AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News 23rd February 2025

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 23rd February 2025

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-Welcome to our world- the real world of Farming and Agriculture in South Africa- Local and International news-  

This AGRI NEWS RUSH -Some of the news stories of this week-, SUNDAY EDITIONALWAYS ON TIME  -

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The climate change debate often overlooks water's critical role in regulating climate and weather, focusing instead on carbon. The hydrological cycle, involving soil, microbes, and the atmosphere, moves heat across the planet as water changes states. Healthy soil, rich in organic matter, acts like Earth's skin, capturing water and supporting a cooling system through evapotranspiration and cloud formation. However, industrial agriculture and ecological damage have degraded 33% of global soils (per UN estimates), reducing their water-holding capacity and disrupting local water cycles. This leads to more runoff, less vegetation, and extreme temperatures, with research indicating up to 20% regional rainfall reduction in some areas due to deforestation and soil degradation. Restoring soil health by increasing organic matter—e.g., a 1% rise can boost water retention by 20,000 gallons per acre—could rebalance these cycles, enhancing climate stability. This water-soil-climate link offers practical, local solutions to address broader climate challenges.

Italië sal in 2024 weer die wêreld se grootste wynprodusent word, met ’n verwagte produksie van 41-42 miljoen hektoliter, ’n 8% styging ná ’n swak 2023, volgens Coldiretti. Frankryk se produksie sal met 18% daal tot 39,3 miljoen hektoliter weens slegte weer, soos beraam deur sy landbouministerie. Italië se opbrengs bly onder die gemiddelde as gevolg van noordelike reën en hael, en suidelike droogte, wat vroeë oeste veroorsaak het. Histories was Italië die leier sedert 2007, behalwe in 2011, 2014 en 2023, toe Frankryk voor was. In Frankryk word die grootste daling verwag in Jura (71% af), Charente (35% af), Loire-vallei (30% af), en Boergondië-Beaujolais (25% af) weens ryp, skimmel en hael.

Fuel price projections in South Africa for March are improving, with the Central Energy Fund (CEF) data from late February showing a significant shift. Petrol prices, initially facing a 60-cent-per-litre hike, are now expected to rise by just 5 cents (Petrol 95) to 18 cents (Petrol 93). Diesel has flipped from an anticipated increase to a cut of 4 to 11 cents per litre, while illuminating paraffin faces a 7-cent rise. This shift is driven by a stronger rand and stable global oil prices, despite Brent crude climbing 2% to over $76 a barrel—the largest jump since January—amid supply-demand tensions.

Partners in Agri Land Solutions (PALS), moontlik Suid-Afrika se suksesvolste grondhervormingsinisiatief, is deur boere gestig om vennootskappe tussen wit en swart boere te bevorder en die ekonomie te laat groei eerder as om dit te herverdeel. Gerrit van Vuuren, ’n stigterslid, kritiseer waninligting oor die Onteieningswet (Wet 13 van 2024), veral art. 12(4), wat nie die staat magtig om grond teen nul vergoeding te onteien nie, maar wel bepaal dat ’n hof of arbiter onder omstandighede nul vergoeding as billik kan ag, anders as wat sosiale media en politici soms beweer. Sulke verdraaiings skep vrees en verdeeldheid, eerder as om praktiese oplossings te ondersteun.

Interested Articles posted on Farmingportal/Agricultureportal 

For the study, the researchers assigned 170 cows and 63 heifers to one of three treatment groups: meloxicam, aspirin or placebo. Each cow received one oral dose of its designated treatment two weeks before it was expected to give birth to its calf. The team took blood samples weekly through the third week after calving and also regularly measured and recorded milk yield and health information—such as sickness, lameness and mastitis. READ MORE

Firstly, it is important to note that the adopted version of the Act is better than what was previously before Parliament. Various problematic aspects of the Expropriation Bill were fixed before Ramaphosa abandoned his constitutional oath and assented to it.  READ MORE

The Agoa programme is up for renewal in September. South Africa has been under near-constant threat of removal from the programme for more than a year because its foreign policy positions on Russia, China, Iran and Israel have been deemed to be a threat, mainly by Republicans, though also some Democrats, to US foreign policy and national security interests. READ MORE 

