Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim Life/Lifeiselect -  28th August 2024

Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim Life/Lifeiselect - 28th August 2024

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Welcome to our weekly Quanlim Life- Health information and news for Farmers and families.  

Exclusive to Quanlim Life-  - LIFE-I-SELECT - PLEASE TAKE NOTE - We only give you a message in this weekly Article-
(Thank you for the great response on this Weekly Article)  ( Get you marketing on this page- 8000 plus readers per week)
Diabetic neuropathy.

Diabetic neuropathy, or nerve damage caused by diabetes, is one of the most common known causes of neuropathy. It is one of many complications associated with diabetes, with nearly 60 percent of diabetics having some form of nerve damage. It is a progressive disease that can involve loss of sensation, as well as pain and weakness, in the feet and sometimes in the hands. Peripheral neuropathy may be more prevalent in people who have difficulty managing their blood sugar levels, have high blood pressure, are overweight, and are over 40 years old. A clinical examination may identify early signs of neuropathy in diabetics without symptoms.

The first sign of diabetic neuropathy is usually numbness, tingling or pain in the feet, legs or hands. Over a period of several years, the neuropathy may lead to muscle weakness in the feet and a loss of reflexes, especially around the ankle. As the nerve damage increases, the loss of sensation in the feet can reduce a person's ability to detect temperature or to notice pain. Because the person can no longer notice when his/her feet become injured, people with diabetic neuropathy are more likely to develop foot problems such as skin lesions and ulcers that may become infected.

Diabetic neuropathy may suddenly flare up and affect a specific nerve or group of nerves. When this occurs, the result may be weakness and muscle atrophy in various parts of the body, such as involvement of the eye muscles or eyelid (e.g., causing double vision or a drooping eyelid) or thigh muscles. Alternatively, neuropathy caused by diabetes may slowly progress over time. It also can interfere with the normal functioning of the digestive system and sexual organs.


As jy 'n ware man en Pa is sal jy 'n voorbeeld wees van standvastigheid en liefde en ondersteuning as dit kom by jou vrou en kinders.  Jy het geen reg om ongeskik te wees  met jou vrou omdat jy oor een of ander probleem ongelukkig is - of sogenaamd "gestress" is en moontlik besig is om uitmekaar te val. Ondersteun jou vrou en respekteer haar- sy is die Ma van jou kinders. Jy verdien respek- en moenie dit verloor nie- want jy gaan dit nie weer terugkry nie- Moenie eers iets verloor waarvoor jy lief is en geld nie kan koop- voor jy besef wat jy gedoen het nie. 


