Eggs- the centre
The surge in obesity levels globally – worldwide obesity has nearly tripledsince 1975, according to the World Health Organization — is causing food and health companies to scramble for ways to battle the glut and the gut.
July is savings month. It has been an active awareness campaign of the South African Savings Institute in the country for many years. Sadly, South Africans have remained pretty bad at it. Saving, that is.
Owners of small shops in South Africa – in most cases foreigners – have been accused of stocking counterfeit food and food that’s past its sell-by date. The issue has been caught up in xenophobic violence, with shop owners targeted by South Africans . There is very little hard data about what’s referred to as “fake food” in both the formal and informal sectors.
The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Food Price Index, which tracks monthly changes in the international prices of commonly traded food commodities, averaged 173 points in June, down 0.3% from May.
A new in-depth research report by the Global Commission on Drug Policy suggests that global drug control policies and scheduling by the UN is completely broken – and some drastic changes need to be made to bring it in line with modern science.