africa: More sales on the local market due to challenges in logistics -15,636 tons of South African blueberries were exported up until the end of 2020; more than in the 2019/2020 season, when 12,221 tons were shipped.

Landbou is besig om dwarsoor die wereld te verander en daar sal baie vinnig 'n kopskuif moet plaasvind. Dit is meer waarskynlik dat landboutegnologie en die landbouekonomie so sal ontwikkel dat grond nie noodwendig as kollateraal vir produksie sal dien nie. Die berekening van risiko sal teen standhoudende produksie verhandel word, eerder as teen bates en grond.

Dis parstyd in Wes Kaap en as jy 'n boer is, is dit die beste tyd van die jaar- na soveel maande word jy beloon met harde werk en 'n goeie oes- maar hierdie jaar is anders- want Suid Afrika se magsbehepte regering wat daarop uit om ons landhouers en almal verbonde aan die drank en wynbedryf te vernietig met hulle onkunde en belaglike Covid 19 regulasies.

More than 150 top international scientists are calling on the world to take urgent action on nitrogen pollution, to tackle the widespread harm it is causing to humans, wildlife and the planet. The present environmental crisis is much more than a carbon problem' and are asking all countries 'to wake up to the challenge' of halving nitrogen waste from all sources globally by 2030.

69% of consumers are not confident they know what GMOs are, and less than a third of Americans (32%) say they are comfortable with the use of GMOs in their food products. Roughly 3 in 5 Americans are interested in learning more about GMOs. 74% want to learn more about GMOs’ impact on their overall health. 67% are interested in learning more about the overall safety of GMOs.

Sentraal-Suid-Afrika se damme is nou meestal tot oorlopens toe vol, met riviere wat sterk loop nadat rekordreënvalsyfers op plekke aangeteken is, maar groot kommer heers tans dat daar ’n potensiële vloed op pad is vir besproeiingsboere van die Noord-Kaap en diegene benede die Oranjerivier. So sê Nicol Jansen, president van Agri Noord-Kaap.

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Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering. Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep. Met 25 jaar praktiese boerdery ondervinding weet ons wat landbou en sy mense is.