We all live in the 20th century- and certain things changed- and new technology is available every day. We all need to be wide awake- because "greediness" is the number one danger coming to us every day...- and when it comes to Health and wellness it is a perfect catch..- as our people of the world are sick, overweight and unhealthy and looking for ways to improve their health in a natural way and sometimes they find themselves in the wrong hands with advice coming from social media, AI and Google.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (READ MORE)
About 6.1 million U.S. children ages 2 to 17 (or 9.4 percent of children) were diagnosed with ADHD as of 2016.
Treating the symptom and not the Coarse is fatal.  To end this short message- ADHD is a gene problem and a Gut problem... and need serious attention from people who know.
TAKE a Look
Weight loss supplements promise quick and easy results, but they often come with dangerous side effects. Many of these products contain a mix of herbs and stimulants that can lead to severe health issues. For example, products containing ephedra were once popular but were banned by the US FDA due to links with heart attacks, strokes, and even death. A study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that weight loss supplements were associated with an increased risk of severe liver damage. Ingredients like green tea extract, when taken in large amounts, can be toxic to the liver. Some weight loss pills contain unlisted ingredients that can cause unexpected reactions and complications.
We are prohibited by the Health Professions Council’s ethical rule 23 from endorsing, preferring, supporting or marketing any specific medicine, or medical device. We give you message with the option to "READ MORE" 
Erectile dysfunction -
is all over- and its not older men anymore- it's young men. Most of them so inspired to look good- and sexy that they use all these steroids and proteins.
Maybe it because of
Anxiety and depression
Heart Disease
High Cholesterol
High Blood Pressure
Metabolic Syndrome .
The questions is why do you have all these problems-
PHARMA know how to treat you with the latest drugs that will destroy your manwood even further.
You need to fix the source - not the symptom.
But all these conditions are SYMPTOMS of....insulin resistance, which is a high insulin issue. High insulin destroys the vascular system, the epithelial layer of the arteries of the body. It will also lower testosterone.
Here is few-- just a message,
Cut out alcohol- Brandy and COKE and all the BEER you drink at the rugby and sports bars.
Cut out sugar and refined grains- Wheat, barley and oats,
Stop smoking and VAPING- and using DRUGS-
Destroy your steroids and proteins thats full of sugar and all kinds of unsafe products, and stay away from all these supplements unless you know the real status of your health.
Cut out high fructose corn syrup
Stop taking all these "lekker" sources on your steak and TAKE AWAY"
Avoid soy oil.
And a BOEPPENS- BELLY it really does not look good on a man.. apart from the looks- it's also a time bomb- and a very serious sign of a sick unhealthy body.
And stop believing everything you read on social media- you not programmed - take notice - but do not act unless you know what the real reason are.
ACT like man- Behave like a real man- Dress like a real man- Clean hair and body- be proud - become a man - and look after your health. Stay humble- civilized- do not lose your manners - earn your respect and be respectful. You not a sheep to follow - Stand out- do not fall in.
You not a sheep to follow- Take control of your health- You are in control
The thyroid is located at the base of the neck, and the gland controls metabolism. If there is a problem with the thyroid, and it's low thyroid, nearly 100 enzymes inside your cells will be blocked. You won't be able to absorb the proteins in the body. And for those who still believe in symptoms - here is a few
Some symptoms of thyroid problems:
Dry hair/hair loss
Vertical ridges in your nails
Loose skin
You gain weight all over
....and with all the FREE advice you get on Social media do not be naive to get into the gym... you need to know the real reason and this you will get in the real world of health.
Causes of thyroid problems -?
Unless you know the real reason- (and that is not a familiar PHARMA blood test) your blood test will be the reason to get listed on chronicle Thyroid Drugs to control the symptoms of the so called "Hypo of Hyper"Thyroid.
With your medical aid in place you will be good source of income for PHARMA and all the other millions around the world.
Everything is connected. Do not punish your Thyroid for a nutritional problem.


Die hele sosiale media is vol van mooi sterk jong manne en vroue wat vreeslik gesondheidsbewus is en so graag hulle lywe vir jou wil wys deur wat hulle reken gesond eet is. Dis waarskynlik waar - maar daar is geen manier hoe jy jouself gesond sal eet as jy nie die oorsaak van jou probleem op DNA vlak aanspreek nie. En as jy langer na hulle aanbieding kyk gaan hulle jou oortuig om een of ander wondermiddels te koop wat alles bevat.  Of hulle bied jou 'n volledige duur ete aan wat jy sommer net kan warm maak. Jy is uniek- moenie val vir al hierdie mooi praaitjies nie- dit is alles om jou te maak koop- en daar is geen waarborg dat dit gaan werk nie.  Wees verantwoordelik en weet dat jy uniek is- 

Die nuutste gier is om vitamine in te "VAPE"- die nou wanneer jy dink jou liggaam is geprogrameer en daarby nog onverantwoordelik is om dit te doen en na-ive genoeg is om te glo.  Jy is besig om jou liggaam langtermyn te vernietig- daarmee saam jou longe en stemselle en nog meer - BLY WEG - jy is in beheer. 

