Weekly Health News  Quanlim Life LifeIselect - 19th February 2025

Weekly Health News Quanlim Life LifeIselect - 19th February 2025

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Welcome to our weekly Quanlim Life- Health information and news for Farmers and families.  

Exclusive to Quanlim Life-  - LIFE-I-SELECT - PLEASE TAKE NOTE - We only give you a message in this weekly Article-
(Thank you for the great response on this Weekly Article)  ( Get you marketing on this page- 10,560 plus readers per week) 
Always maintain your health with correct RAW MATERIAL- your body is the only vehicle on earth- 
Daar is vandag baie programme en kundiges wat gewigsverlies bevorder, en hoewel daar resultate is, is dit nie altyd die antwoord op die werklike oorsaak van gewigstoename nie. Mense maak hul eie besluite, maar niemand het werklik uitgevind hoekom jy gewig opgetel het nie, en metodes soos vraelyste of bloedtoetse sal nie die probleem aanspreek nie.
'n Korttermynbenadering, soos om net gesonder te eet, sal nie op die langtermyn volhoubaar wees nie. Wanneer mense by ons aanklop word die werklike probleem op 'n grondvlak aangespreek. Dit is belangrik om die oorsaak van die gewigstoename eerstens reg te maak, en dan 'n langtermynprogram te volg.
Dis jou liggaam. Pas dit op. Jy is in beheer. NS - Maak maar leiwer eers seker of jy dalk eers jou Lymph moet behandel voor jy sommer oorgaan tot gewigsverlies programme nie. 
Jou liggaam is jou enigste vervoermiddel op aarde- Jy is verantwoordelik vir die onderhoud en instandhouding- Daar is net een van jou- moenie jou liggaam verwaarloos nie  want dan is jy in die hande van die mediese wereld wat net in jou belang gaan stel as jy 'n mediese fonds het of geld agter jou het en geld uit jou liggaam gaan maak. Jy is uniek, net een van jou soort." MR google" ken jou nie- 
You will only understand the suffering and emotional stress of a CANCER patient if it is part of you family- you child - your mother- your Father - your husband. - They need your support and much more to survive. 
Stay away from all these Synthetic prescribed drugs of PHARMA.
The Alarming Rise of Cancer in Young Adults
Recent data from a study involving 23 million patients has revealed a staggering 90% increase in various cancers among young adults. These include cancers of the small intestine, thyroid, kidney, renal system, pancreas, liver, breast, uterine corpus, colorectal region, gallbladder, ovaries, testicles, anus, and oral cavity. The sharp rise in these cases raises urgent concerns about the modern lifestyle and healthcare approaches.
The alarming increase in young adult cancers can be attributed to several interconnected factors, primarily linked to lifestyle choices and environmental exposures:
Processed foods, high sugar intake, and nutritionally deficient diets contribute to inflammation, metabolic disorders, and increased cancer risk.
Prolonged stress weakens the immune system, while daily exposure to harmful chemicals in food, personal care products, and the environment further accelerates health deterioration.
Lack of Self-Care and OvermedicationMany individuals neglect proactive healthcare, relying instead on excessive consumption of prescribed pills and unregulated supplements. The misuse of medications disrupts natural bodily functions and creates a toxic overload.
Mercury fillings, root canals, and other invasive dental procedures can introduce long-term toxic effects, often overlooked as a source of systemic health problems.
Intravenous Mixes and Substance Abuse
The misuse of IV treatments, recreational drugs, excessive alcohol, smoking, vaping, and other harmful substances significantly contribute to cellular damage and an increased cancer risk.
Modern healthcare often focuses on symptom suppression rather than addressing root causes. Superficial treatments and quick fixes may provide temporary relief but fail to resolve underlying health imbalances.
The rising cancer epidemic in young adults underscores the necessity of seeking guidance from real healthcare professionals and practitioners who focus on root-cause healing. A proactive, holistic approach is essential, including:
Comprehensive health assessments
Natural and targeted interventions
Elimination of toxins from daily life
Nutrient-dense, whole-food-based nutrition
Mind-body balance through stress management
The data is clear—cancer in young adults is on the rise due to poor lifestyle choices, environmental toxins, and a healthcare system that often prioritizes quick fixes over true healing.
Now, more than ever, individuals must take responsibility for their health by making informed choices, seeking proper care, and embracing preventive strategies. A return to real, natural healthcare is the key to reversing this devastating trend..... and if you diagnosed - please consider alternative,... before you decide the normal.... we live in 2025.
We have excellent medical professions in our country and services. The choice is yours
Quanlim Life's Exclusive Product: BOTOX and SKIN RENEWAL Assist
Quanlim Life has developed an exclusive product called BOTOX and SKIN RENEWAL Assist, designed to support individuals who receive Botox or other neurotoxic treatments. This innovative formula aids in naturally cleansing toxins from the body while promoting tissue and collagen regeneration from within.
This product plays a crucial role in:
Glycolysis and Blood Sugar Control: It helps regulate blood sugar levels and enhances ATP production in cells, ensuring better cellular energy.
Liver Detoxification: It supports the liver in eliminating toxins, improving overall health.
Lymphatic Drainage and Histamine Control: It assists in toxin movement through the lymphatic system and helps regulate histamine levels, reducing inflammation and allergic reactions.
For those seeking even greater assistance, two additional products can be combined with BOTOX and SKIN RENEWAL Assist to amplify its benefits. These complementary formulations work synergistically to optimize detoxification, cellular health, and skin rejuvenation.
This exclusive product can be used daily as long as an individual continues to receive aesthetic treatments. It is completely natural, has no side effects, and is beneficial for overall health and well-being.
Botox, derived from botulinum toxin, works by temporarily paralyzing facial muscles to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. While widely used for cosmetic purposes, it is also applied in treating medical conditions like migraines, excessive sweating, and muscle disorders. However, excessive or frequent use can lead to resistance, unnatural facial expressions, and potential long-term muscle weakening.
Dermal fillers, including hyaluronic acid, collagen, and fat injections, are used to restore lost volume in the face, plump lips, and smooth out deep wrinkles. While effective, fillers can migrate, cause allergic reactions, or lead to lumpiness if not administered correctly.
Thread lifts use dissolvable sutures to lift sagging skin and stimulate collagen production. This method provides a subtle lifting effect but requires maintenance and may lead to complications such as infection or asymmetry.
Chemical peels involve applying a chemical solution to exfoliate the skin, removing dead cells and promoting new cell growth. These peels range from mild to deep, with deeper peels requiring longer recovery times and potentially causing pigmentation issues.
