AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 23rd January 2021

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DOWNLOAD AGRI NEWS NET from the GOOGLE APP store- Get update with the news 7 days a week- 365 days per year- This AGRI NEWS NET -Some of the Articles this week-,

Suid Afrika- Water word altyd weer gebruik- en as jy in die Noord Wes Vrystaat boer of geboer het weet jy wat te veel water is -Reën maak sy eie skade reg. Dít is die gesegde waaraan boere in die somersaaigebiede herinner word te midde van een van die natste seisoene in baie jare.

Ons nuuskantoor ontvang daagliks berigte van hoe ons landbouers en plattelandse inwoners mekaar bystaan in die Covid 19 pandemie- Ons landbouers en hulle gesinne laat hulle nie afsit deur die regering se belaglike reels en regulasies waarmee hulle die pandemie probeer bestry nie- Boere oorleef nog altyd omdat hulle altyd 'n plan maak en nie gaan le om getrap en beheer te word nie.

Wetenskaplikes het satelliete begin gebruik om olifante uit die ruimte te tel. Die foto’s kom van ‘n aardobservasiesatelliet wat 600 km bo die planeetoppervlak wentel. Die deurbraak kan tot vyf-duisend vierkante kilometer se olifanthabitat op een enkele wolkvrye dag ondersoek.

A coffee tree is a woody perennial evergreen, covered with dark-green, waxy leaves growing opposite each other in pairs. They can grow 30 feet (9 m) high, but in cultivation, coffee trees are kept short for easier harvesting. It takes three or four years after planting for the tree to become productive.

Ons nuuspan in die nuuskantoor het die week bietjie navorsing gedoen oor al die media en nuusdienste wat tans op "Facebook" aangebied word. Die nuus handel omtrent alles oor Suid Afrika se politiek en die regering asook plaasmoorde en ander verwante gebeure. Die videokanale is vol nuus soos elke ou sy eie program aanbied en sy droom uitleef.

According to a recent report from the Exporters’ Club Western Cape, out-of-date equipment at the Port of Cape Town’s multi-purpose terminal (MPT) is causing unwarranted delays. The ECWC claims there are problems with ageing equipment, in particular stackers, which have created huge delays for trucks accessing the terminal.

Covid- 19 -Die mens het baie mikro-organismes en virusse in die liggaam, en dit beteken nie dat jy 'n siek of besmette persoon is nie, of dat jy die virus het, maar die virusse wat kwansuis "so aggressief" is, het simptome by die pasiënte die liggaam maak alarms van 'n indringer (koors, hoofpyn, braking, ens.) Jy is verantwoordelik vir jou eie gesondheid en daarom moet jy jouself beskerm.

Higher agricultural output gains in 2020, coupled with relatively higher commodity prices, improved South African farmers' finances. The allied industries benefited from this windfall. A case in point is South Africa's agricultural machinery market which registered a notable improvement from the previous year

A new model shows which areas of Earth will likely be hit the hardest by the changes caused by human activity, also revealing possible solutions. As many as five billion people, particularly in Africa and South Asia, are likely to face shortages of food and clean water in the coming decades as nature declines.

South Africa’s annual inflation slowed to levels last seen 16 years ago, Stats SA has said in its latest set of data. In 2004, the average rate was 1.4%. The figures show that the annual inflation rate slowed to 3.1% in December, from 3.2%, while the consumer price index rose by 0.2% month-on-month compared to 0% in November.

Many alternative meat products are highly processed, have high salt levels and contain the same amount of calories and saturated fat as beef burgers, according the Nueld Council on Bioethics.

The agricultural sector needs to work hand in hand with power utility Eskom to implement green energy solutions, including solar and wind energy, and fend off the economic implications of load shedding, according to Standard Bank’s Agribusiness unit. Load shedding has had a negative impact on energy-intensive and irrigation-dependent agricultural industries.

Drinking orange juice daily may cut your risk of deadly strokes by almost a quarter, suggests a study. The study,showed that people who consumed the juice each day saw a reduction in the risk of a brain clot by 24 per cent. Further, the rates of heart disease were also reduced in regular drinkers, who were 12 to 13 per cent less likely to suffer with damaged arteries.\

Stygende kos-, petrol- en kragpryse het die Reserwebank Donderdag genoop om die rentekoers onveranderd te laat. Dit beteken die bank se repokoers bly 3,5% en die prima koers van banke 7%. Die vyf lede van die monetêrebeleidskomitee was egter nie eensgesind nie, met twee lede wat gestem het vir ’n verlaging van 25 basispunte.

Eloise is now an Overland depression with still much rain to deliver. Another amazing weather event will bring heavy rains to the interior of South Africa –The rain is expected to become much heavier over eastern parts of Mpumalanga, Eswatini and northern parts of Kwa Zulu Natal later today when two weather systems (a Coldfront and the ITCZ) ‘collide’.

Smallholder farmers are the backbone of agriculture and food security in developing countries, where, according to estimates from The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, they account for up to 70% of national food production.

Daagliks sien ons hoe sekere mense in sogenaamde hoe poste nie beskikbaar is om persoonlik mee te praat nie - en word jy dikwels oorgelaat om die persoonlike assistente te deel wat in baie gevalle ook net so belangrik wil voorkom en daarop uit is om jou te oortuig dat daar nie veel plek is in die belangrike persoon vir wie sy werk, se dagboek is nie.

A new study of 2,000 wine drinkers showed that the average Americans will only start to fully appreciate a good bottle of vino toward the tail end of their 20s, but how they get into it, and what they prefer, varies greatly. The average American has their “wine awakening” at age 29.

Suid-Afrikaanse produsente kan nie meeding met die wêreldpryse waarteen lande soos Kanada en Australië koring uitvoer nie. In Suid-Afrika, ’n netto invoerland van koring, is ’n Big Mac-hamburger egter beduidend goedkoper, wat dui op laer lewenskoste.

Land accounts for about 25% of global greenhouse gas emissions, or 11 gigatons of carbon dioxide a year. With the right measures, according to the study, it would act instead as a carbon sink absorbing 3 gigatons from the atmosphere a year by 2050.

Wildlife trafficking can be split in two: wildlife product trafficking (ivory, rhino horn, pangolin and pangolin products), which generally flows from Africa to Asia in a “broad supply chain that narrows substantially as it approaches its end” and live animal trafficking (reptiles, birds, marine species and mammals), “widely dispersed through the world without a clearly definable supply chain”.


This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-  Get your own Uniqeu PIN NUMBER to read soem of the stories ONLINE at

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Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering. Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep. Met 25 jaar praktiese boerdery ondervinding weet ons wat landbou en sy mense is.