‘n Totale knievervanging is ‘n chirurgiese ingreep wat ontwerp is om die siek been en kraakbeen van die kniegewrig te vervang met sintetiese plaasvervangers. Die kniegewrig bestaan uit die onderste segment van die femur, of die dyebeen, en die boonste deel van die tibia, ook bekend as die onderbeenbeen.

Tydens hierdie omvattende prosedure verwyder die chirurg die einde van die femurbeen en heg ‘n metaalkappie in sy plek. Hierdie kappie word met beensement stewig in posisie gehou, wat stabiliteit en lang lewensduur verseker. Die prosedure behels ook die vervanging van die boonste einde van die tibiabeen. ‘n Chirurg sny hierdie deel uit en vervang dit met ‘n metaal tibia-bak. . Om hierdie bak stewig op sy plek te hou, word beensement weer gebruik.

Voor jy sommer gaan vir 'n knie vervanging- kry liewer 3 opinies van Dokters op verskeie plekke in die land- R300,000 is groot bedrag wat baie aanloklik lyk as daar nie baie stukkende kniee is nie. 

Let us assist you with your methylation - We have the correct product to treat this after we did a full scan.  STOP using all kinds of LIVER  CLEANSES  and COLON CLEANSES -
YOU will use it for the rest of your life- and the side effects is huge-  It is all BRANDED - NATURAL-  all good- but think TWICE.  You need to get to the root of the problem. You need to find the real coarse on DNA level. Nobody can diagnose you on eye level
When we look at an image, the eyes focus on it and the light rays enter the eyes through the iris; this is then focused on the cornea or lens of the eye. The image formed is then transmitted to the brain, which tells us what we are seeing. All this activity needs the co-ordination of both the structures of the eyes and their muscles.
When we look at objects like a computer or phone screen, the eyes and the muscles around the eyes are worked excessively as they are trying to adjust to the light that is emitted from the screen. This constant adjustment to quickly changing images or text is what causes the structures within the eye to get strained.
The use of cell phones has been linked to cancer of the eye by a German study.  Another study has shown that these microwave exposures can cause cataracts. Besides the development of eye cancer, cell phone radiation can also be responsible for the formation of cataracts.  Burning of the eyes, pain behind the eyes, ‘floaters’ (actually little bits of gel that detach themselves from the inside of the eye and float around), and a general deterioration of the vision are all hallmarks of damage caused by cell phone radiation. The human eye was not made to look at images we see on the television or phone. The adjustment it has to make is one of the greatest reasons for their deterioration. It is necessary to improve the circulation to our eyes and the optic nerves to keep them healthy, as they are constantly at work.  Blue light is the most dangerous light for the retina, not only because it causes free radicals to form but pierces deeper into the eyes than UV light does, which allows it to damage the rods and cones in the eye. Blue light isn't easy to avoid. It is found in sunlight, LED and fluorescent lights, computer monitors, tablets, smart phones and more! The only protection is macular pigment, which absorbs the blue light and protects the delicate eye cells.


A full Methylation scan and test will assist you in knowing the status of your genes and DNA. This is the only way to find out what is wrong in your DNA- No blood Test- 
and with our knowledge of Epic Genetics we will assist you in getting rid of this irritation. The higher your Histamine- the lower you Methylation-  the higher your Homocysteine - and the result is a Income for the Medical profession and a unhealthy unbalanced body for you.  Only one way to treat it- Let us assist you. Stop playing around with your health - get to the root- you only treating the symptoms. 
Every time u use these drugs you destroying your health and your life and putting "stress" on your family - If you a Father and Mother- think TWICE - you have children who need you in their life and maybe follow your bad habits -Apart from this- you put "stress" on your love one's when you do not take responsibility for your life- you will surely get sick and fall in the hands of PHARMA if you grow old- maybe not old- but soon- This is enormous financial implications and sick for the rest of your life- Get your gut healthy and start controlling what you eat and drink. Most of the time it is a nutrition and digestive problem- Visit a real Professional Health practitioner with years of real practical experience to get to the root of the problem - stop treating your symptoms with these "drugs"
WAKE UP take control of your life- do your part and be alive. STOP TREATING THE SYMPTOMS 