Laser resurfacing and IPL (intense pulsed light) therapies target skin imperfections, wrinkles, and pigmentation. While effective, these treatments can cause burns, redness, or scarring, especially for individuals with sensitive skin.
Microneedling uses tiny needles to create micro-injuries in the skin, promoting collagen and elastin production. Often combined with platelet-rich plasma (PRP), this procedure enhances skin texture and firmness but carries risks of infection and irritation.
These non-invasive methods use energy waves to tighten skin and promote collagen production. While generally safe, results vary, and repeated sessions may be needed for noticeable effects.
Long-Term Considerations and Alternatives
While these procedures offer temporary enhancements, they do not address the root cause of aging and skin deterioration. Many treatments require ongoing maintenance and can lead to cumulative damage over time.
Keep on browsing its almost here.- after successful tests
A holistic approach to skincare, including proper nutrition, hydration, detoxification, and the use of natural supplements, provides a more sustainable way to maintain youthful, healthy skin. Strengthening the body from within at the DNA level ensures long-term benefits without the risks associated with artificial interventions.
Quanlim Life - Johann
Hormone therapy, also known as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), is a medical treatment that involves replacing hormones in the body to alleviate symptoms and health issues related to hormonal imbalances.
Estrogen therapy Replaces estrogen in the body, often used to treat menopause symptoms.
Progesterone therapy
Replaces progesterone in the body, often used to treat menstrual irregularities and infertility.
Testosterone therapy
Replaces testosterone in the body, often used to treat low testosterone levels in men.
Thyroid hormone therapy
Replaces thyroid hormones in the body, often used to treat hypothyroidism.
Adrenal hormone therapy
Replaces adrenal hormones, such as cortisol and aldosterone, in the body.
In most case under the MM it is synthetic drugs used with lots of side effects.
Risks and Side Effects
Blood clots Hormone therapy may increase the risk of blood clots.
Stroke and heart attack
Hormone therapy may increase the risk of stroke and heart attack.
Breast cancer Hormone therapy may increase the risk of breast cancer.
Weight gain Hormone therapy can cause weight gain.
Mood changes Hormone therapy can cause mood swings, anxiety, and depression.
Natural Alternatives to Hormone Therapy
Dietary changes Eating a balanced diet that includes foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants.
This traditional Chinese medicine technique may help regulate hormones and alleviate symptoms.
Stress management Practicing stress-reducing techniques, such as meditation and yoga, can help regulate hormones.
Getting regular sleep and exercise can help regulate hormones and alleviate symptoms.
Only a full health assessment will tell the status and the root course.
By using the correct raw material you fix it.
Consulting a Healthcare Professional
Discuss symptoms and medical history
Share your symptoms and medical history with your healthcare professional.
Quanlim Life-More info- CLICK HERE 
Daagliks sien ek in my praktyk hoe ongesond mense lewe en wanneer hulle besluit om na hulle liggame vir die eerste keer om te sien verwag hulle wonderwerke
Sosiale media met al sy wonder middels en valsbeloftes gee hoop aan baie van die mense om vinnig en gou gesond te voel en te lyk.
Daar is niks waaroor jy nie inligting kan kry nie.. alles is daar mooi gemerk en verpak in die mooiste houers.. jy moet net koop.
Geen Waarborg dat hierdie wonderpil gaan werk nie. Jy weet nie eens of die inhoud waar is nie.
Die meeste mense se liggame en gesondheid is verniel deur ongesonde eet drink en leefgewoontes. Kroniese voorgeskrewe medikasie is waarskynlik die ander oorsaak en miljoene mense glo nog daarin en leef so op simptoom behandeling.
Daar is nie n kortpad nie. Jy is uniek daarom is daar n herstelplan net vir jou.
Ons is NIE geprogrammeer nie.
As jy werklik gesond wil word besoek eers n professionele gesondheid praktisyn met jare ondervinding en die regte toerusting om jou tot op DNA vlak te toets. Jou emosies jou menswees en omstandighede in ag te neem.
Persoon wat jy kan vertrou en wat werklik ook gesond is en lyk wat waarde toevoeg tot jou lewe.
Die hele wereld wil alles meet en weet.. wie stel die standaarde? ..in baie gevalle die MM met ondersteuning van die slim geleerde mense wat jou nie ken nie.
Vinnige aanlyn vraelys is n grap. Almal glo in bloedtoets..en dis algeme praktyk.
Jy mors jou geld op alles wat jy so aanlyn en in winkels koop en drink.
As jy al die wonder pille drink moet jy sekerlik gesond wees en lyk.
Hoe weet jy wat die effek van die pille op jou liggaam is.
Daar is net een manier en die regte manier.
Jou liggaam is jou vervoermiddel op aarde..geen onderdele!!!
hoekom sien jy beter om na jou motor as jou liggaam ?
Jy kan jou motor enige tyd vervang met n nuwe.. maar NIE jou liggaam nie.
En jy mis nie n diens op jou motor nie.....
Alles is n keuse. Jy is nie skaap om agter die wereld aan te loop nie.
Never let anybody diagnose you on face value- Visit a real Professional Health practitioner with years of practical experience and stay with the plan. Do not stop your maintenance program- you need to follow the plan and get you body in balance. The money you spend on maintaining will give you a better life at old age-
Huisgesinne moet bymekaar staan en mekaar ondersteun- daar is nie 'n beter ondersteunings basis as dit nie. Vrouens moet hulle mans ondersteun en anders om ook. Moenie dat geskille van die verlede hierdie basis breek nie. Vrouens en mans wat geskei is moenie mekaar vermaak met hulle kinders en situasies versuur waar beide ouers by hulle kinders teenwoordig is. As jy jou man haat en hom nie weer wil sien nie- onthou julle het daardie kinders saam gemaak en groot gemaak. Daar is niks so sleg om by die siekbed van jou kind te staan en die haat van die ander ouer te beleef nie.  Dis belangrik dat ouers met mekaar kommunikeer en die situasie en byeenkoms respekteer asook hulle kinders en kleinkinders. In baie gevalle laat vrouens nie toe dat die Pa van hulle kinders die kinders besoek as sy by is nie. Mans trek gewoonlik aan die kortste ent en staan maar terug om die vrede te bewaar- in die proses word hulle vervreemd van hulle en kinders en kleinkinders. Dis tyd om saam te staan en jou kinders eerste te stel. Elke ouer wil net die beste vir hulle kinders he. Dis hier waar kinders werklik beheer moet neem en skoon seuns en dogter moet maar versigtig wees om kant te kies.  Respekteer liewer beide van hulle.
Let us assist you in getting to the ROOT of your problem - 
This is our LINK TREE - if you think you do not have enough information regarding us- 
We only give you a message- you need to do more research to understand orr visit us to assist you. - You are responsible for your Health - don't be a sheep to follow the crowd and make sure you know what is wrong in your body before you only treat the symptoms - we live in 2024 and "drugs" will keep you alive and treat your symptoms so that PHARMA can have a Income forever.
 Our own Health products range- Exclusive from Quanlim Life and Life i select

