AGRI NEWS NET- Nuusopsomming /Summary Week-16 Augustus

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Some of the Articles this week- 

The National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC) and Cabinet have been advised to lift the ban on the sale of cigarettes and alcohol and move the country to Alert Level Two of the nationwide lockdown. President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to announce his decision this week.

Africa’s agribusiness sector is predicted to reach US$1 trillion by 2030. Agribusiness will become the ‘new oil on the continent, African Investment Forum said, fueling the motor of inclusive growth. Agriculture is a key priority for the African Development Bank, through our Feed Africa strategy.

The avocado has become the superfood of the twenty-first century. Technical improvements in the avocado harvest within recent years have allowed substantial reduction in its water footprint. Present in all types of diets, no other food offers the same nutritional value for the per-liter amount of water used in growth and harvest.

Vinpro chairman Anton Smuts says the wine industry is dominated by smaller businesses. Fourty percent of farmers produce less than 100 tonnes and a further 36% less than 500 tonnes per year – of which the majority do not have sufficient bridging finance to get them through the financial drought.

Die Suid-Afrikaanse rosynbedryf sal na verwagting oor die volgende drie tot vier jaar ’n produksiekerf van 100 000 ton bereik danksy sterk groei die afgelope vyf jaar. Mnr. Ferdie Botha, uitvoerende hoof van Raisins SA, sê vanjaar is net meer as 85 000 ton rosyne gelewer ná vier agtereenvolgende goeie produksiejare.

Botswana-Prof. Armanda Bastos, hoof van die departement van dierkunde en entomologie van die Universiteit van Pretoria, een van die outeurs, het gister gesê wetenskaplikes is baie bekommerd oor die groot getal olifante wat in so ’n kort tyd dood is. ’n Belangrike bevinding is volgens haar dat die olifante nie in ’n natuurlike, ongerepte omgewing dood is nie.

Agri Wes-Kaap doen ‘n dringende beroep op graanprodusente in die noorde van die land om mielies aan die organisasie se droogtehulpfonds te skenk. Mnr Jannie Strydom, uitvoerende hoof van Agri Wes-Kaap, sê die realiteit is dat die droogte sedert 2015 in die Klein-Karoo, Sentraal-Karoo en Matzikama-distrik van die Weskus voortduur en dat landbouprodusente in uiterste nood verkeer.

Die nuwe wolseisoen het onlangs weggespring met ’n aanbod van 8 146 bale, waarvan 94,45% verkoop is. Die aanvanklike aanbod is met 1 280 bale verminder weens onttrekkings wat voor die veiling plaasgevind het.

Suid Afrika -Speenkalwers het op die plaaslike veilings onder 200kg teen R36,10 per kg verkoop. Speenkalwers tussen 200kg en 250kg het teen R35,40 en speenkalwers oor 250kg het teen R32,12 per kg verkoop.

Die hele wereld is in rep en roer oor al die geld wat gemaak kan word uit Cannabis olie wat uit Dagga plante vervaardig word. Ons het reeds verskeie artikels geplaas op oor Dagga en wat die uitwerking op die mens se gesondheid reeds is. Duisende mense gebruik reeds die olie met sukses- maar niemand weet nog eintlik wat die newe effekte is nie- tot dan - bly liewer weg.

Suid Afrika se regering en sy meelopers het met hulle beheptheid oor die Covid 19 pandemie, meer mense is werkloos en honger, as mense wat siek of dood is aan die Covid 19. Sy eie mense moet gevoer word terwyl die baie lede van die ANC regering hulle verlusting in al die geld wat hulle verdien het uit staatsprojekte. Nog steeds gee die regering 'n koue skouer vir die landbouers in Suid Afrika.

Santam, South Africa’s largest short-term insurer, has paid out R506-million of the R1-billion it allocated for urgent relief to policyholders in the hospitality, leisure and non-essential retail services industries who have a Contingent Business Interruption (CBI) extension in their policy cover.

Duisende boere en plaaswerkers is deur oordadige inperkingsmaatreëls en die vernietigde markte en waardekettings tot bankrotskap en werkverliese gedoem. “Oor die wêreld heen is die media krities oor die onverstaanbare beleidsraamwerk waarbinne die wyn- en tabakbedryf doodgesmoor is en jagters as lewenslyn van die wildbedryf nie oor provinsiale grense mag reis nie terwyl taxi’s dit wel mag doen,”

Suid Afrika se landbouers is altyd op die voorpunt as dit kom by nuwe tegnologie- Die vraag na outonome boerderytoerusting sal na verwagting eers geleidelik in die volgende paar jaar styg, aangesien hierdie segment van die mark te kampe het met beperkings soos die hoë ontwikkelingskoste.

The US Department of Agriculture, in its first survey-based forecasts for corn and soybeans of the year, projected record yields for both crops. In the case of corn, this would result in the largest US crop ever harvested, and in the case of soybeans, the 2020 crop would be only slightly smaller than the record crop harvested in 2018.

The 2020/2021 global rice production estimate was also cut by 1% from July’s estimate to 500-million tonnes, primarily on the back of expected lower yields in parts of the US, Thailand and Vietnam. The current estimate, however, is still something to celebrate; it is up 1% from the 2019/2020 season and promises to boost rice stock levels.

Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement of a relaxation of the lockdown regulations to reduce the economic damage caused by the government’s excessive state of lockdown, is too little and too late for many farmers, agricultural industries and value chains, according to Dr Theo de Jager, Chairperson of Saai’s Board of Directors.

Robots are taking over farms faster than anyone saw coming. The first fully autonomous farm equipment is becoming commercially available, which means machines will be able to completely take over a multitude of tasks. Tractors will drive with no farmer in the cab, and specialised equipment will be able to spray, plant, plough and weed cropland.

Ostrich producers in the Klein Karoo are expecting a challenging production year due to the prolonged drought in the region, as well as the uncertainty created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The prices of ostrich products had halved overnight, adding to the woes of cash-strapped farmers. About 70% to 75% of the world’s feathers were imported by companies in China.

The world's chocolate supply is dwindling. As our global sweet tooth begins to outpace cocoa production, major chocolate companies like Mars Inc. and Barry Callebaut expect to see an industry deficit of 2 billion kg of chocolate by 2030. And by 2050, the cacao seeds used to make chocolate could be extinct.

This and much more other "good news" stories every day of the week.

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