Probeer om elke dag iets nuuts te leer. 'n Skerp brein is 'n gelukkige brein. Dink aan jou brein as 'n spier; jy moet dit oefen om dit fiks te hou. Lees 'n boek. Leer 'n nuwe vaardigheid aan. Speel trivia. Maak van leer pret!  Om bewustheidsoefeninge in jou daaglikse roetine in te sluit, is 'n goeie manier om stres te voorkom en jou veerkragtigheid te verhoog wanneer die lewe jou platslaan.   Asemhalingstegnieke help nie net om aan jou brein suurstof te voorsien nie, maar help jou ook om meer in kontak te voel met jou fisiese liggaam. Dit is amper asof jy fisies kan voel hoe stres en spanning losgelaat word en jou nie langer gevange kan hou nie.  As jy gesond wil wees, in beide gees en liggaam, moet jy ook gesond eet. As jy oorleef op gemorskos, beroof jy net jouself van gesondheid. Probeer om weg te bly van verwerkte voedsel en streef na 'n gebalanseerde dieet. Beide jou liggaam en gees sal jou bedank!  Het jy al ooit opgemerk dat mense wat klaar geoefen het omtrent altyd in 'n goeie bui is?  Om aktief te wees het veel meer as net fisiese waarde. Dit verbeter ons selfbeeld en laat ons meer bekwaam voel. Ons word sterker en meer selfversekerd. Fisiese aktiwiteit is 'n sleutelkomponent vir 'n gesonde gees. 'n Gesonde gees lê die grondslag vir 'n gesonde liggaam. Baie van die dinge wat ons doen om gesond van gees te wees en dit te handhaaf, bevorder ook fisiese gesondheid. Dit is amper soos ‘n koop-een-kry-een gratis uitverkoping by jou gunsteling winkel! Verandering verg tyd en volharding, maar moenie moed opgee nie. Jy is die moeite werd!  ‘n Goeie nagrus is een van die belangrikste sleutels om goeie algemene gesondheid en welstand te ontsluit. Jou liggaam maak staat op slaap om noodsaaklike funksies uit te voer, veral in jou brein.  Dit is nie net jou liggaam wat besig is om te herstel nie. As jy minder as sewe uur elke aand slaap, is daar 'n goeie kans dat jy swak punte sal kry vir ‘n IK-toets. Terwyl jy slaap, is jou brein besig om herinneringe te konsolideer en te stoor.  ‘n Gesonde slaappatroon reguleer jou fisiese, emosionele en geestelike gesondheid. Jy het ook meer energie en is dan slaggereed om die dag wat voorlê aan te pak. 

The person you will be in 5 years depends on: • the food you eat • amount of exercise you do • how much sleep per day • the drinks you drink • how you maintain your health • money you save and invest • who you work with • friends you spend time with • new skills you develop and if you still believe that treating the symptoms with "drugs" will heal you.

Ons het al soveel keer 'n boodskap geskryf oor dit wat jy in jou mond sit.. Behalwe kos en drank...wat net so belangrik is. Elke dag sien ek hoe ons mense se liggame vernietig word van die newe effekte van "Drugs".. sekere voorgeskrewe medisyne. Die simptome word beheer en nooit word die oorsaak aangespreek nie. Daar is nie ""spare parts" vir jou liggaam nie.. as ek die Engels beter klink. Dink baie mooi voor jy enige pille drink vir gewigs verlies,veral die wat eintlik vir suiker voorgeskryf word. Jy moet leer om Nee te se vir hierdie mense wat dit voorskryf. Jy gaan jou liggaam vernietig. Dis jou liggaam die pas dit op. Selfdiagnose deur alles wat jy op sosiale media lees kos jou geld en meer skade kan veroorsaak word. Simptome is baie misleidend en wissel van persoon tot persoon. Die oorgrote meerderheid inligting is gekoppel aan bemarking en of ander tyd gaan daar een of ander wonderpil bemark word. Die meeste van die inligting is boeke/sosiale media kennis wat jong onervare "youngsters " opdis. Maak jou keuse- dis jou liggaam- Dink natuurlik- daar is geen "Quick Fix" nie. Ons het uitstekende Doktors met jarelange ervaring en praktiese kennis op hulle gebied.  
Quanlim Life do a FULL SCAN - of your whole body. You need to pay R5900 and more.  BOOK your session today -  