As jy reg getoets is met enige afwyking in jou DNA en jy gee nie aandag daaraan nie gaan dit jou nog meer geld kos aan mediese sorg in die toekoms.
Daar is baie min mense wat werklik praktiese kennis het oor die werking van jou DNA.
Ons sien dit in ons praktyk wanneer veral vrouens baie meer deur sekere afwykings in DNA geaffekteer word.
Energie..Hormone..organe..kanker spysvertering..en nog meer kan herstel of voorkom word. Die simptome word beheer deur die vernietigende gebruik van voorgeskrewe pille.
Duisende rande word spandeer om verwagtend te raak en baie keer is dit n DNA mutasie probleem. Moenie enige iets drink of gebruik as jy NIE weet wat jou DNA status is nie.
70% van die bevolking sukkel met 3 DNA gene mutasies en drink die verkeerde rou materiaal daarvoor wat aan hulle voorgeskryf word of op die vryemark beskikbaar is. Dis nie volledig nie en herstel nie die gene nie. Die mediese dienste gee jou 'n 50 bladsye verslag van duisende rande kleurvol en indrukwekkend met baie inligting.
Quanlimlife se toetse is eenvoudig en korrek en ons oplossing hiervoor is al vir jare getoets en gebruik.
Jou gesondheid is jou verantwoordelikheid.
Remember: Your health is in your hands, and the answers are in your DNA.
Jou liggaam
Wees maar versigtig wie jy glo en gebruik om jou liggaam in stand te hou.  Daar is baie sogenaamde klinieke en sentrums wat allerhande dineste aanbied en allerhande pille aa jou wil vekoop. Jare se praktiese ondervinding en bewys van gesondheid is voorwaar een van die voordele. Moenie dat beige iemand jou diagnoseer op grond van wat jy vertel of simptome nie.. Dis uiters FATAAL.
Die enigste manier is op DNA vlak en wees daar ook maar versigtig, want dit bladsye se resultate wat niks se nie.   Gesondsheidswinkels  is net soos Apteke- dis gaan alles oor vir verkoop van 'n produk. Moenie jouself mislei deur al hierdie mooi belofte nie- jy uniek en wat vir jou werk , werk nie altyd iemand anders nie.
Quanlim Life do a FULL SCAN - of your whole body.  BOOK your session today -  
You are responsible for your MIND- BODY and you SOUL-  Do not give you HEALTH and BODY to the MM to make huge money out your body and bad Health.
For many years you did not take care of your health in the correct way- do not expect to heal it in a few months
Die regte manier. Ons lewe in 2025- en baie dinge is verkeerd aan oorgedra in die verlede deur 'n sisteem wat ons wil beheer en beheer en uit ons liggame wil geld maak. Dankie vir al die positiewe reaksie en opmerkings- ons wil jou gesond sien. Kom ons help jou vir eens en vir altyd los te kom van al die pyne, swaar gemoed en gesond te lewe.
Thanks for all the positive replies - 
By ons is jy spesiaal- en wil ons jou gesond sien- Vry van al die kwale en allerhande Sintetiese pille en voorgeskrewe pille wat jou liggaam verniel en jou ontneem van 'n gesonde liggaam.  Jy kan gesond word as jy die regte plan en metode volg-  Dis in jou om al hierdie kwale te oorkom en vry te kom- en wees versigtig wie jy glo en - alles werk nie altyd nie. Baie dankie vir al die e posse wat ons weekliks ontvang van oor die hele wereld asook die positiewe terugvoer op die inligting wat ons weekliks hier plaas. Dis net so aangenaam om almal in hulle persoon te ontmoet tydens hulle afspraak met ons. 