Whether or not animals experience consciousness or feel and interpret emotions the same way humans do remains a matter of fierce debate, Blanche said. But there is no question, he continued, that farm animals like pigs, cattle, sheep, and even poultry have physiological experiences that resemble our own emotional responses.READ MORE 

EXCLUSIVE to Farmingportal - Farm FOR SALE -

Type- Wine Farm -Area – Stellenbosch – Western Cape Hectares – 157,27ha + 70ha

One of the biggest Family Farms in Stellenbosch. For sale because the owners have no kids and would like to plan for his retirement. The farm has 3 Title deeds (30.69ha; 66,42ha; 60,16ha) in total 157,27ha. There are 110ha planted with winegrapes (Chenin Blanc/Sauvignon Blanc/Chardonnay/Pinotage/Shiraz/Merlot/Cabernet). 30ha are vlei land and can be used for cattle. There is an abundance of water on the farm. Two big dams and two fully equipped boreholes with 39ha Municipality water rights.

Weekly Health News Quanlim Life LifeIselect - 19th February 2025


Dankie dat jy elke dag deel is van ons - NUUS NETWERK- Ons maak dit nog groter. 7 dae per week is ons span werksaam-  Onafhanklik en gefokus op ons werk-   Internasionaal is daar groot belangstelling in ons mediums. Our visitors to our mediums increased with 49 % in the past week - We have hundreds of new upcoming farmers visiting our mediums . No medium in farming and agriculture give you so much news at one address. - 350 "good news " stories per week-  Our domains -  and en landbounuusnet. 

 Lees gerus wat ons mediums is- READ MORE  

CRA MEDIA - Actions speak louder than words. So, focus on winning through your actions rather than trying to win an argument.You need to think long-term if you want to maintain power. Consider all the possible outcomes of your actions and plan accordingly. Don’t accept things that people give to you for free. People will think they have power over you if you do. You won’t be able to exert your authority as easily. 

South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 12th February 2025

We are Independent and a leading farming and agriculture in South Africa- Africa and the rest of the world.  18 years of constant reporting with a dedicated creative team. We do not work be rewarded by a organization who we need to pay membership fees. Or to be nominated for excellent work- We know what is dignity and respect. Our mission is Professional and we reward ourselves.  Farmingportal/Agricultureportal/ AGRI NEWS NET Independent and impartial -Making Farming and Agriculture easy to read- to hear to view and to understand- 7 days a week- 365 days of the year. Our daily users are real Professional Commercial Farmers and Upcoming Farmers with the ability to create wealth. Coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience in farming and food production. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. Decision makers and leaders in farming and Agriculture in Africa and around the world.


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OUR AUDIO CAST - Number SEVEN in  JANUARY 2025 and moving upwards.

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WEER - Suid Afrika -

Volgende week sal oor die algemeen droër en sonniger wees oor die binneland. Dis weens ’n tropiese stelsel wat oor die Mosambiekkanaal verwag word. Dit kan volgens voorspellings lei tot winderige toestande en buie of donderbuie oor die verre oostelike dele, met ’n geringe moontlikheid van beduidende daaglikse reënval langs die kus van KwaZulu-Natal en in die Laeveld, afhangende van die beweging van die stelsel (dit sal gedurende die naweek meer duidelik word). Ná die tydperk van wydverspreide bogemiddelde reënval oor die binneland, sal die grootskaalse patroon geleidelik minder gunstig word vir reënval oor die binneland, aangesien die meeste van die aktiwiteit na verwagting teen volgende week na die suidwestelike Indiese Oseaan sal verskuif. Droër toestande oor die binneland, hoewel met geïsoleerde tot verspreide donderbuie op plekke, word volgens huidige voorspellings verwag om tot vroeg in Maart voort te duur. Die relatief droë periode tot vroeg in Maart sal geassosieer word met grootskaalse patrone wat reënval oos van die subkontinent bevorder en anti-sikloniese sirkulasie oor die binneland.

NEWS  on AGRI NEWS NET - For more news visit  - This is just a  a summary of a few stories- much more on

John Steenhuisen, minister van landbou, het ’n ondersoek gelas nadat ’n groepfoto van sy besoek aan Duitsland gedokter is om enige spoor van dr. Theo de Jager, voorsitter van die landbou-organisasie Saai, te verwyder.