25 years of real Health - www.lifeiselect.co.za
It's always good to see happy healthy clients when they come back and they feel better and look better. It's not easy to keep cancer patients positive while getting chemo. We always do our best to assist them and support them. To see how these people get better ..feel better..and start living again is such a privilege. They always come back and they maintain their health. Most of changed their habits and walking a new path. Satisfied and thankful for the knowledge we obtained over 20 years of practical health experience. Let us assist you in getting your real Health back. We are getting great results on our exclusive methylation scanning  program- what a pleasure to get to the root of the problem. You need to feel good about yourself- you need to be healthy and look healthy- 
Let us assist you in getting to the ROOT of your problem
VISIT our FACEBOOK PAGE for daily updates- Link on top
We only give you a message- you need to do more research to understand - You are responsible for your Health - don't be a sheep to follow the crowd and make sure you know what is wrong in your body before you only treat the symptoms - we live in 2024 and "drugs" will keep you alive and treat your symptoms so that PHARMA can have a Income forever
 Our own Health products range- Exclusive from Quanlim Life and Life i select
We have our own EXCLUSIVE range of  real healthy Supplements-   
Only available in our Practise if we know what is wrong inside your body. We don "DISH OUT" any supplements unless we know what is wrong .
1) Pure Bile
2) Tissue Renowal
3) Quanlim Greens
4) Betaine Hydrochloride acid  - Exclusive
5) Methylated Folate
6) Ultimate Digest.
7) Methylated B12
8) Ultimate Maintenance
9) Methylated HOMOSYSTEINE - Assist. 
10) Colon Assist
11) Neuro Sciatica assist. 
12) Histamine assist.
13) P5P -
15) Natrocine  Assist
15) Betaine TMG
16) Revive Stem Cells.
17 Alpha Lipoic Acid ( Beta)
18) DIM Life
19 Testosterone Assist and Reset.
EXCLUSIVE  - Trace minerals and Antioxidant.  
More coming up- Not available in the open market 