Saamgestel deur Johann Pretorius -    
Professionele Gesondheidspraktisyn Pretoria - Gesonde gesondheid sorg- en 25 jaar van praktiese ondervinding
I update myself on a monthly basis with 3 of the world leaders in real Health care- in Germany, Switzerland and the USA.
Lees meer oor Quanlim Life en ons produkte en dienste DRUK ONDER  op die LOGO
 Quanlimlife offers a comprehensive health assessment using advanced technologies, including:
- Full health assessment
- DNA analysis
- Quantum physics-based evaluation
Our innovative approach allows us to assess and support your health from anywhere in the world.
We focus on treating the root cause of health issues, rather than just symptoms, empowering your body to heal itself.
Let Quanlimlife assist you in achieving optimal wellness.
20 years of real practical experience.
Contact us to learn more!
You can book at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   - 
Ons maandelikse inligtings seminare is 'n "eye opener" vir elkeen wat dit bywoon. Dis lekker om te sien hoe mense reageer rondom ware Gesondheid en begin om verantwoordelikheid te neem vir hulle eie gesondheid . Saam met dit sien ons hoe mense met 'n ander oog kyk na die onverskillige gebruik
"supplements" en die newe effekte van dit en PHARMA se voorgeskrewe "drugs" - Saam met dit besef mense dat hulle moet ophou om simptome te wil behandel en liewer na die oorsaak kyk.
Ons lewe in 2024- en baie dinge is verkeerd aan ons oorgedra in die verlede deur 'n sisteem wat ons wil beheer en beheer en uit ons ligame wil geld maak. Die eintlik 'n bose kringloop.
Ons doen ook sessies aanlyn - kontak ons gerus as jy en paar van jou vriende aanlyn inskakel.  Dankie vir al die positiewe reaksie en opmerkings- ons wil jou gesond sien- Met 20 jaar praktiese ondervinding in alternatiewe gesondheid probeer ons altyd om die oorsaak te kry en en reg te behandel. Moenie simptome ignoreer nie- en nog minder iets gebruik om die simptome te laat wegraak. Meeste van die voorgeskrewe "drugs" gaan net jou simptome beheer en voor jy weet is jy in die hande van Pharma en sy meelopers. Ons werk net op DNA vlak en gebruik net die beste toerusting - maar kennis om al hierdie inligting te verwerk is die sleutel. 

