Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim - Life - Health  31st January 2024

Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim - Life - Health 31st January 2024

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Welcome to our weekly Quanlim Life- Health information and news for Farmers and families- 

How do we make hundreds of thousands of proteins from only 22,300 recipes? Why do some people with the BRCA1 mutation get cancer and others don’t? How and why do some genes “decide” to express themselves and others do not? Could significant aspects of human health be centered around non-human cells?  We are not fixed beings with pre-determined, hard-coded fates. We are energetic fluctuating forms, changing in relation to our environment and behavior. This new age of agency is a paradigm shift. It is both incredibly empowering – and a little scary for reasons I will soon explain. The ebb of strict genetic determinism has given way to the rising tide of the emerging fields of epigenetics: how gene expression modifies in relationship to the inputs your body receives over the course of a lifetime. Yes, our DNA predisposes us to certain conditions — on occasion, definitively. But, as it pertains to chronic disease, the era of genetic determinism is withering. 90% of chronic disease is determined by our behavior and our environment. Epigenetics, the changing expression of our genes, has now taken center stage. Our genes are expressed like a piece of music, and this expression can be health conferring or health compromising. For example, tumor suppressor genes can turn on in response to specific nutrients. Just like a well-rested, properly-fed pianist will leverage the keys at his disposal for beauty and coherence, the same is true of our bodies.  Numerous lifestyle factors can impact epigenetic patterns including diet, obesity, physical activity, tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, environmental pollutants and psychological stress. In other words, these inputs can change how your genes express.  
( Much more to come- but this is the level on which Quanlim life work- we can find the real problem)
Numerous lifestyle factors can impact epigenetic patterns including diet, obesity, physical activity, tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, environmental pollutants and psychological stress. In other words, these inputs can change how your genes express. DNA methylation is one of the most common mechanisms in epigenetics. It involves the addition of a methyl group (one carbon atom bonded to three hydrogen atoms) to the DNA molecule, usually at a cytosine nucleotide. Hypermethylation, therefore, refers to the excessive methylation of certain genes. This can lead, for example, to the silencing of tumor suppressor genes, which can potentially lead to the development and progression of cancer. Your chronological age is reflective of the number of orbits you’ve traveled around the sun. I was born in 1970, so, as I sit here, my chronological age is 53. Chronological age is a fixed value. Biological age is a measure of how well a person's physiological systems are functioning compared to others of the same chronological age. A person who is 53 years old chronologically might have a biological age of 40 because they eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, don't smoke and manage stress. This means their body functions as well as the average 40-year-old's. What is considered “average” in the modern world is another discussion.
The choice is yours-= Living in a sick body- or find the correct way to heal it. Prevention is better- take care of your body. ( See the video at the bottom) 
Oxygen plays a critical role in respiration, the energy-producing chemistry that drives the metabolisms of most living things. We humans, along with many other creatures, need oxygen in the air we breathe to stay alive. Oxygen is generated during photosynthesis by plants and many types of microbes.
The two most important things in life for your body is clean oxygen and real clean fresh water.
Once in the lungs, oxygen is moved into the bloodstream and carried through your body. At each cell in your body, oxygen is exchanged for a waste gas called carbon dioxide. Your bloodstream then carries this waste gas back to the lungs where it is removed from the bloodstream and then exhaled.
You are the only one to control the water you drink and oxygen your inhale. ( Stop using al these suppliments that say "Oxygen " you cannot buy Oxygen in a bottle-)
Greying of Hair:

Loss of methionine has been linked to senile greying of hair. Its deficit leads to a buildup of hydrogen peroxide in hair follicles and a gradual loss of hair color.

GENES  (Short summary-  you not a robot- and not programmed)

The Methionine Cycle takes the amino acid methionine, uses the MAT gene to make SAMe. SAMe is the methyl donor that gives a methyl group where it is needed for well over 100 functions. The GAMT gene takes SAMe to make creatine. After donating a methyl group and making creatine, SAMe turns into SAH and then the AHCY gene turns it into homocysteine. 

Please don't start using-  SAMe -  Methionine is often found in the same foods with cysteine. There is some evidence that dietary methionine (and cysteine) is important to ensure the health of the intestine and immune function during development and in inflammatory states.

Variants in MTRR, MTR, BHMT, PEMT will slow the conversion of homocystine into methionine.