Gluten is a protein naturally found in some grains including wheat, barley, and rye. It acts like a binder, holding food together and adding a “stretchy” quality—think of a pizza maker tossing and stretching out a ball of dough. Without gluten, the dough would rip easily. GMO is the one that taking away our HEALTH-
Ons maandelikse inligtings seminare is 'n "eye opener" vir elkeen wat dit bywoon. Dis lekker om te sien hoe mense reageer rondom ware Gesondheid en begin om verantwoordelikheid te neem vir hulle eie gesondheid . Saam met dit sien ons hoe mense met 'n ander oog kyk na die onverskillige gebruik
"supplements" en die newe effekte van dit en PHARMA se voorgeskrewe "drugs" - Saam met dit besef mense dat hulle moet ophou om simptome te wil behandel en liewer na die oorsaak kyk.
Ons lewe in 2024- en baie dinge is verkeerd aan ons oorgedra in die verlede deur 'n sisteem wat ons wil beheer en beheer en uit ons liggame wil geld maak. Die eintlik 'n bose kringloop.
Ons doen ook sessies aanlyn - kontak ons gerus as jy en paar van jou vriende aanlyn inskakel.  Dankie vir al die positiewe reaksie en opmerkings- ons wil jou gesond sien- Met 20 jaar praktiese ondervinding in alternatiewe gesondheid probeer ons altyd om die oorsaak te kry en en reg te behandel. Moenie simptome ignoreer nie- en nog minder iets gebruik om die simptome te laat wegraak. Meeste van die voorgeskrewe "drugs" gaan net jou simptome beheer en voor jy weet is jy in die hande van Pharma en sy meelopers. Ons werk net op DNA vlak en gebruik net die beste toerusting - maar kennis om al hierdie inligting te verwerk is die sleutel. 
Die regte manier. Ons lewe in 2024- en baie dinge is verkeerd aan oorgedra in die verlede deur 'n sisteem wat ons wil beheer en beheer en uit ons liggame wil geld maak. Dankie vir al die positiewe reaksie en opmerkings- ons wil jou gesond sien
Die woord KANKER is al vir baie jare en dekades 'n woord met 'n baie slegte betekenis- veral as dit deel geword van jou lewe of een van jou geliefdes naby jou. Vandag is dit so erg dat elke persoon baie vinnig op die name van 5 mense kan kom wat hulle ken wat gediagnoseer is deur die mediese wereld met een of ander kankerverwante siekte.  Wanneer jy met hierdie mense werk dan besef jy die angs en noodsaaklikheid wat die mense het om net die kanker wat soos 'n dief in nag gekom het. te vernietig en uit hulle lywe te kry. Die siekte hang soos 'n swaard oor hulle koppe en okkupeer hulle daaglikse gedagtes.  Die enigste uitweg wat die mense ken en vertrou is die mediese wereld wat hulle met oop arms aanvaar mits hulle geld het of 'n sterk mediese fonds wat sal betaal tot die fonds nie meer kan nie.   LEES VERDER- Insiggewend
Die slim manne en vroue van die mediese wereld van uitstekende werk verrig is dit eens dat jy nie enige iets moet gebruik wat jou immune stelsel versterk en bou as jy CHEMO ontvang nie- nadat hulle alles in jou liggaam vernietig het en jou afgebreek het tot op die grond en solank as wat hulle CHEMO toedien gaan jy agteruit. 
Thanks for all the positive replies - 
By ons is jy spesiaal- en wil ons jou gesond sien- Vry van al die kwale en allerhande Sintetiese pille en voorgeskrewe pille wat jou liggaam verniel en jou ontneem van 'n gesonde liggaam.  Jy kan gesond word as jy die regte plan en metode volg-  Dis in jou om al hierdie kwale te oorkom en vry te kom- en wees versigtig wie jy glo en - alles werk nie altyd nie. 
Saamgestel deur Johann Pretorius -   
Professionele Gesondheidspraktisyn Pretoria - Gesonde gesondheid sorg- en 25 jaar van praktiese ondervinding
You can book at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Our Name on our products -  Q-JOHANN ©


We only make use of Suppliers who practise the following

We only purchase raw herbal ingredients from reputable manufacturers.
A signed certificate of analysis must accompany each ingredient.
Even from excellent sources, we occasionally reject a herbal extract because it does not meet our strict requirements.
All our products are manufactured in sterile environments.
We adhere to strict international Good Manufacturing Practices.
Our manufacturing facility is inspected by the Medicines Control Council on a regular basis.
Up to date batch records are kept on all manufactured products.
To ensure safety, shelf life and stability on our dermatological products, stability testing is done on a regular basis.


Regulation 42(4) prohibits any off-label statements. This means, any indication for which a product is not registered for that use by SAHPRA – the medicines regulatory authority. Any person or entity, are offences in terms of section 29 of the Medicines Act, which could attract fines or even imprisonment. What is permitted are disease awareness campaigns, which we as a company fully support, as they benefit public health, if the public and patients are empowered. Disease awareness activities may however not lead to the support, endorsement or recommendation, specifically or by implication, of any specific schedule 2 to 6 medicine. South Africa.