We only make use of Suppliers who practise the following

We only purchase raw herbal ingredients from reputable manufacturers.
A signed certificate of analysis must accompany each ingredient.
Even from excellent sources, we occasionally reject a herbal extract because it does not meet our strict requirements.
All our products are manufactured in sterile environments.
We adhere to strict international Good Manufacturing Practices.
Our manufacturing facility is inspected by the Medicines Control Council on a regular basis.
Up to date batch records are kept on all manufactured products.
To ensure safety, shelf life and stability on our dermatological products, stability testing is done on a regular basis.


Regulation 42(4) prohibits any off-label statements. This means, any indication for which a product is not registered for that use by SAHPRA – the medicines regulatory authority. Any person or entity, are offences in terms of section 29 of the Medicines Act, which could attract fines or even imprisonment. What is permitted are disease awareness campaigns, which we as a company fully support, as they benefit public health, if the public and patients are empowered. Disease awareness activities may however not lead to the support, endorsement or recommendation, specifically or by implication, of any specific schedule 2 to 6 medicine. South Africa.

Die media is vol van allerhande inligting rakende gesondheid en wat jy alles moet drink- sluk- doen en nog meer om gesond te wees. Meeste van die inligting is daarop gemik om een of ander tyd aan jou 'n produkte verkoop wat jy gaan koop omdat jy alles geglo het wat aan jou gewys en vertel is. Voor jy enige pil in jou mond sit moet jy weet wat presies fout is in jou liggaam- om simptome te wil aanspreek is fataal. Baie van die sogenaamde gesondheidsprodukte bevat "filler"s wat baie gevaarlik is- al se dit nie so nie- dan is daar die kans dat jy jouself kan oordoseer met een of ander vitamine wat baie skade kan veroorsaak in jou liggaam. Wanneer dit generis is daar iets anders wat vernietig word in jou liggaam. Saam met dit is die kwaliteit van meeste van die produkte baie swak...en dan is daar nog mense wat vir jou allerhande boererate gee wat sekerklik werk en die simptome wegneem- maar die oorsaak word nie aangespreek nie. Simptome beheer gaan jou nie gesond maak nie. Wees maar versigtig vir al die raad en allerhande toerusting wat gebruik word om jou te oortuig dat daar fout is met jou.. en dat jy een of ander produk moet aankoop. Dis jou liggaam en mense gaan allerhande maniere probeer om iets aan jou te verkoop. Pas jou liggaam op en besoek 'n professionele Gesondheids praktisyn met jare van praktiese ondervinding.