The UK continues to rely heavily on EU pork imports despite a gradual rise in domestic production. In the first 11 months of 2024, the UK imported 249,000 tonnes of fresh pork (up 12,000 tonnes from 2023), 61,500 tonnes of frozen pork (up 7,000 tonnes), 142,900 tonnes of sausages (up 7,000 tonnes), and 162,500 tonnes of bacon (down 3,400 tonnes), totaling £2.7 billion in value, slightly below the previous year.

Livestock experts in Southern Africa are warning of a potential Rift Valley fever resurgence due to heavy rainfall and mosquito breeding, posing risks to both animals and humans. The disease, spread by Anopheles, Culex, and Aedes mosquitoes, affects sheep, goats, cattle, and game, with past outbreaks like 2010 costing farmers R2.253 billion plus genetic and reproductive losses.

A new biometric cattle identification system, developed in South Africa by ID-Scan, is offering a million free registrations, prioritizing Free State farmers to combat rampant stock theft, particularly along the Lesotho border. Partnering with Free State Agriculture, the system uses a mobile app to register each cow’s unique muzzle print—akin to a fingerprint—providing unforgeable proof of ownership.

The International Grains Council (IGC) forecasts a 5% rise in global soybean production for 2024-25, reaching a record 418 million tonnes (up from 396 million in 2023-24), driven by large crops in the U.S. and Brazil. Soybean processing is expected to hit a record high across feed, food, and industrial uses, with inventories peaking at 82 million tonnes (up 11% year-on-year).

South African pear exports for 2025 started 7-14 days later than last year, aligning with a normal harvest schedule. The Williams Bon Chretien season is nearly over, with a 4% drop in volume year-on-year, but total exports are projected to rise 7% to 21.2 million 12.5kg cartons, boosted by varieties like Forelle and Abate Fetel..

Our VIEWPOINT of the Weekend.

South Africa’s agriculture is rebounding from an El Niño-induced drought that strained summer grains and oilseeds, particularly in western regions due to limited rainfall. Recent rains have improved crop-growing conditions, fostering optimism supported by Grain South Africa and other stakeholders.

An Eskom employee at Kusile Power Station processed fraudulent after-hours purchase orders totaling R450 million, receiving kickbacks from implicated suppliers. The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) revealed this on 12 February 2025, as part of a broader investigation into Eskom spanning nearly 20 years.

By Week 06 of the 2025 season, South Africa’s table grape industry had packed over 80% of its crop, with 60.70 million cartons inspected for export (up 2% from last year) and 48.57 million exported (up 4%). The Northern Provinces and Orange River Regions finished packing, with the former 18% below estimates and the latter 2% above.

The Agriculture Business Chamber of South Africa (Agbiz) reports that recent rains have significantly boosted farming conditions, aiding the recovery of the sector after an El Niño-induced drought. Chief economist Wandile Sihlobo remains optimistic, noting that rains this week have relieved stress on summer grains and oilseeds, especially in the western regions. For the 2024-25 season, farmers planted 4.45 million hectares of these crops, a 0.3% increase from last year.

Die Vryheidsfront Plus beplan om die Onteieningswet by die Konstitusionele Hof alleen te betwis nadat ander opposisiepartye besluit het om nie daaraan deel te neem nie. Die VF Plus beweer partye soos die DA en IVP loop die geleentheid mis om die wet gesamentlik te betwis.

NEWS  on AGRI NEWS NET - For more news visit  - This is just a  a summary of a few stories- much more on

   WATCH OUT- NEW program on the way - exclusive to CRA MEDIA and the FARMERS of South Africa - 2025   

Welcome to the real world of Farmingportal/Agricultureportal/ AGRI NEWS NET Independent and impartial -Making Farming and Agriculture easy to read- to hear to view and to understand- 7 days a week- 365 days of the year.  Our daily users are real Professional Commercial Farmers and Upcoming Farmers with the ability to create wealth. Coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience in farming and food production. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. Decision makers and leaders in farming and Agriculture in Africa and around the world.  Quality articles and information ---Visit AGRI NEWS NET for more daily news  - A2B


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