  • The MTHFR gene is one significant gene that affects the conversion of homocysteine to methionine. If you have a poor functioning gene, you will require more folate. If you don’t get adequate folate, you will have higher homocysteine and lower methionine.
  • Low methionine intake was significantly associated with an increased risk of Colorectal Tumor in MTHFR 677 (AA) individuals compared to people with low intake and the normal genotype.
  • The MTRR gene and MTR gene convert homocysteine to methionine and if they are not functioning well, you may have higher levels of homocysteine and lower methionine.


Stop believing that when you start eating healthy you will heal all the problems inside your body. You need to find the problem first  and then you need to heal it in the correct way. Many factors can contribute to excess weight gain including eating patterns, physical activity levels, and sleep routinesSocial determinants of health, genetics, and taking certain medications also play a role. Diet and lifestyle factors contribute to development of obesity and overweight. Some of the most common ones are: eating large amounts of processed or fast food – this is food that's high in fat and sugar. drinking too much alcohol – alcohol contains a lot of calories.

Jou liggaam is jou blyplek op Aarde. Jy leef elke dag daarin. Dis jou vervoer. Hoekom diens en hou jy nie jou liggaam skoon nie. Jy moet beheer wat jy eet en drink. Hoekom vertrou jy enige iemand met jou gesondheid. Die newe effekte van voorgeskrewe medisyne wat jy so klokslag elke maand gaan haal beheer jou diagnose se simptome maar die newe effekte is in alle waarskynlikheid die stille ook 'stille vernietiger. Daar is 'n rede..hoekom jy die simptome het. Pas jou liggaam op en wees verantwoordelik. Moenie vasklou aan ou sisteme nie.
Oral waar jy kyk is sogenaamde "Immune boosters" wat alles in jou liggaam kan regmaak- dit mag dalk so wees met baie geloof- maar jou immune stelsel moet eers gebalanseer word en "defract" word voordat enige van die sogenaamde pille gaan werk. Weereens is daar net een manier- Moenie alles glo wat op die bottels staan nie- gebruik liewer aanvullings wat natuurlik is en 'n  "Nappi Code" het nie.  Dis nie raadsaam om enige aanvullings te neem as jy nie persies weet wat fout is in jou liggaam nie- Winkelrakke staan vol van die pille- met allerhande beloftes. Daar is hope raad en allerhande inligting op sosiale media- maar jy is nie 'n Robot nie- en jy is nie geprogrammeer nie- jy is uniek- Stop om alles te glo wat jy lees, sien of hoor- en vind die oorsaak uit van jou probleem- nie die simptoom nie- Besoek 'n Professionele Gesondheids praktisyn met jare se ondervinding. 
Sleeping patterns data collected over hundreds of consecutive days found that, across three distinct, geographically isolated groups, people slept for roughly 5.7–7.1 continuous hours each night. Historical records contain evidence of biphasic sleeping habits in humans dating back hundreds of years. Sleep in preindustrial western civilizations happened in two shifts. People would sleep for several hours, and reawaken sometime after midnight for an hour or so of meditation, sex, and socialization before returning to bed for the second sleep.

Histamine levels are directly linked to immune health in the body. If your immune system is fighting any infection, it will increase mast cell degranulation. This is the process in which mast cells release histamine, which makes your histamine intolerance symptoms flare up. To reduce histamine release in the body, you must treat the underlying infection if there is one present. This is most commonly parasitic in origin, or bacterial if overgrowth is severe enough. Either way, you need to either cleanse of parasites, or treating the bacterial issue before permanent improvement will come. Histamine levels are directly linked to immune health in the body. If your immune system is fighting any infection, it will increase mast cell degranulation. This is the process in which mast cells release histamine, which makes your histamine intolerance symptoms flare up. To reduce histamine release in the body, you must treat the underlying infection if there is one present. This is most commonly parasitic in origin, or bacterial if overgrowth is severe enough. Either way, you need to either cleanse of parasites, or treating the bacterial issue before permanent improvement will come.

Again the only way to sort this out is to do it right-  This is one of the dangerous in health care-  Don't be fooled by only using Anti Histamine products.

Your skin is a indication of your health. If you loose tissue and get wrinkles it means that something inside your body is not feeding your skin or add value to your overall skin health.

It's no use putting all kinds of expensive skin products on your face or make use dangerous injections in your face. So called peptides and amino acids is the flavour of 2024. Everything you put on your skin will eventually land in your liver.
Don't be fooled by all these treatments promising you everything you like. Burning your skin at a so called skin or dermatologist is not a good way to treat your body. Look after your skin. Stay hydrated and think before you let someone work on your skin.
Start inside your body and you will see the difference very soon.
Visit a real professional health practitioner.

