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This AGRI NEWS RUSH -Some of the news stories of this week-, ALWAYS ON TIME -
News Comments - Internationally shared - Nothing Sensational. News platform of the commercial farmers of South Africa who produce food for the nation and Africa.
In the coming months, we could soon transition into a favourable rainy season for South Africa’s agriculture. However, it is certainly too early to be confident about the outlook. Still, the rise in the probability of La Niña occurrence to over 50% from August 2024 throughout the year is a source of optimism. The 2024/25 summer crop season will start in October, and if the current La Niña forecasts hold, South Africa should receive early rains during that period to support the season. Admittedly, the farmers across South Africa are focused on the current 2023/24 summer crop season, and the yield prospects are bleak for various regions.
Blaming "Apartheid" for everything that went wrog in South Africa- is the Code word for the ANC and its followers. Three decades after Nelson Mandela’s historic poll victory formally vanquished apartheid, and less than three weeks before another watershed election, it’s all going wrong for the Rainbow Nation. Africa’s most developed country is now its most unequal, the World Bank says. Crime is rampant, corruption endemic, growth is tanking. More than 60% live in poverty. Unemployment among black people is 40%.Billions of rands that were meant to meet the needs of ordinary South Africans were stolen. Confidence in our country was badly eroded. Public institutions were severely weakened. The effects of state capture continue to be felt across society, from the shortage of freight locomotives to crumbling public services, from the poor performance of our power stations to failed development projects.
South Africa’s biggest and most popular agricultural show is set to deliver on all fronts this year as the weather plays its part to ease access. Nampo kicks off on Tuesday, 14 May in Bothaville, Free State, ending on Friday, 17 May. Dirk Strydom, marketing lead at Nampo, said weather conditions were a big determinant of the amount of people that attended Nampo, and this year looked to be a hit. Visitors can expect typical Free State conditions for this time of year: chilly mornings and evenings, with hot afternoons. The only exception is Tuesday, when light thunder showers are expected. Strydom said that around 900 exhibits will be present this year. He advised visitors to download the Nampo app on their smartphones, plan their routes to touch base at all their chosen highlights, and let Google Maps guide them through the terrain.
A recent World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute with the European Union presented by South Africa is garnering support from India. The nation hopes to leverage the South African claim to help ease food safety standards on its agri-food exports, website Mint reports. In April, South Africa announced its second official dispute with the European Union in the WTO regarding the bloc’s phytosanitary trade regulations for citrus. India alleges the current regulations have hindered chilies, tea, basmati rice, milk, poultry, bovine meat, fish, and chemicals exports. Supporting South Africa could pave the way for addressing broader concerns about the EU's trade barriers that affect multiple exporting countries," said Ajay Srivastava, founder of the Global Trade Research Initiative (GTRI).
Interested Articles posted on Farmingportal/Agricultureportal
The Middle East urea price dropped another $6-7/t this week to fall just below the $270/t FOB mark. Sales to Australia and SE Asia have been the drivers of Middle East trade this week. Interestingly, Chinese urea sales have slowed down – Chinese urea traders would usually target this business quite aggressively but stronger than expected domestic demand and low international prices have calmed China’s urea exports for now. READ MORE
And NAMPO 2024, the 56th presentation of the Harvest Day from 14 - 17 May 2024 is geared to showcase the newest trends and developments on offer! The NAMPO Harvest Day has, since its inception, taken the lead to display agricultural innovation on a one stop platform in South Africa. READ MORE
A more significant influence on the market trade is likely to be world demand for grain and oilseeds and that seems to be lacking in recent months. South America production this year will ensure that the market supply of grain and oilseeds is sufficient for an average demand year. READ MORE
Alcohol consumption is socially acceptable for individuals of legal drinking age. However, drinking during pregnancy is harmful and can lead to irreversible foetal cognitive and developmental issues. These are collectively known as foetal alcohol spectrum disorder. READ MORE
Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim Life/Lifeiselect - Health 08th May 2024
KEEP on browsing to follow our Winner of the Women's competition on here year of visiting several Farming days and womens events. And we ready for 4th Junior Agri Writers awards - READ MORE
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Wanneer op die versekerdewaarde besluit word, moet die kliënt besluit of hy dekking vir die volle inkomste waarde van die oes, insluitend sy moontlike winsmarge, wil koop of vir ’n laer waarde wabelyn met produksiekoste. READ MORE
We calling on all Family Farmers to become part of our NEW section that we want to create- FARMING FAMILIES of SOUTH AFRICA
We all proud of our Family History- and we would like to read about it- You can sent us a whole history of your Family farming - Where it all started, how it it improved over the years and what you farms with - ALL the information.
You will get your own page with pictures. Get somebody in your family to write a whole History of not more than 2000 words. It will be hosted on Farmingportal.co.za
Ons wil graag meer weet van ons Familie boerderye se geskiedenis in Suid Afrika - 2000 woorde beskrywing van die ryke geskiedenis van jou familie se boerdery sukses.
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Suid Afrika -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 8th May 2024
We proud to announce that our mediums is now part of 38 international Farming and Agriculture news mediums around the world. We are Independent and a leading farming and agriculture in South Africa- Africa and the rest of the world. 18 years of constant reporting with a dedicated creative team.
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Flexbox is a multi-purpose training platform to maximize your health and fitness potential. It has a stylish and compact design that blends seamlessly with a modern home aesthetic. Flexbox gives you the ability to do resistance training, pilates and yoga exercises without the need for bulky unappealing gym equipment.
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Among the most populous power generating machines in the world are diesel engines. Because of their mass production since the last century, these diesel engines are also relatively cheap compared to other power plants. Therefore, it is a solution for providing electricity in areas that are not yet reached by the electricity network.
South Africa is an important supplier of apples and pears to China. Export statistics from Hortgro, the South African deciduous fruit producers association, show that the country’s apple exports to China have declined this year owing to various factors, whereas pear exports have performed well.
China re-opened its market for beef imports from South Africa in quarter four 2023 after imposing a restriction due the nationwide Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreak in May 2022. Prior to the restriction, China accounted for around half of all South African frozen beef exports. Since the devastating outbreak, South Africa has diligently implemented several biosecurity measures to curb the spread of FMD.
Nearly one-fifth of 1994’s total white population has emigrated, exacerbating present-day skills shortages. This has led to arbitrary curbs on capital export and pension payments, and declining tax revenues. Only about 12% of South Africans pay income tax. About 62% of the black population receives state grants (welfare benefits)
Om Suid-Afrika se beste rugbyskool (en dus heel moontlik die beste rugbyskool ter wêreld) aan te durf, is nooit ’n maklike vooruitsig nie. Die kans om te wen, is uiters skraal, met die blote vermyding van ’n loesing wat gewoonlik ’n meer realistiese uitkoms is!
The South African grapefruit industry is strictly coordinating its exports, continuing what they started last year. After disastrous grapefruit campaigns in 2021 and 2022 when oversupplies far overshot demand, coupled with exorbitant freight costs, The South African grapefruit industry is strictly coordinating its exports, continuing what they started last year.
South African avocados have in the space of eight months gained market access to potentially reach over 2.5 billion people across India, China and Japan. It may seem like these big key markets suddenly opening, but it has taken around 15 years for South Africa to gain access to Japan, several years to India and a few years to China.
Vir nog meer nuus elke dag van die week- - www.agrinewsnet.co.za
(This weekly update and Summary of the Farming and Agriculture news is very popular- 12,901 read the previous summary so far)