South Africa is maybe even worse-  "BOEPPENSE: is all around- and the its not only so called old people- its young men and women and children -  It is a "TIME BOMB " No matter what you read on social media, or hear from Doctors orr Health practitioners-  YES- you need to do act now- and please don't run to the GYM- or a so called Weight loss program - or any other quick fixes or expensive pre-made meals. Yes you need to control your meals, but you don't know what they put in the emails to taste better- and they tell you a different story.  READ MORE 


Having a well-functioning cardiovascular system can really help your level of day-to-day happiness and outlook on life. When your circulation is flowing freely, and your heart and arteries are clear and strong, you can feel it. You have a lot more energy and strength, first of all. Every muscle in your body—not to mention your brain, eyes, skin, kidneys, and lungs—will get more oxygen and a better supply of nutrients. In fact, the other good supplements you take will actually get to their destination! Your fingers and toes won’t get cold and stiff as easily. You’ll know that every organ in your body is benefiting—because good circulation is crucial to everything. And you’ll be able to live your life free and clear of many health worries that weigh other people down. The next time you get your annual blood work done, your doctor’s eyebrows will raise, because he or she will be surprised to see so many great numbers in a row. Normal blood pressure. Excellent HDL cholesterol. Low LDL. Low triglycerides. Low C-Reactive Protein. 

Poor circulation is one of the most dangerous consequences of diabetes. People with type 2 diabetes have two to four times the risk of dying from heart disease or having a stroke compared to non-diabetics.

More than half of the amputations of lower limbs are a consequence of diabetes, and usually the need for an amputation occurs because of damage to the peripheral arteries (arteries to the legs). Peripheral vascular disease is the medical name given to a group of problems that causes poor circulation to the feet and legs. The most common cause of this is artherosclerosis ("hardening of the arteries") in which there is a gradual thickening and hardening of the walls of the arteries (the blood vessels that bring blood to the extremities from the heart). Diabetes is the most common cause of peripheral vascular disease.As Cardio-Fast improves circulation and tones and strengthens the veins and arteries, it is the ideal product to prevent side effects caused by circulation problems in people with diabetes.

Prediabetes means you have a higher than normal blood sugar level. It's not high enough to be considered type 2 diabetes yet. But without lifestyle changes, adults and children with prediabetes are at high risk to develop type 2 diabetes. If you have prediabetes, the long-term damage of diabetes — especially to your heart, blood vessels and kidneys — may already be starting. There's good news, however. Progression from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes isn't inevitable. Eating healthy foods, making physical activity part of your daily routine and staying at a healthy weight can help bring your blood sugar level back to normal. The same lifestyle changes that can help prevent type 2 diabetes in adults might also help bring children's blood sugar levels back to normal.

You can get the correct assistance and with a real health program you can have a better life-  But- the choice is yours- Prescribed  Drugs or finding the real solution


Never put supplements in your mouth unless you know what your body needed and what your Methylations status are. Synthetic products is not healthy, and not part of your body. You need to know what is really wrong in your body,before you use anything. Only a real professional health practitioner with the right equipment will be able to find the real coarse and not reacting on the symptoms.

Don't jump on the wagon and start drinking Methylation products- this will also be bad- You need to use the full combination to finally get all the Vitamines, Amino Acids and Minerals you needed.

Quanlim Life do a FULL SCAN - of your whole body. 

25 years of real Health - Quanlim.com
Let us assist you in getting your real Health back.
Saamgestel deur Johann Pretorius - Professionele Gesondheidspraktisyn Pretoria

Our own Health products range- Exclusive from Quanlim Life.

Here is 'n video from Dr Berg  - Methylation-  We do all these tests at Qanlim Life- 

We started testing and scanning our clients a few weeks ago with our new device for Methylation. We already see the results. Its amazing to see how we can fix these methylation and Gene problems.
Most of the people still believe that Pharma can fix them. Wake up. These prescribed drugs is bad for your health. Its just controlling your symptoms. Get you Methylation done and start enjoying a better life. Stop drinking all these health products,unless you know what is wrong you wasting your money and your body take the harm. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


We only make use of Suppliers who practise the following

We only purchase raw herbal ingredients from reputable manufacturers.
A signed certificate of analysis must accompany each ingredient.
Even from excellent sources, we occasionally reject a herbal extract because it does not meet our strict requirements.
All our products are manufactured in sterile environments.
We adhere to strict international Good Manufacturing Practices.
Our manufacturing facility is inspected by the Medicines Control Council on a regular basis.
Up to date batch records are kept on all manufactured products.
To ensure safety, shelf life and stability on our dermatological products, stability testing is done on a regular basis.

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